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/lit/ - Literature

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13982144 No.13982144 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a poet?

I don't read poetry because most of it's written by women and not true darkness

>> No.13982149

Most poetry is written by men. Stop visiting Barnes & Noble, faggot.

>> No.13982156

Where do I find really dark depressive poetry?
Everyone says my poems sound like metal lyrics and that ive never written a poem..it's true ;_;

>> No.13982162

>How do I become a poet?
Poeta nascitur non fit.

>> No.13982165

Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Spenser, Pound, T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Keats.

>> No.13982168

>How do I become a poet?
>I don't read poetry
Absolute, colossal, fucking retard.

>> No.13982170

>I don't read poetry because most of it's written by women
but thats completely wrong

>> No.13982227
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why would you want true darkness? stop being an edgy little fag and seek the light. also this: >>13982149

and check out this chart.

>> No.13982349

I want darkness

>> No.13982356

Read Houellbecq's poems. Can't think of a bleaker poet.

>> No.13982363

artaud, daumal, lautréamont

>> No.13982369

I want to write poems in the graveyard

>> No.13982399

you shouldn't.

>> No.13982406

Paul Celan.

>> No.13982412
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>> No.13982434


>> No.13982553

faggot, kill yourself and livestream it.

>> No.13982768
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Thank you :3


care to extrapolate?

>> No.13982779

You’ve never been to a high school were you
but yeah Baudelaire and Rimbaud are good for starters
Horatio is good too if you’re into ancient times

>> No.13982889

I have The Complete Odes and Epodes by Horace, is that a good intro?

>> No.13982936

Learn to hear the rhythm of words
At first when I say that it sounds quite absurd
But watch and you’ll see that the cadence is key
Rhyme patterns worthless
Keep nothing superfluous
If you let go and just say what you know
Rhymes come to be just you wait and see
It’s not that hard
Get a notecard
Or write a haiku
It’s not all that hard to do
It isn’t it’s true

You’d be amazed what you can do
If you up and decide
You are capable of anything
The government lied.

>> No.13982996

Go back to /x/

>> No.13983002

door hinges

>> No.13983834


>> No.13985133


>> No.13985421

Go back

>> No.13985469

>Frost and Basho as intermediate
>Ginsbert, Hughes, and Ginsberg as deft

I don't think this could be more wrong. Free verse is a failed project. Go back to nature.