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13982574 No.13982574 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being ironic.

>> No.13982578

How do you guys think he would feel about his suicide launching him into perpetual literary stardom. He wasn't that big of a deal until after he died.

>> No.13982579
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why was he so based, lit?

>> No.13982755

>you merely adopted irony i was born in it, molded by it

>> No.13982765

Yes. Listen to Hobo Johnson. Take the sincerity pill. Haven't felt this genuinely happy in years, boys

>> No.13982818

You were no very old before he killed himself, were you? He was pretty big shit. You are comparing the time between his death and the release of The End of the Tour, he had largely faded away during that time and became massive for a year or so after the movies came out. That year is probably the only time he was bigger post suicide than pre suicide.

>> No.13982824

can someone explain his argument against irony

>> No.13982829


>> No.13982831

>Yes. Listen to Hobo Johnson. Ta
dude you're a faggot, honestly kill yourself. his music is trash and he is cringe, also embarrassing that you think he is sincere because he is self-deprecating and smiley (weird combo, maybe he isn't so sincere lmao) lmao (lmao)

>> No.13982843

See boys, irony gets you here. You don't want to be elitist and miserable. Be vulnerable, allow yourself to feel the entire spectrum of human emotion. Read some eastern philosophy. Read some DFW, invade /lit/ with your "reddit sentimentality." Live your life, be real with people, do well for yourself and make your pops proud, and if you don't like your dad, work for mine. He's a great guy

>> No.13982858

Sorry, I forgot this was a bait thread in the first place. It was uncalled of me to single out your post like that.

People just were not being very honest back than, everything was hidden under a layer of irony or some other form of obfuscation. He had no issues with irony in of itself, just it becoming such a dominate form of expression, no one would know what anyone meant and how something is taken would become more important than what was actually said.

>> No.13982884

no dude, hobo johnson really is fucking trash dude, ur taste in music is shit, are you a 16 year old depressed girl?

>> No.13982918

Hardly, but I appreciate your passion. I invite you, not (you), but you, the general /lit/ passerby, please, reconsider your cynicism. I can't speak to the entirety of existentialism, and I wouldn't want to, but to some degree you ARE in charge of your thoughts. Take care that they're worthy of being thought. Harboring anger and contempt either to emulate these /lit/erary characters or out of spite towards them, please reconsider. That road isn't worth traversing, and they're lying to you, it will not lead to afterlife glory. Seek the now, read Emerson and the romantics. Pick up Joyce and find the beauty. And, and if you like Hobo Johnson, play him. Don't let angry souls with a voice demean your own.

>> No.13982924

SO JUNG HAD THIS GREAT IDEA if every person ate their own shit -now here's the bloody thing about eating your own bloody shit IT'S CHAOS and that's bloody terrifying and that.. is the belly of the beast.. The consumption of one's own feces is representative of the cannibalistic chaos of post-modernism so then what do you do when you're face to face with this terrifying shit eating dragon? lobsters are well known autophagyists and we're like 90% lobster DNA so you know that really tells you something and that's the bloody thing about Sam Harris, that he has better hair than I do it.. it.. well depends first on what you mean by lobster it's like what solzhenitsyn always said “now Sam Harris is a jew, and they're cold blooded too just like lobsters” you see.. thats what Hitler got right, he wasn't crazy it also totaly depends on what you mean by crazy Not washing your penis? Now thats crazy. I have thought about this quandary for a long time, particularly in regards to Jung; for thirty years I've been ruminating on the best way to wash your penis and I haven't thought about anything else AND THE 20TH CENTURY TAUGHT US THAT LESSON PRETTY BLOODY WELL If you wanna conquer your shadow; really grind your heel into the bloody groin of the bitch. Clean your penis and respect the Chaos Lobster. It's in the book of Genesis. There's postmodernism to fight; and ya bloody better accept it. the jews are older than trees, man! like, god, it's so sad! It reminds me of Pinocchio *sniff* a-and how he just wanted t-*wheeze*to be a boy well that's just the bloody thing! So when we really get to explore these ideas we realize really... we arent the ones cleaning the penis... IT CLEANS US! AND THAT's the BLOODY THING, it's like, you don't KNOW anything for CERTAIN - DO YOU? Whaat do you think you are smarter than Socrates? It's like, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN SOCRATES AND YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING, you might not even know ANYTHING. But people act like they know things all the time, and that's totalitarianism. It's like, wash your penis, read the Bible, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN THE BIBLE, ok? So POSTCULTURAL NEOMODERNIST MARXISM IS KILLING US ALLL, we wuz lobstaz an shieeet CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM AND THATS THE BLOODY THING RIGHT? YOU MUST SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS FROM CHAOS LIKE PINNOCHIO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM THE DEEPS. GEPETTO IS IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST AND THAT IS NOT A PLACE YOU WANT TO BE. SO WHEN YOU FINALLY TRIUMPH AND SLAY THE DRAGON OF CHAOS THEN YOU ASK YOURSELF “WELL WHAT NOW” AND ITS LIKE RIGHT TAHTS A BLOODY GOOD QUESTION. BUT YOU MUST NOT GIVE IN TO THE POSTMODERNNEOMARXISTS and furthermore THAT'S THE THING ABOUT DOMINANCE HIERARCHIES, THEY'RE BLOODY ROUGH, BUT THEY'RE NECESSARY, AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CERTAIN PROCLIVITY TOWARDS DANGEROUSNESS WELL, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET WITH THAT BUCKO.

>> No.13982940

is just a stones throw from this

>> No.13983235

I did, and everyone treats me like that guy you can count on when you need something, or someone they can say anything to.

>> No.13983241

/r9k/ was intended to encourage sincere posting by ban copypastas

>> No.13983242

Try and deal with modernity sincerely.
Good luck.

>> No.13983251

Good idea but I'm not gonna unironically read that big ass book.

>> No.13983328

Only after you stop pontificating.

>> No.13983466

Quit it with the banal threads

>> No.13983478
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I unironically feel bad that I couldn't post this comment in the Quran thread before it was deleted for no reason

>Aryan girls converting to Islam
Feels bad man
>Wait actually, she just looks like a nun
Feels good man
>Being mean to Muslims fosters a necessary us.vs them mentality in whites against our Muslim antagonists
Feels good man
>But bullying people for being religious and conservative is counterproductive
Feels bad man
>Majority-transgender sports teams are funny and underscore how retarded the libtard's philosophy is
Feels good man
>But the world is still being dominated by libtard philosophy and women who want to be athletic and not fat retards are losing out
Feels bad man
>Exposing degeneracy in Islam may lessen defection from traditional whites to Islam
Feels good man
>You can cherry pick this stuff for any religion and people do
Feels bad man

>> No.13983486

what do you think keeps you from reading Infinite Jest in particular? Like, mentally

>> No.13983500

I've never seriously considered reading it to begin with, but mainly the length, the fact that I don't know very much about it except that the author is anti-irony (so am I, but that's not enough for that kind of time commitment), and the fact that I ordered too many books I wanted to read and now have a backlog of a bunch of books.

>> No.13983579
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The only people who worry about whether or not they’re being sincere are people who have no real problems in life. I was a big Wallace fan when I was a teenager, in fact I made a thread here about him with pic related and the text “>he doesn’t read footnotes” that became pretty huge here for awhile. Then I got incredibly sick for a few years and let me tell you when you can barely walk “sincerity” isn’t exactly the top thing on your mind. DFW wasn’t a bad writer but the concept that irony is some rampant epidemic among modern culture is pretty myopic and only really applies to depressed and eductaed young people who spend too much time in their own heads

>> No.13983631

>this stopped being good once I stopped connecting with it

How are you so old and such a brainlet?

>> No.13983657

My main point is that David foster Wallace’s world view is only applicable to a pretty small percentage of Americans and that sincerity vs irony loses it’s pertinence to your life pretty quickly once you’ve faced some real problems. I still think he’s a good writer and interesting though.
Also yes I literally am a brainlet now, I used to have a genius level IQ (not bragging, this is just objective) but after getting sick an MRI has literally shown that my brain is shrinking, so there you go. I’m definitely not that smart anymore.

>> No.13983664

What a surprise, a writer tried to appeal to readers! IT's almost like he was writing with that in mind? Whaa

>> No.13983670

I hope DFW faked his death to become a moderator at /lit/

>> No.13983672

Also, pretty gross that you so blatantly misunderstood the point of his books, which, of course, I haven't read

>> No.13983674

I’m not shitting on David foster wallace, I was just sharing my experience of how certain things like irony vs sincerity lose their weight in someone’s life when more happens, that’s all.

>> No.13983680

Well as I said I am a literal brainlet after getting sick so I wouldn’t expect myself to get anything anymore

>> No.13983684

Yes, and I'm only pointing out how fucking ridiculous, reductive, and half-baked that is. It's like saying flavor loses its significance once you go starving. No fucking shit.

>> No.13983686

Calm down

>> No.13983694

You come in this thread calling out anyone who worries about these problems because "they have no real problems in life," then get called out for your childlike understanding. Then you bloviate on end about your illness as if that makes you credible or interesting. Sorry that happened. It sucks. Now take your elitism and shove it.

>> No.13983702

Calm down.

>> No.13983713

It's like you watched those youtube videos linking DFW to the office and were like, yup, time to charge into /lit/ with this

>> No.13983723

I don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.13983759

Hey I didn’t respond to anything with “calm down”, that was someone else. Sorry if I came off as elitist, I didn’t mean to. Maybe I’m just bitter about what happened to me so when I see people concerning themselves with things like irony vs sincerity I get frustrated because I wish I could have had the foresight to just enjoy my life when I was healthy so I pass it off as “no real problem”. But then again that’s incredibly myopic and limited to my own experience, which is what I was criticizing dfw for in the first place, so there you go

>> No.13983762

It's cool man just baiting nerds

>> No.13983813

This really is not that hard, all he was saying is to say what you mean. If things like irony and sarcasm become a large part of daily communication, no one will ever know what anyone actually is saying, it is just too much work to dig through all the layers so things like intent and what was actually said no longer will matter, the immediate reaction is all that counts. We see this in US society today, people endlessly getting in trouble just because their words can be interpreted in an offensive manor, who cares what they said or their intent, and this is seeping into regular life.

>> No.13983885

Did you really read his books? If you did I don't understand why you would actually reduce his works to the /lit/ level of "uhmm irony #mood" that's only used to get (You)s from people who haven't read a word written by him.

>> No.13983909
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>when Americans think they even know what irony is let alone believe their culture to be saturated in irony

>> No.13983977

I read them a long time ago and have since legitimately suffered brain damage so there’s honestly a good chance I don’t know what I’m talking about

>> No.13983981

You don't write like you have brain damage.

>> No.13983986

>Listen to Hobo Johnson

Oh my God!
And out of all this conflict arises a president
And this president is orange, he’s got orange hair
It's parted to the side, it looks really dumb
He's chubby, and he's got little sausage fingers
They look like Little Smokies
I personally love Little Smokies
Either way, he starts arguing with this leader on the other side of the world
He's got a bowl cut, he's similarly pudgy
He's got sausage fingers too
I don't know what it is with guys with sausage fingers
But it messes their minds up, right?
So they start bickering like little children
And one day the guy with orange hair is just like, "You know what? I'm gonna fucking do it, I've got a small dick, I ain't got nothing to lose"
So he gets his thing, and he presses the button and it just goes...
you are a faggot
a huge flaming faggot

>> No.13983991

I mean I can still form coherent sentences but I lost so much weight that an MRI showed that my brain had shrunk from malnourishment. I’m not as intelligent as I used to be. I don’t even really know why I posted what I posted I just wanted to rant

>> No.13984014

Isn’t that still somewhat true today? It seems like that in many online circles at least.

>> No.13984019
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>> No.13984025
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>[The year after the movies came out] is probably the only time he was bigger post suicide than pre suicide.

This is pretty wrong, given his close friend Franzen's tone in this 2011 article.


>it was still hard not to feel wounded by the part of him that had chosen the adulation of strangers over the love of the people closest to him.

>> No.13984026

He's dead. He doesn't have to think about dumb bullshit like this that's the point

>> No.13984031

How the hell did you starve so much that your brain shrank (also I wonder what it means; I know brain volume and surface area in specific correlate with IQ, but I’m not sure what would happen if your brain shrank. Did your brain neurons die, were a bunch of synapses pruned, did the space between the cells just shrink?) Not to say I don’t think it’s impossible your general intelligence has diminished such that your fluid “learning” intelligence is diminished but your crystallized “knowledge” intelligence. Regardless, I hope things are better for you anon, we all gotta make it. Also in regards to your comment on DFW’s stance on irony. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that his writing was only applicable to a group he was familiar with rather than the whole population. I think it’s alright to write for specific demographics.

>> No.13984056

I disagree with the other (surprisingly insincere) anons who replied to you in such a militant way.

It's definitely true that DFW's writing tends to click with a certain type of college nerd. This is a fact not only of which he was painfully aware but from which he sought to escape. IJ is literally all about the "ivory tower" of ETA versus the "real problems" of Ennet.

It seems like DFW's writing planted seeds in you the very yield of which turned you off him, which is...kind of odd. But makes sense in a way. It just seems strange of you not to give him any credit for it.

>> No.13984106

He was referring to the superficial notoriety that comes with death, I was talking about actually being read. In the 90s and 00s you could talk about him to most anyone that read more than genre fiction, most everyone had read at least an essay or short story, these days, not so much. I really have no sense of the cult of personality and am rather disconnected from all that, I just find it irrelevant and when it comes to authors I think how widely their work is read is a better measure of their fame. Not trying to play with semantics to prove myself or my methods right, just explaining my view, I do not expect anyone to subscribe to my world view and am ok with being viewed as wrong or just being plain wrong.

A single article with nothing but opinion and reminisces is not really proof of anything, that is just his view at that time, don't represent it as more than it is. Good read either way, thanks for the link.

>> No.13984124

>the "real problems" of Ennet.
It clicks with those of us with real problems and no secondary education as well. Many of us ex-addicts find great worth in IJ and do not see it as book about ivory tower bullshit in anyway.

Every January I get together every night after work with some NA fellows to watch the Australian open, IJ got us all hooked on tennis. Good times.

>> No.13984693

Can /r9k/ be sincere?

>> No.13984733

Sincerity is presenting to the world what you present to yourself as truth. Irony is dishonesty as a lifestyle choice. Dishonesty to others yes, but first and foremost with yourself. A dishonesty to keep a hurtful truth bound in chains, such as feelings that would be felt like the shaking jaws of a rabid dog, this kind of irony I can at least understand.
But the other far more common irony Is the one that presents dishonesty but which yet unwittingly reveals another truth. A desire for status in a dishonest world.

>> No.13984739

You're an ironic guy

>> No.13984754

This but unironically

>> No.13984795

>had genius level IQ, could appreciate DFW
>brain shrinks, is now convinced DFW is wrong
Hmmmm, really makes you think

>> No.13984817

Mr.Squishy is so hard

>> No.13985739

damn, this actually made me check him out. Thanks anon

>> No.13985854

Jesus christ i just watched a video about what he was talking about and i literally have made threads here about this very subject. How "no 1 takes things seriously anymore" and i feel ahead of my time, almost honored to be reaasurred that i'm not a nut job in thinking this.

I have always had a problem with irony (and i say that as the most ironic faggot insuffurfurable retard irl) Irony is absolute ley toxic