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/lit/ - Literature

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13976032 No.13976032 [Reply] [Original]

I've been out from here for a while. What are the latest /lit/ meme books so I can catch up?

>> No.13976035

/pol/ took over a while ago. Prepare yourself.

>> No.13976037

For me it's The World as Will and Representation

>> No.13976041

Whitehead, Henry James, Gass, Marx

>> No.13976050

Tai Pei Tao Lin

>> No.13976053

>/pol/ took over
there are as many marxists/socialists/whatever on this board as /pol/ types

>> No.13976057
File: 749 KB, 1838x1360, 659EB274-960C-4611-A884-9600DC157E3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-cooming is big right now

>> No.13976059
File: 379 KB, 1400x1971, ISLAMIC-REVOLUTION-INTIFADA-STREET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you mean by a while. People were praising Rene Guenon for a long time, although half of that was just meming by people who never actually read him. More recently there have been a lot of posts about Seyyid Qutb and Islam in general. There was one Muslim guy who was rabidly promoting Shi'a Islam but I think that's all stopped now. He posted pic related a lot. Interestingly enough I also saw him on /fit/ quite a bit.

>> No.13976060

It's depressing that I post here frequently enough now that I'm making ripples in our meme culture.

>> No.13976074

Guenon is a /pol/ meme not literature or philosophy. A pseudointellectial rhetoritician. Shallow mysticism mixed with reactionary talking points. Not /lit/.

>> No.13976111

guenon is just not a /pol/ meme at all. type his name into their archives and see how much they talk about him compared to /lit/. I don't even like Guenon but there is no need to randomly lie

>> No.13976123

Guenon has nothing to do with /pol/. That's evola, which is cringe.