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File: 38 KB, 969x957, Screenshot_2019-10-14 The Western Canon The Books and School of the Ages - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13992766 No.13992766 [Reply] [Original]

How many of them have you read?

>> No.13992770

unironically all of them

>> No.13992773

All except Moliere and Freud.

>> No.13992787


reminder that this isn't his "top writers of all time" list, or he would have included Homer. He decided not to write about authors in "The Theocratic Age" (2000 BCE-1321 CE) in that book for some reason (I forget).

>> No.13992794

all except Ibsen and Neruda

>> No.13992798

>for some reason (I forget).
Controversy over Ancient Greece belonging to "The West"?

>> No.13992811


>> No.13992820


>> No.13992906

This list is seriously lacking in french 19th-century litterature

>> No.13992957

All except George Eliot.

>> No.13993077

>no hackstoevsky

>> No.13993084

he couldn't bear Sonya

>> No.13993127

I haven't read a single one and I never will cause fiction is cringe and the nonfiction in here is too

>> No.13993137


>> No.13993305

also why does he have so many 19th and 20th century hacks ? did bloom not know westerners lost all their creativity around 1850 ?

>> No.13993349

>jane austen
>emily dickinson
i literally lol'd

>> No.13993361

i just laugh whenever someone uses these. "oh the 'common era,' eh? when did that start? what was the event that started this 'common era?" lol.

>> No.13993409
File: 23 KB, 720x540, EGx1p2TWkAYuQ_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His list is garbage and includes way too many hacks like Freud, Woolf, Kafka, Neruda, among others. Personally, I wouldn't go with his top three either (two anglos, really?), but those choices aren't too bad.

>> No.13993443

he "read most of those translated though, i.e. he didn't actually read them

>> No.13993468

What do you have against Kafka anon? The Metamorphosis was a fun read

>> No.13993558
File: 227 KB, 438x556, watto_detail[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big fan of a mediocre and boring Jewish Zionist, who by the way wanted to move to Palestine but died before he could do so, being called central to the Western Canon. I don't think he was a great or talented writer; he wrote like a depressed social worker on downers. We have much greater writers than him who were actually European and actually liked Europe that should merit being called central to a list designed to highlight the West's literary talent. All this without mentioning the disgusting level of plebhood it takes to write works like his, which are riddled with false psychologisms, petty social theory, and the strongest trait of the Jew, a degrading and morbid social realism. His works a literary subversion and anti-Western (in the most negative sense) in nature. Pic related is Kafka as a bug.

>> No.13993575

God, when will you pol faggots leave this board.

>> No.13993586

I haven’t read any Johnson or Ibsen

>> No.13993591
File: 188 KB, 840x838, 612-6125894_127-kb-png-soy-boy-wojak-transparent-png.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"God, when will you pol faggots leave this board."

>> No.13993601
File: 214 KB, 699x919, 1564808727140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the lie though?

>> No.13993875
File: 129 KB, 1000x432, 1571091522453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair point.

>> No.13993925

You are a slave

>> No.13993930

It's also clear he's never read Kafka, but is probably rehashing some Kevin MacDonald bullshit

>> No.13993969

To what? To wisdom? To justice? Yea and for all eternity.
I read The Metamorphosis and a bunch of his short stories when I was 17. I don't know why so many people on this site assume that if someone criticizes a work, that means they must not have read that work, because no one could possibly dislike the same books you liked, right? Maybe it's more likely that your taste is garbage (which if you like Kafka, then your taste is probably pretty bland).

>> No.13994009

You gave that some old bullshit about Kafka (whose writings were ambiguous and about the unfairness of life/accepting God's will and was heavily influenced by Christian thinkers like Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky) being Jewish and read all these conspiracy theories to somehow contort them into being a zionist conspiracy theory to bring down the wes. It's tiresome. Then your feeble mind says "well I read them when I was 17," as if that holds any merit."Wisdom and Justice"

>> No.13994835

you must be fair, he never said that kafka was part of a zionist conspiracy, he said that kafka was a zionist jew, which he was. also, harold bloom called him the quintessential jewish writer. how can the quintessential jew be considered "western?" i guess, really, it all depends on your definition of that term.

>> No.13994844

mai favourite authors are all the super successful ones

>> No.13994899

How is he the quintessential Jewish writer? That would literally be Philip Roth

>> No.13994942

>You gave that some old bullshit about Kafka... being Jewish
He was Jewish, that's not bullshit.
>read all these conspiracy theories to somehow contort them into being a zionist conspiracy theory
I read zero conspiracy theories. I have only read public, common information about him. He was literally a Zionist Jew. He intended to help colonize Palestine like the Jews are doing now, but sadly he died before he could replace the home of others.
>It's tiresome.
Then go to bed, faggot?
>Then your feeble mind
Rich coming from the guy who gets tired reading opinions contrary to his own.
>well I read them when I was 17," as if that holds any merit.
It doesn't hold any merit, because Kafka sucks and reading him at any age doesn't mean shit.
>"Wisdom and Justice"

Anyways my original point, since you're not literate it seems, is that a totally foreign and somewhat anti-Western writer like Kafka shouldn't be considered as qualifying for a list summarizing the best of the Western Canon. Get a grip. This isn't controversial.

>> No.13996457
