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13984050 No.13984050 [Reply] [Original]

This is unironically good.

Where do I go next to learn more about evolution?

>> No.13984051

kill yourself
you'll experience the next step

>> No.13984088

Why wouldn’t you ask /sci/? Regardless, go back to Darwin and his contemporaries. I find it useful to go back to an idea’s formulation to get a better grasp of it. A good textbook does that, but there are no good textbooks purely on evolutionary theory.

>> No.13984121
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>The Origins of Order (Kauffman)
>Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
>Pinker's book on human nature
>Our Political Nature
>Understanding Human History: An Analysis Including the Effects of Geography and Differential Evolution
>Behavioral Genetics
>The Agile Gene
>Feeling Beauty
>Wired For Culture

>> No.13984130

Dawkins is hold news
This book is just self masturbatory excercises for fedora atheists

>> No.13984161

Good list of books, I’d probably add some books in game theory, genetics, biology, and biochemistry although I suppose it depends on the breadth and depth one wants to go into the subject. Your list is certainly satisfactory enough to gain a better grasp of evolution, particularly in humans, than the vast majority of the populace.

>> No.13984173

Bad list, too many jews who obscure the details of what the OP is interested in getting to the bottom of.

The Selfish Gene was based on research by Robert Trivers. Read his work. A better introductory book than the one you read is the Moral Animal.

>> No.13984191

fuck im gonna coom

>> No.13984496


>The moral animal Robert Wright
>The mating mind Geoffry miller

>> No.13984535
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Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea - Carl Zimmer

>> No.13984604

>Eyes on the cover
How shameless are evolution tards

>> No.13985107

>Steven Jay Gould
Hard pass

>> No.13985163
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The Vital Question by Nick Lane
The Secret of Our Success by Joseph Henrich

>> No.13985166

jews are the only biologists who seem to defend the reality of nature > nurture

>> No.13985187

In terms of science writing Stephen Jay Gould is overall a better writer regardless of what you think of his ideas in the end, but the best is Loren Eiseley. Just check out this essay of his from The Immense Journey


>I ignored the sky, then, and began to concentrate on the sandstone walls that had led me into this place. It was tight and tricky work, but that cut was a perfect cross section through perhaps ten million years of time. I hoped to find at least a bone, but I was not quite prepared for the sight I finally came upon. Staring straight out at me, as I slid farther and deeper into the green twilight, was a skull embedded in the solid sandstone. I had come at just the proper moment when it was fully to be seen, the white bone gleaming there in a kind of ashen splendor, water worn, and about to be ground away in the next long torrent.

>It was not, of course, human. I was deep, deep below the time of man in a remote age near the beginning of the reign of mammals. I squatted on my heels in the narrow ravine, and we stared a little blankly at each other, the skull and I. There were marks of generalized primitiveness in that low, pinched brain case and grinning jaw that marked it as lying far back along those converging roads where, as I shall have occasion to establish elsewhere, cat and man and weasel must leap into a single shape.

>It was the face of a creature who had spent his days following his nose, who was led by instinct rather than memory, and whose power of choice was very small. Though he was not a man, nor a direct human ancestor, there was yet about him, even in the bone, some trace of that low, snuffling world out of which our forebears had so recently emerged. The skull lay tilted in such a manner that it stared, sightless, up at me as though I too, were already caught a few feet above him in the strata and, in my turn, were staring upward at that strip of sky which the ages were carrying farther away from me beneath the tumbling debris of falling mountains. The creature had never lived to see a man, and I, what was it I was never going to see?

>> No.13986687

Darwin's Dangerous Idea

>> No.13987091

Gould was a kike fraud.

>> No.13987104

Bacteria to Bach

>> No.13988339

The Revolutionary Phenotype

>> No.13988365
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My interests originated in evolutionary biology, but quickly wandered towards pan-evolutionary theories. Try looking up any of these books and see if any inspire you enough to want to read them. The topic is the nature of human creativity as evolutionary processes including genetic, memetic, dramatic, and experiential.

>> No.13988378

>Jean-François Gariépy is a Franco-Canadian neuroscientist and a far-right activist. He specialises in evolutionary biology and brain sciences. Gariépy hosts the YouTube channel "The Public Space" where he calls for the creation of a white ethnostate in the US and Canada

So he's a crackpot.

>> No.13989231

What about that leads to such a conclusion?