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File: 177 KB, 800x1202, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13985465 No.13985465 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche: Life has no meaning , that is why we must become the Overman !
Me: Why strive to become the overman when there is no reason to? Doesn't life lack meaning? Isn't your philosophy self defeating? *With each question that dismantles his philosophy I lash him twice, once with my whip and once with the verbal sting that comes from getting btfo'd*
Nietzsche: Dude no uhhh uhhh we must become the overman because uh...
Me: Very cool Nietzsche.

>> No.13985475

>Why strive to become the overman when there is no reason to?

Nieztsche would deem you unhealthy. A healthy man doesn't really on reason to want to strive. It's instinctual.

>> No.13985483

Life is meaningless, but might is might.

>> No.13985505

>Life has no meaning, that is why we must be the Overman !
Please re-read what you just read and use your brain for at least 10 minutes after each page.

>> No.13985522

what are you talking about, why do you think nietzsche wanted the overman ahhaa

>> No.13985555

Overman was the nicest way he could come up with in order to ignite the will of weaklings and subhumans of your kind, to give you a
goal and a purpose in life. His mistake was he got arrogant and thought he was able to play the doctor, cure people's blindness.
The ending of Zarathustra makes clear his regret and in a sense he gives up, the overmen will never visit his cave.

>> No.13985577

you literally just said it
>there is no purpose in life !
>so become an overman to create a goal and a purpose in life !
>despite it ultimately being meaningless

very self refuting

>> No.13985650
File: 2.31 MB, 1693x2361, 353476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meaninglessness of life as a view is a psychological condition suffered by man as a result of inventing values in things. The overman is the being who is above and beyond such suffering, and striving to create the overman was Nietzsche's advice for man. It was never meant as a cure, but as the last remaining value man could hold onto after all the rest collapsed into psychological oblivion, because man is doomed to perish by his own hands and knows this.

>The supreme values in whose service man should live, especially when they were very hard on him and exacted a high price—these social values were erected over man to strengthen their voice, as if they were commands of God, as "reality," as the "true" world, as a hope and future world. Now that the shabby origin of these values is becoming clear, the universe seems to have lost value, seems "meaningless"—but that is only a transitional stage.

>The nihilistic consequence (the belief in valuelessness) as a consequence of moral valuation: everything egoistic has come to disgust us (even though we realize the impossibility of the un-egoistic); what is necessary has come to disgust us (even though we realize the impossibility of any liberum arbitrium or "intelligible freedom"). We see that we cannot reach the sphere in which we have placed our values; but this does not by any means confer any value on that other sphere in which we live: on the contrary, we are weary because we have lost the main stimulus. "In vain so far!"

>Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones but by extreme positions of the opposite kind. Thus the belief in the absolute immorality of nature, in aim- and meaninglessness, is the psychologically necessary affect once the belief in God and an essentially moral order becomes untenable. Nihilism appears at that point, not that the displeasure at existence has become greater than before but because one has come to mistrust any "meaning" in suffering, indeed in existence. One interpretation has collapsed; but because it was considered the interpretation it now seems as if there were no meaning at all in existence, as if everything were in vain.

>> No.13985654

Twisting my words can sure make me sound self refuting but i wish you could understand what you read and just for a single moment get out of your head. Your problem is you t ranslate everything in your head in order to be aligned with pre existing thoughts that were installed into us possibly hundreds of years ago.
>to ignite the will of weaklings and subhumans of your kind
Not all people think of their lives as meaningless and lacking of a purpose. In most of the cases incels, neets and people weak in nature have this tendency and find ideas such as life is meaningless to have an appeal. All in all the easiest thing to do in life is to adapt a system of belief that requires the minimum effort on your side, no practise at all, hence why i think you fail miserably in translation. At the end of the day all you can do is to wipe those tears, man up and keep struggling. A struggle that can lead you anywhere, for some that would be God and paradise, for others would be the Overman etc. Philosophers have given plenty of choices for everyone to pick, the problem is that their philosophical ideas are medicines for people who are diseased only in their fiction.
>I need to know the truth!
No you don't obviously and stop asking for things you are no good for. One baby step at a time big boi.

>> No.13985700

what is this schizo post all ive said is that nietzsche is self refuting and retarded. if there is no meaning why not just be a hedonist instead of trying to become the overman when both lack meaning anyway

>> No.13985722

damn, nietzsche owned epic style

>> No.13985723

He explicitly states that it has no meaning in the context of Western Civilization, specifically Germany many times. Not that life has no meaning as some kind of universal abstraction. OP is yet again a faggot.

This thread is completely fucking retarded

>> No.13985728

>It's instinctual
Also this. Dammit OP.

>> No.13985736

Are you trying to say that Nietzsche didn't believe life had no meaning? Christ, this thread is indeed retarded; with op being the only based poster. Why do so many people misunderstand Nietzsche?

>> No.13985752

You're not fooling anyone faggot

>> No.13985757

>. Not that life has no meaning as some kind of universal abstraction
Literally what did he mean by this

Also I don't understand your response to me

>> No.13985805

Quotes were posted refuting you >>13985650

Nietzsche admits to being a European nihilist but also says that nihilism isn't a finality.

>> No.13985820

wtf is this thread, jesus. nietzsche was literally a nihilist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life scroll to nihilism

>> No.13985825

>Wikipedia is more accurate than quotes directly from Nietzsche
What the fuck is this thread indeed.

>> No.13985831

oh my god are you really gonna take out of context quotes to say that nietzsche wasn't a nihilist? read nietzsche.

>> No.13985851

>to say that nietzsche wasn't a nihilist
If you read my post again, I said he was one and even called himself one. But what you're disregarding is his view on what nihilism entails. Meaninglessness was never a "fact" of the universe, but simply one more interpretation in a line of endless interpretations.

>> No.13985858

The fuck? Have you even read him? Please tell me you don't realize he differentiates between passive nihilism and active nihilism.

>> No.13985863

you realize that nihilism entails that life has no meaning, right?

>> No.13985875

>le read nietzsche. wow i am like, wow how can you say that? No im not going to make an argument or post relevant quotes, but like WOW pls do you even

>> No.13985885

What part of nihilism as "only a transitional stage" don't you niggers get?

>passive nihilism and active nihilism
Read more of his notes, there is no form of nihilism which is a finality for Nietzsche. It's all transitional. He encouraged active nihilism as a necessary next step for Europeans but not as having anything more to do with "truth" than any previous valuations.

>> No.13985888

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absurdism#Relationship_to_existentialism_and_nihilism look at the chart they made

>> No.13985910

That is not a quote from Nietzsche backing up your opinion, that is a chart some wikipedia guy made.

>> No.13985920

so wikipedia and the academic perception of nihilism is wrong? go edit it then.

>> No.13985939

That chart doesn't refute anything being said here. No one is saying Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist.

>> No.13985951

I really don't care about wikipedia. If you have an opinion on Nietzsche you want to post here then provide quotes supporting it. Not understanding the confusion you're having over this process

>> No.13985963

>chart says that nihilism says that life has no meaning
>nietzsche was a nihilist
Good, glad we are in agreement that you are all wrong and I am right.

>> No.13986049

Nietzsche didn't think his nihilism was truth. "All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." Interpretations have nothing to do with truth. He thought his nihilism was the first true expression of an emerging interpretation that would dominate Europe in the near future. It was a transitional stage for Europe. So, it's not "life has no meaning and that is why we must become the overman" according to the OP, but "we now see life as having no meaning by necessity of our previous values which have become untenable and as a necessary consequence of this change we will come to strive for the overman as the next step." Seemingly small, but actually huge difference.

>> No.13986078

because nietzsche is saying anyone who thinks this is a lower human type

>> No.13986746

Either this is bait or you're still in high school, because you write and form arguments like it.

Nietzsche's concept of the Overman is beyond reason, because reason is a human error in attempting to value one thing over the other. The Overman doesn't do this--the Overman simply is.

The concept is explained in his demon thought experiment. If you can't understand what he's saying after reading that, I'd suggest you find someone who can help you. It will be worth it.

>> No.13986837

nietzsche SAID that we should strive to become the overman the fuck..striving to be the overman is an act of reason idiot

>> No.13986872
File: 85 KB, 800x450, trump wall_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he an ubermensch?

>> No.13987045

But you will never BECOME the Overman. That's the whole fucking point. The Overman isn't anyone of us, unless it is, but we don't know that. Would the Overman know they're the Overman from the start, or would they have to learn?

The point of Nietzsche's philosophy is not reward. It is not some special enlightenment or little gold medal you get to pin on yourself when you're all done. The point is to learn how to live, fully and totally. The Overman wouldn't need to strive for anything because they already are everything they could ever need and want to be. So if you're striving, you can't become. But you might. You may have always been. That's the fucking point, you mongoloid. Place value not in the reward, but how you live with the fact that there may never have been a reward in the first place.

>> No.13987257
File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-sooner-will-a-camel-pass-through-a-needle-s-eye-than-a-great-man-be-discovered-by-an-adolf-hitler-56-99-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13987294

you've all been BAITED

>> No.13987408
File: 264 KB, 1160x773, Trump G7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong answer. of course trump is an ubermensch. he's a man who created his own values

>> No.13987777

Then what's the point of philosophy? If it's all instinct?

>> No.13987848

Power, like everything else

>> No.13987916

>A healthy man doesn't rely on reason to want to strive. It's instinctual.

Instinct seems pretty reasonable to me.