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File: 162 KB, 1407x1599, 2015_11_zizek_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13974497 No.13974497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quick, give the Zizekian view of the Joker movie before Zizek himself does so

>> No.13974511 [DELETED] 


>> No.13974516

Something something idelogy... something something live of a man in the world as ideology. Sniff sniff. You see..

>> No.13974531

Somebody shat out a Lacanian one:

>> No.13974532

Something about castration and capital's appropriation/embodiment of its own detractors *sniff*

>> No.13974536

You might think it be like it is but it actually do not and so on.

>> No.13974547 [DELETED] 


>> No.13974555


>> No.13974612

Not even memeing the movie seems pretty Zizekian as is.
By doing what he believes will strike out against the system the Joker ends up feeding right back into it. He is at his most ideologically useful when he mistakenly believes he can escape or destroy it

>> No.13974618

Joker is the trash can, and so on and so on

>> No.13974634


>> No.13974635

horrible post, what part of Joker seemed Marxist to you?

>> No.13974641

You can analyze anything through Marx, especially mainstream hollywood films

>> No.13974656

sure, if you're in 8th grade and want to say "joker represents the proletariat cause he hates the rich guy"

>> No.13974671
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>I used to think that my life was a tragedy. But now I realize, it’s a comedy.

>> No.13974772

A depiction of what a mad “clown-world” capitalist can do to a person is rather Marxian.
Marxism is reality, anon. Go ahead and roll your eyes now, but you really have to read some in order to understand why he’s still as relevant as Darwin, and always will be.

>> No.13974812

"first as a tragedy then as a farce" and so on and so on, sniffing, something about becoming the Big Other, something about immigrants and maybe an analogy to Trump's presidency

>> No.13974825

>he’s still as relevant as Darwin
Holy fuck Marxists actually believe this. The entirety of biology was revolutionized by Darwin, he created the unifying theory for the whole discipline, everything undertaken in academia practically is related to his concepts.

Marxism is a fringe theory of economics that is just sort of allowed to exist in academia alongside the mainstream, economics which is itself not even a science. The main impact of Marxism has been to provoke people to stage retarded revolutions and spend 150 years developing ever more ludicrous academic abstractions based on his nonsensical framework, spreading out into other disciplines like a cancer.

>> No.13974945

lol what a terrible example. I bet you can't fake a credibile marxist analysis of this movie

>> No.13974966

It doesn't matter if it's marxist or not, zizek would still say it is. That's why anon is doing an impression you ninny.

>> No.13975066

What? Joker is overtly marxist. It's literally about communist revolution.

>> No.13975076 [DELETED] 

never go full autist

>> No.13975139

You can give a Marxist critique of the film, for example it promotes individual acts of terror (anarchism) and reforms to the system (if only we had better mental healthcare, if only society were nicer to the little guy, then things would be okay), but to say it "promotes Marxist views" is retarded
I doubt he would, considering he isn't a Marxist

>> No.13975152 [DELETED] 

dude it's just a buzzword he drops a lot, don't be an autist.

>> No.13975164
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>Marxism is a fringe theory

>> No.13975171
File: 23 KB, 534x533, 73062189_10220234172548736_3942350231890296832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I forgot we were discussing a meme, my b, heres a funny pic

>> No.13975262
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>> No.13975266

Zizek is always btfoing Marxists for not being real Marxists, idk why you would think otherwise
>Zizek isn't a Marxist
is this a meme now or do people actually think this

>> No.13975271

marxism describes the inner workings of capitalism to a more accurate extent than modern economics does. modern economics is a reaction to das kapital such that we obfuscate inconvenient truths about the system. hence why we can call modern economics not even a science, because if it tried to be, it would come to the same conclusions as marx.

>> No.13975291

Zizek is an Idealist. Its literally the exact opposite of Marxism

>> No.13975305

read his latest book. he is not an idealist. he orients all of his thought in a materialist way.

>> No.13975306

"I love the relationship with her mother, if I was him i totally would fuck the corpse after kill her *sniff*"

>> No.13975311

You see x is this and y is this, apparently they are completly different but they are not, because ideologically x can be also y or z, and y also can be x or z. So you thought something and the other side of the coin thought something else, I flip everything through marxist sounding verbiage and we have this result

>> No.13975313

dude lets be kind eachother dude the state doesnt care about us bro

>> No.13975330

he is literally a dialectical materialist who wants to rematerialize Marx because he sees him as too idealist

>> No.13975331

Lurk moar

>> No.13975337

do you really think that's what Marx said?

>> No.13975360

idk I didn't watch the movie but he will probably critique it for offering a false path of authenticity, something about the Kings Speech being about tricking a man into thinking he really is a king, and the Joker is about tricking a man into believing he really is the Joker

>> No.13975382

the implication being what? that I missed the humor in the very easy and surface level Zizek parody, written by someone whose only knowledge of Zizek comes from other memes?

>> No.13975417 [DELETED] 

meaning that you're overreacting like an autist and making a fool of yourself.

>> No.13975428

oh no, now all the anonymous autists on 4channel aren't gonna think I'm cool anymore

>> No.13975447

lurk moar

>> No.13975450 [DELETED] 


>> No.13976920

Read capital chud

>> No.13976927

Darwin rejected Marx retard

>> No.13976965

besides, the main work of zizek is to reinvent hegel into a dialectical materialist

>> No.13977065

why does that matter

>> No.13977223
File: 247 KB, 1222x817, joaquin-phoenix-transforms-into-the-joker-filming-riot-scene-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making a movie about disorganized leftist terrorism and have incels claim it as their own before it even comes out

>> No.13977231

>*rain of saliva*

>> No.13977307

And *sniff* you know, there's this scene in the movie *sniff* where the people dress like the clowns. The clown, you know, they make the joke so the people with laugh and so on and so on. But did you know, that the clown wears a mask to hide his *sniff* face from other people. When we see *sniff* the people wear masks together, they are acknowledging that the mask is ideology. Wayne, the name-of-the-father character, brings together this acknowledgement of uhhh uhhhh ideology, in it's purest sense.

>> No.13977364

Holy shit, this thread. People who self-describe as Marxists really are the dumbest people on the planet. Not only do they believe in an ideology concocted by their enemy, which they apply broadly across society as some all-encompassing abstraction in which "capitalism" receives primary blame, but they believe in an ideology their own enemy doesn't even promote anymore since they are in complete control of the institutions like Wall Street that make "capitalism" work in their group's internationalist interests. They're like dogs whose jewish owner fake-throws a stick in the woods and says "capitalism" then they go looking for it, but are still in the thicket mumbling "capitalism" to themselves 30 years later. Most pathetic and delusional shit ever.

>> No.13977377

I dunno, maybe blaming everything on the Jews (the "enemy") is a little more pathetic and delusional.

>> No.13977392

Except jews are actually running western institutions, moron. "Capitalism" is a abstract, nonliving entity.

>> No.13977420

"Jews" are an abstract, nonliving entity too m8. It's never just blaming "a Jew" but always "the Jews" as a whole. Must be nice using a nonliving entity to scapegoat why things aren't going they way you want in life; oh wait a second...

>> No.13977435

>Jews" are an abstract, nonliving entity
Jews are a racial group with collective interests.

>> No.13977447

That's why it is pathetic. You don't need a witch when there's enough reasons to believe the system encourages certain patterns of behaviour. Plus it's not like Angloids are not the same shit like Jews, but more powerful and numerous.

>> No.13977463

Pray, tell. How do the Orthodox Jews who live in a community together down the road have the same "racial interests" as the Jews who are heads of powerful western institutions?

What are the racial interests you have divined? What are the racial interests of Amerimutts? Of Haitians? ect. Even if you and I are of the same race, I hardly believe we hold the same interests.

>> No.13977476
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>> No.13977484

How about a Landian take?
I'll go first:
Serdolectic firing squads serve the polyamorous conglomerate hellscape of self induced 21st century schizophrenia, amplified by opiate artillery companies and artifical serotonin machine gun nests.
Event horizon dodges the V2 of humanity, entropy envelopes the final cascades of progress and enjoyment lies forever in the future, the dulling white noise of cosmos drives you to mass psychosis in a metropolitan centre.
Your body now begins the process of melting away, slowly, but surely, your left behind muscle mass and pieces of amygdala form a superstructure with your employee contemporaries, reaching the limitations of binary code, throwing 2 in the mix forming a gray goo event.
We reach the ultimate zero of finality.

>> No.13977487

10/10 *sniff*s

>> No.13977493
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 49F2E944-E6FF-4C73-ACC4-EBF02EC75794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first reply was the best reply

Why it was censored is an unanswered travesty.
Honor him

>> No.13977501

What a delusional perspective. "The system" works for whomever is in control of the institutions, in this case globalist, hypertribalist jews.

Go do a report on it and pitch it to the jews who run the msm and you'll figure out fast where the lines are drawn.

>> No.13977507


>> No.13977509

I know it was you, you fuck!
You Dan Schneider wannabe!
You named your dog Loli didn't you?
You like to jerk off to feet don't you?
Huh HUH???

>> No.13977529
File: 501 KB, 666x486, 6A7F6C87-8554-42AF-8173-7395955BC32A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get it

>> No.13977531

Nice dodge. Don't use racial "collective interest" as a way to escape the fact that you are abstracting from a small group of people, to an entire category of people. You are doing what you claim the Marxists are doing, and apparently just as ignorant.

I know it's hard, but sometimes individuals don't have the same interests as the group you throw them in.

>> No.13977538

>Marxism is reality, anon.

>My insanely Western, materialist philosophical framework is identical to reality.

The absolute state of white and the white adjacent

>> No.13977542

Yeah yeah yeah weeeheee dodge the racial and into the grey goo we go weeeee
I really like folks like you you know always so brightheaded its like dodging rhe event horizon when your oxygen is running low why would you
But anyways keep it up mr im sure theyll hire you as a a stimaddicted blowjob machine

>> No.13977546

Because I hate you
Hate is such a strong word though ill tske thst back
I you, hesaert is the right word
Hesaert will be your salvation as we my brain suddenly collapsed on itself couldnt keeo up with Hesaert hes such a wondrous man this hesaert man

>> No.13977549

You don't have a very good understanding of jews. They are not individualists, they are tribalists who are literally all 5th cousins of one another. They think first in terms of their collective interests. The ideologies they promote are only a means to advance those collective interests.

>> No.13977550

Material is reality. Spirituality is make-believe.

Spooks. Try to think like a fucking earthling for once in your short insignificant life

>> No.13977565

Ihow will they respond ohohohoh im so excited with this development go go to the bathhouse faggot

>> No.13977570

Again, what are the collective interests of the Jews? I didn't say that the Jews were individualists, nor did I say they were any -ists. I said there were individuals who might not have the same "collective interests" of their race.

>You don't have a very good understanding of jews.
I don't think you do either buddy. I think you're just using them as a scapegoat for a conspiracy theory where you and/or your race is being jeopardized in some way by an other. I really think you have your head so far up your own ass to not understand that you really aren't that important

>> No.13977571
File: 46 KB, 800x534, 1570753890467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Material is reality.
>Implying *only* the material constitutes reality.
>Being this much of a brainlet

Shouldn't expect anything less from some dumb fuck who believes his preferred ideology is reality, instead of just another metanarrative.


Pic related. Also learn what a Spook is before using it incorrectly.

>> No.13977577

>what are the collective interests of the Jews?
To create environments in host countries that are safe for jews.

>scapegoat for a conspiracy theory
Jews have inordinate power and run every major institution. This is a fact.

>> No.13977579
File: 95 KB, 956x720, A4823B00-C2DA-41DE-B100-2CE2AC031D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The good Christian boys tell me to sodomize myself and post dirty pictures.
Ready for the seminary, I see.

>> No.13977583

Youre so fucking boring
Everythings been repeated so many times come on get a new line
It doesnt matter if it matters just do something new you fucking gay ape
Seriously same retarded talking points every day and i think you really are just a humanmatrix in a fleshsuit
there is nothing but the meta if you cant let go of the noumena you fucking trannygooks are so desperate for a island in a sea of shit
Fucking whales will rape you with their selfaware ai penises and you dont even realize it before youre pregnant with 500 of their offspring docked in a google lab

>> No.13977584

>Material is reality. Spirituality is make-believe.
I honestly don't understand how you've never run into arguments against materialism. Have you just been spoonfed that Science da best thing ever and never questioned it? Just always appeal to an authority (scientists)?

You literally don't even get it man.

>> No.13977593

Loon dude just stick the dildo in your ass dude like please i promise itll mske you feel good just stick it in your ass bro like cmon bro its just a dildo do like do it already man like like like

>> No.13977609

>"The system" works for whomever is in control of the institutions
The joke is that the system doesn't have very powerful institutions. The power distribution is plutocratic, it favours private money. The private interests are predominantly controlled by Americans, out of which, yes, some are jews. However power is constantnly redistributed according to who owns the capital. And there are certain patterns of behavour that result in optimal capital redistribution. One of the patterns would be using the power for appropriating even greater amount of capital. And that doesn't even account of behaviour on individual level which isn't defined fully by institutions.

Only brainlets can't comprehend the simple fact that individually rational actions won't always lead to collectively rational outcome, hence brainlets must always find some kind of witch that willed the irrational outcome.

>> No.13977618

>To create environments in host countries that are safe for jews.
I wouldn't try to make the comparison to a parasite but I get what you are saying. I just don't think that the Jews' sole purpose is trying to propagate themselves and collecting all your money. I don't think that's anybody's goal in life.

>Jews have inordinate power and run every major institution. This is a fact.
Not exactly a fact, but let's pretend you are right. What's the problem here? That you/your race doesn't run every major institution? Are the Jew's just out for global domination? And this has been their goal since the beginning of time? I fail to see how this isn't a conspiracy theory, as you see them (the whole group) as an enemy that is in some way out to get you.

>> No.13977624
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 3D73284F-5865-4377-83C3-3652F58DB692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll give you one more post.

>> No.13977630

oooohhhhh noooo
dont upset the triangle dipshit or your mom dies tonight in her sleep

>> No.13977638

Who the fuck thinks like an earthling what the fuck is an earthling
Why the fuck should you think like one
Why does this make anything any more real it doesnt
Fucking cocksucker

>> No.13977649

>some are jews
Dishonesty will ensure your continued ignorance. Look at the nonsensical explanations your are forced to weave so you can attribute problems to abstract phenomena. You are not living in reality.

Creating environments that increase the ability of jews to live in a host country is about a lot more than money. It's about creating a reality and environment for the host that will neutralize potential blowback.

>What's the problem here?
What's the problem with an alien race of semites controlling every major institution in my nation? Please, let's not waste our time here.

>> No.13977657

Plato and all spiritualists are wrong

>> No.13977658

>Dishonesty will ensure your continued ignorance. Look at the nonsensical explanations your are forced to weave so you can attribute problems to abstract phenomena. You are not living in reality.
I'm afraid that suggesting all Americans are Jews doesn't constitute a valid counter argument.

>> No.13977667

What is a fucking earthling
Why am i one
How is it real
Make it fucking real earthling or ill blow your brains out with my nonreal shells

>> No.13977668

>race of semites
>my nation
Literally no such things

>> No.13977680


>> No.13977682 [DELETED] 

You on crack or something, kid?
You’re born here, you’re an Earthling
How is it now real?
Blow your own brains out, you’re not even using them

>> No.13977683

Then it's good I didn't do that. You need to reassess the strategy of arriving at explanations of real-world phenomena by creating or studying abstract frameworks that assume people are interchangeable, and instead spend more time learning about the different natures of different peoples, particularly jews and whites. You're wasting your time otherwise.

>> No.13977684
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Maybe you should just have your nation control the means of production so that an alien race can't control them all. And make sure that none of those from an alien race run the nation, or are even in your nation. Seems like a pretty good idea eh?

Dude when you hit your 20's you're going to look back and wonder why you constantly need to personify some opposition against you.

>> No.13977686

Lol. Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.13977687

You on crack or something, kid?
You’re born here, you’re an Earthling
How is it not real?
Blow your own brains out, you’re not even using them

>> No.13977695

>My Clutch Cargo decoder ring told me it was da jewz
>Praise Santa

>> No.13977700

Are trees earthlings?
Did someone fuck a plant and you were born?
How is it real?

>> No.13977702

>And make sure that none of those from an alien race run the nation, or are even in your nation
Yeah, that's the point, genius.

>> No.13977703

Jews and Angloids have very simmiliar nature. Also Americans are not whites, they are mystery meat mutts, it makes no sense to study their "nature".

>You need to reassess the strategy of arriving at explanations of real-world phenomena by creating or studying abstract frameworks
Why? You haven't provided answer why should "filling shadows with imagination" be a superiour method of explaining social phenomena.

>> No.13977704

You're wasting time on a Zizek thread on /lit/ to propagate the views you learned from /pol/

>> No.13977709

nobody ever says anything new
i dont even get enjoyment out of this why the fuck do they keep you monkeys in a cage when you cant even learn new tricks

>> No.13977710

Trees procreate differently. Of course they’re Earthlings.
Your trip is making you irrational right now. Just step away from the computer till it fades out a bit

>> No.13977719

>Americans are not whites, they are mystery meat mutts
white americans are as white as europeans genetically

>> No.13977724

>Jews and Angloids have very simmiliar nature
Jews are middle eastern semites. They have very different natures. And the only kind of American is a white American.

I have been to pol fewer than 5 times. Contribute substance or stay out of the conversation.

>> No.13977733

Touched a nerve there, mutt?

>> No.13977738

I'm just trying to see if I can induce schizobabble in other anons with posting like this.
Clearly, I need more practice.
But you are still really fucking gay and boring person.
Also, fuck drug users and fuck niggers.

>> No.13977739 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13977748

It's not my fault you failed to understand basic highschool biology.

>> No.13977752

>Jews are middle eastern semites. They have very different natures.
Arabs are middle easterners too, yet Jews are clearly closer to angloids than they are to Arabs. Jews and angloids are both merchant-nations. They both worship coin. They both promote individualism.

>> No.13977754

Zizek is now coming to /lit/ for his ideas...unbelievable....

>> No.13977762

I know American education is pathetic, but please don't tell me that they teach you that you are "white".

>> No.13977765

Jews and Anglos are literally the two polar opposites of tribalism on earth. Anglos invented the most individualistic culture in history and are strongly exogamous. Jews are among the most endogamous tribal people ever.

>> No.13977768

I don't care, I just wanna COOOOOOM!

>> No.13977770

They teach you what genetics are, which is apparently beyond you. A group of of Germans or Anglos doesn't magically stop being that ethnicity after a couple generations and the country is highly segregated.

>> No.13977780

False. Jews promote individualism for the host, they don't practice it themselves. The other guy's answer is also correct.

>> No.13977783

>Anglos invented the most individualistic culture in history
And Jews perfectly assimilated into it.
>Jews are among the most endogamous tribal people ever.
If that was the case, there would be no blue eyed Jews.

>> No.13977791

Oh, come one. We both know that there's drop of nigger or injun here and there in most of these so called "whites".

>> No.13977797

Jews are one of the only ethnicities that has lived in other people's countries for thousands of years while maintaining a distinct ethnic and cultural identity. They literally invented a religion based around being different from everyone else.

>> No.13977799

>they don't practice it themselves
Except they do. They regularly screw over each other.

>> No.13977801

>Jews perfectly assimilated
Jews don't assimilate, they engage in crypsis, which is how some end up with European features.

White Americans are nearly 99% white. There is practically no negro or injun admixture.

>> No.13977803

>derail the thread with conspiracy theory
As if on cue

>> No.13977805

Of course. We're amerimutts for a reason, but apparently some think they're pure-bred aryan beauties.

>> No.13977811

No, they don't. But they will if they don't have a host population, which is why the parasite absolutely requires one.

>> No.13977819

no but wouldn't it be what zizek would be against how the fuck is it "zizekian"?
if what you are saying is that it's pretty much the perfect target of zizeks criticism then i agree with you.

>> No.13977822
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>joker is a Marxist
No he isn't, he is Batman, and Batman is joker. During Batman's early career he's unliked by literally everyone including the carriers of the status quo(capitalists and the state sanctioned anticapitalists of 19-20th ideologues)the importance of Gordon's character was that he was the only cop who wanted to open a dialogue with Batman. Gordon is the dissatisfied common man, he knows something is wrong, something needs to be done, but will not be the initial catalyst of change. Batman was sick of the corruption and he saw that there was no fixing the problems through of the tried-and-true method of the dominant forces of law & order(the death of post-enlightenment values) He's the joker of order, joker the Batman of chaos. Both act outside the confines of social restrictions, both creators of a new way of direct action. Batman and joker is what you get with political and cultural decay, New Life, they are not the decay itself. Batman and joker are simply the new actors of the contemporary world, not driven by any ideology, only by their own created values. Joker and Batman are fighting for the future, and the normals around them are strategically waiting to pick the winning side. Batman can easily deal with other villains because those villains are motivated by ideologies that can be broken down and analyzed, joker is the one other ubermensch of Gotham. They are two bickering gods of olympus. Batman has plenty of marxist villains, and they are no match for him.

>> No.13977838

>parasite absolutely requires one
Hold up there. How would that explain zionism?

>> No.13977845

what the fuck are you talking about?
batman is obviously trump's son, the joker is supposed to be antifa and that's why the entire franchise is complete fucking dogshit written by a milky fuckface cuck

>> No.13977857

All of the villains are already in the batcomputer, Bruce has a contingency plan for each and every one of them. If you are a 21st century capitalist, Marxist, fascist, there are other villains in Arkham to represent you. And they will always be defeated

>> No.13977858

Israel is the homebase for the international jewish mafia, where pedos and criminals and others who get into trouble in host nations can escape to. But Israel is a corrupt trainwreck for the reasons I mentioned, and requires massive aid and theft to stay afloat. As a parasitic people, jews can't really function autonomously.

>> No.13977865

I don't give a fuck about zoomer media, I'm speaking from reading actual Batman comics growing up. The joker movie has nothing to do with the joker or Batman, no matter the names or how he's dressed up. Incel with clown makeup should be the name of the movie

>> No.13977867

I'm sure that you, on the other hand, do function autonomously right? You don't rely on your parents for help? Maybe the government? Can't make enough to survive on your own, so you have to resort to living off of the wealth of others? Are you sure you aren't the parasite here?

>> No.13977875

I'm in my 30s, make close to a six-figure income, and run a publishing business on the side. Doing just fine over here, pal. >>13977867

>> No.13977886

Then why would they want it in the first place, if they can't function alone?

>> No.13977897

ok you're a hardcore comic book fan. fair enough.
i'm talking about the movie though and this thread was about the movie so

>> No.13977901 [SPOILER] 
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I'm surprised you're able to get away with it, since you know so much about our current situation and Jewish overlords controlling everything. I don't know how you were able to escape being one of their stooges, but please help a white brethren out. Tell me how you were able to do all this when the game is stacked against you.

>> No.13977911

The majority of jews never moved there and have no intention of ever moving there. And the biological nature of people is not something most are actually conscious of. This is ingrained, adapted behavior.

>> No.13977923

Do what exactly? I have a graduate degree and am smart, good looking, and affable. 99% right there.

>> No.13977933

me too

>> No.13977940

Good for you.

>> No.13977967

At this point I'm starting to think that the anons who insist on bringing up "the jews" at every possible opportunity are just trolls doing it to piss off the rationalists on the board. You clearly just want to derail threads, admit it you rat bastards

>> No.13977970

this is some hardcore meta-troll. props to you milkyfash

>> No.13977974

Sir. This is a literature board.

>> No.13977982

The anon who brought up jews itt, moi, saw a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off, trying to explain real-world phenomena using abstract frameworks that are irrelevant and were devised by the people currently in charge of "the system," their fake, immortal enemy - "capitalism."

The real "rationalist" is the man who doesn't blame inanimate systems like a schizo, but the people actually running the institutions through which that inanimate system functions.

>> No.13977986

that's pretty Gay

>> No.13977990

no but you are hardcore it's almost like you have nothing outside of this

>> No.13977991

I sure hope that's the case. I can't understand how somebody thinks "Okay Marxism, Marx was Jewish, Jews are the enemy, Marxists are dumb because they don't get that the Jews are behind it all."

I haven't been on the board for a while, but I remember the usual reply was just

>> No.13977997

because the pattern is rather consistent. It's not so consistent as to be certain, but it merits a lot more rebuttal than the smugredditry leveled at it.

>> No.13978005

Marxism was an ethnic strategy jews used to create divisions within European host nations and continue what they wrongly believed was the French Revolution's origin in bourgeois-noble conflict. Jews wanted to use the proles to unseat the bourgeoisie so jews could take power, and Marxism was the ideological means through which they believed they could accomplish that. That's the crux of it.

>> No.13978010


>> No.13978014

That's all it was ever about, bud, sorry.

>> No.13978023

*sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif* ummmmm ah yes uhhhhh the joker is thee *sniff* purrfect ekzample of ummm oh yes, alienated low life *snif* mentally ill *sniff* worker and so on and so on

>> No.13978032

Why are you sorry when you are so WRONG?

>> No.13978040

I was sorry that you were wrong.

>> No.13978041

he wouldn't say that

>> No.13978046

That's strange because you were and are extremely WRONG.

>> No.13978066

most of the jokes about zizek here are below the level of atheistic r*dditors. pure cringe.

>> No.13978196

Haha holy fuck you live in the 19th century

>> No.13978318

Incels aren't right winged, they're just reactionary. The places where incels hang out have extreme fews of all sides (but only the right winged views one encountered are deemed so non-mainstream that they are socially criminalized)

>> No.13978338
File: 879 KB, 1418x681, class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the dark wing meme intellectuals were right all along

>> No.13978354

Capitalism has robbed people of everything, even the most basic things, yet it keeps telling us we have everything in the world and that we're the greatest. This constant dissonance leads to incel mass shooters.

>> No.13978364

>Capitalism has robbed people of everything, even the most basic things, yet it keeps telling us

We need a separate category of schizophrenia for people who thinks nonliving entities are robbing people and telling them what to do.

>> No.13978368

do you believe that logic of a system can take on a life of its own, a self perpetuating cycle, after a certain point? ie, even the supposed masters of such a system are slaves to its logic and must submit.

>> No.13978376

No one in their right mind would believe something as delusional as your description.

>> No.13978404

the only thing more brainlet than saying "we live in a society" is denying that a society exists

>> No.13978438

Societies are created by people, not phantom phenomena.

>> No.13978490

What phantom phenomena? Sure, capitalism only exists because of people. The law of supply and demand is the result of people. But that doesn't change the prices in Walmart now does it? Do you think money is a phantom phenomenon too?

>> No.13978502

Everything is a result of people, including policies that would change the prices in Walmart. "Capitalism" is not doing anything.

>> No.13978514

And so why don't we just pass a policy that makes everything free? Why don't we just pass a law that says everything gets as much money and goods as they want?

>> No.13978527

You're asking the wrong questions.

>> No.13978573

They were supposed to be rhetorical anon. People aren't all powerful and need to abide by the logic of the given systems which they live in, which is why is we can't change Walmart's prices to 0. Under the logic of capitalism, Walmart cannot operate at a profit while giving away their products for free. You can pretend this isn't a reality, but again, that won't change the prices in Walmart.

>> No.13978602

inb4 Joker is a fascist movie

>> No.13978610

>People [...] need to abide by the logic of the given systems
No, we do not, because no such logic exists.

>the logic of capitalism
"Capitalism" is an inanimate abstraction. It does not have a sense of logic, it does not do things, it does not choose inputs or produce results. However, people of different natures in charge of institutions that determine the inputs and policies of macro capitalist practices create different variations in how any system functions, what its results are, and whose interests it ultimately serves.

>> No.13978612

My live is objectively quite comfy.
I think you'd just like to believe the world is bad for you.

>> No.13978627

Anon, you can't be this obtuse. It doesn't need to have a "sense" of anything, nor does it need the ability to "choose" anything. It's a framework which people operate within.
>people of different natures in charge of institutions that determine the inputs and policies of macro capitalist practices create different variations in how any system functions
And they do so while operating under the same logical constraints as everyone else, you have said literally nothing

>> No.13978633

>"Capitalism" is an inanimate abstraction. It does not have a sense of logic, it does not do things, it does not choose inputs or produce results.
Game of Ludo doesn't have a sense of logic, it doesn't do things, it doesn't choose inputs or produce results. Yet if people engage in it the pieces have a tendency to move forward.

What's the deal with these brainlets? Are they ignorant of game theory?

>> No.13978656

So you now agree that "capitalism" is not doing anything, people are. Good.

Very bad analogy. But did the Game of Ludo design itself, or is it a machination of its creators, creators who could have designed it differently?