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13971199 No.13971199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that teach you social skills/ how to connect with people? I tried How to win friends and influence people but it was a meme.

>> No.13971211

die motherfucker

>> No.13971298

No books can teach you social skills from my experience.

>> No.13971318

I wish this wasn’t the truth, but if you lack the innate ability to read other people and operate on some instinctual level that jives with the social expectations of whomever you’re interacting with, you’ll never make it. I struggle with this still to this day, although by frequently going out to the bars I have been able to improve somewhat. Personally, I believe it’s all a matter of whether or not you find other people valuable and interesting. If you don’t, all the worse for you because you won’t be able to find something that connects with the other person which allows you to build a relationship.

>> No.13971330

How the hell does that hinder her from applying to university? She just wanted to ruin this kids life because of a minor inconvenience

>> No.13971359
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This is what women do when they’re allotted this kind of freedom.

>> No.13971360

He's pretty handsome. What a shame.

>> No.13971374

>men harass and sexually intimidate women for centuries, knowing full well women have no rights and can't do shit about it
>women begin to get rights, men can no longer sexually assault them without consequences
When is it ever appropriate to randomly touch another guy who's a stranger?

it isn't.

and yet you expect women to be fine with it. but I'm just wasting my breath. you all probably sit in your rooms all day reading Guenon and researching how Hitler was actually trying to save the world.

>> No.13971376

Goes to show that female attraction is not based solely on the male's physical look, as opposed to what some of these incels think.

>> No.13971385
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>> No.13971389

>When is it ever appropriate to randomly touch another guy who's a stranger?
I do this all the time to both men and women to make them move in public. I tap them on the shoulder

>> No.13971397
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>men harass and sexually intimidate women for centuries, knowing full well women have no rights and can't do shit about it
source, please. Otherwise you’re just spreading feminist bullshit and propaganda like the roastie you are.

>Tick tock, ride those cocks, roasties time will come.

>> No.13971400

Send him to the chair honestly, what a sick fuck.

>> No.13971410

he's obviously socially miscalibrated, I don't buy the idea he was trying to do anything sexual

>he intended to touch her breast area

sounds like he touched her on the arm because he read something online and because of his anxiety he did it clumsily
it's strange to touch someone on the arm immediately but you're reading too much into it

>> No.13971421

From the article

It was quite a while - three to five seconds. He smirked at me, he didn't stop he just touched me and walked off and I broke down crying - it was quite traumatic.

'I struggled for a couple of months afterwards, I was applying for Oxford at the time and I found going to Oxford a stressful thing.

'It just makes everything a little bit scarier - if there is a guy walking towards me by himself I start to panic. It was more shocking that someone thought they had the right to touch me as I walked down the street.'

>> No.13971438

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a dumb book, should have been a pamphlet, but the one piece of advice it has is golden. Just start asking people questions about themselves, literally all you have to do. Anyone, absolutely anyone, is happy to go on and on about themselves. Nice shoes--where did you get them? What did you think of <insert current event>? Dumb stuff like that, you know, that's all it takes. At the end of the day you do need to have a certain level of confidence and charisma but the only way to get that is experience and the best way to get experience is to do what Carnegie says.

>> No.13971442

Women should be kept at home away from men who aren't their husbands to prevent this kind of thing

>> No.13971456

Link to article?

>> No.13971463
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There's this one middle aged lady at work who pokes my chest and touches my arms sometimes. I wish someone closer to my own age would sexually harass me, that would be based.

>> No.13971465

Am I alone in thinking she wasn't university material with that level of fragility.

I don't get what the past has to do with ruining a kid's life. I do agree that it is inappropriate behavior but not at that level.

>> No.13971470


here's a good article to start

>> No.13971476

shit like this makes me think we need to go back to a pre-agricultural state

>> No.13971485


>> No.13971496

Books will help minimally. Go out and practice constantly.

>> No.13971503

>I wish someone closer to my own age would sexually harass me, that would be based.
That should be a banner.

>> No.13971505
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>> No.13971513
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>> No.13971532

Maybe check out some books on salesmanship. Also. develop an interest, as a spectator, in sports, enough so that you can hold a converation about them.

>> No.13971577

Damn I guess things could be worse for me.

>> No.13971608

Start with The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine. Later read How To Be A Gentleman by Bridges. A lot of those situations probably won't come up for you but it has underlying ideas of courtesy and consideration in social settings

>> No.13971756

Imagine being a caveman and this ends up being your daughter. Your son is celebrated around the village for single-handedly warding off a bear. Your other daughter is admired for chasing off a wolf that tried to snatch her baby. Then there's your youngest child. Who cried at the age of seventeen because the tribe's idiot awkwardly put his arm around her.

It's cute, in a way. Like a little baby seal that needs protecting, but also sad, because what the fuck.

>> No.13971759

>the tribe's idiot
lmao. I wonder how they dealt with these characters

>> No.13971770

Hopefully she rots in hell

>> No.13971825

lol nice hair faggot

>> No.13971845

This is a pua thing. Like you touch people on the arm to show them you're confident comfortable and warm. It's bullshit, but some confident mostly gay people do so this. If he wanted to touch her breast why would he not just touch her breast? And why the same girl twice if it was sexual?

>> No.13971850

This is the result of codling women.

>> No.13971880

>socially miscalibrated
bro leave him alone he will die/become gay on his milky own terms

>> No.13971891

>When is it ever appropriate to randomly touch another guy who's a stranger?
Literally all the fucking time. A hand on the shoulder, a light tap on the arm, etc. etc. body contact is a natural part of human socialization and the doctrine that touching someone on the arm somehow constitutes a sexual assault is not only unjust, its inhuman.

>> No.13971932

There's no book that can replace the years of implicit learning normal people receive from a lifetime of socializing, sorry anon

>> No.13972046
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>> No.13972054

People at work touch each other all the time. Some people do it when they just meet as a friendly gesture. It's literally in pua garbage only autist can't slap each others arm and ass for lols around the office.

>> No.13972086

Poor guy.

>> No.13972127

If he didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have touched her arm. /s

>> No.13972141

but she touched my arm

>> No.13972186

seconding this. I used to be somewhat awkward but i'm at the very least passable now. One thing I have learned is just ask people a fuckton of questions about themselves and while they're answering you should be half-listening and half-thinking of another semi-related question to ask them when they're done, and maybe throw in a couple of statements like 'hmmmm....that's interesting. I hadn't thought about that before. i used to think xxxxxxxx but you have a good way of putting it. [insert next question]'. Doing this let's them know a bit about yourself as well. i've held conversations for 30+ minutes just doing this. if the're a good conversationalist they'll ask you about stuff too.the more practice you get the better you become.

>> No.13972195

Only problem with this for me is listening to people go on and on is boring af even when I care about the person
I have two close friends and a little brother who tend to rant for minutes at a time and it makes me want to blow my brains out, I can't imagine sitting there pretending to care about what some dumb normie has to say about shoes

>> No.13972197
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The Bible. It will teach you the most important of all social skills: how to help others and dedicate yourself to the service of others, not for recognition, nor for prize, but for the joy of honoring the divinity of Christ in others. By being humble, kind, and willing to help, you will have a true social life, and not the kind of narcissistic dead-end of dread that most call friendship these days.

>> No.13972202

>maximum of 10 years in jail

>> No.13972212

Too bad he wasn't gay. He'd be taken care of.

>> No.13972255
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Islam is right about women.

>> No.13972257

This. I’ve tried that and get bored to tears. I usually just wait for the other person to talk or take out a book

>> No.13972264

cavemen didn't live in villages

>> No.13972267

>his ancestors didn't know about the cave villages
how embarrassing

>> No.13972309

>women are simultaneously fragile flowers who need coverture laws but also fully capable of anything a man is and won't be patronised to

>> No.13972329
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>how to connect with people?
You're already doing it

This is the 21st century, now meatspace is for people who can't handle real life.

>> No.13972430

Shitposting on the internet is more like shouting into the void than actually connecting with someone imo.

>> No.13972464


>> No.13973130

Women getting beaten daily is best for everyone, prove me wrong.

>> No.13973143

>Anyone, absolutely anyone, is happy to go on and on about themselves.
I hate this with a passion. I've been to Japan this September and I already dread having my extended family ask me questions about it when I see them during Christmas.

>> No.13973158

But only a surface interest, that's important. Back when I used to be into sports seriously, I couldn't stand conversing about it with average people because their knowledge and understanding is usually very limited and superficial. Nowadays I don't really care anymore and I'm able to talk about casually with normal people.

>> No.13973246

I've been touched like that by homos.

It's no big deal.

And I live in Brazil, a country where violence and killing are way above what Europeans would even begin to consider normal in a war zone.

>> No.13973406

The girl unironically did nothing wrong in this context.

Who touches a person’s waist during a platonic interaction? You’d have to be literally retarded to think that was acceptable. It makes sense the guy would get a slap on the wrist for this.

And before anyone mentions he was socially inept, even those who can’t into social img are capable of observing the most basic of social cues— Everyone knows touching the waist is an intimate act.

>> No.13973465

>Everyone knows touching the waist is an intimate act
This is why I put little pants on the legs of my chairs, tables, etc. The sight of all that obscenely naked wood is an open invitation to illicit and immoral sexual congress of all sorts.

>> No.13973584

Middle aged women are the worst for sexual harassment, particularly verbal.

>> No.13973670

his "i just wanted friends!" act is obvious bullshit, he doesn't come off as anywhere near autistic enough to actually believe that silently touching a minor in the street is a way to make friends. he's a classic sex pest in training - they start small and every time they get away with it they escalate. if she didn't report it he would have kept going and soon enough instead of stalking a teenager to grope her waist he'd be dragging a kid off of a playground to shove his dick into its mouth. i pity anyone with a brain so weak that cheap tabloid spin can prevent them from smelling raw degeneracy.

>> No.13973759

>using /s at the end of a phrase
Why do Redditors do this? It's cringe as fuck. We can argue if abuse of sarcasm is ridiculous (which I think I it is, because adds nothing to a serious conversation), but the fact that you have to tell it's sarcasm is straight BRAIN DEAD RETARDED: It's like you say a "bad thing" to be le epic trole but then you pussy out because you fear to get downvoted. For example, the Redditor says, in a snarky, effeminate fashion:
>yeah im a gamer I hate women and PoC
But then he adds the /s like if he was saying:
>lol its joke haha I love minorities based trannies ;)
It's beyond pathetic. The worst thing is that implies redditors NEED a sign telling them it's a joke. They LITERALLY would ban him for "wrongspeech" because they are a fucking idiotic NPC hivemind that can't understand sarcasm. Fucking hell, I got angry just writing this shit for 2 or 3 (You)s
TLDR: fuck redditors and fuck sarcasm and fuck the birch in OP's article

>> No.13973770

My man - I'm in chapter 4

>> No.13973823
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She didn't have a special room to cool off?
>Am I alone in thinking she wasn't university material with that level of fragility.
Have you been living in a cave?

>> No.13973840

>be male
>was bullied back in the day
>instintively put my guard or back off whenever someone intends to touch me without warning

This shit is so cringe, fuck.

>> No.13973857

You may not like answering certain personal questions like "Do you have a girlfriend yet?" since they're embarrassing to answer, but if they started showing interest in your anime hobby you know you'd open up.

>> No.13973881

Even if it's not appropriate in this particular context, does it warrant a jail conviction as a sex offender?

>> No.13973882

>10 years in jail max and life ruined whenever an employer or acquaitance googles his name
>slap on the wrist
Yeah, I wonder what you call death penalty if that's a slap on the wrist.

>> No.13973894

>Hitler was actually trying to save the world.
It's funny because it's true.


>> No.13973900

>they start small and every time they get away with it they escalate
So very, very true. Three seconds of supposedly “innocent” touching, if left unchecked, will surely lead to the direst of consequences. I would not at all be surprised if this Griffiths pervert graduated to pillaging and raping entire villages before his twentieth birthday. Ten years in gaol is hardly enough for him; he should be castrated and deported to Africa upon his release.

>> No.13973904

>When is it ever appropriate to randomly touch another guy who's a stranger?
Does anyone on the planet who isn’t a soulless Anglo or Nordcuck honestly think this

>> No.13973908

Go back to your containment board

>> No.13973914

He faces up to 10 years in jail, and will go on the sex offenders register meaning he'll basically never be employed again. Their was a statement from the court already showing a guilty verdict and about they didn't buy his story (i.e. he is going to get convicted).

>> No.13973921

*about how they didn't buy

>> No.13973940

>Does anyone on the planet who isn’t a soulless Anglo or Nordcuck honestly think this
All right-thinking people do. At the very minimum he should have had her sign a consent form — and have it notarized — before placing his filthy finger on her arm.

>> No.13973951

Lmao Britain’s right wing tabloid newspapers are worthless rags, and you retards are buying into this shit. Most likely this kid was stalking a girl (said he tried to engage with her more than once), she was obviously afraid because she burst into tears, and he attempted to feel her up. Of course this wouldn’t make a good story for our tabloid friends, so they spun it into a SJWS GONE INSANE story like they always do.

>> No.13973961

She didn't make it into university and wants to leverage this to enter Oxford. It's quite apparent.

>> No.13973997
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>> No.13974042

Only if you go to yours, you can choose two depending if you are a biological woman or not.


>> No.13974056

>Hm, I don't like the content of this, it must be playing it down
>In reality it happened like *starts imagining a boogeyman fanfic with no basis in reality*


>> No.13974087

The Mirror is left wing, you moron. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/student-who-searched-how-make-20555360

>> No.13974106

OP is the Daily mail though

>> No.13974116

incels just want justification for their loneliness so they search up any obscure article and make a mountain out of a mole hill

>> No.13974117

Good bait

>> No.13974184

The point is that he probably knew exactly what he was doing. You’d have to be genuinely mentally retarded to think doing that is an acceptable way to make friends. And if he was mentally retarded, then he would either receive a lenient sentence or he wouldn’t have been convicted in the first place.

I don’t doubt the guy was probably lonely, but doing something like this is like trying to prove your strength by murdering someone. There are going to be consequences. What no one is really asking is why this guy felt so lonely in the first place and how that can be solved to prevent incidents like this from happening.

>> No.13974201

>doing something like this is like trying to prove your strength by murdering someone
Touching someone on the arm is the same as murdering them? The genuinely mentally retarded person is you.

>> No.13974223

>all this cope so it can seem acceptable to go 10 years to jail for touching someone's arm

>> No.13974245

The problem is that overzealous courts treat touching someone else AT ALL as assault, it's another dumb zero tolerance style of thinking that breeds injustice.

>> No.13974263

obviously he made a social gaffe, but you really think this sentencing is commensurate with his 'crime'? like the other anon said, he's a pariah now - nobody will want to associate with him, nor will he ever be able to get any decent job. his life might as well be over because he made a little mistake and touched some girl in a completely non-sexual way.

>> No.13974284
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>The point is that he probably knew exactly what he was doing.
This is the point you braindead animal ape, he knew nothing of what he was doing. His incapability and social retardedness is the cause of this event.

>> No.13974287

This advice helps with keeping the conversation going undoubtedly but it falls short in getting people to be interested in YOU. That takes a certain level of charisma which is hard to consciously create in yourself wholesale.

>> No.13974631

It's suspicious that he apparently only approached her specifically although there were weeks between the two occasions.

>> No.13974642

he's a shy autist. Even supposing he had intended to be weird, how the fuck should this be a higher sentence than purposefully punching someone

>> No.13974655

>People don't have routines.

>> No.13974662

He's a shy autist no doubt and the sentencing is disproportionate but I don't buy it that he was "just trying to make friends" and that it was just by chance that it was her two times. Probably had a crush on the girl and tried to approach her this way.

>> No.13974677

>Ask girl out
>10 years in jail
>Stigmatised forever

>> No.13974684

Ok what amount of jail time do you think makes sense for this guy? Do you think he is a threat to the public

>> No.13974702

You dry up every pussy in the world

>> No.13974708

Some kind of restraining order and no jail time probably

>> No.13975383

Did you read the last sentence of my comment