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/lit/ - Literature

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13976828 No.13976828 [Reply] [Original]

Books for staying pure? I never look at porn or even nudity in art and I never masturbate but I have a problem with women and I'm college right now.

>> No.13976844

- Confessions by St. Augustine.
- Marcus Aurelius, meditations (namely the part about overvaluing what is just friction of gut)
- Inferno, Dante (specifically the second circle of hell)
- Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence
- Plato's Laws
- Aristotle and Aquinas on inordinate passion.
- Epictetus and especially the master that trained him
- St. Jerome's collected works ( Ah, "nihil vilius quam vinci a carne!")
- Various sermons of St. Bellarmine and St. Alphonsus (e.g. On Impurity)
- Kant's second and third critiques

>”I made a covenant with my eyes, that I would not so much as think upon a virgin” Job (xxxi. 1).

>> No.13976856
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>> No.13976863

I'm a Muslim so I fully agree with the philosophy behind it, more looking for self help. Some points of these look great though, ty

>> No.13976890

Patrician digits

>> No.13976940

And I'm an atheist. The origin of the advice matters not. As St. Paul said, "I am a debtor both to Greeks and Barbarians". Also, pro-tip, do not want "self help" books; they are without exception pop-trash for people to feel good about themselves. They may even be a cause for failure by giving you a false assurance of recovery from vices. For instance, the bastardization of neuroplasticity which will make you think that actions and habits are reversible and do not cause any damage. This false assurance will cause you to stray, and if heeded, you will find out the hardway that neuroplasticity is very limited, applies mostly to habit/setting (especially after 25 years of age) and you cannot undo the damage done. As Aquinas said, after a fault has been remitted, the dispositions produced by the preceding acts remain.

>> No.13976945

>I'm a Muslim
who cares about if you masturbate then? ur going to hell anyways

>> No.13976949
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>For instance, the bastardization of neuroplasticity which will make you think that actions and habits are reversible and do not cause any damage. This false assurance will cause you to stray, and if heeded, you will find out the hardway that neuroplasticity is very limited, applies mostly to habit/setting (especially after 25 years of age) and you cannot undo the damage done. As Aquinas said, after a fault has been remitted, the dispositions produced by the preceding acts remain.

>> No.13976977

Thanks, man, good info and points

You think I am unforgivable?

>> No.13976980

idk honestly, im just teasing you lol

>> No.13977018
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Staying pure ? I'd recommend to take care of your mental health and to be careful in not being extremely rigid and fanatic. Have a good weekend :)

>> No.13977059

I'm not rigid or fanatic

>> No.13978028

Chastity is the most crucial virtue in attaining a clear and deep mind.

>> No.13978031

Mein Kampf

>> No.13978138

Chastity fanatism is one of the most retarded things in the world. You don't have to fuck sluts in bars and watch porn every day. In fact porn can be really harmful to relationships. But refusing to even masturbate at all is retarded. Do you know about the increased prostate cancer probability from not cumming enough?

Chastity for chastity's sake is simply retarded fanatism.

>> No.13978147

Masturbating is a sin in my religion and anyway it's not something I have an urge to do. Besides like Zizek says who wants to have sex because it's healthy?

>> No.13978153

>I'm a Muslim
Then you shouldn't be here.

>> No.13978158

refusing to masturbate gets me high
i feel bad after masturbating
i feel good after refusing to
every day i don't jack off makes me feel more powerful
if i get prostate cancer i will just an hero

>> No.13978159

Regarding your opinion: it is terrible, as is your writing. Your reasoning just as deficient. You even failed to spell "fanaticism" correctly. Not that you were even aware of the correct syntax for the word

>> No.13978172

This is a sfw board. I don't use nsfw boards

>> No.13978178

Your religion, as all religions, is fucking retarded and something born to control the masses and give them general rules. You have to tell people to abstain because at least that will stop them a bit or everyone will just fuck like animals cause they don't give a shit because the average person is dumb. Anyone smart enough can just practice moderation without having to be fearful of "sins". You don't have to fuck random sluts as I said, but finding a nice girl you like and fancy and doing something together, even if you don't plan to stay together forever and only have sex for kids, will be incredibly beneficial for you.

>> No.13978186

>Your religion, as all religions, is fucking retarded and something born to control the masses and give them general rules
That would be hedonism and political correctness

>> No.13978193

Well this is a white literature board, and you presumably aren't white.

>> No.13978197

It is? Seems predominantly American

>> No.13978204

what does dating girls have to do with masturbating

>> No.13978208

Dating isn't allowed for Muslims

>> No.13978209

They're both sins in religion because the only possible thing to do is having sex after marriage with the specific aim of having kids. So if he wants to abstain because it's a sin he can't masturbate or have sex with anyone but his wife and then only when genuinely trying to have a kid.

>> No.13978211

>prostate cancer meme

>> No.13978217

how tf are you supposed to find a wife without dating someone, arranged marriage isn't a thing in the west

>> No.13978224

"Doing something" doesn't refer to just holding her hand bro. And even if it did, that's already bad by religion standard because you shouldn't be dating someone if you don't plan to make her your wife and have kids with her, as I said in the post.

>> No.13978225

You have to go through her dad in order to get married. If you know him, you ask for his number from her and then ask him to arrange a meeting with your family. If you want to be very proper you call your dad and ask him to call. You can court but you can't touch, be alone together or look each other in the eyes


>> No.13978228

It's disgusting that there are arabs like you in the west now.

>> No.13978233

sounds awful, sorry to hear that

>> No.13978236

>or look each other in the eyes
...what. How do you talk without looking in each other's eyes

>> No.13978242

I'm not an Arab and neither are most Muslims. Most Muslims are African or Pashtu or Pakistani or Indonesian or Malaysian etc

Grow up

>> No.13978245

And none of the above, including yourself, belong in our countries.

>> No.13978248
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You look down while talking. You don't have to turn your whole head while talking, just avert your eyes

>> No.13978253

Y tho? You think your ancestors would like you anymore than Muslims?

>> No.13978265

Yeah, shitskin, they would. You are a subhuman who doesn't belong and is going to be sent back to the shithole you came from. Now stop posting on our site.

>> No.13978272

All well and good in a world where people can easily moderate their sexual activities, but almost all of history shows that never actually works.

>> No.13978274

Have children

>> No.13978279

I will, now leave this site.

>> No.13978281

Lol why do you consider a site created for fans of Japanese animation to be some powerful white cultural achievement?

>> No.13978286

You are on a literature board, mudblood.

>> No.13978290

Can't even tell if you are being ironic by using a phrase from Harry Potter

>> No.13978292

>I'm a Muslim
then blow yourself up

>> No.13978295

My fiqh doesn't permit that afaik

>> No.13978298

I don't read Harry Potter, shitskin. Make your exit now.

>> No.13978310

Melanin is that big of an issue, is it?

>> No.13978315

Race and culture, mud, and you don't belong to either so you have no business here. Leave.

>> No.13978322

Culture? You don't have any culture except pop culture

>> No.13978325

It's just an imageboard you dickhead

>> No.13978330

>not looking at nudity
You suffer from repressed sexual feelings you autist. Platonic beauty cannot be wholly separated from sexuality, appreciate beauty and encourage your sexual urges, to greater heights. Honestly though sex is okay occasionally.

>> No.13978339

Look at the catalog on your way out, shitskin.

This is a board where white people talk about literature and our literary history, not a board where muslim shitskins to ask about how to stay "pure."

>> No.13978342

It's haram regardless whether it is photo or painting

>> No.13978351

>Look at the catalog
Lol an image board is not culture. Neither is reading. Culture is an interpersonal phenomenon

>> No.13978360

Not surprised a nonwhite like you is retarded. The books being discussed in the catalog represent a culture you don't belong to. You need to leave.

>> No.13978363

The Iliad is a lot closer to my culture than yours tho

>> No.13978365

Removing differing opinions will kill discussion on the board. Learn to deal with other people without trying to get rid of them.

>> No.13978373

Negative, mud.

Not opinions, people.

>> No.13978377

You'r a retard for both your appreciation of Islam as well as your forbidding of nudity. Unironically kys

>> No.13978416

I really like you. Don't listen to him.

>> No.13978422

Thank you,my friend

>> No.13978783

Excess masturbation is associated with MORE prostate cancer in one's 20s and 30s. NOT LESS.

>> No.13978910

Daily reminder that abrahamic religions are retarded and there is nothing wrong with masturbating.

>> No.13979217

No religious leaders were “pure” in the sense you’re talking about, they were pure because they were able to confront all of the worst aspects of humanity and love people for it. Escape isn’t the answer for us spiritual seekers, the only way we can be truly spiritual is to plunge ourselves into the darkest aspects of humanity. Purity is an acquired condition of strength, not an abstaining condition

>> No.13979222

Funny how >>13976844 and>>13976940 make you look like a brainlet. Masturbation is a terrible habit even if you are the most atheistic and amoral person to ever live. It controls you and makes you a slave to sensual impulses.

>> No.13979236

The church fathers opposed mixing and fraternalizing between the sexes outside of marriage

>> No.13979238

>Daily reminder that abrahamic religions are retarded
>and there is nothing wrong with masturbating.
Brainlet and even more retarded. Enjoy being a slave the rest of your life.

>> No.13979512

says the guy who needs to study philosophy and theology for 10 years to not touch his peepee and see this as a worthwhile time management

>> No.13979552

Sexual activity has consequences. It isn't just touching the organ. Its arousal and excitation shuts off parts of the brain. Its repeated use instills habit which few ever break. You're a midwit. Your own writing shows it.

>> No.13979605

Analysing my writing is useless because english is my third language. You are speaking like if everyone is addicted sexual deviant with mental illness. There are people who masturbate for few minutes and then no longer care about it you know. The nofap trend is getting too big. I can already see all those young asocial men getting sexualy excited because they are horny 24/7 just because of nofap. Your no touching will result in having sexual dreams that will release the goo anyway. Unless you are addicted to porn your brain activity is going to be the same because your body will deal with it when you are not conscious of your repressions and self control.

>> No.13979611

I'm less horny when I abstain.

>> No.13979617

>a few minutes
Then the prolactin spike hits.
Then the rebound hits afterwards and you're horny again.
It's a never ending cycle that just makes you more enslaved and more hopelessly addicted.

>> No.13979640

Masturbation is the exact same thing with sex physiologically you goddamn imbecile

>> No.13979646

Where did I say that? I think it’s wrong to fap, but if one has the drive to want to fap in the first place, they need to spend time considering where that comes from in order to defeat it, as opposed to escaping into some other worldview. The best thing one can do is to form genuine connections with other people in order to recognize who they truly are and embrace the pain of being hurt by others while recognizing all of one’s flaws and evil. Not once did I say to actually act out this evil, but to know it’s a part of oneself that can only be conquered through self-understanding, accomplished by understanding and loving other people. Fapping here is a metaphor for any other sin

>> No.13979661

Citation needed. Sex involves a release of all sorts of other hormones like oxytocin

>> No.13979704

What citation do you want dumbass what difference do you think it makes shoving your dick in a vagina or between your fingers

>> No.13979720

Ok nerd

>> No.13979732

I never made a distinction, imbecile. The loss of semen in either case is harmful. Sexual habit robs you of control over life.

>> No.13979782

of all the threads mods could delete, this one is the threadiest

>> No.13979812

Are you saying we should all convert to volcelism?

>> No.13979891
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>the hebraic seething ITT

>> No.13979904 [DELETED] 
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I'd like to spread some cheeks and get that nice new book smell

>> No.13979941


>> No.13981293
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