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13970498 No.13970498 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche's best stuff is in this book. His deepest ideas are all together in it and it's the most systematic work overall. So why is it one of his most unread works, regularly discouraged from being considered mandatory reading?

>> No.13970508

Because you'll turn into a Nazi if you read it.

All of Nietzsche's works have been watered down by Kaufmann. Ever notice how every other major writer has numerous translators? Not Nietzsche. There's only one: Kaufmann. Turns out he's a good guy liberal, too.

>> No.13970529

Nietzsche has many translators though and Kaufmann's edition of Will to Power is the one I'm referring to.

>> No.13970530

Get this meme the fuck outta here. Kaufmann saved Nietzsche in the Anglosphere from becoming another verboten author like Evola or Jünger.

>> No.13970545

Not this shit again. How does the man who preached endlessly about the stupidity of the herd mentality possibly get construed as a Nazi. Being a nazi is to be a slave. A worker in a bomb factory or a soldier sent to die for his master.

>> No.13970551


Muh leftist conspiracy

>> No.13970558

Is Junger considered a blacklisted author? He seems pretty normal to me. I read him at uni.

>> No.13970563

>Being a nazi is to be a slave.
Unless you're Hitler. Hitler was based

>> No.13970566

He was almost canceled for how he didn't really hate being a soldier in a horrific war. Its pretty scary to imagine war as a good thing in any right for people.

>> No.13970575

The Germans were based. They weren't slaves they just bought in. It's still kindve nietzshien but he would have disagreed with the nazi regime.

>> No.13970580

Based at getting his asshole utterly reamed by Soviets and Anglos. tens of millions of dead germans and suicide in a bunker. So based!!!!!! Savior of the aryan race!!!

>> No.13970582

Most people think he's a nazi because they heard how unapologetic he was in In Stahlgewittern. That's retarded, of course, but the stigma is still there. Couple that with his personal philosophy and he will lie outside the Overton window in the majority of public discourse.

>> No.13970590

Because its just notes. Not a work. His sister compiled it together out of the notes he was making for a final, quadrilogy I believe, called the transvaluation of values. She was married to a nazi and they both, N's and her husband both wanted to appropriate N's work for nazi ideology.
The west has done a similar thing. It just more subtle than the nazis. Its kind of still employing a lowest common denominator interpretation of N along pseduo social darwinist.

>> No.13970592

he was a still like a demi-god for a decade get rekt fag

>> No.13970599

Did he write the notes or not?

>> No.13970609

Yes WP is a uniquely metaphysical work to his entire bibliography. He believed he had already solved the problem of Nihilism with Z, which he had begun to see in BoT. WP was a new project.

>> No.13970611

>Because its just notes. Not a work.
I suppose this could be a reason. It's unfortunate. The notes have an outline for the full work and large portions of the work were already written and edited, while the rest is in a chicken scratch (but legible) form. Despite being a compilation of notes, it's full of some of his best passages.

>> No.13970618

A dead god was never a god.

>> No.13970639

Cringe. Dude almost singlehandedly conquered the world. If it wasn't for dumbass nips he literally would have. This is why you never outsource to Asia to do a second rate job

>> No.13970658

This is why Nietzsche and Nazis are literally opposite. You're a life denying manchild who makes up a story to please himself. Oh if only! If only my retarded fantasy were realized life would be glorious. This is the spirit of ressentiment.

>> No.13970666

Kaufmann is a liberal though, no?
Worse is the liberal individualist interpretation imo. That one has stuck and given us this kind of fascism-of-the-self.
Not to go into a work called the will to power.
WP wasnt a project. It was a work invented by his sister he had no part in except in the capacity of making notes for the transvaluation. The transvaluation is the new project that was incomplete.
What a joke. He was in the pay of jew tard why else would any sane person invade the soviet union. Or he was insane- no god makes a mistake like losing the gains he'd made. He doesn't deserve the title of god, god doesn't fail.

>> No.13970667

Can you read German, anon?

>> No.13970670

What fantasy. Are you so juvenile you've made up a backstory for me you've gotten from other interactions with people?


>> No.13970687
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He had an outline and the notes reference will to power all over the place. He may not have named the book Will to Power if he was able to finish and publish it, but if not, it would have probably had "Nihilism" in the title, as that was his main focus. And it would have still been about the will to power.

>> No.13970693

>Not to go into a work called the will to power.
If he wrote the stuff himself, why are you saying he didn't believe it?

>> No.13970696
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>> No.13970701

Ooo you cant know me bro!! My words are meaningless!! Manbabies first teary eyed response to realizing he is wrong

>> No.13970715

No, he lost because of his autistic obsession with Russia. Instead of convincing Stalin to go nazbol like Mussolini wanted he attacked them for muh living space.

>> No.13970778

You literally made up a projection about me as if I made some claim I didn't. You presume that because Hitler literally had the world on its knees at one point I must be a white supremacist who fantasies about nazi rule. You're an actual brainlet, probably in college, probably were right, but when trump came to power became more left, angry at the world, blame your parents, could get pussy but too inept to do so. Have sex.

>> No.13970806

I got the little nazi mad enough to say he wasn't a nazi. Feels good.

>> No.13970893

>married to a nazi
Her husband died in 1889 though, I'm in no way denying his and her anti-jew stance but obviously he was not a national socialist.

>> No.13971368

We know it was going to be called the revaluation of all values. The will to power probably would have been the second book. The first was the antichrist. You can't change the fact that its just unfinished notes.
I'm not saying he didn't believe it tard. Its just a part of a larger scheme of ideas he had called the revaluation. Not the end goal of his thinking.
Cos he was just a pawn for other jews who dont care about genocidally massacring "their own people" as long as it gives them a good buffer.
Anti semitism was rampant.

>> No.13971658

>You can't change the fact that its just unfinished notes.
I don't really see why it matters. The fact remains that very few people read those notes. Even in an unfinished state, they contain the answers to many of the "riddles" people get hung up on over N even today.

>> No.13971863

All his work is better thought as a riddle than a solution.

>> No.13971903

If I was a nazi saying I'm not a nazi only helps me in the long run desu.

>> No.13971909

cant tell if resentment of hitler for failure or doesnt like nazis.

first part is hypocritical for most people from /pol/ imo. A guy who risked everything for your ideals results in their worst nightmare of modern leftism, but instead of pardoning hitler for it they shame him for it. Shows a lot how socially disfigured right wing incels are

>> No.13972185

>Implying a herd mentality makes you stupid or a slave
you have absolutely no concept of freedom or purpose, your entire mind is devoted to self ignorance.

you do not have the capacity for individuality or freedom, though the two have little to do with each other

freedom is simply the ability to achieve purpose, and you have no idea what originates purpose, so you have no freedom

>'lel i have to be an INDIVIDUAL otherwise the MAN is raping me'
>assembles artificial personality from products supplied to him by authority
kill every leftist, they are not human, they are demonic abominations set here to impede real life

>> No.13972192

>some retard getting really carried away with his fantasies

>> No.13972209
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And yet all that product of his merely human mind pales in the light of the divine wisdom of our Lord and Savior. Ecce Deus.

>> No.13972220

Ecce Larper

>> No.13972232

>only one translator of Nietzsche
well that's not true at all anon, Kaufmann is just the most popular because he is such a famous Neech scholar

>> No.13972235

>If I insult and strawman someone enough, that makes their comments incorrect
Are you retarded?

>> No.13972268

infantile. need daddy church and state to even want to live. absolute infant.

>> No.13972687

>Wille zur Macht
cringe. Me? I read the Nachgelassene Fragmente 1887-1888

>> No.13972825 [DELETED] 

nah its true. Look at /pol/ time to time and you'll see resentment and paranoia.

>> No.13972850 [DELETED] 

nah its true. Look at /pol/ time to time and you'll see resentment and paranoia.

divide and conquer is also a sign of mental illness

>> No.13972853

nah its true. Look at /pol/ time to time and you'll see resentment and paranoia.

divide and conquer is also a sign of mental illness

>> No.13972955

He had a philosophy whether you want to embrace it or not. It wasn't merely romanticism.

>> No.13972966

He hadn't written anything of value since "Birth of tragedy".

>> No.13973333

Ecce Fedora

>> No.13973338
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>who is R.J. Hollingdale

>> No.13973343

Just lol if you can't read it in the original

>> No.13973344

How can anyone think Nietzsche's writings "support" the Nazis? Almost the opposite.

>> No.13973355

>So why is it one of his most unread works
It's an anglo meme. Nobody reads compiled, revised and rehashed works in europe because we are more interested in intellectual matters than vulgar sensationalism (The Will to Power - a Spielberg adapation) I wish I was joking but I'm not. People don't realize that anglos are moralizing agents and that's it - you've summed up the anglo mind.

>> No.13973952

So Nietzsche was a stirnerist? Because if you replace the word "Nazi" in your post with anything with a state in it it works.

Reality check: National-Socialism is the only ideology that's closest to Nietzsche's teachings and a natural consequence to them. The fact that they are a group instead of an inidividual acting on it has no relevance as even Stirner accepted the idea of "Union of Egoists". And I assure you germans were fed up with jewry, they weren't "slaves" as you say, they voted Hitler in out of free will and enjoyed a paradise in Germany until the jew forced them out.

>> No.13973963

>my version is the objective truth, anything else is making up a story to please yourself
Hello Plato, how ironic.

>> No.13973971

>the guy who constantly said we should act more like dionysus totally loved the state that repressed the weimar republic arts scene and labeled a bunch of shit degenerate
you rightists really need to cope, seethe, and learn some reading comprehension

>> No.13974026

Then you claim Nietzsche was an anarcoindividualist or a stirnerist right? Because any ideology that isn't that one has a state that does things like the one you criticise about NS Germany.

Or perhaps your copes allow you to think Nietzsche would be alright with other forms of government even though they sin in the same regards?

>Weimar republic arts scene
Shit I'm dying, yeah, smearing shit on a canvas is deep art. Nietzsche loved it, the mark of the Übermensch is paying a jew 8 million dollars for crayon scribbles on a canvas, "modern art". But let's not talk about this, let's focus on your main argument.

Is it not Nietzsche-like to impose your will and throw away that which according to your nature is weak and degenerate, such as that "art"?
Isn't that the very concept of will to power? To bend reality to your will?

I don't think Nietzsche would have agreed with being an undiscerning tolerant cuck with no passion that just accepted a picture of an anus as art just because mainstream thought did so.

Are you conflating acting more like dionysus to have no opinions or acting on them? Tolerance? Something tells me the only thing about Nietzsche you have read is the wikipedia page.

>> No.13974054

there is possibly nothing more reddit than trying to box a romantic philosopher into a specific political ideology. i am not engaging with this reddit spaced frothing about stirnerism and der juden. the mainstream opinion of nietzsche, borne of ignorance, is that he was a proto-nazi. why do you feel the need to continue claiming him on a japanese rice cultivation forum? please seek therapy.

>> No.13974059

nigga one of his books has gay right there in the title

>> No.13974109

Ran out of arguments so fast, it's a bit pathetic. You call me ignorant yet I can defend my position and you can't refute it, you are the one acting like a redditor.
I'm not claiming he was a protonazi or that he had anything about NS in mind when he wrote his stuff. I'm just saying that thinking NS has nothing to do with Nietzsche's teachings it's batshit retarded and massive cope where you can draw thousands of paralelisms. I'm not saying Nietzsche created NS you dildo, I'm saying that NS is nietzschean in nature applied to statism, which means it's nietzschean collectivelly instead of individually, and that collective acts as an individual metaphorically. The Übermensch was the german people that trashed what they deemed degenerate and unfit, reinstated values that they deemed worth and threw away those that they deemed noxious.

They did away with the notion that muh joos are pepel you can't just throw them away becuz feels even though they are destroying your country and using your people as prostitutes (learn about weimar sexual degeneracy).
They did away with the notion that we lost a war so we must keep taking it in the ass and fear our masters!
They did away with the christian notion of everyone is a child of god and deserves to live (getting rid of useless literal tards)
And many more.

Can you deny this is übermensch-like? TO throw away useless values imposed by christian morality, holding onto those that are good for you and creating new ones? If so, I'm sorry about your condition.

>> No.13974134
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That's not what the Overman is. Im sorry its depth was too much for you. Simply throwing away a value is not Overman. Simply saying fuck da rules is not Overman. Simply being non Christian, is not Overman. By your definition a fedora wearer that shoplifts a candy bar is The Ubermensch.

The Overman, is a new being. Someone who is literally incapable of nihilism because he no longer denies life, whose Genealogy of thought is not the spirit of revenge.

It is a concept that reaches thousands of years in time. Not being an epic joo killer.

>> No.13974212
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>Simply throwing away a value is not Overman.
It is. And they didn't throw away just one. They did all three, throwed away noxious ones, kept those that were good and master-like. And created new ones. They did the whole package as per 101 übermensch. Your unfunny comical examples won't erase this fact.

>The Overman, is a new being. Someone who is literally incapable of nihilism because he no longer denies life, whose Genealogy of thought is not the spirit of revenge.
Not even my jewish philosophy professor could deny to my face that the NS were vitalists, you are trying way too hard.
The NS accepted life and put their will to work to bend reality to their wants, a nihilist wouldn't have given a fuck about all the things the NS did, a nihilist would've done nothing. The NS are the absolute opposite of the nihilists, they actively changed their country's way greatly, a great turning point. They cared so much about life that they wanted to fix it right there and right then, giving no fucks about mainstream christian morality. A will untainted by the ruling slave-morality (christian), is that not übermensch-like?

Spirit of revenge? The jews needed to be dealt with anyway, they are not needed and noxious, same as gypsies. Did they put gypsies in labor camps as some sort of revenge too? That's how weak that argument is. Germany is for the german people, and weak and inferior influences from other peoples are not needed, they are harmful as Wagner said in regards to the musical scene of the period.

Anyway now that your skin color is revealed I see you have an irrational drive to deny all this because it's a personal matter so I won't bother myself with further replies. Enjoy the cope if you so much require it.

>> No.13974250

Having a not-slave morality is not the fucking ubermensch. For fuck's sake man. Nazism is spiritually dead. They LARP Odin. They mythologize their race. All of the things they do are attempts to justify to life. To convict it guilty and require some kind of story, myth, and cause to even want to live. Its the exact opposite of the overman Nietzsche professed.

>> No.13974257

>That's not what the Overman is.
>cites a secondary source
ahahahah hurdur

>> No.13974290

You're wrong, but that's fine. Most people presume the same things on their first read. You ought to read The Pale Criminal.

>> No.13974315

>Nietzsche's best stuff is in this book.
It's just random notes from his notebook.
>His deepest ideas are all together in it and it's the most systematic work overall.
It's not a systematic work tho
>So why is it one of his most unread works, regularly discouraged from being considered mandatory reading?
Because it's not a Nietzsche's book, and because Nietzsche ended up canning everything that was contained in his notes. It's a failed project.
I mean, it can still be interesting for historical and philological reasons, but that's it. It certainly has no relevance when it comes to Nietzsche's philosophy in general

>> No.13974330

Yep, and then he realized that he was getting nowhere. I cannot find the precise one now, but he talks about it in some of his letters.
Read above

>> No.13974333
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Now you are just intentionally misreading and strawmanning, and also spewing memes. Must be the fabled intellect of the brown man.
>read it until you can twist it into what I want, also read this fiction novel
I'll pass

I don't even know why you need to cope with this honestly, why does it matter to you as a non-nazi if the NS were inspired by Nietzsche's teachings? It's like a racist wanting to deny that niggers also drink water.

>> No.13974761

There are definitely some interesting ideas in The Will to Power. But you have to read it for what it is. A collection of unfinished thoughts. Some that Nietzsche believed and some that he did not. I think the biggest takeaway from these notes is a glimpse into Nietzsche's personality. Delusions of grandeur, narcissism, egoism, tortured genius, idolizing all the things that he is not, etc.

>> No.13974788

But also courage and strength to stand an unrelenting intellect fueled by a desire to prove Schopenhauer wrong.

Does anyone think he was successful in responding to Schopenhauer?

>> No.13975462

It's Deleuze retard

>> No.13975775

No. He failed to overcome nihilism as did all existencialists. It was still a great attempt though.

>> No.13976788

National socialism aims to create many individuals, not eliminate individuals, which was literally what Nietzsche was clamoring for in his books.

>> No.13976800

The only thing I've read that even comes close to that sentiment is his own realization that nobody around him is understanding him, and that no one will understand him for quite some time. You'll have to share what you're referring to if you think it's something else.

>> No.13976835

In fact is the only ideology that strives to make elite individuals through quality free physical and mental education, as it happened in the Napolas. Communism is only interested in equality and regulating poverty. And Libertarians don't care. Guess nazis really loved their people.

>> No.13978384

Hmm this nigga seems to have a point
>Spirit of revenge? The jews needed to be dealt with anyway
Oh no no no HAHA. Need to do a better job containing your inner poltard, bucko.

>> No.13978484

The nazi ideals were pretty fucking dumb though. I think Nietzsche may have appreciated their praising of strength, cunning, and will, bit wouldve hated that it was all in the service of propagating the herd

>> No.13978491

which books include "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense" - other than Kaufmann's "Portable Nietzsche"?

>> No.13978503

Hahah wasch ur benin

>> No.13978571

>the liberal individualist interpretation

that's just zarathustra. nietzsche is =/= zarathustra
zarathustra is based though. even if he is an ass.

>> No.13978585

The Nietzsche Reader (eds. Ansell-Pearson and Large)

>> No.13978600


What I hate about leftists and tarantulas the most is that they only say "no your wrong" but never argue, and they don't even realize how obnoxious they are

Until they grow up, that is

>> No.13978642


>> No.13979079


>> No.13979085

Kaufman, is literally a shit translator... he applies his own politics to every translation he does... he admits to this

>> No.13979263

Learn german and read the original notes, everything else can not be trusted.

>> No.13979278


>> No.13979282

>National-Socialism is the only ideology that's closest to Nietzsche's teachings

full retard

>> No.13979358

Beyond Good and Evil is better, and it has good translations. I consider it to be a summary of late Nietzschean thought. A few minor details may not be present, but that's not a big deal. The delivery is unorthodox, but that only bothers those unconditioned for systematic thinking and memorization. And it shouldn't bother those who read Will to Power, which wasn't even edited properly.
>why is it one of his most unread works
It's all in the other books, why would anyone put more effort into the task?

>> No.13979550 [DELETED] 

I don't recall BGE or any other book really talking about the multiplicity of drives, so there's one major idea from WTP not in the rest, but I could be mistaken.

>> No.13979608

>It's all in the other books, why would anyone put more effort into the task?
Everything after TSZ is in TSZ in some form, but the books after TSZ are still very important and very fruitful reads. WTP is no different. He might mention the ideas in that compilation in other works, but he extrapolates on some of those ideas even further in WTP, like the multiplicity of drives, the overman, the will to power, the eternal recurrence, subjectivity vs. objectivity, the Kantian thing-in-itself, nihilism, etc. If you're in the business of reading Nietzsche thoroughly, there's no good excuse not to read WTP.

>> No.13979626

Bias isnt a conspiracy antifa fren

>> No.13979653

I read it, it's nothing new. A summary is enough, better invest time in his other stuff. Reading through some notes is not worth it for a few ideas that he read about somewhere. The book was in the process of making, and who knows which thoughts would have made it in had it been done.

>> No.13979700

As I said, if you're interested in reading Nietzsche thoroughly, there's no good excuse to not read WTP. The notes are long and there are many aphorisms, so saying its contents are just in other works or are things he read about somewhere is a little disingenuous.

>> No.13979971

Every militarist Nietzsche admired was politically national socialist and he tended to admire their politics greatly.

>> No.13980142

Cringe lie, Nietzsche was never going anywhere.

>> No.13980185


>> No.13980209

To be fair, no one in the Anglosphere treats Nietzsche properly.

>> No.13981647

I found that translation, and it's not only lucid but beautiful - great recommendation

>> No.13981713


>> No.13982806
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>Exhibit A