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/lit/ - Literature

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13981061 No.13981061 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins the west
how can we undo 2000 years of pauline savagery?

>> No.13981101
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What would Tacitus and his senatorial class audience say if you told them what ends up happening, makes you think

>> No.13981120
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you wanna go back to your roots? swallow the jizz

>> No.13981149

Christian persecution was centered mostly around scapegoating (Nero), misunderstanding of communion, and so on. They were slandered as being "misanthropes" or "anti social" because they refused to partake in pagan traditions such as funerary meals.

>what would Tacitus say
That's like asking Kristian Vikernes what he thinks about Christianity.

>> No.13981152

this, OP. you should be happy you nords had mediterranean rulers as long as you did, otherwise you'd be jerking off dead guys and drinking their cummies hahaha meds civilized you barbaric retards

>> No.13981162

>their hatred for the human race
holy shit, Tactitus saw right through them from the very start.

>> No.13981165
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>completely made up by a 21th century homosexual
Meanwhile over in authentic historical documents from the early Church.

Why do Christians eat the semen?

>> No.13981176
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ooga booga nigga

>> No.13981179

hahah >>13981120 "oh know the christian won't drink the dead man semen! anti-social and anti-human!"

>> No.13981203
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>> No.13981208
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>> No.13981209

>thinking this is about christianity vs. viking pagans
Idiot. It's about the whole of Antiquity vs. christian barbarism

>> No.13981215

weak lol

>> No.13981220

>the whole of antiquity
are you retarded? everything pictured in that photo comes from the medieval ages, which was the height of catholicism, and up. literally none of it comes from antiquity lmaoooo

>> No.13981246

christ you're a retard

>> No.13981299

That was literally made up by a Jew who didn’t study any Norse history.

>> No.13981304

>doesn't know what antiquity means
>gets called out for labelling middle age architecture and cultured as part of "antiquity"
>calls the guy who owned him a "retard"
buddy ur not winning any debates this way, you got fucking PONED for not knowing what antiquity is hahaha retard pussy

>> No.13981320

Tacitus has always been regarded as the most eloquent and respected latin historian, despite the senatorial bias and moralization, newfag

>> No.13981326

sorry that Plato btfoed christianity so hard you have to go on chinese image boards

>> No.13981337

Im Greek you stupid nigger stop posting shit from the frozen fringes of irrelevant nowhere, Hellenic civilzation and culture surpassed Christianity before it even formed from Judaism dummy you literally advocate gentile-judaism, ""church is the new israel""" """god is literally Jewish and spoke in ethnocentric hebrew nationalist scripture"", its the most pathetic shit in the world you have no room to stand absolute ideology cuck even the norsefags know how materially underdevloped they were, they just arent cowardly enough to fall back on neojudaic superstition

>> No.13981343

Redpill me on Paul

>> No.13981344


>> No.13981347

Dostoevsky BTFOs anyone who denies Christ

>> No.13981348
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>Im Greek you stupid nigger
that explains it

>> No.13981350 [DELETED] 
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>"Im Greek you stupid nigger"

>> No.13981353

He was jewish

>> No.13981354

>Redpill me on Paul
Paul is my favorite saint. I see myself in Paul, I used to be a raging fedora atheist who would publicly call out religious people and be as edgy as possible.

>> No.13981358

An insubstantial appeal to authority to help some spook-seeing anti-Christian, Roman fuddy duddy save face. The terms Tacitus uses demonstrates his incomplete knowledge at the time, which has been rectified by his more knowledgeable modern counterparts

And I'll guess this fantastical fable is from another respected historian of yours?

But I heard Christianity was just Platonism run amok.

>> No.13981362

You LITERALLY literally worship the Hebrew national god incarnated as the Jewish messiah king, who is supposed to gather the tribes of Israel before defeating the gentile nations, you fucking cuck gentile

>> No.13981368


>> No.13981377

Nothing you say can change the bible, cuck Gentile-Judaism, pathetic, where to get the conviction to defend this embarassimg shit

>> No.13981380
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>*semen guzzling noises*

>> No.13981383
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>I havet read the New Testament.

And yes, Christ is GOD. You feel triggered? Deal with it you degenerate, I'm not afraid. I have God on my side

>> No.13981388

Wrong. When the Jews rejected Jesus, he withdrew the kingdom of heaven from them and gave it to Rome. CHRIST PICKED ROME. He then went on dozens of anti-Semitic rants. And we worship Jesus.

[42] Jesus saith to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? By the Lord this has been done; and it is wonderful in our eyes. [43] Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof.

>> No.13981402

>>I havet read the New Testament.
I love how you assume im as ignorant as you, Have you not read the part of Acts where Peter and the Jerusalem Apostlic church literally wont eat with gentile converts? Or the part of Romans and Hebrews which affirm the primacy of Israel within the new covenant? Or the part of the ENTIRE biblical system which presupposes giving scriptural legitimacy to resentful Jewish ethnocentric scribes

>> No.13981414

Obviously you haven't or you'd know Jesus cursed the Jews several times and moved the kingdom of God to Rome.

>> No.13981430

>where Peter and the Jerusalem Apostlic church literally wont eat with gentile converts?
Yeah and what did Paul say to Peter after that? Or did you just glance or that very important part, just to make a coherent argument against me?

No matter what you believe, please side with the truth irregardless.

>> No.13981434
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>thinking scripture will save you
Matthew 15:24
"Jesus answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its okay though because your whole religion is literally a broke koine group cope for the pathetic and hopeless

>> No.13981443

I mean it would be fine if you then wouldnt bash the fragments of indigenous european mythopoeic culture from the position of servile gentile-judaic ideology cucks

>> No.13981448

Paul LITERALLY told Peter to his face, what Peter did to the gentiles was wrong. I will tell you again, read the New Testament before you come with these objections

>11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.

>12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

>13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation.

>14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

>> No.13981451

Yes, this was PRIOR to his entrance in Jerusalem. When he went to Jerusalem, the Jews rejected them and then he rejected them and picked Rome.

>> No.13981457

>Reads something in the first book of the New Testament
>Thinks that is it
this is /lit/ for Gods sake! Why haven't you just read the NT cover to cover, it's not that long

>> No.13981462

It's sad. Seems like that anon just saw a /pol/ thread with some quotes taken out of context and then just went with them. Anyone who pays attention knows the New Testament is hyper-hellenic and anti-Semitic in nature.

>> No.13981470

Cringe, Christians literally have to make shit up to justify their illness.

>> No.13981485

This /pol/ tards are too stupid to understand anything besides meme charts. That's how they are wired to operate, they use meme charts to speak to each other.

The NT is more anti-jewish than anything "muh fuhrer" had to say about them.

>14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

>15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

>16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.


>> No.13981486
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>b-but actually messianic judaism is hellenic because uh
This is cope, Ive read Acts through twice and it shocks me how such a low and superstitious culture, so clearly Jewish, could infect and destory real Hellenism, lmao at you trying to reconcile contradictions built into the texts

>> No.13981489

>Ih oh someone posted historical documentation my faith's disgusting nature!
>I know! I'll post an image and spew nonsense

>> No.13981496

I was quoting Galatians you dumb dumb. Why can't you read the NT cover to cover before you have an opinion?

>> No.13981500


Crazy how you have to talk to yourself about pol to avoid addressing matthew 15:24, i mean he didnt even need to say it because the idea of the Jewish Messiah is a national one, Paul clearly coped it into a gentile church and the original church clearly wasnt keen on it, nigga you use the same Jewish national scripture as they do what are you thinking calling it antijewish

>> No.13981505

>epiphanius is not a respected source
nice cope

>> No.13981508

I (you)'d 4 posts dummy, great that you implictly admit that without paul it wouldnt be clear if gentiles would be a part of it though

>> No.13981519

>Paul clearly coped it into a gentile church and the original church clearly wasnt keen on it
Listen here nigger. Paul didn't cooped anything. Paul was under the influence of the holy spirit, so whatever Paul wrote, Jesus would have said himself. You can't cherry pick verses and books out of the Bible to support your stupid point, if you accept the Gospels as legitimate, which you do because you keep appealing to them, you HAVE to accept the rest of NT. Either the whole NT is a fraud or none of it is

>> No.13981522

/pol/fag confirmed LMAOOOOO you have to go back, /lit/ is Catholic

>> No.13981526

Read this you fucking idiot: >>13981519

>> No.13981536

Crazy how he did exactly what I said in response to it ahahaha i cant believe you can even use cope most rightwingers for centuries have had a real life secular national ideology instead of cowardly falling back on neojewish religion

>> No.13981542

LMAO back to /pol/ you little gayboi nazi ;) might i suggest >>13981120 you bink the semen as is your national secular ideology

>> No.13981554

Have fun with your literal unviversalist Jewish messiah

>> No.13981575

The nazis were ardent christians.

>> No.13981576

Christ was aryan and picked Rome

>> No.13981596
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Christ had blonde hair and blue eyes and he chose EVROPA as the seat of his church, which will have aryan rulers that'll spread it worldwide to fulfill the prophecies

>> No.13981606
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The influence of Paul is vastly overstated.

>> No.13981641

>cairn stacking
those motherfuckers

>> No.13981739
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stop following foreign religions

>> No.13981770

this dude is a brainlet tho and a huge larp

>> No.13981771
File: 95 KB, 500x495, e539629038f71df3c56753d9c73f67288891baab1ada67121e8f186dd521a068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing foreign about Christianity, read your history. By the same logic, we should be following some ancient esoteric proto-indian-european religion. Instead you want us to follow a dead religion that was LITERALLY kept alive by Christian monks who wrote all your text? And you don't think these same monks slipped some Christianity in there? Paganism is a big larp

Christianity was literally established and created in Europe.

>> No.13981795

>Christianity was literally established and created in Europe.
THIS. Christianity is European.

>> No.13981836

/pol/tards are to dumb to realize this:
>New Testament is fully written in greek
>First Church established in the heart of Rome
>First Christian Empire was Roman
>Bible was compiled in Byzantine (Roman empire)
>All the 7 ecumenical councils were held in the Roman empire
"b-but Christianity is foreign". Dumb idiots! Christianity was founded in Europe!

>> No.13981839

Christianity was clearly formed in the middle eastern hellenistic metropolises like Alexandria Antioch and asia minor stop coping

>> No.13981842

See >>13981836

>> No.13981844

>>New Testament is fully written in greek
Where was it written again? Communist Manifesto was written in German, doesnt make it German

>> No.13981860

What? What is the communist manifesto if not german?

>> No.13981862

Do you believe that Christianity could have existed if it wasn't for Europe?

>> No.13981875

I mean its not a German ideology just on that account, its a universalist one written by a jew which would supplant the German nation, like Christianity did Hellenism

>> No.13981882

What is Helleno-Roman civilzation you pleb, Christian Europe copied Classical culture every generation until this century

>> No.13981885

Left: soulless
Right: soul

>> No.13981895

>Christianity copied European culture
>Christianity is not European
You got some dissonance going on there buddy boy

>> No.13981904
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Sainte_Chapelle_Interior_Stained_Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left: soulless
>Right: soul
this is what LARPers have come to HAHAHAHA

You wouldn't know what a soul is if it hit you in the head

>> No.13981907

Basically a guy who never met Jesus and was actively hostile to Christians for years came to be regarded as not only the foremost authority on what Jesus actually meant, but divinely inspired and his word is literally considered the word of God by some.

>> No.13981912

Soulless, gaudy, materialist.

>Oooh, shiny!!

>> No.13981918

that wasn't his question, ur weird and dumb

>> No.13981919

>Look at my shiny stuff!

>> No.13981920

>2000 years of christian ancestors
more like 1400 or so for the average anglo, and millennia before that of non-christian ancestors.

there's definitely something foreign about christianity; namely its origins in the levant. christianity wasn't established in europe. the council of jerusalem in 50 ad, or variously by jesus himself depending on who you ask. either way, it happened in the levant

what do you mean when you say is was established and created in europe? are you saying that it was established and created by the first council of nicaea?

>> No.13981921

>Basically a guy who never met Jesus
you didn't read the bible

>> No.13981934
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Bunch of materialist atheists here arguing about the meta psychics of Christianity, cringe

>> No.13981940

who cares levant has historically been white/aryan, learn history

>> No.13981947

>he's just like me!

>> No.13981952

Oh yeah he had a seziure and claimed to have talked to Jesus's ghost

>> No.13981954

>it happened in the levant
So I guess you consider any territory outside the borders of Europe as non-white too, right?

>> No.13981967

>owned by rome, had roman rulers and populated by romans
bro, the levant was rome at that time, which means it basically happened in europe

>> No.13981970

>namely its origins in the levant
And the people there were white, anon.

>> No.13981973

>Jesus's ghost
no ghost, Jesus manifested himself before Paul

>I don't in the validity of the bible, but I'm still going to argue against the stories in it
>this part of the bible happened
>but this other part didn't
why do atheist do this all the time?

>> No.13981990

true that it has been under persian, hellenic, and roman rule, but its indigenous inhabitants were semites. but aryan or not, it's still foreign.

>> No.13982021

>but its indigenous inhabitants were semites
prove this (pro-tip, you can't)

>> No.13982035

>but its indigenous inhabitants were semites. but aryan or not, it's still foreign.
you have no proof of this. what's next? are you going to tell me that the ancient greeks were semites too?

>> No.13982037


>> No.13982045

>but aryan or not, it's still foreign.
If it's aryan, it's not foreign.

>> No.13982049


>> No.13982060

you don't know what that word means obviously

>> No.13982063

Race creates borders, not landmass.

>> No.13982065
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>but aryan or not, it's still foreign.
HAHAHAHAHA Then you have NO right to claim any European culture before 1700s

>> No.13982080

i don't claim any european culture before 1700s. but that's irrelevant.

>> No.13982081
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask him if he believes that Australia or US are historically white countries

>> No.13982114

>>this part of the bible happened
>>but this other part didn't
>why do atheist do this all the time?
That's only hypocritical if you believe it to be a sacred text. Like how people think the parting of the Red Sea was a myth but Jesus definitely walked on water. Nothing hypocritical about viewing it as a mythological text that contains both real history and fictional accounts.

>> No.13982160

They were gaytheists, retard. Hitler's rants about Christianity were Reddit tier.

>> No.13982183

Look up positive christianity.

>> No.13982203

himmler always carried a copy of the gita

>> No.13982330 [DELETED] 
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I agree with the sentiment but STJ is cringe. No anglo can escape his own anglo empiricism and STJ being both a geneticist and archaeologist makes him a dirty materialist on top of it.

STJ is good for compartmentalized knowledge in geneticism and archaeology but not for paganism. At least that is my view.

>> No.13983467

>this part of the bible happened
>but this other part didn't
Everything in the Bible literally happened exactly as recorded in the King James Version, which is God's final and immutable declaration to the world.

>> No.13983476

>we should be following some ancient esoteric proto-indian-european religion
This but unironically
But also by your logic we should all be Mormons, since it is the logical conclusion of Christianity.

>> No.13983492
File: 27 KB, 400x400, garfield toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realizing christianity is just a pack of jewish fairy tales
>heaven and hell are both bullshit and run utterly contrary to any rational concept of justice
>reincarnation makes much more sense
>mfw christians spend their entire lives in existential torment while I enjoy this life knowing my small gains in spiritual advancement and knowledge means I have a better life waiting for me when I shed this body
>even if it's not better, it won't be hell and it certainly won't be permanent
The day I stopped worshiping that dead jew as god, a huge relief washed over me. The world, and more important, god could actually make sense.

>> No.13983501

ehm sweaty

>> No.13983509

so how was your realization different from those who realized the exact opposite

>> No.13983511

I'm 100% confident of it, and, unlike christians, I'm not morally obligated to ram the idea down everyone else's throat by any means necessary.

I'm right, and they are wrong. Simple as.

>> No.13983519

>buying into the prottie/catharlett concepts of heaven and hell
Heh, my obscure eastern theology has totally btfo your ideology, how will you ever recover?

>> No.13983581

No one ever realizes heaven and hell.

>> No.13983614


>> No.13983638

Based Jive

>> No.13983641

How is Tom a brainlet?


>> No.13983646
File: 431 KB, 382x512, david bowie smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw appreciating the artistic achievements of certain historical christians while not worshiping literal jews