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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 1022x578, 1570342398044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13970382 No.13970382 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13970607

is it me or is 4chan more shit than usual today. Like on every board I frequent, people are being massive faggots

>> No.13970648

>gender gap in steam

You can't be much of a humanities student if the biological differences in men and women bother you.

>> No.13970656
File: 185 KB, 982x717, 153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHHHHH I need to stop being a coomer cumbrain. I'm too young to destroy my life like this. I'm going to figure out how to block porn sites in my router, then I'll destroy the password so I can't change it without reseting the whole network.

>> No.13970677

Just finish under 15 minutes and you can keep coomin as much as you like.

>> No.13970681

it's you, people are nice today.

>> No.13970686

They're not, look at the catalog

>> No.13970714

I know why DFW killed himself – he saw the ‘thing which subsumes all’ – capitalism, irony, pretension, self-reference, etc – he saw this thing, and knew it to be so, but could not bear to identify his self with that ‘thing which subsumes all’ – all is entangled and devoured by it – reflected infinitely within it with no escape. He lacked the willpower to be that thing, or the heart to be that thing, and instead was subsumed within that eternal spiral.
Many ‘gentle souls’ fall into this trap. The Will is a violatory existence. The Will knowing itself as Will is original sin – position which propels itself through negation, entailing its own negation – a statement of is separating itself from what is. Necessarily, the Will must trample upon other wills – and most cannot take the journey to see this as fact, and still others cannot accept this as fact. We must have a relationship with our existence – both as an artist lovingly forgives his own hand for the imperfection it gives birth to, and as a commander giving the OK to a bombing campaign with a projected 6% collateral casualty rate.

>> No.13970799

I had really severe diarrhea all of a sudden and was freaked out thinking I got food poisoning but now I feel fine. WTF happened

>> No.13970866

Halfway through the semester. Things are going okay. I've got As in most if not all classes I think. I'm planning on asking out my oneitis on a date or something but I'm nervous. Normally I'm pretty confident speaking to crowds or with anyone EXCEPT girls I'm attracted to, and with this girl there's been like 3-4 times when I wanted to go up to her and talk to her but turned aside at the last moment. I guess most guys would say she's a 5/10 but I think she's perfect. Wish me luck bros and help me be confident tomorrow.

>> No.13970886

I'm not sure if I'm going in circles or building up steam today.

>> No.13970928

Im about halfway through the first semester of grad school. The graduate coursework is really lopsided at this university so I don't know how I feel about it yet. There are some classes where I'm like "wow, this is fucking graduate level, jesus christ I'm getting left in the dust." and then there are others where the difficulty is as easy or easier than my undergraduate work. I don't know which is worse, because I know if all my coursework was actually at the proper level of difficulty it would be kicking my ass, but I also feel like I'm wasting my time with the coursework that is below my skill level. Hopefully things will get better once I start my thesis, my advisors work is pretty interesting but not my cup of tea, so I don't know how much time I want to devote to working in his research lab. I'm brimming with ideas about what to do my thesis on, I can't wait.

>> No.13970952

no-one cares

>> No.13970959

>implying that the inauguration of the Ye Olde Meme Trilogy is not the event of the month

>> No.13970963

Isn't that essentially the point of this thread? Giving people a place to write things that would otherwise go unsaid because nobody gives a fuck? If I had something to say that people cared about I wouldn't be writing it here.

>> No.13970964

I'm sure this is a misspelling, but the only thing I hate more than the "STEM" acronym is "STEAM," the half-hearted attempt by art teachers to hop aboard the funding wagon. It's not enough that all science has to be reduced to a stupid piece of education industry jargon used to sell shit like common core math and diversity coding camps - now it seems the only art that gets taught in schools is either glorified data visualizations or propaganda about how we need to eat bugs to save the koalas.
Maybe I'm an obsessive nut, but whenever I hear someone casually use terms like "stem" or "stemfag" it makes me despair for the future of intellectual discourse. Can't we afford to be more dignified in our language than the idiot bureaucrats that run the US public school system? Does absolutely everything have to be reduced to a glib acronym?

I've seen that kicking around for a while, nice to see it getting more attention though.

>> No.13970965
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I'm crushing on this teller I see regularly. We don't have anything to do with each other besides business for five minutes once a week. She's so pretty, and kind (I know that's her job, but she's literally the only person that asks about my day). Don't know how I should feel about this. I know she isn't part of our religion so my parents wouldn't like her. There is absolutely no reason we would ever have anything to do with each other and it really feels bad man

>> No.13970972

I know but what you wrote was especially insipid and dull.

>> No.13970975

It takes 10s to reset it and a few more if you want to use a password after it, not that it would be necessary if you use you aren't using the wifi

>> No.13970979

You're not wrong and that's why 4chan is shit.

>> No.13970984

I can't argue with that, it definitely was lacking in effort on my part.

>> No.13970990
File: 17 KB, 450x360, Its+a+trap+_e2660275e3a619e4566d3fa8eab460ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post my pic on /fa/ asking for glasses recommendations
>Horny gay guys come out of the woodwork offering to fuck me on the ass
It's nice to feel appreciated for once

>> No.13971019

g-good luck anon...

don't fuck up

>> No.13971029

nice coat, anon. is that natural hair color? if you're a dude why wear it long so sissies wanna pound you out?

>> No.13971043
File: 44 KB, 1000x506, like_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to answer your glasses question something plastic and blocky to offset your feminine features (and benis)

i.e. aviators or wayfarers would look awful.

>> No.13971044

I'm STEM, but I don't think this meme describes me. So, I don't like it.

>> No.13971065

I thought I would get a glimpse of her tonight, but she wasn’t there. I’ll see her in a few days, for sure, though. I need a reminder of what I’m struggling for. I’ve been too despondent, lately. Too often I forget about her while I wade through the meaningless studies, effortlessly maintaining my grades without gaining true understanding. I just want to see her, just for a moment, then I will regain a healthy perspective. All of my present ailments would be cured. I can only imagine what life would be like if I were with her all the time.

>> No.13971092

Lol, newfag. You have to go back

>> No.13971104

I exclusively read science fiction, fantasy, romance and extremely popular/well known books. I love reading Star Wars and Game of Thrones novels. The only philosophy I've ever read was for college, and even then I got an A relying exclusively on the cliff notes. Life is too short and stressful to waste on stuff that doesn't bring you joy.

I shitpost as a hardcore leftist and a hardcore Trump supporter to derail threads that don't interest me.

>> No.13971160

I thought I would enjoy being a NEET again. Turns out I'm just a lazy dickhead. I hope NaNoWriMo kicks me in the ass to actually accomplish something.

>> No.13971173

This is stalker talk lmao

>> No.13971181


>> No.13971258

The context of my seeing her is perfectly natural. I would be seeing her even if I didn’t want to.

>> No.13971266

it would be retarded to actually do but I keep thinking about how cool it would be to keep all your money in physical gold coins like you were in a fantasy rpg. I want a treasure hoard god damn it.

>> No.13971289
File: 884 KB, 956x710, dtb1301yin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you made somebody smile today?

>> No.13971300

yes. i smiled at the girl at the campus bookstore and she smiled back.

she's cute but not my oneitis.

>> No.13971301

We're fucked in the coming years. There's worldwide protests all over the world, the Syrian Civil War resumed, the 2020 US Election is looking to be a repeat of 2016. Climate change is taking a toll, there's warnings of a recession, we've peaked in societal vice and liberal nihilism, etc etc. I'm genuinely scared for the 2020s and I don't know what to do for the future. I predict global instability until the inevitable collapse of major institutions. I just want to raise a family and do good for my community bros.

>> No.13971307

you can do that anon. of course then all your wealth would be tied up in an amount of gold that is easily picked up and carried away under one arm.

>> No.13971314

if this stupid shit doesn't end by 2024 the next decade is fucked. that means by 2030 I'll be nearly 50 years old and still living in stupid fucking clownworld and probably still posting here.

best thing to do imo is read plato and recognize politics for what it is: a dumb game for dumb people played by immoral people who do not have the best interests of the office at heart.

>> No.13971377

I've discovered a youtube channel with hundreds of videos seemingly detailing a man's transformation from normie hiker to jacked buddhist hermit living in a hand crafted yurt out in the woods. I don't know what to think about this.

>> No.13971398

Just started a diary a few days ago. I really enjoy myself while writing. On the other hand, I hate being a STEMfag. Sadly, I don't know what else to do.

>> No.13971402

What are you studying, anon?

>> No.13971409

Electronics engineering. I don't know why. Well I do know, I was "good" at math so I assumed I would be good at that.

>> No.13971426

Is it a good field to get into? At least you might some money out of it.

>> No.13971444

It's supposed to be. Still, I hate every aspect of it. I'm about to get my associate's degree and I'm thinking of leaving uni after it.

>> No.13971469

Do you guys ever feel like you don’t have any original thoughts or ideas? Sometimes I feel like every single thing I think is just some fraud idea I got from someone I perceive as better than myself.

>> No.13971494

can’t relate

>> No.13971499

>tfw even your harsh self-criticism is a weak imitation of van gogh or michelangelo
>tfw their self-criticism made them into masters, and yours keeps you on 4chins
not EVER going to make it

>> No.13971549

It might sound like I'm sucking my own dick but I think I'm one of the most original thinkers alive.Original doesn't always mean good, or relevant or important, but I do think I am the master of my own ideas.

>> No.13971556
File: 99 KB, 645x729, wojakiqballoon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It might sound like I'm sucking my own dick but I think I'm one of the most original thinkers alive.Original doesn't always mean good, or relevant or important, but I do think I am the master of my own ideas.

>> No.13971563
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>> No.13971568
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>> No.13971576
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>> No.13971579
File: 40 KB, 333x499, FB7BE7B4-D60E-43B4-A653-A5E2637B2240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself agreeing with everything in Bronze Age Mindset, especially parable of iron prison. Don’t know if I’m just gullible or stupid but this guy has great insight

>> No.13971584
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>> No.13971586
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>> No.13971589
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>I'm one of the most original thinkers alive.

>> No.13971609
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1570386626841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I've given conservative thought a charitable second look. There are a couple of thinkers and commentators worth listening to but you really have to sort through the chaff. The majority of them are cranks, jilted liberals, and con men. I'm beginning to suspect that any mass political movement is unable to retain any amount of talent or moral virtue. Nationalism and globalism are both embarrassing, but racial identity politics are cringe. I hope that the choice isn't really between bug man and hilly billy. Maybe I should give Catholicism a try? All the ones I've met have been pretty based considering

>> No.13971626

Love this. Wanna meet up?

>> No.13971629


>> No.13971639

>Maybe I should give Catholicism a try?
Politics is sophistry by avaricious brainlets, cheered on by real actual semi-sapient brainlets. Catholicism teaches the truth, which you are invited to partake of freely in our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Pray, anon. Give it a shot. Read all the books of philosophy and mysticism you like to bolster your faith, but Jesus is waiting this instant.

>> No.13971655

>Jesus is waiting this instant.
But the pope said Jesus was just a man

>> No.13971668

Unconfirmed, and in fact denied as a quote taken out of context.

And fwiw Jesus WAS 100% a man. He was also 100% divine.

>> No.13971671

All of these weak ass prottie attacks only further embolden me. If they had any legitimate objections I think I would have heard one by now

>> No.13971680

Matthew 23

>> No.13971692

Every day at work I see this woman who works on my floor walk by my desk. She is essentially a librarian, but for a news company instead of a library. Normally, her hair is blonde, slightly wavy, and shoulder-length. I noticed today that she'd straightened it. A few weeks ago, I walked by her office and saw her name plate: F____ W____. I found her Facebook and Twitter accounts and Instagram and looked at her travel pictures and read her dumb political tweets that received no engagement. I'd like to talk to her, but I have no occasion to. She walks by my desk on the way to the kitchen to get water. I watch her come and then go and that's it.

>> No.13971697

I fail to see how that is relevant

>> No.13971700

She has a boyfriend.

>> No.13971703
File: 55 KB, 405x408, FA342D4D-6AA5-4816-8F75-95C19BC2ED25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.

8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

>> No.13971763
File: 12 KB, 300x348, pepeosteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the anon you're talking to but: based. not that the prots are any better, at all.

I love Jesus but mankind really sucks at living up to his ideal. Regardless, I'll quote him back to you, because it seems you missed it: "you must be careful to do everything they tell you." If you need more help with this, read Romans 13.

>> No.13971764

It's possible. That's what I thought when I saw her hair. But I also thought if she had a boyfriend she might not have put in that effort.

>> No.13971812

Sometimes girls just want a change. I just assume she has a boyfriend because they always do, and they're usually a bore. Go talk to her anon. Make some lame small talk and see how she reacts to you. Be sure you look nice and have nice breath.

>> No.13971830

I want to marry Rose!

>> No.13971835

Ah you again, the mentally ill pedophile.

>> No.13971839

the college bookstore, retard. we're both over 18. stop trying to dox people and take your meds.

>> No.13971841

Here are all the dubs in this thread so far.

>> No.13971846
File: 15 KB, 348x230, mvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good :^)

>> No.13971848

shes mine gtfo

>> No.13971864
File: 8 KB, 400x241, dubbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and me both lad

>> No.13971881


>> No.13971882

I don't get why they call booze liquid courage. To me it is liquid cowardice. It gives me permission do do every filthy thing that comes across my mind, everything that betrays nobility. While true courage is the will to enact the noble even at great risk. Not only does alcohol give me permission to let slither out everything that wriggles in the darker corners of my mind, it makes me do so stupidly and inelegantly. When we act courageously we do so with poise, as if the universe has made us its star for the moment. Alcohol has never roused me to better myself or to break the boundaries which enclose me; rather, it adds another coat of concrete to those boundaries. It is liquid cowardice. Still I like it.

>> No.13971890

Why would anyone call it steam, arts had nothing to do with stem.

>> No.13971911
File: 54 KB, 1000x454, STEAMlogo_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, art teachers don't want to lose their jobs.
What the fuck did I just tell you?

>> No.13971941

over here>>13971065

>> No.13971949
File: 41 KB, 780x520, this_turd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pederast

>> No.13971953

Bordered blackout during lunch, it's 9:15pm nd I need yo get back to work. I'm bored as fuck and bareely getting back to halfway between tipsy and fucked up. I hate being bored. Tehrapyist called me a psychopath, whate er that means. Mu boss is a dick and always leaves eafly af for no reAson. I wish he would leave sooner. Wby can't I just be paid to do whatever I want? I hate wearing the mask I have to in order to stay liked by all these peopel. I ficking hate people. I wish they would all leave me the fuckbalone forever. I looked kn the bathroom mirror and saw U have corpse eyes. I wouldn't be so upset of I died, but there's stills shit I want to do before I go. I'll get to it if I do. My mind is blank, I'll look vack in a few hours when I'm off worm

>> No.13971962
File: 54 KB, 648x660, wojakcia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i take off your mask will you die

>> No.13972023

No, but it's incredibly painful lmao

>> No.13972030

I really, really, wish I never majored in STEM.

>> No.13972033

should I pay a cute girl to be my gf?

how much? $50/week? in addition to free meals whenever she's with me or whatever? I figure that's kind of part of the deal of being in a relationship anyway... as the man/husband you're the provider. Why shouldn't a bf provide for his girl?

I liker her and I want her to like me. But what if just me isn't enough? Will it become a problem if I begin to resent her, or doubt whether she's with me for me or with me for the money?

>> No.13972085

I partied too much in uni and that left me with very limited options. Now I’m stuck in the military and find myself teetering between feeling dull and depressed. I want to off myself yet I’m too scared to do so because I don’t know what’s on the other side nor do I want to go through what I will believe would be unrivaled(though relatively short) pain.

>> No.13972094

did you graduate uni?

if you stop partying so hard and dedicate yourself to your current circumstances you can still turn this ship around anon. don't give up, pussy.

>> No.13972115

I graduated a year ago and had a 3.1 gpa. It was my way to escape and now I regret not taking it seriously. I now realize I fucked up which doesn’t help me in the whole wanting to off myself predicament.

>> No.13972121

how did you fuck up exactly? you have a degree, and you have a job that is setting you up with resume experience.

>> No.13972129

>should I pay a cute girl to be my gf?
Many men with qt gfs do precisely that. Except the cuter the more expensive.

>> No.13972139

n-no they dont... you lie!

>> No.13972159

I’m only like 6 months into my service and I’m a bottom bitch. My body and sanity are falling apart, and I realize I’m deadweight to my gf. I get the feeling that I’m not good enough and wrestle with the drive to end it all now.

>> No.13972179

What’s your job? Be punctual and reliable and you’ll be fine

>> No.13972203

Buy me a wig and a dress and I'll be your 'gf', anon.

>> No.13972246

The more I love life the more I fear death. In a sense, then, depression is a kindness.

>> No.13972253

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

>> No.13972271

Thank you for the benediction anon. God bless you.

>> No.13972386

I’m in an engineering rate in the navy, and I regret signing up for this. People have power trips and are always using you to make themselves look better. Command speaks about caring for us but in reality they don’t give two shits. If I don’t end it and make it out I’ll always view those who were prior service with disdain. Fuck the military.

>> No.13972418

Yes 100% pol and his especially

>> No.13972419

Damn, are you American? This is why you go infantry

>> No.13972432

If you love life and fear death it means that you don't understand life to begin with.

>> No.13972505

I am, and fuck going infantry. It’s a meme that leads to bad joints and terrible backs.

>> No.13972510

if I were American I’d go coast guard or muhrines
rucking does suck though

>> No.13972518

Marines are a cult and a meme, and coast guard fucks you in other ways. I wish I joined the peace corps and called it a day.

>> No.13972626

... He can’t help but experience this new state of things in late civilizations except with dread, the dread suspicion…an uncanny suspicion….. that the world is artificial. He begins to sense that this hothouse he lives in is the malevolent creation of a demiurge that likes to observe our sufferings, that He and his minions feed on them. In the remote future, should the evil of human innovation continue unchecked, we really will live in the world the Gnostics feared, and that spark of vital life and energy that is the gift of nature to all youthful peoples born from its womb, that spark will remain entrapped in “matter wrongly configured,” matter entirely foreign to its inborn desires and workings, but fashioned instead for the benefit of something else.

>> No.13973198

This sounds interesting. What is the youtube channel called?

>> No.13973213

>he isn't an (moderately) socially-conservative marxist-leninist

>> No.13973226

Air Force seems pretty comfy.

>> No.13973238

Studying abroad in a European country as an American who has no grasp of the language and no will to learn it. Everyone speaks english when prompted, but only when speaking to me. I've realized business is not the field of study for me but lack the gumption to drop it 2 years in. Met someone on Tinder, did drugs, had sex for the first time and am now suffering the comedown of those drugs. What I thought was the start of an interesting fling has morphed into dead conversation and awkward meetings. Alienated by the international business students who are simple and boring and the europeans who are kind but live in their own worlds. The few friends I have here are busy on the weekends, further isolating me. The hobbies I have are difficult to engage in a foreign country. Currently, I am attempting the solitary lifestyle, reading, writing and being creative but I am naturally an extrovert and get depressed when not around people. At this point, I am counting down the days to return home.

>> No.13973254

What European country are you in? (Obviously not the UK or Ireland.)

>> No.13973263


>> No.13973283
File: 114 KB, 680x550, the lit brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be a /lit/ brain instead

>> No.13973292

I feel very sorry for you, I really do

>> No.13973314
File: 419 KB, 1038x1049, 1560391171357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about writing fan fictions as a means to practice writing. I have no love for fanfics it just seems like an easy way to get feedback on my writing. Can someone with experience in the fanfic "community" rate my plan?

>> No.13973346
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I wish legacy captcha was still available. All these clicking on boxes pisses me the fuck off.

>> No.13974035
File: 1.42 MB, 1400x799, 0-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I come to conclusions easier when I externalize information by taking notes, I actually do try to write down my thoughts regularly.
The written text then functions as a repository of ideas which you can come back to and rewrite.
Thus, in the best case, the text may be ``improve'' over time.
(I put ``improve'' in quotes here because one may just as well fall for a fad or ideology and the rewriting doesn't actually make the text ``better''.
Indeed, text written down like that can make for a dogma, so it's a double-edged sword.)
And I actually very much doubt that ``the right'' philosophy is a notion that makes sense or something you can reach.
But a worldview influences ones own actions and happiness and is thus a crucial thing to develop.
In conclusions, I engage in writing down you thinking, even if it's dangerous.

>> No.13974073

I'm shocked at how despicable I have become over the years. At first I may have been a victim, but now I'm just a hole in the boat. I bring everyone else down with me. I think I'm going to hang myself with a belt soon. I feel bad for how it may affect my father, but he's a narcissist anyway, he'll get over it eventually.

>> No.13974181
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>> No.13974207

Hmm. I have thought about doing this for much the same reasons as you listed. There is a little black moleskine notebook somewhere in my office I could put to good use. But I'm paranoid of what could happen if someone were to ever find it.

>> No.13974234

That's a super bad reason (and cheap, as an excuse) not to do something

>> No.13974262

Religion again, and narcissism. I've heard that we live in a narcissistic culture but the prime examples of this that I've personally seen come from those most resistant to the culture. There are so many toxic insular communities just lying around unseen. You stub your toe on one every now and then. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormon's, Muslims, Hasidim, Literal discord trannies, neo Nazis, communists, multi level marketers, cults of every form and flavor. People absolutely hate being alone with their thoughts and having to rely on their own abilities and accomplishments. I've known people who's entire life is building up recursive loops of cope and more cope. It's frankly embarrassing, they think they are happy and fulfilled but you can see on their faces how miserable they actually are. Living in bad faith is the norm, not the exception and resentment abounds everywhere. I'm no exception. Religious people need to spend less time in church and more time alone away from people who might legitimize their neuroticisms

>> No.13974322

>write what's on your mind
>implying anybody wants to read autistic ramblings written by yet another depressed khv loser about how his life sucks or his suicidal thoughts
>implying it isn't just an act of narcissism to post anything
>implying I won't be intellectually dishonest and deliberately post something other than what I truly think or feel in the vain hope that, after refreshing the thread over and over for the next 6 hours, somebody will at least reply with a tired one liner like "dilate seethe cringe cope" and prove to me that some other anonymous retard at least made the effort of noticing my post
>implying even this post is anything other than a blatant cry for attention by a 90 IQ retard

>> No.13974351

It's about the writing, not about the reading

>> No.13974469

Reddit tourists, /leftypol/ refugees and discord tranny co-ordinated shitting-uppery.

>> No.13974492
File: 103 KB, 743x532, 06C80151-AE79-43DE-A0C2-7C85C4CF7450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just jacked it to “Meana Wolf - Maternal Aunt. Aunt fucks nephew while on call with his Mom”.

>> No.13974503

What field?

>> No.13974664

I feel so bad whenever I turn down a beggar. Like I know most of the ones in touristy areas who will actually go and approach you are con artists but what if that dude *did* need money for the bus home?

>> No.13974960

Holy shit, evopsych is such a depressing topic

>> No.13975010

It's actually much worse than even the type of stuff brought up in your typical 4chan thread by people who think they understand it. These guys usually have some kind of redpill take on the subject that is still operating along moral lines they aren't really aware they hold. The actual truth of evolutionary pressures is that they're 100% entirely ruthless and every possible manifestation of 'good' in behavior is necessarily an indirect tool used to advance the mindless propagation of genes. If you fully integrate this mindset you arrive at something much more nihilistic than the redpill memes which retain all sorts of bizarrely naive concepts like stoicism, rationalism, honor, etc.

I have no respect at all for secular types who call this perspective edgy, it is literally the only reasonable interpretation of the situation for those without religion.

>> No.13975014

Was thinking if I was a beggar I'd hang around hippie healthfood stores, saw one doing it a while ago and he looked well off.

>> No.13975018

nice milky udders

>> No.13975049

I took evolutionary psych and found it quite interesting. Humans are basic as fuck and when you learn what makes you tick you learn to overcome it. It helped me to understand the purpose of life more.

>> No.13975056

The origin of something like morality being based in evolutionary dynamics doesn’t devalue it. Though I do think it is likely unhealthy for the psyche to think too deeply about it.

>> No.13975070

Computer Science

>> No.13975154

It was an absolutely gorgeous fall day on Wednesday and I'm disappointed that the weather has changed so quickly. I had planned to go out on Saturday morning to take pictures of the fall colors but the temperature has dropped precipitously and it's going to be overcast all weekend.

>> No.13975203

The ascended high iq, impeccable style, non-domesticated ubermensch who has skipped every class since 10th grade but started reading the classics at age 8

really how do institutionalized swines live with their life of subordination?

>> No.13975308

I went to the barber today and he told me I look tired. This is what I'm paying for?

>> No.13975388

when i poop
i feel the inches slide by -
just like the rest of my life:
pure shit

>> No.13975405

opposite here, it's been cold lately, but today is fucking 19C(66F). It's practically summer

>> No.13975410

No, dude. He was supposed to give you a haircut
Don't fucking pay him if he doesn't give you a haircut, even if he tells you things

>> No.13975542

Which channel is this? Seems intriquing.

>> No.13975643

i don't see anything wrong with honor killing

>> No.13975683

I love ignoring homeless people. Those reduced to beginning aren't worth pitying. Many are substance abusers or mentally ill. Even then, to lack so much self respect as to ask for handouts from your fellow man.

>> No.13975684
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I'd love to be a humanities major but I don't know any fields that actually make money. I thought about being a psychologist(I know it's not humanities technically but it overlaps a bit) but I heard that getting a job is hard.

>> No.13975695

Can't shake that what I'll call food addiction. It's my drug of choice apparently. I think I'm doing alright mentally speaking, but there is just nothing better than a binge. It's absolutely pathetic. I was in my prime but no longer.

>> No.13975777

A lot of people and myself were predicted A's and A*s in my English Lit A level class. Most of us, including myself, got C's. So I couldn't get into my uni of choice and am now resitting instead of going to some random place and now I want to kill myself.

>> No.13975820

Oof. Apparently some American soldiers were accidentally killed by Turkish artillery. Now they are saying that it's happening more than would be possible accidentally and french forces are actively retaliating against the Turks. Is this a NATO civil war?

>> No.13975897

he did give me the haircut. he didn't give me the massage afterwards though, even though I looked "tired."

>> No.13975909

I work on the meaning of things like the fiction writer works on his world - I look at the thing and ask myself: what meaning should I give to you? And if I am inspired, I will know what the thing should mean (to me); and thus the thing has a new meaning and that is all there is to it. It is a strange world, full of nonsense and buffoonery.

>> No.13976184

Did primitive people have good teeth because they had healthier diets, or is it that all the ones with the bad teeth just died out? Probably both, though the latter must've played a greater role. Did our ancestors have higher IQs and better physiques than we? Most likely, but only the ones with access to good nutrition. The average conscript in Napoleon's army was like 165cm tall; hard to imagine how such a malnourished population could've had an average IQ higher than that of the modern French (they might've had the potential to have higher IQs had they had access to more food, but that's another matter). The world involves trade-offs, and we simply can't have it all.

>> No.13976449

I want to be a cool adventurer but I don't know how.

>> No.13976480

No, Europe has practically zero force projection, they couldn't even reach Syria with a sizeable force without America.

>> No.13976506

There ain't any job that requires a university degree currently in demand, despite what /g/ would have you believe even computer science isn't a sure thing nowadays.

>> No.13976617

I get sad whenever I watch anime and there's a scene of people eating dinner together or making each other tea or someone coming down stairs and saying good morning to their friends. It's so lovely and makes my solitude seem so empty in comparison, even if it's just a show.

>> No.13976684
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>> No.13976691

I can't decide if I want to go teach overseas or stay in my comfy western apartment.

>> No.13976702

Shitposting is a form of demonic possession. Evil forces on the internet plague your mind and tempt you with the most fleeting of pleasures in a manner that is completely useless and disruptive. It encourages you to taint what others have tried to make sincerely, to poison the wells that others drink from, to burn down the homes of others... and yet, you will never be satisfied. You sacrifice your time and your energy to create the most shallow amusement, an amusement you will not most likely forget instantly while producing nothing at best and a net negative at worst. In your free time, you could be writing, or reading, or otherwise bettering yourself, but instead you spend it degrading yourself, degrading others, or degrading the places you stay. This has created a self perpetuating cycle of poisonous digital self-harm throughout the internet, as those enslaved by the net increasingly fear honesty in self-expression and pursue more extreme ways to prove they do not care for anything. Shitposting is one of the ultimate spiritual plagues of our time, an insincere curse upon ourselves that emboldens self-degradation, bitterness, thoughtless hatred, and spiritual apathy and stagnation, a malaise that harms our self and demands we strike down others as well.

>> No.13976718

is this an episode of south park

>> No.13976720
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I would love to make you some nice tea if I could, anon.

>> No.13976793


>> No.13976838

thanks anon <3

>> No.13976911


I think that the powers that be have managed to create an AI sophisticated enough to learn how to shitpost effectively without being called out by analyzing massive amounts of post to see what is most disruptive to constructive discourse.

I wrote that as a comedic thought, but the fact that would actually work to destroy 4chan better than any human psy-op legitimately terrifies me.

>> No.13977215

I thought I'd escape this shitty meme going from /lit/ to /fit/ but I guess not

>> No.13977344

Literally every degree and career is pleb tier except for medi or law, and maybe engineering if you have severe autism. Kys pleb.

>> No.13977421

I am starting to wonder if the world would be noticeably different overall had Haile Selassie not been overthrown and Ethiopia not ravaged by communism. Obviously, Africa would be a very different place, but I think the new world and other places with a large amount of black people would have changed. The Ethiopian Empire's ancient history and status of never being truly colonized gave black people all over the globe a degree of pride; in the Americas, it inspired several spirituality movements and had black people develop an identity closer to Africa (as Selassie encouraged them to have pride in themselves and their history, even if he himself said that Ethiopians were not "negroes like new world"). The communist destruction of Ethiopia probably broke the spirits of many people and black culture in the US has become progressively more jaded and pessimistic since. I think, had the Ethiopian Empire survived, some black people would have eventually moved to Africa in noticeable (something Selassie encouraged and he did charter some Rastafarians to live in Ethiopia) and I think Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity might have become an increasingly prominent religion in the new world had Selassie continued to preach it to the people there rather than being distracted by the chaos home.
But this is just a really uneducated take based off of watching some documentaries on Ethiopia and Rastafari.

>> No.13977432

Dude. how the fuck are you going to call stem niggas virgins when we make 3x as much and can still have all the same hobbies on the side. you literally majored in a hobby. i am probably more aware of philosophy and literature than most undergrads in those subjects

>> No.13977555

I am growing increasingly resentful of my father and his father. There were both very idealistic and manipulable and threw away a lot of valuable assets in pursuit of an ideological cause. My grandfather was the first of dozens of generations of my family to actually go to college and get ahead financially, he had a house that he actually owned (probably will be the only time in my families history), his own car and the freedom to live anywhere in the country. Almost none of that wealth was passed on, his grandchildren remain mostly uneducated and impoverished. He gave away most of his money to a swindler and con man who happened to wear a priests frock. Just foolish, a foolish man. I love him, but I can't look up to him

>> No.13977588

explain the parable, anon

>> No.13977644

My eyes are dried out, and blinking offers no help.
I can't tell sleepiness from normal eye dryness apart.

>> No.13977674
File: 92 KB, 220x220, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP thinks most STEMs did not read all of the books humanities majors did

>> No.13977678

To put money in front of philosophy and literature shows your lack of devotion to those two in the first place. But I don't blame you, how else are you supposed to live comfortably in such a world?

>> No.13977679

>tfw no virgin STEM bf

>> No.13977688


i asked her out.

>> No.13977693

I hope that she says 'yes', anon!

>> No.13977705


yeah but youre a dumb nigger. i know more about philosophy and literature than you 100%. i understand it better 100%, just as a side hobby

there is only general intelligence, an overwhelming and empassioned brilliance... humanities majors never have it. 'i'm smart but bad at math' is a meme

>> No.13977723

thanks bruv, me too.

>humanities majors never have it. 'i'm smart but bad at math' is a meme
you're dumber than you sound. philosophy is grounded in math and logically provable statements. yes, even plato.

>> No.13977760

It's a term that has nothing to do with the US public school system.

>> No.13977793

nah probably some jewish trick (unironically) to shit up a good place of free discourse. Just ignore retard and sage their threads so they don't get bumped

>> No.13977834

>The STEM acronym was introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The organization previously used the acronym SMET when referring to the career fields in those disciplines or a curriculum that integrated knowledge and skills from those fields. In 2001, however, American biologist Judith Ramaley, then assistant director of education and human resources at NSF, rearranged the words to form the STEM acronym.

It's pure bureaucratese. A monosyllabic piece of jargon cooked up by the US government to sell its education policy to school teachers and parents. As far as I'm concerned saying "STEM" instead of "science" is just as reprehensible as saying "content creator" instead of "artist," or "social studies" instead of "history." If you talk like these people you become them.

>> No.13977896

Hey, if you acknowledge I'm right then I'm willing to take any unsubstantiated insult as collateral, and what is more, compensation. If you're so confident of your greater intelligence, why would you need to repeat it twice in the same post? Furthermore, to just "know" philosophy and literature like a walking encyclopedia smacks of pride at best and a concept similar to pop-science at worst if you're unable to transform and translate it. I believe I'm entitled to give a boundless premise and generalization like so just as you are able to assert how humanity majors supposedly "never" have brilliance, which I hardly believe you'd ever be as interested in philosophy as you claim so much that you 100% understand it better if there was never anything brilliant ever said by those very disciples of the humanities

>> No.13978002

Whether you do or you do not, you'll find reasons to regret it.

>> No.13978015

Modern mode of civilization as entrapment in “owned space”, without territory to expand to, natural being of animals and men to gain mastery of their matter and environment is denied, our efforts are instead reconfigured for the benefit of some other grotesque thing, the managerial state or whatever you want to call it. Without territory to expand to or otherwise healthy ways of discharging power all is left is jerking off trappped in the liberal/democratic/commercial cage like a monkey while unseen elites profit in some unimaginable way from this torture

>> No.13978166

I'm thinking about reading every constitution in history in the end of year break from Uni, but i'm not sure if even i am autistic enough to get through them all.

>> No.13978170

If you take a drug, chemicals change your brain fluids. If you play a game or love someone or look at art, chemicals change your brain fluids. Therefore, living is the constant use of different forms of drugs. All of life can be reasonably explained in the framework of drug usage. I think every action we take tends towards gratification - which I call "hitting the pipe".

>> No.13978176

Wow, really made me think.

>> No.13978234

babby mode biomaterialism

>> No.13978657
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Days are too short. Not to mention the nights

>> No.13978747


>> No.13978788
File: 103 KB, 640x905, 1555119244306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no life
>tfw no job
>tfw no gf
>tfw genetic waste

>> No.13978794

no homework today?

>> No.13978826

Currently reading the Bible for the first time from start to finish. I’m one third of the way through the Old Testament, will it get better? I’m not even an atheist, bist all the Christian LARPers on here hyped it up way too much. I don’t suddenly feel a connection to God or the influence of the Holy Spirit, I‘m just bored most of the time and the God of the Israelites doesn’t seem to be the same God that I have experienced.
Will I feel closer to God when I finally reach the New Testament?

>> No.13978918

Fan service is so fucking dumb, but what's dumber is all the anime watcher who'll watch something with fan service then run off squealing to their favorite forum to gleefully post about how great that episode they just watched is because you could totally see that girl's panties, then sit their drooling for a few minutes before looking up some hentai and jerking off.

>> No.13978935

weebs to the gulag

>> No.13978937

It can be a real fucking slog, especially if you're just reading it A to Z. Will it get better? Better and worse, I mean, it's more of a library than a book. You'll probably get to something you like. Maybe consider mixing up the order or reading several books at a time. Try Job, Ecclesiastes, something like that.

>> No.13979066

Legit question, how is China more "undemocratic" than say, the UK? Both have elected legislative bodies. Both have the party select the executive. The biggest difference is that China uses a single party system, but the CCP has factions ranging from western-style neolibs to hardline maoists one step away from launching a people's war so it's practically the same. I'm not sure about the judiciary so I can't comment there. Are people just conflating "undemocratic" with "authoritarian" because they're brainlets?

>> No.13979106

China is not a single-party system, china is a single person. Its just one guy and a bunch of mirrors

>> No.13979113

how? this just sounds like western hysteria. Xi is popular within the CCP because he was a very successful regional administrator. That's not to say he hasn't tried to stack key positions in such a way to ensure his grip on power, but again how is that different than a western system (eg, Trump selecting judges that would be the ones ruling on the legality of his own actions).

>> No.13979160
File: 15 KB, 600x375, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was unironically thinking something similar: that maybe there are shitpost bots that can be triggered to derail a thread, or create shit threads to distract and push actual discussion off the board.
Not being paranoid, though, because people do get bored or frustrated and shitpost.
It's just… I don’t know, are there really that many humans who think, "gosh, today I think I'll shitpost on this anonymous image board"?

>> No.13979185

neither is democratic, china is just even less democratic

>> No.13979189

because the west has more than one person, whereas xi is the only person in china, you can't have a system with a population of one

>> No.13979199

The Chinese government exerts far tighter control over Chinese society than the British government theirs. It manages the economy much more strictly, censors all criticism of it in the media and internet, and punishes said criticism strictly. It is legal to mock the prime minister of Britain, doing so in China will see you behind bars.
The single party system is simply the vehicle through which these authoritarian tendencies are expressed.

>> No.13979212

>how is china more undemocractic than the uk
because the uk is a multi-party democracy, whereas china is a single-party dictatorship, its not hard lol.

>> No.13979615

Fuck fuck fuck. It's snowing. I was supposed to look at colorful leaves today. Goddamn it.

>> No.13979631

Look at them some other time, don't you like first snow?

>> No.13979644

I jerked off 2 days in a row and I'm upset at myself because i went 53 days strong at first.

>> No.13980148


Why do you care about not masturbating?

>> No.13980416
File: 170 KB, 710x1065, affleck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is an irony saturated shitposter now. Even top shelf grads from rigorous programs spend all day posting esoteric memes about whatever philosophy they follow. Nobody takes themselves or anything else seriously anymore, they talk highly about revolutions and accelerating even though they ultimately don't do anything other than talk about it. Even people who believe that technology and social media were mistakes do this; see all the Tedposters and Debordposters. This makes me sad for some reason.

>> No.13980640

/wwoym/ im a bit concerned by the juvenile nature of my writing style. I write things like im writing a cartoon in prose form. Its starting to make me worry it's unreadable/unpublishable

>> No.13980903

I honestly dont know whats on my mind anymore, it is messy

>> No.13981039
File: 90 KB, 539x960, 71724952_758771907894527_6033866444523962368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time I feel like my writing is suffering from my utter sexlessness. Up until now most of the romantic themes I have dealt with were subtle longing, regret over past loves, etc.- things I could limp by on, by projecting my own inefficiencies. I am currently working on the longest piece I have ever attempted, a novella, and I am incapable of writing the small romance subplot I had planned. My romantic isolation has made me deaf and mute to these loves, I can't even properly imagine what each character would be feeling or saying. All I know on the subject is longing and rejection. I have tried writing the pertinent passages and each time they're so terribly stilted I can't help but delete them. I don't know what do, I can't move forward.

>> No.13981159

Just don't write a romantic subplot, man.

>> No.13981182


>> No.13981188

The private sector isn’t so great. I got a decent job after college and I’m thinking about joining the military actually.

>> No.13981192

It's already in there, woven throughout the story. And I think it's important to have one if you're hoping to get published.

>> No.13981218

Yesterday I had to present in a class, so I took a bunch of kratom and caffeine. Then I went to a review session, and stared at the girl across from me. She was tracing a scrape in the table with her fingers, over and over and over. Hopefully she didn't notice me staring.

>> No.13981253 [DELETED] 
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TFW no twink BF

>> No.13981396

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/54847224