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/lit/ - Literature

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13990097 No.13990097 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Anon,
This is my first post since I began lurking /b/ in 2012, I have appreciated much of what has come to fruition on these websites, starting as a /b/ newfag and having experienced my first suicide stream within the first year, dabbling and succumbing to such extremities of desire as hentai, pony fandom, rekt threads and the like, I am not here to discuss such ideas.
I had found /lit/ sometime ago after I had snapped my ACL and required surgery, rendering me an invalid for well over 6 weeks (rough surgery) and rediscovered the love of reading months prior. I had spent aforementioned time lurking this board and appreciating literature; dabbling in some light to moderate /lit/ content (currently reading Pynchon's Gravity’s Rainbow [loving every moment of it, on page 250 prematurely picked up a copy of Infinite Jest]), I am still new to /lit/. And although this post may be contested as being more appropriate on /his/ I come in a state of desperation requesting some level of reassurance and with one question; I have spent the last year of my life as a recluse after departing from a toxic relationship (5 years with engagement [she cheated on my for the 2nd time]) I was assuredly convinced would end in marriage and a stable livelihood.
What exactly is humility; are there any books to broaden my horizons for this “potential” I have been convinced resides within my being for so long?

>> No.13990121

One of the most thoughtful OPs on /lit/ in a long time, and he did it after 7 years on /b/.

Have you come here to save us?

>> No.13990132

Don't think it's exactly what you're looking for, but Lord Jim by Conrad, and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea by Mishima, both deal with self-imposed potentials of a romantic or metaphysical nature. Maybe you've already read them. Keep strong Anon

>> No.13990205

I thoroughly appreciate the kind sentiment, I hope I can learn as much from you as you, me.
I loved Conrad's Heart of Darkness (the idea of the darkness inherent in every man's heart is endearing to me) and will thoughtfully pursue a copy of Lord Jim, as well as Mishima's work.

>> No.13990452

This is a high quality thread that deserves a bump.

>> No.13990528

Have bump OP, I wish I could help you

>> No.13991509

I'd normally say "not your personal blog" but man have a bump you deserve it

>> No.13992560

Infinite Jest is great and should do well for your needs and I will make the suggestion of Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.13992994

On your next post anon, put the question first and the back story second, you will get more of a response. Best of luck, hope you stick around, we need more who put some thought into their OPs.

>> No.13993287

A good OP means a good amount of bumps.

>> No.13994371

what sort of potential do you feel you posses? I can think of books that make me appreciate humanity and what's inside all of us, if that's what you mean.