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/lit/ - Literature

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13976833 No.13976833 [Reply] [Original]

What books shaped you and changed the way you think?

>> No.13976851
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>> No.13976878

unironically The Little Prince

>> No.13976879

tldr pls?

>> No.13976886
File: 23 KB, 300x452, AC9CF134-78B6-4F5B-84DF-7EB58ED68D5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvino owns my soul now, anon

>> No.13976893

”Fornication and pleasure,” says St. Jerome, ”pervert the understanding, and change men into beasts".

St. Jerome says, that there is nothing more vile or degrading than to allow oneself to be conquered by the flesh.

>> No.13976894

The dialogues of Socrates and logic like propositional logic and first order logic
for books on logic: any math or in my case CS book

>> No.13976896

is he good, where do i start with him

>> No.13976897

Critique of everyday life

>> No.13976898

Infinite Jest opened my eyes to literature and made me realize the beauty of art

>> No.13976900

Pornography, masturbation, and sexual excesses destroy the mind and body.

>> No.13976904
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally the reason I can't come on this website anymore
I'm trying to masturbate less but every fucking time an asshole like you posts a sexual image my peepee keeps getting bigger until I just can't hold it anymore

>> No.13976907

okay im thinking this guy is based, is the whole thing worth reading?

>> No.13976915

I feel ya but thotposting was always a thing on 4chan

>> No.13976930

>where do I start
Start with either The Complete Cosmicomics, Invisible Cities, or If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler. There’s really no going wrong with Calvino though, and you could start just about anywhere
>is he good
He’s my favorite author by a long shot, so I’d say yes. Absolutely brilliant, nearly everything he writes really hits on those relatable little moments of everyday that are so difficult to put into words while still staying fresh and intriguing. Sometimes I’ll only be able to get a couple paragraphs in before I’m made to stop reading and think about everything I just read.

>> No.13976955

Wholeheartedly. It's a collection of summaries of hundreds medical papers by prominent physicians who show the harm of sexual indulgence.

>> No.13976990

The Man Without Qualities
Book of Disquiet

>> No.13977291

Sure my answers won't be original since these books are posted here all the time, but they're posted a lot for a reason.

The Enchiridion- Epictetus
Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium- Seneca
Also sprach Zarathustra- Nietzsche
Der Einzige und sein Eigentum- Max Stirner
Kusamakura- Natsume Soseki
Breakdown of Nations-Leopold Kohr

Don't listen to anyone who tells you these books are a meme, they aren't.

>> No.13977300

Anna Karenina

>> No.13977301

disable images

>> No.13977315

Girls don't read because women are theoretical spirit-nullifying golems devised by ethereal freespace aliens to destroy humanity's potential for transcendence. Every sentient species in the Prime universe has a vitalist life-affirmation drive that points toward ascension as its entelechy, which means that, eventually, vital forces will surmount mere physicality and break through into higher realms, with unknown consequences for the eternal silence of those spheres, which are maintained by the steady, low-level thrumming of bounded and base intelligences. Creatures that feed and thrive on that silence want to maintain their habitus at all costs, so they send tendrils of noetical shit into our reality and subtly pollute the fourth aitia or telos of every species as soon as its inner light is visible from beyond. For humans, it is as natural to develop our Consciousness into Spirit as it is for other animals to follow their own instincts. The primary instinct of our umwelt is self-transcendence and self-perfection, so we fit into boundlessness as well as a dolphin fits into its own bounded quiddity of swimming and eating fish. The only way to stop this is to introduce detours and channels that disperse our potential. It's painful for the aliens to be in our reality, so they spend very long times devising the most economical investments of their ability to influence Prime space in order to achieve maximum results. They are more attuned to the pure Pythagorean substructural "morphe" than to graven "hyle," so their knowledge of how to follow variable "trees" of chaos is much greater than ours, who have the reverse tendency. In our case, they reached into the molecular structure of our genetic code, probably around the time we developed abstract thought, and rearranged the female genotype to make sure that any given woman's pure soul has an obstruction. They economically coopted existing structures and features, like fatty deposits, pleasure, and romantic love, and elegantly deformed them in just such a way as to cause a resonance cascade. On the individual level, instead of being born (as men) with pure souls, women are now born with a soul that has a big piece of meat stapled to it. Through an entropic transmission that is an insult to the inner purpose of all Prime life, women become Meat rather than Soul. They speak as Meat, live as Meat, think as Meat. Their animal instincts, subsumed into an enspirited Consciousness in the male human, become the locus of their transcendental apperception. On the social level, this creates an inescapable eddy which drags men into its centre of gravity. As animals, as Meat, women naturally tend toward communal instincts, and the atomised and rarefied individual men are dragged one by one into the orbit of Pussy. The spiritual system of humanity flattens out and deforms, its peaks and leaps become more and more uniform, it distends and denatures into waves and fluid dynamics rather than a sparking flame.

>> No.13977322 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13977327

You could surmount lust and be like this guy ( >>13977315 ) or be a worthless cumbrain like OP that just thinks OOOOH AHHHHH BOOOBIES---and all the rest of the time, the cumbrain leads a life of misery and disquietude when separated from his lust.

>> No.13977343

Post books you fucking idiots

>> No.13977348

Stop masturbating and posting lewd images designed to ruin the minds of the viewers, cumbrains. This thread was damned from the start and so too shall be the sorry state of your soul.

>> No.13977355
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I didn't post any lewd images. Learn to look at women without immediately jumping to lust you faggot

>> No.13977360

I can't stop. I keep renewing my subscription to flingster and masturbating to other women while calling them dirty sluts, because for some reason most of the women on their get off on men being mean to them.

I recognize that it's damaging my soul, but I have a hard time stopping.

>> No.13977361

>SO JUNG HAD THIS GREAT IDEA if every person ate their own shit -now here's the bloody thing about eating your own bloody shit IT'S CHAOS and that's bloody terrifying and that.. is the belly of the beast.. The consumption of one's own feces is representative of the cannibalistic chaos of post-modernism so then what do you do when you're face to face with this terrifying shit eating dragon? lobsters are well known autophagyists and we're like 90% lobster DNA so you know that really tells you something and that's the bloody thing about Sam Harris, that he has better hair than I do it.. it.. well depends first on what you mean by lobster it's like what solzhenitsyn always said “now Sam Harris is a jew, and they're cold blooded too just like lobsters” you see.. thats what Hitler got right, he wasn't crazy it also totaly depends on what you mean by crazy Not washing your penis? Now thats crazy. I have thought about this quandary for a long time, particularly in regards to Jung; for thirty years I've been ruminating on the best way to wash your penis and I haven't thought about anything else AND THE 20TH CENTURY TAUGHT US THAT LESSON PRETTY BLOODY WELL If you wanna conquer your shadow; really grind your heel into the bloody groin of the bitch. Clean your penis and respect the Chaos Lobster. It's in the book of Genesis. There's postmodernism to fight; and ya bloody better accept it. the jews are older than trees, man! like, god, it's so sad! It reminds me of Pinocchio *sniff* a-and how he just wanted t-*wheeze*to be a boy well that's just the bloody thing! So when we really get to explore these ideas we realize really... we arent the ones cleaning the penis... IT CLEANS US! AND THAT's the BLOODY THING, it's like, you don't KNOW anything for CERTAIN - DO YOU? Whaat do you think you are smarter than Socrates? It's like, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN SOCRATES AND YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING, you might not even know ANYTHING. But people act like they know things all the time, and that's totalitarianism. It's like, wash your penis, read the Bible, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN THE BIBLE, ok? So POSTCULTURAL NEOMODERNIST MARXISM IS KILLING US ALLL, we wuz lobstaz an shieeet CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM AND THATS THE BLOODY THING RIGHT? YOU MUST SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS FROM CHAOS LIKE PINNOCHIO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM THE DEEPS. GEPETTO IS IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST AND THAT IS NOT A PLACE YOU WANT TO BE. SO WHEN YOU FINALLY TRIUMPH AND SLAY THE DRAGON OF CHAOS THEN YOU ASK YOURSELF “WELL WHAT NOW” AND ITS LIKE RIGHT TAHTS A BLOODY GOOD QUESTION. BUT YOU MUST NOT GIVE IN TO THE POSTMODERNNEOMARXISTS and furthermore THAT'S THE THING ABOUT DOMINANCE HIERARCHIES, THEY'RE BLOODY ROUGH, BUT THEY'RE NECESSARY, AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CERTAIN PROCLIVITY TOWARDS DANGEROUSNESS WELL, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET WITH THAT BUCKO.

>> No.13977365

on there*

>> No.13977373


>> No.13977378
File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-carnal-lust-rules-where-there-is-no-love-of-god-saint-augustine-125-75-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May we all escape carnal desire, god bless you brother

>> No.13977386

How do I stop fapping? No porn I can do. But nofap on the other hand is just the Dark Souls of existence.

>> No.13977391

Based. As socrates said (not verbatim) that man who can tame sexual eros is a god.

>> No.13977393

There's nothing wrong with fapping
don't listen to these people who have autism problems and live in their mothers basements

>> No.13977404

This is good, but too emotionally charged. Just read BF Skinner and his books on behavior if you want to get the full grasp of things without coming across as a schizophrenic retard to the normies.

>> No.13977406

Have your heart utterly torn to shreds and you won't wanna jack off for weeks

>> No.13977411

From what I read fapping leads to brain malnutrition and cognitive degeneration among a hundred other things.

>> No.13977419
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Post a source faggot

>> No.13977424


>> No.13977429


>> No.13977433
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>> No.13977444


>> No.13977456

>video game analogies
Not gonna make it, cumbrain.

>> No.13977458

The midwit rebuttal.

>> No.13977466

That sounds like pure and utter horse shit

>> No.13977472

tremendously saddening brother. women have an incredible nature of multitasking, they act like pivot joints whereas men act like hinges

>> No.13977473
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>> No.13977513

pretty based though didn't understand why include alines

>> No.13977517

As Diogenes said (not verbatim) it would be great if one could satisfy hunger by rubbing the stomach as one satisfies sexual desire by rubbing the penis.

>> No.13977823
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Unironically, Zero to One.
It's colored my worldview in a way that I now notice the inefficiencies a lot of old systems (traffic lights, DMV), laws/policy (e.g. stop signs are overused in the US, and yield signs are underused), and medical industry (Optometrists do not use 99.9% of their education, and really just do the monkey work of asking us 'clearer, or more blurry?'. Replacing it with a certification would cut costs dramatically).

And in general it's inspired me to see a different future than the current society we live in.

>> No.13977956

Mine too anon.
You are a good guy

>> No.13977965

Persuasion and Rhetoric, the ultimate blackpill.
Take it and there's no going back.

I don't recommend it, too dark

>> No.13978157
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Hello anon, thanks for sharing that image, I find the girl in there attractive and beautiful, I share with you an image with a girl I found beautiful in gratitude.
To your question:
The Pleiadians Book by Barbara J. Marciniak
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Dhammapada "by" Siddhārtha Gautama
Nonetheless, I'm not saying I agree with everything these books say. I wish you the best, goodbye :)

>> No.13978183

this has been in my wishlist for a very long time, but how much knowledge of pre-socratics, plato and aristotle is necessary to grasp beforehand?

>> No.13978223

Brief History of Time
The Game

>> No.13978235

>“i-is— is that a... a female girl???”

>> No.13978288
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reading marx made me change my view of history and society from an ideal one to a material one but i still disagree with many of his predictions and other ideas.
he can be summarized with this picture. his methods and analysis are like the legs of the horse. deep, scientific and intelligent but his outcome is like the head of the horse. simple, naive and shortsighted.
he tells us that the material condition is the driving force of society then he tells us that the proles will revolt (even though revolt will decrease their living standards for a while) because some dude told them to.
and guess what happened, capital (with the help of liberal democracy) negated class conflict by slightly increasing the worker's subsistence (which the worker uses to buy more consumer goods further increasing the size of the market)

>> No.13978381

Unironically? The Brothers Karamazov. It put me on the path to a more positive and hopeful form of existentialism, instead of the miserable nihilism I used to indulge.

>> No.13978413

It's not only that.
If I have to be honest it's not really about Plato, Socrates and Aristotle . It's supposed to be a dissertation on their philosophy but it does not comply.
It covers everything from The Ecclesiastes to Ibsen going through Homer, the Presocratics, Sophocles, Plato , Aristotle, Petrarch, Leopardi, Tolstoj with hints to Nietzsche, Schopenhauer l, Beethoven and more...
He wrote that nothing of what he wrote is new, in fact it's as old as Homer or Solomon and he is right. He slaps men back to reason and does it for good.
You don't need to know much if you want to start reading him but if you want to be more prepared, maybe just read the Ecclesiastes, The Gospels, some dialogues like the Georgias and a bit of the Presocratics, Aristotle and possibly the Iliad and Odyssey.
That's it.

Good luck

>> No.13978417

Crime and Punishment

>> No.13978419

Freud's books.

>> No.13978420

1984 (unironically)
The Idiot

>> No.13978850

>Anna Karenina
"Post books you fucking idiots"
fucking kek

>> No.13979033

Why You Shouldn't Save And Repost Images of Girls On A Literature Board You Fucking Cuck by Kill Yourself

>> No.13979062

What if I just eat tons of stuff that replenishes the shit I lose when I ejaculate and don't masturbate all the time except when not doing it would cause me to spunk my sheets?

>> No.13979122

Good taste

>> No.13979127

Harry Potter made me appreciate adult fan fiction

>> No.13979152
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>> No.13979192

>This explains the origin of cretins and Mongolian idiots, when born of parents with normal heredity.

>> No.13979198

What books will stop me from clicking on pictures of women and fix my coombrain?

>> No.13979206

The one in the first post.

>> No.13979227

Mircea Eliade's Sacred and Profane.

>> No.13979299

holy based

>> No.13979307

Diogenes was meme tier. Science proves hunger and sexual urges are driven by habit so the more they are fed the stronger they grow.

>> No.13979450

It's just the language of the era. Mongolian idiots means down syndrome, and cretins should mean narcissist maybe.

>> No.13979497
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The Rings of Saturn by Sebald

Every time I am introduced to something new, or I go somewhere for the first time, I always as the first thing imagine how it eventually will rot and decay and fade from all living memory.

>> No.13979664

>where there is no love of god

So...inside Augustine?

>> No.13979970

is it just to atract attention to the thread?

>> No.13980314

thank you very much anon

>> No.13980343

anywhere I could find a pdf/epub/mobi friend

>> No.13980438

what the fuck was i supposed to get out of this. i read it but it just seemed like his creativity is his best attribute, not what he has to say about society or whatever, that shit seems basic in this.

>> No.13980629

No problem, be sure you're in a good place when you read it

>> No.13980658

No such book was able to change that in me.

>> No.13980969

try intermittent fasting if youre overweight at all. ive lost all sexual desire since i started only eating 1 meal a day.

>> No.13981235
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Break out of that black iron cage

>> No.13981247

Thats not healthy anon. I did OMAD for months and would wake up in the middle of the night from raging boners. You’re likely not eating enough protein and fats.
Sex drive has nothing to do with how tempted you are to sin, the soul overrules the body, after all. If anyone’s tempted to sin, the answer isn’t to ruin your health, it’s to spend time dwelling over why you’re tempted to sin

>> No.13981345

I was going to pick up the Illuminatus trilogy soon but should I really start with Prometheus Rising?

>> No.13981385


>> No.13981499

Oh! what a beautiful Goddess, so pale and soft! but who, pray, is she?

And this fair maiden, 'twouldn't be inopportune to ken her appellation, too...

>> No.13981516

Nope, trilogy better; his writting there reminds me like a soft versión of Pynchon

>> No.13981528
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Mcluhan always gets a bonus for being an incredibly well read essayist, which means that you learn from him an impressive reading list and a rough guide to the creative reading of important texts

>> No.13981550

literally have sex

>> No.13981559

pick up Illuminatus Trilogy anon. I'm reading it rn and it's a lot of fun

>> No.13981560

Seems like Jerome is coping hard.

>> No.13982297
File: 413 KB, 1229x1096, littleenginethatcould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

tears me up a little just thinking about it

>> No.13982362

Thanks anons :^)

>> No.13982467

I'm not so pessimistic about things, but I am always aware that whatever I'm doing will become a memory I'll look back upon one day, and I should try and appreciate each future memory as it happens. Rings of Saturn is also one of my favorite books, though I've felt this way for as long as I can remember, way before I first read it.

>> No.13982540

Beginning the ones I think made hugest influences:
Moby Dick, Divina Commedia, Paradise Lost, Tocqueville's Democracy in America and the Federalist Papers. I guess Plato works and the Bible should be mentioned with frequency I am back to them. Chesterton and Feyerabend should also be mentioned but no book in particular from them.

>> No.13982694
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Why does OP do it?

>> No.13982774

You make this same exact thread only without a big tittied thicc and juicy asian whore dressed in provocative and revealing attire with one arm raised above her head revealing the supple flesh of her armpit while eyeing you in a way that is seductively inviting whilst also affirming her superiority over yourself. It'll get under 10 replies.

>> No.13982784

Literally who cares. Go pay your NoFap™ subscription

>> No.13982804

I'll be honest anon theirs a lot of erotic stuff in literature. Kinda feeling weird like op's image is kinda tame wtf is wrong with us

>> No.13982809

cum on the brain

>> No.13982811

Kino man. Grats.

>> No.13982882

Me too. Book that changed my life was Night at the Galactic Railroad by Miyazawa Kenji. Not sure if it's super well known but one of the most beautiful stories I've read. Went through a horrible breakup with a girl while reading it too.

>> No.13982888
File: 60 KB, 648x978, 5c73c0a2cb8ce58837923bee002897c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's because it's 4chan
angsty prudish zoomers fuck off

>> No.13982943

Book name?

>> No.13982953

if you love 4chan so much go back to 4chan, coomer

>> No.13982973

if you guys stopped taking yourselves so seriously you'd be able to look at pictures of girls without losing it

>> No.13982975

this is 4chan, my whiny friend. just because it says 4channel in the address bar doesn't mean you've escaped.
nobody "loves 4chan". it's just something we do anyway.

>> No.13982985

Jerome was a Chad like Augustine in his younger days. Had access to and slept with many of women.

>> No.13983439
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*blocks your path*

>> No.13983568

Calm down Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13983585
File: 6 KB, 250x232, 4F9A7EEF-E1C3-407E-B4D9-05DA6F20BAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this lady is a year younger than me
Fuck that hurts for some reason. Makes me feel like a geezer.

>> No.13983607
File: 96 KB, 443x455, 1539581077946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated high school when that girl was nine years old.

>> No.13983623 [DELETED] 

asian lady puss puss oh wow oh jeez its so hairy do i really wanna do this well i guess ive got this far what no i dont have big penisu endquote its just normal what u mean why do u sound like youre crying when i make love to your hairy asiatic puss puss can you stop it now

>> No.13983868

read the very first part of P&R, and it was pretty good; i don't think i'll be conflicted nor shocked with the relatively ''radical'' content since I've been inclined to read and meditate more upon nondualism (don't know if you're familiar with nondual metaphysics, but for what i have read so far michelstaedter could be seen as a kind of pessimistic nondualist)

>> No.13984199

Disgusting. She will rot in hell for eternity. Roastie whore.

>> No.13984201

Doubt she believes in memes

>> No.13984207

Society of the spectacle and simulacra and simulation

>> No.13984240

I have to say I'm not.
I'll look into it later

>> No.13985261

this changed the shape of my dick haha

>> No.13985268

Who is she

>> No.13985346

>censored nip porn
If there were anything that made me doubt the artistic merit of porn has, it would be mosaic censoring. There's nothing wrong with keeping the tease in strip tease and I get that art can sometimes flourish even more strongly through restrictions and all that, but mosaic censorship? I've never seen it as a contribution. Like, wanting to see it with the panties on? Fine. But if I've got a mosaic'd video next to the regular one, I'm never going to say "aw right on, a censored version!" Maybe it's praiseworthy in the degree to which it spites authority, but if I had to communicate through a censor like that, I'd eventually give up.

I would call you a cumbrain but that implies you're at least smart enough to use reverse google image search

>> No.13985362

Virginia Woolf

>> No.13985776

sounds exactly like what a kiddy diddler would say

>> No.13985785


>> No.13985904

fuckk, 50 pages and like $15 any where I look...

>> No.13985991

it's because the op is a cumbrain with an abundance of sexual imagery in his hard drive. when forced to choose a picture for the his thread, he is met with terabytes of pornography and nothing else.

>> No.13986105

I assume this is it:
+I would recommend Van Vliet The Coiled Serpent

>> No.13986133

There’s a lot of different things for you to get out of it anon. That’s why it has the sections with kublai and marco polo. If you have the time I think you should read Calvino’s “On Invisible Cities” where he goes more in depth about how he wrote them and why.

>> No.13986429
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>> No.13986442

Hapa or just some white Japanophile

>> No.13986503

Most straight men enjoy looking at these pictures

>> No.13986538


>> No.13987027

This one of those whiteys that become a simulacrum thanks to koreans' surgery?

>> No.13987088

Crime and Punishment
No Longer Human
The Trial
Tractatus Logico~Philosophicus
The Nibelungenlied
Wagner's libretto of the Circle of the Nibelungs
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Shostakovich's Testimony

>> No.13987209

The Discovery of France

>> No.13987236
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>> No.13987285

The irony. Plato said sodomites were abominations because they were impelled by their slavery to pleasure. The inability to control your passions, much less for the brainlet hedonistic "enjoyment" of a base pleasure, is the mark of a dog or a pig, not a man, and thus is more similar in nature to uranism (ID EST, homosexuality), than a man who, though he too would derive sensual pleasure if allowed, who would deny these sensual images for the illusions for what they are. Not just illusions but harmful distractions. It's further ironic. The people who thinks masculinity and condition of heterosexuality demand entertaining lewdness and unchastness are often the most homosexual because they become like brutes; slaves to every sexual distraction. They masturbate or have sex without any thought.

>> No.13987322

based and rippetoe pilled

>> No.13987966

seconding this

>> No.13988000

Fuck! a shitty copypasta!

>> No.13988005

Based but i prefer tge baron on the trees

>> No.13988010

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.13988015

Petit Prince and Brothers Karamazov.
Pretty sure I would be dead by now without them.

>> No.13988519

Letters from a Stoic, unironically

>> No.13988628

oh no no no

>> No.13988652

where the fuck is the guy that posts god and the state in every thread

>> No.13988726
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>”Fornication and pleasure,” says St. Jerome, ”pervert the understanding, and change men into beasts".

>> No.13988741

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.13988749

War and Peace, Brothers Karamazov, and White Nights are the big ones.