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13976979 No.13976979 [Reply] [Original]

>quantity bad

>> No.13976988
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>quantity good

>> No.13976999

I hate all of these people just by looking at them. Physiognomy is real. You can judge a person by how their face looks and the shape of their skull.

>> No.13977005
File: 293 KB, 980x556, 8717dd8950ab24f755a727094e934fdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think quantity good, then just look at pics of chinese beaches lol

also i think he meant quantity is bad when it implies a loss of quality

>> No.13977006

nice gets

>> No.13977033

Imagine being a brainlet chinese central planner and never reading Mein Kampf about the necessity of territorial expansion. Now imagine going back 40 years, and being an even bigger brainlet Chinese Central Planner, (still neglecting to read Mein Kampf), and you decide to limit the resource that is your people by restricting the number of children they were allowed to have. Idiots. If they would have had a policy for, population growth, they could have taken over the entire world by now.

>> No.13977043
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>> No.13977044

china could merge with the population of any european country without severely altering its genetics lmao in 3-5 generations it'd be like no merger ever happened haha they could literal swallow whole populations

>> No.13977197

does mein kampf get the idea from muslims

>> No.13977367

yea they've already done it to other populations within china. ""han"" mutts they are.

>> No.13977856

I guarantee you you have some nigger blood in you

>> No.13977891

Agree. They look like gremlins out of some proto-fantasy victorian satire.

>> No.13977903

>the Eternal Han is the same as La Creatura and viceversa.
This is some fucking tasty redpill.

>> No.13977946
File: 193 KB, 450x418, Cancerous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these fucking idiots are taking quantity to be literal content
And I haven't even read Guenon and I know you guys are retards.

>> No.13978081

I'm not American or French or Arab, so no.

>> No.13978104

if it merged with germany an elite blonde hapa leader class would appear with the maternal line being populated exclusively by asians

>> No.13978130

>merge with germany
why do they need to take such a hard demotion

>> No.13978187


>> No.13978246

No silly anon, the meme is that Germans are inferior to all other races because it epically dabs on alt-righters.

>> No.13978311

They've been trying to conquer Europe Since ever and always failed.

>> No.13978319

Yes that's part of the meme anon, I understand that, very epic!

>> No.13978331

I'm glad you do, I Just don't understand how that would epically dab on altrighters Since most of them are simple nationalists and only a minority of them are germans.

>> No.13978353

>I Just don't understand how that would epically dab on altrighters Since most of them are simple nationalists
I'm just describing the mentality that goes into these sorts of jokes.
You can think of the alt-right as a similar label as 'the left', which each 'member' ostensibly being united under that label they aren't but that's beside the point
If I had to assume the thought process that propagates it generally, it would be a fallacious assumption that because someone is a Lolbertarian or Monarchist, for example, they will be annoyed when the nation that gave birth to Hitler is made fun of because all alt-righters are apparently Nazis.
That's what makes it such an epic meme.

>> No.13978356

So in short the left can't fucking meme to save It's life. Got it.

>> No.13978369
File: 46 KB, 526x387, 1548666347222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that they can't, it's that they have a fundamentally different understanding of the purpose of memes.
Their purpose, to them, is to attack and dismantle a position, not to elicit humor.

>> No.13978399

That may be, but this still just makes them incapable of actually memeing.

>> No.13978480

look at those consumerists rushing to buy electronics where that beautiful whale filters for krill. human encroachment on nature has to stop

>> No.13978482

is that stirner?

>> No.13978724
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>> No.13978734

yeah exactly the left cant meme

>> No.13978808

"The atom bomb is a paper tiger that the U.S. reactionaries use to scare people. It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't. Of course, the atom bomb is a weapon of mass slaughter, but the people decide the outcome of a war, not by one or two new types of weapon."

>> No.13978830

>said by someone just before being nuked

>> No.13978950
File: 21 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rene Guenon

>> No.13979114

just basic ecology. hitler was deeply influenced by naturalists & eugenicists.

>> No.13979121

'rightwing' memes also attack and dismantle positions, but are also funny because they are true. on a fundamental level, humor is truth. if something isn't funny, it isn't true.