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File: 42 KB, 768x576, fireants-58f193de3df78cd3fccb28e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13981563 No.13981563 [Reply] [Original]

You're no better than an ant.

You exist solely to survive long enough to breed and raise the children to adulthood. Nothing more. All the mental suffering you endure is because of your own vanity. Human civilisation is one giant monument to our insatiable appetite for ourselves. Even now you're thinking "not me!". Yes you, you egotistical self sucking abomination. Philosophy is vanity, the absolute fucking cheek to think humans are so important there must be some universal truth yet to be discovered on how to govern our own lives or where we came from.

Your consciousness is not remarkable, it's a pathetic misstep, like a moose with horns ten times bigger than its own body.

>> No.13981579

Ants are based though. I keep a colony of myrmica rubra ants.

>> No.13981618

If you believe you're no better than an ant, why aren't you acting like one? Stop posting on here, the only actions you need to do is eat, work, and sleep. Really you should stop thinking all together, after all philosophy is a vain activity for egotistical self sucking abominations. Hop to it, wouldn't want to be a hypocrite now would we?

>> No.13981631

>If you believe you're no better than an ant, why aren't you acting like one?
Because I'm still subjected to the vanity of consciousness, did you even read the OP?

>> No.13981733

I've always found it bizarre that those expressing sentiments like the OP's so often claim reproduction has "objective purpose" but nothing else does. Reproduction has no more or less inherent value than anything else

>> No.13981776

>Reproduction has no more or less inherent value than anything else
You have an instinctual urge to reproduce hardcoded into your DNA, you're not genetically destined to draw anime girl feet.

>> No.13981778

Why don't you stop being pathetic then? You yourself said consciousness was a pathetic misstep of evolution.
Fix the mistake and give up thought

>> No.13981786

>Why don't you stop being pathetic then?
Because that's not possible, is it retard? But the least you can do is acknowledge the reality of it instead of defending your vanity.

>> No.13981789

>You're no better than an ant.
haha wrong. OP is a fag as usual

>> No.13981793


>> No.13981801

Midwit twaddle

>> No.13981807

>Ants can do calculus
>Ants can build spaceships
More like Cants, Ha.

>> No.13981820

Keep crying vain retards
Nice pun but calculus and spaceships don't matter

>> No.13981838

Prescriptive statements and value judgements are human vanity. Saying you "shouldn't" care about these things is self-refuting

>> No.13981841

Play word games all you like pseud, it doesn't disprove anything

>> No.13981843
File: 8 KB, 420x230, 42C9B048-0092-4D60-B9F5-2A38E9FCC33D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the ant.
I am the oceans

>> No.13981846

>No proof

lol alright, see ya later

>> No.13981848

>Nice pun but calculus and spaceships don't matter
For you

>> No.13981851

sorry son but you couldnt have posted this shitty thread on your pc on the internet without the help of human innovation. the only honest step you can do now is coat yourself in jam and lay down beside an anthill and dont move until you lose consciousness and they devour your whole body. now thats being no better than an ant

>> No.13981852

You're welcome to prove your position without words

>> No.13981857

>You exist solely to survive long enough to breed and raise the children to adulthood. Nothing more.
But only a single ant does that per colony

>> No.13981872

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Serious question. You sit there obviously hating yourself and hating humanity in general, and nothing is stopping you from doing it. If it's all so pointless why haven't you just ended it all? Are you too scared to do it or something?

>> No.13981879

Despite it all I don't feel like I want to die for whatever reason, life isn't so unbearably bad 100% of the time for me to consider suicide.

>> No.13981886

>you're not genetically destined to draw anime girl feet.
But we must be, because we do draw anime girl feet

>> No.13981888

Why do my instinctual urges or my DNA have any more meaning than my love of anime feet?

>> No.13981898
File: 79 KB, 1200x630, enlightened egalitarian ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're no better than an ant.
Just you wait until all ants are equal!

>> No.13981925
File: 47 KB, 647x474, 14399823423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I'm a smart ant

>> No.13981939
File: 34 KB, 527x432, joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol imagine caring if you're insignificant or not

>> No.13981958
File: 19 KB, 261x215, 1564094806126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but I need - I NEED - to be important

>> No.13982087

>i am euphoric not because im significant but im enlightened by my own expression of insignificance which in itself is a stance of affirming my significance

>> No.13982125

Not quite. I don't even exist to raise children. My existence is a result of those before me raising children, perhaps. But I have not one purpose. If I do, please point me to who or what has made such a decree and from what source they derive their authority.

>> No.13982127

If you can't do shit, why yap about it?

>> No.13982135

>which in itself is a stance of affirming my significance
Fuck off with this pedantic bullshit logic.

No, saying everything is pointless does not mean the statement contradicts itself.

>> No.13982137


>> No.13982142

What makes you believe you're better than every other form of life in existence?

>> No.13982146

>Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
What, exactly, would be the point of that?

>> No.13982158

To not live a completely pointless existence filled with meaningless suffering that all leads to nowhere in the end?

>> No.13982159

oh whoa now. cussing is an indication of asserting significance by way of speech. you dont want to be significant now do you?

>> No.13982163

How in the world do you begin to qualify which attributes make one form of life "better" than another? In any case, I never made such a claim about my alleged superiority.

>> No.13982167

Go get shot up buying bread

>> No.13982174

>In any case, I never made such a claim about my alleged superiority.
You think you're above reprodution, something every form of life does

>> No.13982177

>To not live a completely pointless existence filled with meaningless suffering that all leads to nowhere in the end?
I have seen suffering, sure, but I have experienced a great deal of pleasure as well. I don't find the lack of purpose to my existence to be particularly detrimental to my enjoyment of my life. And though my life may "lead" to nowhere, I don't see a benefit to jumping to that nowhere right away.

>> No.13982202

That's funny anon, cause I've decided I'm never having children, and I have gained so much enjoyment from watching cute anime characters in their respective shows. And many others out there like me exist. Guess evolution really messed up with us, huh. As long as you have 5+ children anon I won't consider you a hypocrite for promoting the philosophy that you are, but I'd really prefer it if you would first observe whether the worldview actually corresponds to our species, versus it being a narrative which you've been presented and subsequently believed in. Many people don't live in reality, but in their beliefs in it. And this brings most of the mayhem in our world.

If people would just be mindful and strive to see things as they are, it'd be a much more peaceful and luminous reality.

>> No.13982214

What does it mean to be "above reproduction?" That I don't desire to reproduce? I did not make a claim one way or the other on my feelings about it. Or I suppose you maintain the claim that we all have a designated 'purpose' to do so. I have resulted from sex and child rearing, sure. But those alone were insufficient. I and my parents had to eat, to breathe, to think, to reason, to sleep, to move. Are these then my purposes as well? If not, why not?

>> No.13982289

Congratulations on the ant farm.

>> No.13982303


>> No.13982310


>> No.13982317

No one has sex for their health

>> No.13982339

Do you actually think ur saying something profound?

>> No.13982355

Get a life and go outside OP.

>> No.13982449

Sounds like someone is taking Biology at school.

>> No.13982507
File: 1.57 MB, 998x1731, faggotOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt

>> No.13982821
File: 12 KB, 255x198, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you exist solely to
You assume that there is a reason to exist at all. Under this assumption the latter half of this sentence could be anything observed in other organisms. You derive it from what you see, but perhaps that is because you see too little. Deny the assumption and enter pure nihilism, in which case dying means as little as living. Or extend the nihilism to the point that your being alive has more meaning (to you) than being dead. In which case the meaning is bound in what little stops you from allowing yourself to die. But that is arbitrary and thus can include philosophy. You just choose not to include it. I don't, and the difference between what motivates my living and yours doesn't matter. So why do you care?

>> No.13982862
File: 48 KB, 524x400, 1570630985000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? Your drivel is already leaving my brain forever as I type this reply.
"If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."

>> No.13983032

Yeah OP, I read Blindsight too

>> No.13983234

THanks underground man

>> No.13983294

haha, his liver sure is diseased, amirite!

>> No.13983377

Why isn't consciousness remarkable?

>> No.13983505

>"better than"

Pick one

>> No.13984267


>Nietzsche grugbrain talking about drivel

>> No.13984316

Most men have an instinctual urge to stick their penis in a tight place and wiggle it about a bit until they orgasm. The reproduction is incidental

>> No.13984322

>The reproduction is incidental
Why are you pretending to be retarded? You know full well it's not incidental.

>> No.13984362

A few other anons have picked up on this, but your very insistence and zeal betray your message. Your form betrays your content.

Seems to me like you're begging to be proven wrong. None of us here are gonna do the heavy lifting for you (nor do most have the capacity). I like this thread, though, thanks for making it.

>> No.13984363

books that refute "we exist to breed"?

>> No.13984374

Another Anti-Natalist which clearly has read nothing but watched True Detective and had an epiphany. Anti-Natalism is a cope and a fashion accessory.

>> No.13984431

But it is from the point of view of the people doing it. Most of the sex people (as well as all animals) have has nothing to do, in their minds, with having children. The desire is almost never "I must procreate!" but rather "I must orgasm ASAP" The whole process is a trick our bodies play on our minds.

>> No.13984521

Anything spiritual, anything decadent. Anything that exemplifies degradation; leftism, capitalism, kitch...
Anything that promotes existentialism, epiphanies, hedonism, eugenics...

>> No.13984642

>But it is from the point of view of the people doing it
Irrelevant. Your "point of view" is irrelevant, it's not real and has no tangible effect on the universe.

>> No.13984660

How is not relevant? How is not real? It clearly has a tangible effect. Remove orgasms and nobody would ever have sex.

>> No.13984661
File: 959 KB, 400x225, 1568406409787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not real and has no tangible effect on the universe
The universe is not real you fucking moron.

Look up at the stars. Oh wow. Other planets! A whole fucking galaxy! A whole world of galaxies! Wow. Is that real? Is that objective? Is that true?

You can't experience any of it. You cannot even fucking conceive of it. It's not there. It's not part of the world in any way.

The world is limited to the squishy thing inside your head and the wires plugged into it that let you see perceive through the bone and flesh surrounding it. THAT is your world. THE ONLY THINGS THAT ARE REAL ARE THE THINGS IN THERE.

Your thoughts and feelings are the only real thing in the universe. The rest is just fucking dust.

>> No.13984677

>Remove orgasms and nobody would ever have sex.
How do you even breath, cretin?

>> No.13984683

>Your thoughts and feelings are the only real thing in the universe.
Spoken like a true dimwit. Your fuzzy feels don't matter.

>> No.13984687

I am no better than an ant.

I exist solely to survive long enough to breed and raise the children to adulthood. Nothing more. All the mental suffering I endure is because of my own vanity. Human civilisation is one giant monument to our insatiable appetite for ourselves. Even now I'm thinking "not me!". Yes me, an egotistical self sucking abomination. Philosophy is vanity, the absolute fucking cheek to think humans are so important there must be some universal truth yet to be discovered on how to govern our own lives or where we came from.

My consciousness is not remarkable, it's a pathetic misstep, like a moose with horns ten times bigger than its own body.
Here's what you meant OP

>> No.13984689
File: 674 KB, 2048x1310, 1564085933598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your fuzzy feels don't matter.
I decide what matters.

>> No.13984697

>like a moose with horns ten times bigger than its own body.
I really, really like this explanation of human intelligence.

However, I know you're not the person who came up with it OP, you plagiarising faggot.

>> No.13984699

I sure love this literature related post. I didn't sage it either. This post is so profound and new and everyone should see anon's first philosophical thought posted and reposted on here.

>> No.13984707

Fucking #REKT

>> No.13984715

>I decide what matters.
No, you don't. Egotistical retard.

>> No.13984723

>However, I know you're not the person who came up with it OP, you plagiarising faggot.
I thought it would be obvious who I was paraphrasing.

>> No.13984724

By your lack of argument, I assume you concede I'm right

>> No.13984740
File: 410 KB, 900x676, 1553365079304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you don't.
Ah, but you do? What authority could you possibly have to deny me?

(This is the part where you desperately try to root your argument in false objectivity - "it's not my opinion about what matters, it's the real and honest empirical truth!" and we laugh at you).

Ironically, my assertion is not based in egotism because I have consciously incorporated that aspect of myself. Your argument, however, is based in a subconscious materialist egotism that assumes the correctness of your interpretation of the world despite the very fallibility you identify in the mind you use to perceive it. Pure scientific positivism has been a joke for decades, anon, if not a century. Yet here you are, egotistically insisting you have nothing to learn from the works of other people (because I know for a fact you've never cracked open a book about this in your life, and if ever even a single honest truth were possible that would be it) and consequently repeating ancient mistakes.

You're a joke and you will cringe at this thread when you grow up a bit if you even remember making it.

>> No.13984750

All those words to say "noooooo I'm special I matter I'm unique!".

>> No.13984751

Don't expect further reply.

>> No.13984773

I don't want to read any more of your worthless thoughts thanks.

>> No.13984785


>> No.13984793

Not him, you're clearly flailing here. Let it go, you've lost. Your petty snipes only degrade yourself

>> No.13984805

haha, i like this reaction image anon. do you mind if i save it onto my computer?

>> No.13984811

>Not him

>> No.13984976
File: 339 KB, 972x992, 1562946966128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're no better than an ant

>> No.13984980

I am much better than an ant. I'd fucking own an ant in a fight.

>> No.13984983

>You exist solely to survive long enough to breed and raise the children to adulthood.
Says who? Only onions-boys and beta cucks let stigmas like these effect their life or thought processes.

>> No.13984992

True, but I also decide to attribute a sense of meaning to my (limited and flawed) existence. You may say Its just an illusion, but I chose to believe it.

>> No.13985005
File: 68 KB, 480x781, IMG_20191013_150435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, anon, wrong AGAIN

>> No.13985087

Books for this feel?

>> No.13985100

This is the first post in this thread to even mention a book. Congratulations anonymous. You've won. It only took 50 some posts.

>> No.13985156

>why yes I just watched Rick and Morty how could tell

>> No.13985181

Gay, you really think your mind is objective? That it’s real? The only thing is the Self, the Soul, and Being - and they are one.

>> No.13985203
File: 19 KB, 480x360, xo3592cjhwpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectivity is inaccessible and devoid of opinion or any value claims, it's completely empty.
All value and existential truth is personal.
What is good and bad lies entirely within us.
My lowly lone opinion still rises above all inanimate reality in authority.

>> No.13985243

OP, you're right. But constrained by the "vanity" of consciousness leaves you with literally no option than to find value in it.

We are better than ants, if "better" means anything at all.

Consciousness is the bedrock of anything that can possibly BE valuable. Hitting a stone with a hammer is materially different than hitting a cat with a hammer only because of consciousness.

You're fundamentally confused to land on materialistic nihilism from this starting point.

I can only assume you are a troll or a fucking retard. Probably, I suspect, some terrible combination of the two.

Kill yourself.

>> No.13985307

We are actually much greater than ants, our evolution has allowed us much greater span of ability than the ants, they are primitive insectivores. In fact we are at the mercy of our cells, the meta consciousness that arises when our cells want something, that is what controls us. Suffering comes in various forms and it is this expression that arises in the meta consciousness that can give us the most grief. You should listen to the great buddha who says that suffering comes in five forms, birth, decay, death (lamentation, sorrow, grief, pain, despair) and not getting what you want.

Philosophy, particularly buddhism holds the key to a lack of suffering. Read the eightfold path on sacred texts.

>> No.13985324
File: 98 KB, 500x771, 1563283998065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, THAT is a relief! The conscious ego, then, îs simply an illusion. Simplifies things enormously, thanks!

>> No.13985343

stop watching true detective, faggot

>> No.13985784

What vanity of consciousness you exhibit in your total and utter belief in your own ability to understand the world.