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/lit/ - Literature

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13987780 No.13987780 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading and/or drinking?

Pic related

>> No.13988178

Drinking: nothing

Reading: nothing

>> No.13988343
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Cheap gin by the jar full. There is no pretense here.

>> No.13988352


>> No.13988357

Reading: Spring Snow

Drinking: nothing and im really dehydrated, probably going to get leg cramps when i sleep

>> No.13988379
File: 43 KB, 578x224, xboxones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie: the first thing I thought was, "don't spill that drink on your Xbox One S." Maybe it's because I have a tiny laptop screen.

>> No.13988969

I guess I'm the opposite of you in terms of pretension. Drinking a nice armagnac and reading some Robert Penn Warren poetry.

>> No.13988974
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Would help if I remembered the photo.

>> No.13988984


>> No.13989001

Your thread / coffee

>> No.13989003

A book about suicide. The name, I don't want to remember.

>> No.13989008


>> No.13989060
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Pic related.


extremely based

>> No.13989070
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balkan anon reporting in

>> No.13989078

My favorite tripfag.

>> No.13989087

pics of your shelf, lolooks epic

>> No.13989098
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Perhaps. Sometimes the destination is more important than the journey.

>> No.13989099

Isaiah Berlin is criminally underead these days. Crooked Timber is great, as are most of his essays and books. I fear that we've lost his relatively practical conception of liberalism in today's world.

>> No.13989110

To be honest I don't really worry about whether I'm pretentious or a pseud; just read/drink/do/etc things that I enjoy.

Nice pipe; I never got into briars, and have stuck with inexpensive hardwoods and cobs.

>> No.13989114
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That's very kind of you to say, thanks anon. Cheers.

This is pretty much it man. I'm away at school. The rest are some Loebs, mostly Plotinus. And pic related.

t. theology student

>> No.13989117
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I'm working. I could be reading tho, my boss isn't around. I always read when she isn't here, but I'm busy checking books on Amazon.

>> No.13989119
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I don't drink.

>> No.13989138

I figured it was tongue in cheek.

I put in the time to find a nice briar that I really liked. Decided I just wanted one pipe that I knew if I took care of, would outlast me.

>> No.13989150

I love his soberness. It's just so refreshing

>> No.13989173


I'm pretty sure the OP intended "drinking" in its literal, general sense, not the specific cultural one where "drinking = drinking an alcoholic beverage". (The beverage in the OP might be alcoholic, but I don't think so-not that this really influences the above distinction). So for you, the question still stands.

Also you might have a copy of that book, but that isn't a picture that you took (unless you did). It's been floating around for something like 18 months now.

>> No.13989180

based stealthy wagie

>> No.13989192

Oh, you're also the anon who recommended me St. Louis de Montfort. Doubly based.
>t. theology student
Cool stuff. Good luck in your studies.

>> No.13989203

>go in while taking a break from reading
>end up spending 6 hours on 4chan without picking my book up again

Why does this keep happening?

>> No.13989226
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That Schoenberg is good

>> No.13989250

Green Tea


>> No.13989253
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x3024, 509B4463-FE70-4FF3-80C7-E7C2FB347F60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this at the suggestion of an anon.

It’s good. Though the author is seemingly against both rationality and religion, which puzzles me.

I appreciate how observant the Ionians were. Xenophanes is my favorite so far.

>> No.13989296

It is a nearly inexhaustible source of harmonic fun, lives there on the end table, at the ready.

>> No.13989462

Shakespeare and a coke

>> No.13989481

Very good choice. Glad it is working out for you.

>> No.13990180

armagnac is always a great choice

>> No.13990217

>bottom's dream
haha they call me that sometimes :^D

>> No.13990234

Is Urbanomic the most /lit/ publisher?

>> No.13991601

No. It's either Cátedra, Acantilado, Siruela or Atalanta.

>> No.13991607

Or Páginas de Espuma.

>> No.13991676

>but that isn't a picture that you took (unless you did).
What a statement. We've got a real einstein on our hands here.

>> No.13991730
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>> No.13992500
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>> No.13992547
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Why yes I'm a NEET, how did you know?

>> No.13992564

Tea and brandy

Reading Lovecraft's letters

>> No.13992580

nothing besides water and hibiscus tea
haven't read any literature in 3 years

>> No.13992786

Authorized by who? The pope?

>> No.13992791

>King James Bible
>Authorized by the Pope

>> No.13992803

What's the point?

>> No.13992828

Authorised literally just means copyright, it simply means that (in Britain) only Cambridge press can publish it.

>> No.13992836

Butcher's Crossing and Dr. Pepper. Waiting for my professor to arrive for class.

>> No.13992863

Rayuela (Hopscotch) by Cortazar
Drinking coffee

>> No.13992868

>Meditations by Marcus Auralius
>Red wine (in moderation)

>> No.13992956
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protestants translate their own Bible because the Catholic Church "doesn't let people read the Bible"
>They then restrict who can print their Bible to one publishing house

>> No.13993072

But like, who are they to say what the bible is? What authority do they have?

>> No.13993079

Chemex-ing some coffee

Reading Catcher in the Rye since I never got to it in school. Enjoying it a lot so far.

>> No.13994193

Fact: 60% of urbanomic customers identify as queer/trans/gay

>> No.13994614

Why are you here?

>> No.13994658

>Justin Bieber dvd

>> No.13994701

reading: nothing at the moment. Just sorting out some things.
drinking: black coffee and tea (yes, at the same time). I'll crack open a beer in a while, maybe.

>> No.13994731
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>> No.13994751

Why is everyone always *reading* Aurelius. His Meditations is a really short read.

>> No.13994755

Three anons I would befriend.

>> No.13994803


I guess I'm going to be the one to ask - why do you have six copies of Justin Bieber's Never Say Never?

>> No.13994818

You must be new here. That image has been around for a while

>> No.13994846
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thanks fren, hope your evening is going well

>> No.13994932
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>> No.13995239

Cheers anon. If you're ever in the San Diego region, put a post up. Would enjoy having you over for a brandy and some discussion of literature.

>> No.13995251

Fear And Trembling; apple kompot

>> No.13995252
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>whoa, steaks, nunchucks! woah, axes! ah horses and fire! woah so cool! what is that dynamite!? woah, so manly, dude! i gotta buy this drink!!

>> No.13995302
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>> No.13995311
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i'm a classy broad an i don't have work tomorrow. sick of wine though, it doesn't get me drunk fast enough. whats the most aesthetic hard liquor? i was thinking of getting into gin.

>> No.13995317


>> No.13995352

I've gotten into gin. Only drawback is that it gets acid refluxy, but hey so does wine, and it doesn't have quite the bellywarmth whiskey does.

>> No.13995436

Gun is my main tipple, great stuff and few liquors have as wide of range of flavors since pretty much anything that runs the vaporized liquor through plant matter to pick up flavor and aroma can be called gin. It also had the advantage of being one of the most palatable of the cheap liquors for those times you just need lots and cheap.

Never heard of anyone have reflex issues with gin, you mixing something funny in it?

>> No.13995490

>theology student
are you gonna become a religious?

>> No.13995528

Reading: Plato's Letters
Drinking: Homebrewed mead

>> No.13995568

King James you dumbass

>> No.13995677

>Never heard of anyone have reflex issues with gin, you mixing something funny in it?
I mean, it's a sweet dry drink, it shouldn't be surprising. Doesn't happen when I drink any kind of moderate amount of it.

>> No.13995682

Over the years I've migrated from gin to gin, but I seem to have landed on Plymouth as my permanent house gin.

>Drinking: Homebrewed mead
Hello friend! I remember when I used to make meads. I've switched largely to country wines since we have a good amount of fruit but no apiaries though.

>> No.13995780
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>> No.13995964

Most gin is not sweet, generally that is the second shelf gins but some of the higher end ones have sugar added as well. If you are drinking gin and tonic, get better tonic, most tonic water has a great deal of sugar, Canada Dry has about half the sugar of the common tonics, brands like Q have very little sugar.

Plymouth is tasty stuff. I tend to hop around and get something different every time, with the odd foray into aquavit.

>> No.13996511

>Turning a Revolutionary Marxist into Bourgeoisie Status Symbol

'bout the level of self-criticism I'd expect from /lit/

>> No.13996521


>> No.13996525

>writing in a book
>writing in a hardback
>writing in a hardback in pen

Why not just spit in it

>> No.13996526

>tfw cant drink because im ssri cucked

>> No.13996545
File: 27 KB, 600x315, V3sS2Ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obviously a night stand in a hotel room, the DVD's are probably something to bribe children with. You do the math.

>> No.13996580

I unironically read while wearing a water bladder to drink from because I get to sip without having to break immersion.

>> No.13996622

My nigga JC

>> No.13996643

>I mean, it's a sweet dry drink
>sweet dry drink
>sweet dry
Are you retarded?

>> No.13996742

So much cringe in this thread.

>> No.13996745

yeah fucking posers.

>> No.13996747

Reading Evola while drinking crappy canned supermarket beer.

>> No.13996890


>> No.13996927

Reading: Serotonin
Drinking: water

>> No.13997029

>Le Monde Diplomatique


>> No.13997466

It's not a hardback & marginalia is a cherished tradition w/r/t this particular book.