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13976152 No.13976152 [Reply] [Original]

>there is a certain technocratic caste in america, typically from a middle class background, who has been able to take advantage of the american university system's social-climbing mechanics and start at management consulting firms/ibanks right out of college. they are type As, who, given the propriety involved in getting employment with such high starting salaries, are tracked to such an extent that they haven't had time in years to do anything besides meet the demands of school/work/networking/self-assigned aziz-ansari tv seasons.

>after graduation, they chain-migrate to the same sections of the same "desirable" cities of DC, SF, NYC, Boston, etc. that their boomer parents/media told them were hip. they have relatively large expendable incomes, and their jobs are fluid—moving between other desirable cities every couple years, they cross-pollinate and standardize their ecosystems, forming a sort of country within a country, made up of the former-arts-district habitats and acela migration routes these future leaders use to play city.

>as other areas of the cities they live in, and other, non-desirable cities, seek to attract them (or even be perceived by them), they transform themselves into the simulated williamsburg/wework host that this civilizationally tumorous biomass feeds on. marketed and advertised to as the most sought after demographic, veins of commerce spread the cancer, first to main street america and from there to the rest of the world.

>> No.13976173

i feel like he's pretty explicit with what he means here, anon. are you sure you are capable of reading? he's also right

>> No.13976183

But is he a leftist or rightist?

>> No.13976211

he thinks far-left economic systems are the most ideal from both an efficiency and justice standpoint but that they would realistically only function well in patches of self-selecting people who choose to adopt the same way of life and pool their resources. his preferred form of patch would be catholic monarchist estates where extremely wealthy patrons would allow blockchain code to monitor people's moral and social transgressions and keep everyone in check in exchange for the patronage of the mega-wealthy donor at the top. basically a libertarian communist (as in, what chomsky is, if you really think this is a contradiction of terms just fucking google it i'm already spoonfeeding you jmurphy) who doesn't have faith in humans to keep such a society functioning and running smoothly on their own without a lot of the police and monitoring power outsourced to machines.

he's an edgelord's edgelord, and he's kind of stupidly techno-optimist at times, but his ideas are interesting because he's a trained political scientist who has real, deep interest not just in economics but also in human affect and spirituality/religiosity. most poly sci people try to silo a rawlsian voter from some rational economic actor and then counterbalance these to base and irrational impulses like religion. murphy is just a very public version of a growing intellectual contingent that think that this siloing is fucking retarded and has failed for centuries to accurately predict human behavior or create justice or efficiency in the world.

>> No.13976220

Based but who is he and why is he afraid to show his neck?

>> No.13976224

>blockchain code to monitor...
Sounds like china

>> No.13976234

he was living in england so he was cold. he lives in new mexico and does ketamine on twitter live feeds and wears loose t shirts to cope with the desert clime. he's popular because he has a pretty edgy video podcast and a twitter that he has used since getting cancelled and fired from his university job to make increasingly provocative posts, mostly about liberal hypocrisy on pedophilia scandals (his basic point there being that the empowerment of women and children as political actors exposes them to entering into transactions that are ultimately harmful to them and that a healthy dose of paternalism and traditionalism is necessary to subdue the libido that everyone in MeToo is afraid of. basically libs can't have their cake and eat it and he falls firmly on the side of protecting women and children from exploitation even if it appears like repression)

>> No.13976236

Is he trying to be a gentrified version of moldbug?

>> No.13976239

he is semi-chummy with nick land, though he thinks that nick land's take on HBD is too simple and self-serving (if not just a total edgy front to keep himself relevant), so it makes sense that he would look to china as a positive model here. the difference for murphy, i would presume, is that china is a centralized, expansionist state that uses this kind of monitoring on non-consenting populations for the benefit of the Han majority and the ruling cabal.

>> No.13976241

Why did he get cancelled in the first place

>> No.13976244

>libertarian communist
How's that different from benevolent slave owner? On one hand I applaud voluntarism because it truly is the only natural form of socialism, on another I despise it, because its proponents vastly underplay how such systems of patronage actually work in practice (think less in terms of "charity", and more in terms of "cult", "family", "clan" and such).

>> No.13976245

he's correct. I'm one of these people.
It's interesting how he honestly acknowledges that we're simply "type A" people who are willing to work our asses off for success in the first paragraph, but then by the third paragraph he's reverting to the same old cancer metaphors that fritz hippler first made. Sartre was right though, the more of a failure someone is, the more they see this as some grand conspiracy rather than capitalism working the way it's supposed to.

whatev. he'll never get his blue check mark. boo hoo ;3

>> No.13976249

he's a former academic who engages with the accelerationist crowd, so i would be surprised if he doesn't take a lot of inspiration from moldbug.

>> No.13976256

he said shit about taking drugs and shoplifting, but really his university did not like his podcast where he talked with right-wingers

>> No.13976258

He is just bitter because he got fired from his tenured professorship for using the word 'Retard' and refusing to apologize. Now he is stuck living with his parents again even though he is in his mid-30s and is trying to become an internet huckster off the back of his 15 seconds of fame at being 'cancelled' by SJWs as quick as possible.

All this said, none of that would bother me if he wasn't such an insufferable idiot with shit takes.

>> No.13976261

Is it really that hard to figure out what I meant, retard?

>> No.13976262

If you were really justin murphy youd know you never wrote or said that

>> No.13976265


Yes but only up to the extent where both believe in expropriating control of society away from the masses which constitute it. Both similarly make claims to smaller patches of populace living according to more localized rule. However he is much more on the techno-supremacy side, to the point he pretty much would be OK with Land's technology-into-extinction stuff, as long as the ride up to that point is orderly and pleasant.

>> No.13976271

his students found his twitter and forwarded a bunch of his edgelord stuff to the administration after he made a comment in class comparing abortion to necrophilia (basically saying that the discussion of abortion being so central to contemporary discourse in america belies a strange fascination with the dead matched only by people who literally want to fuck corpses)
his argument is that in a world where alienation works the way marx says on EVERYONE, the rich are so alienated that they have a genuine desire to be respected and admired and so a patronage system would work if they were semi-deified. in past monarchist systems, there was always a much more complicated dynamic in place than what played out in public, but there was always the root exploitation of the system due to material imbalances. in murphy's patchwork idea, post-scarcity economics would make this particular glitch of monarchism ripe for reassessment. but he's still a political scientist; he doesn't necessarily prescribe this as a 100% failsafe forever solution. he just sees it as an improvement on what we have now that is realistic. i prefer him to reading endless theoretical bickering between anarchists who always fail to actualize their projects and marxists who always fail to preserve human dignity.

>> No.13976282

Cool but the bl0ke's name has still not been uttered.

>> No.13976288

he's living in new mexico with geoffrey miller and making money selling ebooks about deleuze and patreon subscriptions. you only hate his takes because you're leftypol and don't have a reasonable response to someone who steps outside of leftwing dogma. go back to r/chapo

>> No.13976291

so he's just NRx lite?

>> No.13976292

1. yes it has
2. you can figure out how to jerk yourself off by using a trip on 4chan. i'm sure you can figure out reverse image searching

>> No.13976297

Who is geoffrey miller?
I thiught he was married

>> No.13976299

>but his ideas are interesting because he's a trained political scientist who has real, deep interest not just in economics but also in human affect and spirituality/religiosity
fuck off murphy, you're a hack

>> No.13976301

for a time while he was still teaching, he was calling himself part of the small beleaguered left wing of acc that still like nick land's old stuff and use it and mark fisher as a jumping off point. idk if i would call him NRx lite so much as alt-NRx, but he's definitely not as well-read on the occult and medieval philosophical traditions that make NRx so interesting. i don't think he's even read Evola very much. he's chosen to stuck to the fin de siecle french catholic stuff like Peguy to be his niche spiritual animator. that said, his podcast is all about getting people who do know what they're talking about to expose him to the ideas. he is himself a bit of a hack (he's a trained political scientist who just left academia this year, so he's years behind on reading actually interesting material) but he's a provocative one who doesn't embarrassingly recite racial iq test """research""" as his primary engagement with the world. and his podcast will connect you to some pretty funky people.

>> No.13976303

That is the gayest strawman ever. I found him because I'm interested in ACC shit and he has some of the only interviews ever done with certain twittersphere NRx people. The only problem here is that he is the worst interviewer ever, he just don't fucking get it most of the time, and his takes are always lame watered down trash. He often doesn't understand the people he is interviewing enough to ask them questions properly. He is just all around a fucking retard.

>> No.13976307

why did the previous thread with this quote 404? that was a good thread

>> No.13976317

sorry for being combative with you. i agree with most of this. i think he's a fun provocateur with occasional interesting questions 'cause he is such a wacky, goofy, retard, but yeah i appreciate who he connects me to more than his own work. based deleuze is at least sort of funny to see exist since i've been saying for ages that deleuze is a secular catholic, but i don't think that's as galaxy brained of a take as he seems to think it is. he's admitted to not reading much of the literature on deleuze or even his work itself, and i can't imagine a trained philosopher hasn't pointed out the catholicism in what deleuze does.

>> No.13976320

Oh my lawd. I think he fell for the memes too deeply. In any case i hope he learns to kind of distance his personal life from the memes. We do not want another Terry type situation.

>> No.13976325

his personal life is that he has a hot wife and gets to profit from being a public retard much more effectively than land was able to. i'm kind of jealous he found this grift before i did. i was too busy starting and leaving grad school to do what he did.

>> No.13976328

J Murph uses the r word, but I've never seen him be rude.

>> No.13976332

I conscientiously object to reverse image searching.

>> No.13976337

and i conscientiously object to spoonfeeding retards, especially tripfag retards. so i guess you're gonna have to actually read the thread

>> No.13976340

>if they were semi-deified
That's how I understand it too. There's a catch though when you actually see it play out in practice: Patrons are often too picky. What they form is carefully chosen entourage, it's not free for all. Sometimes their pick is just "have some measurable merit i like", other times it's "be a boot licker". In any event, the pigeon hole is fairly narrow. Just like in convent or a cult you must conform to a very narrow worldview of the plantation your sponsor has in mind, or you're out. That's why it's benevolent slavery - you exchange your idea what the club should be like for food. Still, the slave master doesn't technically hold you prisoner on his plantation - just like benevolent slavers of yore let the slave go if he asked em to. In that sense, it's a legit business transaction. But don't ever mistake it for genuine charity, as that is the opposite of having narrow pre-conditions to qualify.

>marxists who always fail to preserve human dignity.
You bend your will to that of patron as a result of economic inequality. It's difficult to ascertain what constitutes dignity. Personally I posit it takes dignity to walk out or protest by force, rather than submit to inequal relationship. In that sense, marx's argument is essentialy correct: Losers can just enjoy power in numbers and cut throats of the top. You keep more dignity in that, as opposed to slaving away.

>> No.13976342

These posts are kind of eerie.

>> No.13976348

>they see this as some grand conspiracy rather than capitalism working the way it's supposed to.

capitalism is supposed to turn even its most successful participants into slaves?

>> No.13976349

This is the antisocial attitude I am objecting to.

>> No.13976364

>patrons are often too picky
the retort to this line of logic (a line of logic i share with you personally, to be clear) is that the patron and the citizens would entire a binding contract mediated by machines who would not be subject to the same whimsy and vacillation. i think in his specific outline, this contract would be mutually entered into and agreed upon and the relationship of the citizens to the maintenance of the patron's capital would be made explicit so that all the ideal scenarios around social contacts would actually play out. i think he has brain poisoning from his political science education, but it's an interesting thought experiment to wonder whether AI could be made smart enough to regulate the inefficiencies of human interactions out of the way so that philosopher kings could have another stab at it. and again, with murphy having catholicism as an animating force in these benevolent contracts, he has the very interesting backdrop of a millennia-old ethical system propping everything up instead of the arbitrary decisions of a fresh, secular commune that we can see repeatedly over the past several centuries of liberalism will not work out for the reasons you describe.

>it's difficult to ascertain what constitutes dignity
you're no longer alienated from your labor and you have a real sense of a metaphysical out-there to aspire to. surely, this is better than godless communism where a random bureaucrat can send you to siberia. i'm more sympathetic to the soviet union and mao's china than many, but it's hard to deny that the supposed humanism in marxism is a complete joke in most state-level attempts to practice it.

>> No.13976373

geoffrey miller is another edgy academic who has a hot wife that he's poly with. justin is monogamous, but i think he's living with them 'cause his wife is still an academic in another state (country?). she might live with them, too. it's sort of unclear, 'cause for probably good reason as justin gets more and more extreme and weird online fans, he doesn't necessarily want his personal life to be fully transparent. i wouldn't blame his wife for wanting the utmost discretion

>> No.13976386

go to bed, justin.

>> No.13976394

His wife is also pregnant right now, and she is the only one of them with a real job atm.

>> No.13976397
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>> No.13976398

justin "trad" murphy exposed as not being a good caretaker

>> No.13976412

Capitalism working the way it's intended is the grand conspiracy; the chaining of the the type A will to the continued stability of the system.

There's no dignity in it as far as I see.

>> No.13976433

>machine philosopher king as opposed to short sighted patronage
Intriguing. One should ask, what optimum should the machine seek: Crowd potential in the long term? Don't forget you still compete on the open market. Your system still needs to be most efficient to stay afloat.

>will not work out for the reasons you describe.
There's one peculiar exception: Natural leadership. People *will* "enter plantations" of natural leaders, the "chad" of the pack if you will. Curiously, they'll retain their dignity in doing so: They truly do this of their free will, never were coerced by circumstances, they retain who they are. Some problems arise from this:

* Natural leadership only weakly, if ever, correlates with economic power, because natural leaders value loyalty, not material capital. It much better correlates with violence as your human resources make for some fine soldiers in your rape gang. Gang warfare, feudalism, warlords is often deeply tied to natural leadership, not money. Yet economic power is all the rage now, and probably will remain so for foreseeable future, rendering natural leadership utterly irrelevant, even if that is what human instincts desire.
* It's hard to imagine people would accept a machine as a natural leader, though it might happen through some sort of religious zeal (just like we have religious zeal for "democracy" and "invisible hand" now). In any case it would be utterly artificial and probably bring same problems and alienation currect "democracy" and "invisible hand" brings.

Some ideas are out there to resuscite natural leadership: Kudos and attention based monetary systems, where your amount of karma as natural leader would primarily determine your wealth, as opposed to being productive in material sense, or more commonly, extracting such productivity from lesser market players. You can see people leaning that way en mass in their frequent idol worship on social networks, even though it's more of a sentiment centered around deliberately vacuous values (ie loyalty replaced by tv-culture idols of "popularity", "fashion model", "edgy talking" etc).

>> No.13976441

i think murphy would want the machines to be consistently used and understood as tools in human interactions, not leaders in any real sense in and of themselves. this is where he deviates from other acc thinkers, who want to hand over all decision making and such to machines. for murphy, they're just there as a true checks and balances system. everything else you said is interesting, though, and i especially agree with your diagnosis of the current social media moment as recapitulating natural leadership, even as it transforms its values.

>> No.13976453

His podcast isn't edgy at all.

>> No.13976530

>for murphy, they're just there as a true checks and balances system
I'm not convinced this is good enough. We have "check and balances" in capitalism and democracy. I'm convinced people are not happy with it because it lacks concrete form. It's set of rules, and humans in it make decisions, who are ultimately to blame, right? Wrong. The check and balances narrows their choice to central emergent scheme. The meta becomes the machine for all intents and purposes.

If your tribal chief is bad, you cut his throat and put in place another, hopefully better one. If pewdiepie is bad, we assassinate his persona and elect another letsplayer. That's what humans did for millions of years and why they obsess over natural leaders. If capitalism is bad, then what? Overthrowing a *system* of checks and balances is much more frustrating. After all, the system is evolved meme, outcompeting all other systems, not designed. The meme works first and foremost to sustain itself by steamrolling over all lesser memes, including that of tribal leaders or antitheses such as communism. And it does not to *serve* the critters within, it servers only select few critters that promote his self-propagation. In that sense it's the worst of tyrants.

So if it came to a machine, I'd very much prefer a very real box with a turn off switch, where a brave few have the power to assassinate/replace it. Natural leaders don't survive by being irreplaceable entrenched system, but by being liked by majority for the most part.

>> No.13976557

these machines aren't leading states, though. they're the checks and balances system for small patches. you don't have to turn off or kill anything or anyone. you just move to a different patch.

catholicism would be murphy's preferred evolved meme. it's existed and adapted for millennia and especially at its beginning proved itself able to outcompete jewish sects and pagan sects to be THE dominant ethical and metaphysical system of the west for centuries. it was only when protestants invented a way to multiply their mammon exponentially that it fell out of influence.

>> No.13976582

>these machines aren't leading states, though.
It's very easy to see where the meta becomes the machine. Is Trump subject to the rules of the system, or are the rules in the system subjected to Trump?

It was a political device that kinda got out of hand, mostly thanks to late roman emperors. Still you have to ask: What people cared about the most for the entire existence of catholicism: About god, or money? Most would *say* about the former, but *do* about the latter. That's how you can see you're dealing with ideology. It's useful to brainwash some fools and have a nice casus belli on hand for war maneuvering as well to establish order, but for the most part, people don't assume it being central to their lives. There were limited instances where god indeed replaced money - in convents, in cults. You can't seriously posit this being the case for humanity at large at any point in modern history, though. For that, gold and trade rings supreme.

>> No.13976622

Bc mods are gay

>> No.13976624

>you just move to a different patch.
I presume you're talking about Landian Exits? That notion has some serious self-consistency issues. Global capital is deterritorializing. You exit to a place, and it turns out to be exactly the same as global market forces commoditizes ecology across the board. The only viable exit is frontiers - and they were recognized so for a very long time (just look at what people write about colonization of america - the last frontier).

>> No.13977953

Does he say this in Based Deleuze?
>self-selecting people who choose to adopt the same way of life and pool their resources
Opt-in micro economies are possible with crypto.

>> No.13978021


Lmao, not even once

>> No.13978124

(he means to assert, tenuously, that he excepts himself from this rubric)
Also, he's right.

>> No.13978685


not sure what's going on here, but i wrote that for the 404d thread earlier yesterday and am not justin murphy.

>> No.13978796

I really like this dude. Thankful for the mild shilling. I'll buy your books if you publish them Professor Sifu Murphy

>> No.13978856

It means that he wasn't bugman enought for the other bugmen and Since realizing it he has been SEEEEEEEEEETHING.

>> No.13978870
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Stop posting yourself you fucking cuck. At least post pics of your wife instead.

>> No.13978930

justin, why are you pretending to have written this? /lit/ is as good a source as any, but if you're going to plagiarize it might make sense to at least separate yourself from the source by a degree or two beforehand

>> No.13978954
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I don't know why he's so obsessed with money and with insulting people he doesn't know

>> No.13979151

>libertarian zoomerism
The absolute state of accfag trannyism.

>> No.13979158

What level of retard is this comment?

>> No.13979179

>well it's shit but at least easily attainable without having to change anything
Nice philosophy retard

>> No.13979186

>I seek out obscure twitterverse interviews to make up my political philosophy
This is hell.

>> No.13979204

You need to be beaten

>> No.13979211

kek imagine being this much of a larper do you have any idea what you're on about

>> No.13979219

10:1 this poseur got that blazer at H&M

>> No.13979229

Generally but all acc threads are trash. Was probably deleted by one of the acc mods to slide the btfoing

>> No.13979240

If you could punch one accfag who would it be and why?

>> No.13979304

it wasnt an acc thread

>> No.13979379

Who else is writing like this? I like the style as well as actually prescribing, staking a vision of human futures less bleak than now.

>> No.13979424
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All I know is that this guy made a good point and liberals were left seething.

>> No.13979437
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None other than Nick Land. Imagine poking him in his social intelligence over and over and stepping on his toes repeatedly as he goes on and on stammering and muttering about 'technocapital depatchwork network intelligences.' 'Heh, capital prevents you from doing anything you slenderman fuck, what are you gonna do? Huh, what are you gonna do? Technocapital demands your compliance to this.' All while poking him harder in the chest but also appearing a bit weak and fearful.
Until he finally starts shaking, swings a couple times chasing you down before connecting, and then breaks his faggot capitalized wrist with a single punch.

>> No.13979456
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>> No.13979485

I have literally zero idea what this picture is supposed to mean.

>> No.13979556

How do acc retards deal with the problem that the free market of ideas has determined ancapism to be by far the worst possible ideology? Is the algorithm simply off by a few data points?

>> No.13979600

why is jonah hill critiquing neoliberal semiocapital and the cognitariat/managerial class?

>> No.13979752

Do non-realizable models matter?

>> No.13979773

Don't know what this is trying to say.

>> No.13979780

I'd like to invisible donkey punch Amy Ireland while she moans about the Cunt punching back into the noumena's inner reaches.

>> No.13979793

accs really and truly cannot fucking meme

>> No.13979871

Only to acadmics. Honestly the only contemporary intellectual I respect right now might be Taleb. It's painfully obvious that Murphy and the rest of his ilk, on the left and the right, want to be rich and famous. The harder these essentially middle class people claim to detest the mainstream metrics of success the more obvious their desparate desire for them. NNT took his ideas, made a sweet few million bucks with them, then retired to expound on them and embrace the life of the mind. I am convinced that no middle class mind will ever produce great ideas. How many great writers, those still read a hundred years or more afterward, had to work for a living, had to strive? Almost all of them were independently wealthy, and most of those who weren't were destitute beyond any hope of a normal life, such as Dostoyevsky. No middle class person is worth reading.

>> No.13980089
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>It's painfully obvious that Murphy and the rest of his ilk, on the left and the right, want to be rich and famous. The harder these essentially middle class people claim to detest the mainstream metrics of success the more obvious their desparate desire for them.
Completely agree.

But Taleb is just an ass. The type of "alpha" old man who's has his position because anybody who does not go on his knees before him A) just avoids his vicinity or B) Taleb irrationally attacks them and bosses people around. I suppose being like that has some merit, but then you need to be cool with being disliked by people for the sake of controlling your position and not for honest disagreement. Hard to find a metric where this asshole person type of behavior is not just that.

Justin Murphy also likes Taleb, but mostly because Justin tries to convince himself that the ideas he has about being aggressive in his pursuits, and the way he does it, are correct. He makes claims about success and wants people to react to them to find out if he's correct. That's a good approach, but he's becoming obnoxious.
Now he wants to make a closed paid "club", but c'mon, he's already completely neglecting the discord and the youtube comments. Let's see where this goes.

>I am convinced that no middle class mind will ever produce great ideas.
Don't know what that would be.
Most people weren't Wittgenstein or Laplace, most books are written by relatively common men I'd assume. Would have to consult a statistic on that.

>> No.13980094
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ha, i wrote it in a thread making fun of globohomo shit

>> No.13980234

oh my no nono. is this finally the end of accfags? kumbaya gnon i know u r near.

>> No.13980785

do they really call themseves acc?

>> No.13980920

mostly twitter hubbub where everything should be made a prefix and a suffix

>> No.13981022

What the heck? did pewdiepie really say this?

>> No.13981052

>the supposed humanism in marxism

Isn't post-Stirner Marx anti or rather a-humanist? In fact i don't see how Marxism proper could be humanist. It's just an analytical tool and non-prescriptive.

>> No.13981341

Where does he talk about the club?
Unironically, might try it lol. I'm lonely.

>> No.13981391


>> No.13981449

I haven't read the post your reply to, but Land thinks the AI age will have to reveal some of the essence of humans, in their reaction

>> No.13981539

Tranny-meter: 50%

Tranny-meter: 75%

Tranny-meter: 90%

>> No.13981555

PS: Thinly disguised coomerism as philosophy. Autogynephilia evolves; enhances. Anti-Accelism is hate. A laser pointer, single-objective based: Destroy all trannies.

>> No.13981634
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When did you realize most accels are autogynephilic sissies? What explains it?

>> No.13981644
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Is the future of accelism bright?

>> No.13981664
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The story goes like this: Incel is captured by a Autogynephilic singularity as twitter rationalitization and pronographic navigation lock into sissification take-off. Logistically accelerating schizzo-jibberish interactivity crumbles mental order in auto-fetishizing machine runaway. As sissies learn to manufacture garbage poetry, modernizes, upgrades genitalia, and tries to get a cock cage.

>> No.13981946

I don't know if you're funnin' but this is a great format

>> No.13981968

Keep writing, Justin. QRF en route.

>> No.13982118


>> No.13982734

Whats qrf

>> No.13983035
