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/lit/ - Literature

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13978048 No.13978048 [Reply] [Original]

>make a goodreads account a while ago
>start adding books to my shelf
>after a couple years, have 3000+ books as “Want to Read”
>have nearly all of them saved as e-books on computer
>have painstakingly organized my whole collection
>have been maintaining collection for a while - making sure to have backups using external hard drives and cloud services
>still haven’t read a single one of these books
Haven’t even read a single page of 1984 yet lmao

>> No.13978055

Congratulations? You fail to read, welcome to /lit/

>> No.13978061

Nice blog, faggot

>> No.13978064

Delete all of them except one. The read it. Never keep more than one book in your horizon

>> No.13978087
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>mtf tranny.jpg
>"books for this feel?"
>anons get gay talks started