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/lit/ - Literature

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13972375 No.13972375 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13972384

Even zizek?

>> No.13972393


Slavoj Žižek, Slovenian philosopher and longtime critic of Handke, told the Guardian: “In 2014, Handke called for the Nobel to be abolished, saying it was a ‘false canonisation’ of literature. The fact that he got it now proves that he was right. This is Sweden today: an apologist of war crimes gets a Nobel prize while the country fully participated in the character assassination of the true hero of our times, Julian Assange. Our reaction should be: not the literature Nobel prize for Handke but the Nobel peace prize for Assange.”

>> No.13972410

Olga prize is even more idiotic political choice as she still can actively influence politics of Poland. Yet nobody writes about that.

>> No.13972426
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>> No.13973382
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>mfw commies and globalists screeching that man with crimethink opinions got award

they should give them more, perhaps the subhumans die of stress or commit mass suicide, the world is a better place either way

>> No.13973393

wtf i love Slavoj now

>> No.13973398

Intellectual from the Balkans doesn't like (((servian))) subhumans? What a surprise!

>> No.13973411

Even a pseud? Yes, of course.

He also got buttmad at Kusturica.

Truth is he envies both Handke and Kusturica, because he always wanted to be an artist, but couldn't, so became a fraud instead, which is easier.

>> No.13973423

Kusturica has 1 good movie (his first one), the rest is just propaganda or blind catering to balkanophile tastes of Western liberals.
>hurrr gypsy magic
>woe is me melancholy followed up by short bursts of euphoria
>horses in your living room

>> No.13973427

Kusturica is also an accomplished musician and runs his own orchestra. I can see Zizek (who doesn't even have one movie) being jealous honestly.

>> No.13973439

but then how did he win a Nobel in the first place?

>> No.13973446
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another year............again i am....forgotten

>> No.13973450

>caring about the nobel peace prize
slavoj..bro....your posting cringe bro

>> No.13973452

to be fair, he has the pervert's guides, and they're good

>> No.13973454

years of the writing is the best thing ever haha
it's not like i was a really nice game and i is a really good thing i was the way i is to be to the next few days and to get the people that we can do it haha was a really nice game worth playing and the games that you get is the only one who can get the one thing and you can do a few minutes before the games go back and you have never even tried to get the games you get the one game worth it haha was a good thing it because it's so cool zizek made multiple movies

>> No.13973457
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He has many great movies, as well as a famous band, and even an entire village.

You are just envious because your pretty little idol is also envious. Zizek has already said he always wanted to be an artist, didn't he? Well, he didn't become one, and he's very envious of those who did.

>> No.13973471

What I imagine is that the Nobel committee simply wanted to keep being seeing as serious. Their reputation had been falling for years, but now it's risen, because they've been shown to respect literature more than politics (even if only a little bit more).

They didn't fall to the pressure of giving the prize to some undeserving, random black woman as the Western media wanted.

>> No.13973477

cant wait for this boomer faggot to die

>> No.13973480

>Well, he didn't become one
as the architect of slavoj zizek the human artwork i'd say he's been pretty successful so far

>> No.13973482


>> No.13973485

>implying his band isn't absolute faux-gyppo kitsch
No, I'm just telling you you fell for cheap memes but you're obviously too much of a tastelet and retard to care anyway.

>> No.13973493

he sucks

>> No.13973499

sounds like somebody got filtered :)

>> No.13973527

>He warns that this ‘political correctness’ will bring down European civilisation. Part of this he attributes to the EU, of which he is no fan. It is ‘a non-existent entity’, he says, ‘to me, it is just Germany feeling it must control the rest of Europe.’

>I want to ask him whether he feels the controversy surrounding Underground ruined his career. But before I can finish the question, he crushes his hand into a fist and shakes. I close my eyes, waiting for the blow.

>‘Oofff, ŽIŽEK!’ he roars. ‘Žižek comes from Slovenia, a country with no philosophical tradition’. This is evidence, in his eyes, of political correctness gone mad. Žižek, according to Kusturica, is only popular due to his YouTube-friendly rants. ‘This is what you need in the west, always somebody modern… but there is nothing underneath.’ Besides, he’s got be a crank, insists Kusturica, ‘he says my movie is the worst movie ever made on the planet! How can [my films] be the worst in the world when there are Bernard-Henri Lévy’s movies? Even if I accept my movies are the worst movies in the world, there is Bernard-Henri Lévy, who is for sure worse.’ I laugh in agreement. Emir Kusturica laughs too. And, crucially, he does not rip my head off.


>> No.13973541

Who cares? The songs are decent enough.

>too much of a tastelet and retard to care anyway

What is taste? What do you enjoy listening to? I mostly listen to classical music, and his band seems to me to make decent popular music, although I have not listened to much of it.

>> No.13973574

I never even listened to him so your comments about my taste fall flat. I just said that he's an accomplished musician( in the sense that he is recognized by most others musicians for knowing what he's doing and also has an experience of touring and performing in front of an audience) and that he has his own orchestra, which is true. All that is enough to make Zizek jealous, what you think about the quality of his music is not relevant here. Seethe more I guess?

>> No.13973575

Some years ago, I was living in germany and watched "Der Himmel über Berlin" (Wings of Desire).
I quit it about two ours in. Should I go back to it?

>> No.13973581

>he says my movie is the worst movie ever made on the planet
Is that true? Because if yes, then that's pretty cringey of Zizek. He could just have said "you movies are bad man" or smth.

>> No.13973586

anyone dunking on levy is alright in my book

>> No.13973640

>"Der Himmel über Berlin" (Wings of Desire)
how the fuck do you translate "heavens above berlin" into wings of desire??

>> No.13973645

He's a Slovene, so duh.

>> No.13973653

Agreed. Amusing that he would instinctively choose Lévy as the example of someone unquestionably worse. Not that he is wrong.

>> No.13973673
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How do you get English speakers to watch a movie with Berlin in the title? If

>> No.13973674

I've always wondered if people realize Zizek misrepresents Slovenia and is considered a bad joke by most people.

>> No.13973681


Wtf I hate Zizek now. Assange a true hero? Bah!

>> No.13973748

peter handke is a good writer though

>> No.13973782

Puts his life and freedom on the line to get the truth to people and he gets a "bah" from you?
You're a slug. He's the very definition of a hero.

>> No.13973792

I doubt you live there or know anyone from there

>> No.13973804

In terms of criticism, Karl Ove Knausgård, and Jon Fosse (who is arguably the biggest Nobel laureate hope from Norway right now) both praised Peter Handke receiving this prize, because of his literary output. And both have defended it.

Also, from The Complete Review:

"From a purely literary perspective, the selection of Handke is hard to criticize. Indeed, I would argue that he is a considerably stronger winner -- again, in purely literary terms -- than Tokarczuk. She is good -- good enough to be a worthy laureate -- but Handke belongs in the literary pantheon; his output is surely among the strongest among all laureates of recent decades. (Overlooked in US/UK coverage is also the sheer range of his work: like Jelinek (and fellow Austrian Thomas Bernhard), he is also one of Europe's leading dramatists of the past half century.)"


"But maybe we should try to see it as just about the writing ? Tokarczuk generously (and unsurprisingly) was enthusiastic about her fellow laureate (as was Jelinek -- a full-fledged Communist for a time ! -- who has long said Handke deserved the prize before her) ....."

And I've been unable to verify it personally, as I haven't found an article containing the supposed statement, but apparently Tokarczuk herself said she's "proud" to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature "together with Handke"...

So while there are some authors who criticize Handke, there are authors who do not, and Tokarczuk herself has praised Handke.

>> No.13973830


>t. Trumptard boomer

>> No.13973841

Why? 4chan is not an American website.

>> No.13973974

>hurrr gypsy magic
>woe is me melancholy followed up by short bursts of euphoria
>horses in your living room
Sounds based

>> No.13974067
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iirc it's about two angels (two old guys) walking around in Berlin and talking about people.

>> No.13974079 [DELETED] 

based Handke dabbing on libtards and bugmen

>> No.13974085 [DELETED] 

these guys actually have brains. this is the right view to have.

>> No.13974093

>Tokarczuk herself has praised Handke.
that's good. heck even Rushdie who is quoted in every angry article about Handke didnt say he should not have gotten the award. The only ones saying that are twitter nobodies, the newspapers themselves and PEN.

Anywho iv'e spent the day reading through Slow Homecoming and though i can feel myself struggling along with the translator to understand what he is going for sometimes, it's an impressive work.

>> No.13974096
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>> No.13974209

Based. Assange is a pathetic manchild.

Shut up bugman. You're not cool or rebellious for saying this shit, you're just ignorant. You do realise Assange has done nothing of note for years and before his arrest was spending all day wallowing in his own filth, riding around on a skateboard while his hosts had to clean up after him and spend time and money feeding him? He released data indiscriminately and put people's lives at risk by outing gay people in the Middle East, all in the name of "muh transparency". He's a disgusting leech, which I guess explains why 4chan likes him, because he makes them think there's some hope of their own pitiful lives being relevant. Fuck Assange and fuck you.

>> No.13974446


>> No.13974472

These new ShareBlue shills are getting sloppy. Who is going to believe that a real person wrote this post?

>> No.13974483

no we already knew you were incel lol

>> No.13974601

His version of what angels look like was one of the ebst I ever encountered

>> No.13974815

Shit, Now i will have to read him too.

>> No.13974946

>Assange has done nothing of note for years and before his arrest was spending all day wallowing in his own filth, riding around on a skateboard while his hosts had to clean up after him and spend time and money feeding him
Yeah he was in hiding so he wouldn't be killed you nimrod. There was nothing else he could have been doing. Shill af.

>> No.13974969

>How can [my films] be the worst in the world when there are Bernard-Henri Lévy’s movies
hahahahahaha putain de basé

>> No.13974993

Zizek is primarily a leftist instead of just a liberal like most self described leftists but he's still quite liberal.

>> No.13975027

Is this just homeboard astroturfing?

>> No.13975033

Lévy is the quintessential French Jew. He's so Jewish you get the feeling he's playing a role, but no, it's just how he is. Yet there is a French patina of goofyness over that Jewishness that makes him endearing somehow instead of detestable.

>> No.13975039

i hate this whole artists have to be good people thing
he's been awarded an award for writing book good

>> No.13975065

>You're not cool or rebellious for saying this shit
For standing with truth tellers?
I’m rebelling against the neoliberals and their reactionary pseudonationalist puppy dogs for standing on my principals, you sniveling boot-licker.
The other poster is right. Are you even for real?

>> No.13975096

>i hate this whole artists have to be good people thing
When you grow out of hip hop, you'll realize that the two can only go hand in hand.
Improving as an artist inevitably means improving as a person - having the humility to admit your mistakes; searching for answers. Any impurity mars the work.

>> No.13975118

He's a bit like Trump in a way. Engaged in utter self-serving public TV moronism yet oddly endearing to watch.
>Lévy is the quintessential French Jew.
That's not a nice thing to imply about Lévinas.

>> No.13975636

>put so-called "people"'s lives at risk by outing gay people in the Middle East
Based "our guy" Assange.

>> No.13975676

>I’m rebelling against the neoliberals and their reactionary pseudonationalist puppy dogs
This is a hilarious statement, because the establishment doesn't mind you at all, but freaks out at the people you are calling their puppies

>> No.13975790
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Dear anon. The ruling class were scared out of their gourd at OWS. They struck back with all they had and now you puppies think it was all a big joke. You laugh at Bernie and the throngs who want him or even stronger socialism, and think there’s an immigration crisis. But you’re all being used to keep the status quo in place. Trump has done nearly nothing different from Obama or Bush. The permanent staff at the State Department have been calling the shots at the behest of the wealthy. Wake up, please.

>> No.13975827

>le president of the USA is anti-establishment

>> No.13975834

>Zizek misrepresents Slovenia
He's a philosopher, not an emissary

>> No.13975905

t. Jackson Pynchon

>> No.13976347

but assange hasn't contributed to literature at all, maybe he should have gotten another prize, but not the literature one

>> No.13976424

Reread it, anon.

>> No.13976744

But the State department is mostly Jewish anon....


>> No.13976808

Guardian just seething because a mediocre black woman no one ever heard of didn't get it.

>> No.13976823

He explicitly says peace prize.

>> No.13976845

so, zizek hasn't commented on it at all?

>> No.13976865

He means as a director.

>> No.13976880

The wealthy elites are the wealthy elites, I don’t care what their names are

>> No.13976891

>They struck back with all they had
No, it fell apart because the idpol shitters on started whining that fat black crippled dykes weren't represented in the decision making and so "privileged groups" [read: straight white men] needed to sit down and shut up to make that happen.

>> No.13976926

Of course. Sorry. Just "elites". Let's never speak of it again.

>> No.13976961

Houellebecq should win one of these stupid prizes.

>> No.13977118

What Assange did needed to be done. That does not mean he is not a piece of garbage.

>> No.13977195


>> No.13977333

Jesus Christ. You really are a paid shill?

>> No.13977453
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>> No.13977457

Why do you call him a piece of garbage, anon?

>> No.13977647

>When you grow out of hip hop,
>you'll realize [i was right]
ultra boomer

>> No.13977821

>"ethical blindness"

jesus christ how banal
if the writing is exceptional, then it deserves this arbitrary prize

>> No.13977888

This, it should just be about literary merit. The whole conversation on morals is fucking retarded.

>> No.13977894

>The fact that he got it now proves that he was right.
This is a perfect distillation of the trite pseudo-clever maxim-cum-quip that characterizes everything that ziz has ever done.

Also need a QRD on Handke's works.