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/lit/ - Literature

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1398652 No.1398652 [Reply] [Original]

It's challenge time /lit/
Below is a link of the BBC's top 100 books of all time. They've said that they expect the average person to only have read about 6 of em. How many have you gotten through?
I've done 35, but I'm hoping to get to more.

Walt Whitman always related.

>> No.1398665


I'm a light weight :(
It's a shit list anyway.

>> No.1398669

Oh wow.

I've read about 23.

And I come from a 3rd world country.

>> No.1398671

I've read 14.

These aren't the best books of all time, though. These are public-submitted nominations for 'best-loved'.

>> No.1398670


There are like 4 Harry Potters on there though, are they serious?

>> No.1398673

yeah my bad. What he said.
What country?

>> No.1398680

30 but wow do I disagree with that list.

>> No.1398683

14. Alot of shit I was like wut. Basically all 14 were "classics". I like how there are shit tons of YA on this list.

>> No.1398686
File: 19 KB, 200x308, Walt-Whitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Walt Whitman made of wood? Seriously, all the pictures I've ever seen of him make me believe more and more that he is a tree with hair.

>> No.1398689

stopped reading at
>Harry Potter

>> No.1398694

Wow, continental taste divide. You'd never see Terry Pratchett on any American favorites list. I didn't know he was that much more popular in England. Same goes for Mervyn Peake.

>> No.1398696

>made of wood
>implying he's an ent

makes sense to me guise

>> No.1398698
File: 242 KB, 1500x1000, Harold_Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 100 books of all time
>Harry Potter near the top of the list
Fuck that shit.


>> No.1398699


But I have about 6 or 7 on the list to read.

>> No.1398727
File: 15 KB, 180x152, JRichman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't counting, but about 30 or so. Terrible list. It should be titled "top 100 most popular novels of all time", because that's basically what it is.

>> No.1398732

>public-submitted nominations for 'best-loved'

>> No.1398741
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1292454403990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Harry Potter

>> No.1398744

There's a fucking Jeffrey Archer novel in there.

Oh dear...

>> No.1398755

24, I suppose this was voted on by readers?

>> No.1398759

I've read 38 of them and rather than feel pleased I feel mildly ashamed.

>> No.1398770

This list should be called "Harry Potter is a book which everyone should have read".
Where is Gibson's Neuromancer-Trilogy? Kafka's "Der Proceß" and "Die Verwandlung"? Goethe's "Die Leiden des jungen Werther"?
Let's make our own list.
Haruki Murakami - "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"

>> No.1398774

Why do you leave the german titles but write the japanese in english?

>> No.1398779

OP here.
Sorry for misleading all the /lit/erary geniuses here, I should have said it was a compilation of the most popular books in the UK, rather than the "greatest"

Still, I think there's a lot of good stuff on there, though some of it is very debatable.

>> No.1398787

Sorry, I didn't think for a moment.
Kafka - "The Metamorphosis", "The Trial"
Goethe - "The Sorrows of Young Werther"

>> No.1398801

26, but is this for real? Top 100 books of all time? Best commercially selling perhaps, but I would contest the quality of some of these.

>> No.1398806

I've read 20.
>Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer
What? There's a lot of shit that shouldn't be on there, but I found that book and series to be extremely juvenile.

>> No.1398817

I was surprised by both that and Feist's Magician being on there, among other things. Not that Feist is bad or anything, but there are so many other high fantasy series that do it better.

I'm surprised people tolerate the amount of environmentalist slant Eoin Colfer puts in his books, though. It's tough to enjoy the story when every other character has to make some remark about how evil and destructive humanity is. I wouldn't mind the theme so much if he didn't beat me over the head with it at every given opportunity.

>> No.1398838


>> No.1398861

I'm shocked Patrick Suskind is on there. I've never met another living soul who has read Perfume.

>> No.1398866

>mfw when i've read 1... not including the first 3 harry potter books, which would mean 4...

Captcha: epaconsi negroes

>> No.1398867

>I've never met another living soul who has read Perfume.

You must live in some small village in Alabama, cause it's a pretty famous book.

>> No.1398870


sorry make that 2, I didn't see The Great Gatsby on there

>> No.1398886

Of those I've read 20 that I can recall.

>> No.1398887

26. That list was full of fuck.

>> No.1398909

31, but the list is shit.

>> No.1398925

I've read 40...and thankfully zero HP

still, mfw


for the most part