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/lit/ - Literature

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13967936 No.13967936 [Reply] [Original]

hoes mad lol

>> No.13967948

She must be confusing the liturature prize with the peace prize

>> No.13967952

>bob dylan of genocide deniers

what did she mean by this?

>> No.13967954


>> No.13967964

They did stage a part of the massacre to accelerate international attention
>tanks vs fists

>> No.13967970

That the literature price is a yoke.

>> No.13967996

holy fucking shit funniest thing ive read all day. that goes to say, twitter was going to be pissed regardless of who won (unless it was an obese afro-hispanic transx american who spends most of their time abroad), but it really doesnt matter because they are mostly americans and therefore do bot read. i cannot stress how even at the utmost professional of literature in the country, americans do not read. i cannot tell you how many professors i knew who kept up with scandal and the this is us but didnt know shit about knausgaard when his books started coming out, for example.

>> No.13968017

>nobel prize

jezebel posting has more merit than this thread.

>> No.13968029

Damn it must be good

>> No.13968129

Why are there some people who unironically want awards to be political instead of merit-based?

>> No.13968216

Because whenever something is merit based it's awarded to either asians or whites. And that would be discriminatory.

Merit oriented thinking = racism

>> No.13968285

Because the left has no merit.

>> No.13968301

Because it gives more strength to their political causes if they are the only ones getting prestigious prizes (so, they can say "see, no conservative is good enough to win this prize").

I wonder what would be the reaction of the wokes if Houellebecq won.

>> No.13968361

how is hollaback more controversial than handke?

>> No.13968407

Weren’t there supposed to be two winners or am I missing something here?

>> No.13968411

The other is that polish woman who wrote primeval

>> No.13968417

Houellebecq already won prizes in his home country and nobody batted an eye. He's already very mainstream, nobody cares.
If anything the schock would be giving the prize to a writer that has little to speak for himself.

>> No.13968423

If Horace Engdahl could I bet he'd go back in time and give the prize to Ezra Pound. The man loves to piss off the politically correct groups that need to read things they wholly agree with. He talks about this in his latest little aphoristic collection ("The Unconcerned"), about the ideal reader, a person who doesn't read solely to agree or identify with the writer or the characters of the novel.

>> No.13968428

Wellbeck actually went to trial on charges of racism. The other guy just said MAGA.

>> No.13968447

What should I read from these two winners? I'm a pleb who only watched Wings of Desire for a class once.

>> No.13968473

>Wellbeck actually went to trial on charges of racism.
sounds like a publicity stunt desu

>> No.13968483
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>> No.13968490

Because otherwise nonwhites would have zero chance of winning anything

>> No.13968498

the people who are mad about this would definitely be mad about Horlabook and make comments about 'mediocre white men'

>> No.13968522

Is hoolaquebecque racist?

>> No.13968639

imagine being this lady's father or mother

>> No.13968698

She cute though

>> No.13968724

You mean goys.

>> No.13968735

Well for once the label would be well-justified.

>> No.13968774

Because what you consider to be "of merit" is likely to be seriously informed by your political outlook.
Trying to separate the two is a fools errand, and anyone who thinks they've done it is fooling themselves

>> No.13968808

>The Nobel prize should be about more than just writing
What the actual fuck? How about the Nobel for physics? Should Max Planck have not won because he didn’t abundantly grieve for the death of his second wife?

>> No.13968815

The literature prize is specifically said to be awarded to "a writer with a powerful ideal". Like the economics and peace prize it's always been more political than the science prizes.

>> No.13968875

It's not about merit, but winner-takes-all dynamic which ensues *after* merit competition that gets all political - you know, the stuff stupidly labeled as "privilege" and other such ridiculous terms for what is practically a cornered beauty contest, the equivalent of "old money". It boils down to whether you associate with top of the social hierarchy who now hold onto power by fiat, or the losers at the bottom of the Pareto long tail, people who use strength in numbers (mob tactics) as leverage.

Of course most leftard twitter has no clue about basic politics in this either, and often viciously attack anyone who attained status through merit on the grounds of guilt by association, even if the target is still nowhere near being established status quo now just sitting still taking up space and actually abusing any privilege.

tl;dr: patricians vs plebians = status quo vs zerg rush

>> No.13968909
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>when you're so woke you start defending american interventionism

>> No.13968978

it was american intervention (through the imf) that kicked of the rise in serbian nationalism that led to balkan war

>> No.13969057


>> No.13969064
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>imagine having a beautiful baby daughter
Every day anon.

>> No.13969099
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>> No.13969116

Publicity for what?

>> No.13969125

his books?

>> No.13969134

This happened in 2002, though.

>> No.13969232

How many of these same hoes okay with the plethora of left wing intellectuals who denied communist genocides?

>> No.13969253

because the personal has become political

>> No.13969337

what communist genocides are being denied?

>> No.13969351

Well the Chapo types deny the Holodomor and Chomsky was making excuses for the Khmer Rouge back in the day. But in general writers like Upton Sinclair and Pablo Neruda were making excuses for Soviet GULAGs even when they couldn't deny their existence

>> No.13969361

Nobody batted an eye because the French literary tradition welcomes controversial writing for the sake of controversy, even if few French people sincerely endorse his views. Whenever his work is translated, however, literary critics are quick to condemn his work because his writing paints liberalism as being the false prophet of modernity while ignoring social justice conventions.

>> No.13969379
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even the US hasn't recognized holodomor

>> No.13969393

The US are not exactly a trustworthy country

>> No.13969397

It's de facto recognized by contemporary American historians. My issue with tankies is that they blame the deaths not even on poor agricultural politics, but on kulak sabotage. It's the worst form of victim-blaming

>> No.13969402

Some random woman on Twitter thinks that political opinion of the author matters when evaluating literature. How is this thread worthy, you drama-seeking Redditors?

>> No.13969407

That's the point

>> No.13969408

Redpill me on Serbia. What happened there that Handke supported?

>> No.13969415

Possible, but I'm assuming only Anglo will really be morally outraged, because that's how Anglo generally engage with the world. As for the Nobel committee, they're still full Europoor so it should be fine.

>> No.13969422

>Holodomor so scarcely recognized
It's a pity because it has the most badass sounding names of all the genocides out there.

>> No.13969442

The most puzzling thing is that kind of leftist dishonesty has been denounced for decades. Some people back in the 70s and 80s even renounced membership to the Commuist Party or where ostracized by the intellectual left for recognizing it. And now even the most hardcore French Maoist have turned around and admitted their mistakes. Why would milquetoast American "communist" make the same mistake when they're so less far gone in that rabbit hole?

>> No.13969559

Friendly reminder that Bob Dylan once triggered all of Croatia by offhandedly bringing up their genocide against Serbs in WWII.

>> No.13969575

Nobody ever accused them of logical noncontradictory opinions.

>> No.13969591

Who cares about muslims honeslty though?

>> No.13969627

She's referring to the Srebrenica massacre, though I've never been able to understand why it is called a genocide - 8k out of 2 million bosniak mudslimes were killed which is a very tiny fraction of them

>> No.13969682
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And they were all male, not to mention that they died in combat.

>> No.13969999

WB Knasguard?

>> No.13970011

It was called a genocide because they needed to bomb the Serbs

>> No.13970017

hey fuckface i'll bounce your head around like a basketball and slam dunk it on the nearest brick wall and shatter open your skull like there's money inside

>> No.13970064


>> No.13970629
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>> No.13971694

It's encouraging that someone who went this hard against the UN cosmopolitan liberal consensus on an issue as controversial as Yugoslavia could win the Nobel. Proof that at least some of the prizes are not rigged.

>> No.13971704

But what about Obama?

>> No.13971750

You wont do anything you nigger