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13967074 No.13967074 [Reply] [Original]

This book has never been more relevant than today. Read it and Chinese geopolitics will become crystal clear

>> No.13967078

Okay. Also will china rule the world or are they paper tiger?

>> No.13967158


>> No.13967197
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Xi knows and follows the Dao
Xi embodies the Junzi: Ren, Li, and Yi flow from him
Xi is like the wind and the world is like the grass; when his beneficence blows, the whole world bends in unison!
Xi, because he follows the Dao, because he embodies the Junzi, because he is like the wind and the world like the grass, will unite tianxia in harmonious civilisation, and even the xiaoren will stand in awe
Praise Xi!

>> No.13967206

is it really clear or midwit propaganda?

>> No.13967227

stop shilling for this meme book, faggot

>> No.13967390

Different anons
It is clear. But it is also a philosophical and political book that can be hard to understand don't get it wrong

>> No.13967492

The CCP will collapse around 2200. China will spend the next few generations in absolute misery, before coming back stronger. The CCP are apes uninterested in rule, bandits looking to suck as much wealth from China as they can.

The next dynasty will not be, however.

>> No.13967829

Xi dares to silence us. Neoliberalism is dead for enabling him. DEAD.

>muh Russia

>> No.13967857

What drugs are you on? Xi is the total opposite of Dao.

>> No.13967867

>On Alice's Adventures in Wonderland being banned
>Was banned in the province of Hunan, China, beginning in 1931 for its portrayal of anthropomorphized animals acting on the same level of complexity as human beings. The censor General Ho Chien believed that attributing human language to animals was an insult to humans. He feared that the book would teach children to regard humans and animals on the same level, which would be "disastrous."

China's leaders were always fucking psychopaths.

>> No.13967907

The entire politic of China is unsustainable. It's an incredibly diverse country with literally hundreds of different small ethnic groups with their own traditions and languages and it's effectively ruled by a tiny minority which nobody really likes. This is why most Chinese aren't even allowed to travel around their own country and they have so much surveillance and censorship. That stuff is needed just to keep it all together.

>> No.13967928
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>> No.13967932

t. furfag

>> No.13968063

Not to be provocative but Morrissey was right

>> No.13968100

Tao of Winnie the Pooh?

>> No.13968106

Shhh. The constant instability in China over the centuries was all part of the masterplan, you just don't understand the long term strategising inherent to Chinese thought.

>> No.13968281

>it's an incredibly diverse country with literally hundreds of different small ethnic groups with their own traditions and languages and it's effectively ruled by a tiny minority which nobody really likes
It has been this way for four thousand years! Yet China still exists! Guénon gives a good analysis as to why China has been unified for so long despite what you said. But I cannot comment on modern China as I'm ignorant on the subject.

>> No.13968425
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post your social credit score so we can see if you're for real or not

>> No.13968521

It's incredibly shallow and surface level, without any concrete details.
Basically a collection of how things are gooder now, and will become gooder in 10 years after-now.
I expected more, honestly. It's too big to be carried around in a breast-pocket like Mao's Quotations.
It's completely inoffensive, and I want something with more detail and more depth than just speeches.

>> No.13968624

Winnie Jinpoo
The governance of honey

>> No.13968754

>and I want something with more detail and more depth than just speeches.
Unlikely you will ever get something like that, the Chinese government and communist party are notoriously secretive about most stuff.

>> No.13968764

So this is why they boil dogs alive?

>> No.13968779
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would enjoy a meme for this

>> No.13968783

Which part does he talk about hacking everybody's shit and stealing intellectual property?
For all the talk of Russian hackers, China is by far the biggest culprit. Not to mention slipping in spyware into the chips they manufacture and send everywhere

>> No.13968787
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so either the cover of TGoC with Xi's face, or Xi's face here

>> No.13968798
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As mentioned in other comments The Governance of China I is pretty dull and surface level. But is does offer a primer on current CCP talking points and their medium to long term plans (belt & road initiative, the current 5-year plan, plan for national rejuvenation, etc), but again, with little discussion on how things are specifically going to be implemented. The second book which came out in 2017 contains some speeches that are a little bit more substantive.

What must be noted is that these books are widley circulated throughout China, so this is really what the CCP is advertising itself as to it's people. So reading these books would be interesting from a know-thy-enemy/meta perspective. From personal experience, most bookstores in China had copies on-hand to sell. The CCP has something like 80 million members, it's safe to say The Governance of China I & II have been read in depth by many of them.

>> No.13968800
File: 35 KB, 432x648, 9781250081346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this

>> No.13968802

>It's completely inoffensive, and I want something with more detail
Why would you need to read anything containing more political detail? Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era answers all questions

>> No.13968803

>so this is really what the CCP is advertising itself as to it's people
thanks, that's what I wanted to know.

>> No.13968834

They publish the Party's ideological journal in English too, though it costs money to read.
I guess you could always just read People's Daily and Global Times to get what's currently happening.

>So reading these books would be interesting from a know-thy-enemy/meta perspective
If you are an American conservative, probably. It's of little help if you live anywhere else and want to learn about the Chinese socialism of the 21st century.

>> No.13968845

Im sure a communist major world leader is entirely transparent about how he governs his country

>> No.13968854

For some reason, these threads have been getting pruned lately despite the fact that they have tended to be good-faith discussion of an actual book itself. I suppose the stupid janitor thinks they're overtly political. Let me repost a comment on his purported readings from the book itself and see if it lasts five minutes, this time (btw the book is in fact quite dull as has been said, he's just laying out big plans for the 21st c. in carefully canned language):

"I have read many classics of philosophy and social sciences. Among them are Politica by Plato, Politics by Aristotle, Utopia by Thomas More, City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella, Two Treatises of Government by John Locke, The Spirit of Laws by Montesquieu, The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, Elements of the Philosophy of Right by George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, On War by Clausewitz, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, An Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by Keynes, Theory of Economic Development by Joseph Schumpeter, Economics by Paul Samuelson, Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman, and Economic Growth of Nations by Simon Kuznets. My impression is that they are unexceptionally the product of their times and the result of pondering over and delving into prominent conflicts of a given society at a given time."

-Xi Jinping, The Governance of China, Volume II, p. 371,
-From the speech "Develop Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Features",
-Given at the Seminar on Philosophy and Social Sciences on May 17, 2016.

t. own paper copies of both volumes

>> No.13968864

who gives a fuck about what he claims to have read. how does he use these sources to govern his country?

>> No.13968867
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so how did this conversation go

>> No.13968887
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>> No.13968888

>I own many leather bound books
This is like Putin's inadvertently camp photo ops

>> No.13968896

Morrissey is a total midwit
>The judge also ranked the band members by IQ, with Marr "probably the more intelligent of the four", Rourke and Joyce "unintellectual", and Morrissey presumably somewhere in between.

>> No.13968938

Did this guy really read the entire wealth of nations?

>> No.13968968

I think he left a note to his secretary to the effect of 'insert list of political books and their authors here' and said secretary has copy pasted a list of political books. Why else would you write the full fucking title and the authors name instead of just 'Wealth of Nations'. Oh, thanks for clarifying, you mean the Adam Smith book, great, I was thinking that other famous book called Wealth of Nations

>> No.13969001


It's good to be skeptical of such a person's claims, as >>13968968 is, however I actually take him at his word that he did read what he claims. It's not as if reading twenty or so books on a subject which interests you is some ridiculous, impossible feat. He also had a lot of time while flinging pig-shit when his family was on the outs.

As I've written in the past, this claim isn't the same thing as Kim-Il-Sung being born on the same day the Titanic sank, under a double rainbow with sweet-smelling sparrow farts scenting the country sky, or his son's many, many holes-in-one at the sport of golf.

>> No.13969012

>reading list indistinguishable from the basic bitch liberal arts degree every (((western elite))) undergoes
chinese communism is globalism

>> No.13969013

>yet china still exists
and is still shadowed by America and Europe. The chinks will never become a dominant nation simply due to the fact that they can’t do anything but follow in the footsteps of everyone else. They cannot reach a level of political stability that is conducive to widespread growth that can match the west’s. The unrest within China and their need to keep it hushed and under the table is well representative of their inability to maintain any sort of order. Stupid chinks. They aren’t even good at math, they’re just good at memorizing retarded formulas and regurgitating what’s already been discovered for them.

>> No.13969025

He predicted veganism.

>> No.13969027

>Xi knows and follows the Dao

Xi is far more inspired by legalist philosophy rather than your bastardised Western version of "the Dao".

>> No.13969038

I'm sure he has read most of those, it's just the way that list is written makes it seem copy pasted, unless this is some Chinese convention of always writing out the name in full 'George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel' instead of just Hegel. One wonders why he didn't just write 'political thought from Plato to Keynes', writing them all out seems tryhard.
No Marx or Marxist writers in the list either which is interesting.

>> No.13969046

He's not even wrong. People in the west have lost sight of what makes humans unique and they will genuinely value cats and dogs more than other humans.

>> No.13969061

They still value humans, they just don’t think they are in need their help. They view animals (cats, dogs, niggers) as helpless creatures who must be hand-held in order to preserve their survival.

>> No.13969068

hey ian

>> No.13969078

People used to say the same about the Japs, till they were made to eat their words.

>> No.13969084

Japs are only a step above the chinks, which isn’t saying much. They’ve just got the benefit of being a more homogenous culture thanks to their relative geographic isolation.

>> No.13969086

Not very hard when you're so close to India

>> No.13969093


Ha,ha. Imagine thinking current nation-states will exist in 2200.

I teach exclusively Chinese students, and they are far from miserable. They may not be typical, however.

>> No.13969109


He is clearly peacocking his education/reading in a nerdy/bugman/autistic/Chinese way.

>> No.13969181


So how come Chinese people have no regard for human life at all?

>> No.13969197

It's not meant to be substantive. It's a combination of canned apparatchik language and loyalty totem.

Seriously, Xi seems like a smart and competent guy but trying to build up some cult of personality around him is just clumsy propaganda.

Making a ponderous list of all the classics you've read is a very old Chinese literary convention.

It's quite likely, or at least reasonable to believe, that Xi has actually read all of those books. In the enlightened West, I would be surprised if the average head of state has even heard of all of those.

>> No.13969200

Because they have their own philosophical beliefs unrelated to animals.

>> No.13969212

>In the enlightened West, I would be surprised if the average head of state has even heard of all of those.
Dude, it's a list of the most famous works of political theory in history. I'll give you Trump, but I'm sure ever other Western leader has heard of eg Milton Friedman. Even Boris Johnson has probably read Republic and Politics in the original Greek

>> No.13969213

>The chinks will never become a dominant nation simply due to the fact that they can’t do anything but follow in the footsteps of everyone else.
This is already wrong. Most cutting edge commercial hardware is made in China. The West doesn't train enough people to maintain its lead once the graying pre-globalization engineers retire or die in other sectors.

>The unrest within China and their need to keep it hushed and under the table is well representative of their inability to maintain any sort of order.
What unrest? The Chinese have a problem with a Muslim minority. They are dealing with it. The West also has problems with minorities. They can't deal with it, so they are making a virtue of their weakness.

>> No.13969241

China only really begun to adopt capitalism and a modern government a couple of decades ago and is already at a high standard.

Fucking retard.

>> No.13969248
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>> No.13970442

The book in OPs picture BTFOs almost everyone in this thread

>> No.13971606

i love china

>> No.13972613
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I know, i was just shitposting

>> No.13972749
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>It has been this way for four thousand years! Yet China still exists!

>> No.13972752

Will. It tell me where to find honey? Mmmm

>> No.13972835


There’s still no proof anyone sentient lives in China

>> No.13972934

Nothing cutting edge is made by the chinks. We’ve just outsourced the things we don’t want to pay for to the noodle-niggers because America doesn’t have the necessity to produce low grade tech. Look at boston dynamics, Tesla, and Space X. China doesn’t have shit compared to these three companies. And their political situation is so fucked they need to institute a dystopian social credit system in order to prevent their whole government from continuously descending into civil war. We see these occasional CCP propaganda's threads pop up trying to paint China as a vibrant nation when its really just a shit show. You can’t even get your motorist laws under control.
Following in the west’s footstep again. Too bad they will fail because they are not the west and cannot properly emulate the capitalism market. Noodle-niggers are still worse off than Americans in every single way.

>> No.13972976

There's no such thing as THE neoliberalism.

>> No.13972977

>My impression is that they are unexceptionally the product of their times and the result of pondering over and delving into prominent conflicts of a given society at a given time.
Yeah, right. But Marx is immortal I guess.

>> No.13972990
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Anglo pseud cringe

>> No.13972994
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>> No.13973000


>> No.13973027

noodle niggers can only play catch up when retarded liberal policies screw over our trade balance. bye bye chinkie, back to the second world for you!

>> No.13973075

Never exactly sure who is more pathetic, racist Chinese haters or Chinaboos who repeat CCP propaganda and repeat memes about muh 4000 year history muh long term plan

>> No.13973127

Literally the CIA

>> No.13973308

No shit.

I'm saying I want our manufacturing base back. I'm saying making everyone a fucking programmer is going to lower the salaries for all programmers, you fucking twat. We need more MARKETS for our own PEOPLE to LIVE.

I'm no economist, but have you noticed how quiet economists become when neoliberal, globalist policies rebound to whip us in the fucking face?

>> No.13973573

The future will be as if Aldous Huxley and George Orwell had a kid.

But for the western world it will be as if modern Brazil conquered Europe and America.

>> No.13973595

>This is already wrong. Most cutting edge commercial hardware is made in China. The West doesn't train enough people to maintain its lead once the graying pre-globalization engineers retire or die in other sectors.
Invented by whites, moved to china because it's cheaper and near slave labor.
>What unrest? The Chinese have a problem with a Muslim minority. They are dealing with it. The West also has problems with minorities. They can't deal with it, so they are making a virtue of their weakness.
True, but there will be probably a civil war in the first world due to these issues so don't discard it yet.

>> No.13973630

>he doesn’t know about the extensive organ harvesting from native chinks who are political dissidents
bruh you’re falling for gommie propaganda if you think a muslim minority is their only problem. They only admit the muzzies are a problem in order to create a limited hangout. This placates people enough to not look any further into Chinese dissidents.

>> No.13973661

They harvest organs from living and unwilling subjects? Shit I didn't know about this.
Yeah they might have a lot of problems, I'm not a chinkaboo, but I'm jelly of some things they do that we don't. Such as this:


We are very cucked and shouldn't talk shit about chinks in our current state. We are having mass rapes, murders and robberies made by brownskins in Europe and the government censors the information and turns a blind eye, giving the perpetrators laughable prison sentences.

The correct thing to do would be to flay alive those animals in the public square of the local town every weekend from 5pm to 7pm, watching it would be free and it would be televised too in a national channel. It would also bring back the figure of the executioner as a viable carreer path, creating quality jobs. Shit I wish I was the ruler.

>> No.13973969

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13974121

Why do the chinese need 300 different small drawings to comunicate?
Why don't they use an alphabet of 26 or so characters like normal people?

>> No.13974133

Do you even know how written language works, cunt?

>> No.13974161


Even Chinese people don't give a shit about his writings. Read Mao instead, filthy class enemy

>> No.13974339

>We are very cucked and shouldn't talk shit about chinks
Europoors are. Burgerland is doing pretty well. As long as we stem the tide of mexican beaners jumping the border, our dying boomer population will coincide well with the decline in manufacturing. We shouldn’t want these manufacturing jobs necessarily anyway. It’s basically the equivalent of modern slave labor and should be relegated to the slave castes like noodle-niggers.

>> No.13974398

>burgerland is doing pretty well

>strong anti-white and anti-male sentiment from the lumpen to the academia
>being relegated to the back of the bus in movies and tv shows
>demonization of skill and merit, inclusivity for all
>multiracial nightmare
>self-hating mentally ill white women
>spics and nigs everywhere

Don't cope mate, we are both fucked.

>> No.13974443

Most of this is localized to the degenerate urban centers. Rural American is thriving, at least in the Midwest. Yes, the women have their problems, but that’s an easy issue to fix. And who gives a fuck about what’s on TV? The more they remove whites, the sooner we will tune the garbage out and find other more fulfilling hobbies to partake in. You should realize that a lot of America that is advertised is geared towards getting minorities to spend more money. Whites are tend to be more fiscally conservative and don’t fall for the gay marketing tricks. Mention that America is anti-white to anyone in rural America and they’ll either give you a blank stare due to having no clue what you’re on about (ignorance) or they’ll nod and say they know. Once again, it’s the degenerate urban centers that need to be cleansed.

>> No.13974651


>> No.13974799

Cancer's here. Discussion over.

>> No.13974829

Have you tried going back to /leftypol/? I think it should be up and running, you just need Tor now.

>> No.13974839

Perhaps, I've been hearing good things of the midwest, but their stance on non-whites is not outright hostile right? That's a weakness for when the brown horde comes.

>> No.13974849

>the CCP is a nation-state
Whatever special-needa school you teach at deserves to be shut down.

>> No.13974897

you're crazy to think Europe will ever look anything like Brazil.

>> No.13974927

yeah the far more likely eventuality is a bunch of cratered Lebanons

>> No.13974932

You're crazy to think it won't.
What do brazil have in common with haiti, zimbabwe, the congo or nigeria?
Bring niggers in and they will nigger the place. Cope however you wish.
That race does not create or produce, only consume. Buildings will decay, codes won't be maintainable, people will fix rot and holes in the wall convering it with trashed metal sheeting, shacks will start surrounding everything. Niggers can't even farm in africa. Stay delusional.

>> No.13974968

You need to travel more, try Prague then tell me this city will ever look like Rio.

>> No.13975022

>Czech Republic
I was talking about western europe mostly. Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden...
Anyway, when the nigger drains and favelizes all those countries they will migrate to wherever they can, if your country hasn't learned the lesson by then it will also become a favela.

>> No.13975326

is there a version of this on libgen now? last I looked I couldnt find an english translation of this anywhere.

>> No.13975540

>posts bunch of countries with a raising GDP

Yeah, I'm sure these countries will collapse any minute now. I swear, you /pol/tards have no concept of the real world.

>> No.13975613

I have uploaded a PDF of the first volume here:

>> No.13975621

I uploaded it to LibGen a few months ago

>> No.13975788


Which is stupid and backwards animals make it fine without people. Fuck niggers though.

>> No.13975835

China isn't diverse. In spite of its numerous minorities it's still more ethnically homogeneous than any western country.

>> No.13975841

How does he avoid ninja samurai dragon assassins taking him out?

>> No.13976047

Can confirm. Necessary reading.

>> No.13976191

Yea, unfortunately the stance towards minorities seems to be split about 50/50. I attribute this mostly due to the fact that whites are not exposed to the nature inherent within the negro, especially the negro when in pack form. This breed a naivety of sorts, also especially when you take into the relevance that the midwest is composed of more historically empathetic ethnicities such as the scandinavians. The bright side is that if there might be a strong authoritarian voice which would direct these people, they would surely listen. Most whites in the midwest are a hands off, “out of sight out of mind” type of people. They are very passionate about their culture and take much pride in how well we’ve established ourselves as a peaceful and prosperous group with violent crime being almost non-existent and petty crime being relatively sparse. These are god fearing people who, in time, will learn to reject the brown hordes and fight for the land that their ancestors worked so hard to settle. Many poses the faustian spirit Spengler talks of, now they just need a champion who will lead them.

>> No.13976206

The word for animal in mandarin is literally 'moving thing'

>> No.13976370

You write wrong 2020.

>> No.13976391

You sound like you're 13

>> No.13976792

Define collapse. Of course the administration will roll on, but these countries are beginning to collapse already.

Why don't you go to Paris or London? Except for a important areas they're violent 3rd world hell holes.

Have you lived with non Europeans?

In what reality do you live in which everything in the West is ok?

>> No.13976825

He thinks meaningless numbers such as GDP matter and is oblivious to the actual quality of life in the area. In my country it's two most important cities have registered the highest crime count in their recorded history. I hope they enjoy their niggers and refugees I guess.

>> No.13976860

Every urbanite I know in the UK is trying to get our of the city.

The lefties lie to themselves about it. The rest admit that they don't want to live near non white areas.

>> No.13976888

when things get boiling the world will have to pick between chinese style statism or the old burgerland/eu hegemony deluded neoliberalism. which will it be? pro chinese hipsters wont love the kind of chinese domination they praise if it reached their country while at the same time too cool to be a libtard.

>> No.13976958

Same here in Spain, I'm either leaving for the countryside or moving to a white majority country (russia maybe, not many choices that will survive the final chimpout). I don't want to live nor raise kids near subhuman apes that are closer to the australopithecus than to the neanderthal.

>> No.13976997
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>High scores can lead to...
>Shorter wait times in hospitals

>> No.13977011

China is great if you're wealthy and Chinese. The Chinese have a long and proud history of putting up with absolute bullshit to get ahead. The entire concept of Face in Chinese culture (and all cultures influenced by it) is literally
>a mask you create to make it appear as if you blend in with whatever society dictates based on current necessity, to hide what you're actually doing, that everyone knows you're actually doing, because you can't just admit to doing what you're actually doing

For literally anyone else, EU-Burger hegemony is better both in the sense of "having to put up with their bullshit while being a foreign state or in a foreign state" and in the sense of "being within the borders of the EU-Burger empire".

>> No.13977124

know any good books on the 'mask' culture?

>> No.13977161
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>> No.13977169

>Nothing cutting edge is made by the chinks.
You're catching a lot of heat for some reason but you're right. I'm in a university physics department and we're leaders in our particular field, and I shit you not we've had multiple papers of ours copied almost word for word only a month after they've been published by uncreative Chinese faggots. Of course there's nothing we can do because China and Chinese people have no respect for intellectual honesty. All we could do is stop making preprints available and hope people eventually do something.
But it makes me so fucking angry when our governments talk about how we need to catch up with China or whatever, when the world has let them get rich off the back of western creations and outright theft.

>> No.13977191


china is lindy, yes that is a valid argument. if it's been around for 2000 years, its more likely than not that it will be around for another 2000.

however, the time for the based american reich is now

>> No.13977389

People are still playing catch-up to the fact then Chinese propaganda that has been pervasive for quite some time around American internet circles. It’ll catch on soon, though. China knows they are fucked and are in complete damage control right now. I’d compare it to the middle ages of the Soviet Union.

>> No.13977482

>China knows they are fucked and are in complete damage control right now.
share some intel anon

>> No.13977612

>imagine being scared of little chink manlets

Fuck asians.

>> No.13977717

Look at the trade imbalances and how badly they want the US to not actually fully blow their asses out with tariffs. The Chinese haven’t finished developing their economy, and now the US is about to put a gun to their head and say “fuck you, pay me”. The US can handle the slight shrinkage that will entail with less Chinese imports simply due to how had the imbalance was. America will pick up the slack for things we didn’t need to export to China, and China loses doubly the exports the once had and the fact they now have to divert resources in order to revitalize an industry that relied on US consumption. The US does not need Chinese material. We’ve developed technology which allows us to extract our own resources that were once previously unavailable for fractions of the cost. Look up PolyMet and Twin Metals mining projects. We’ve got an assload of precious metals that we’re sitting on. Also look at how the dying boomer population means a small economic shrinkage won’t age a rippling effect like it will for the rest of the world that is still overwhelmingly in their growing phases. It’s like the US is going to flip the table when they’ve already got most their cards off of it. Everyone else is praying to god they can get their assets in order before shit hits the fan for them.

>> No.13977722

I know nothing about anything but I will confidently repeat this to the next person I talk to about geopolitics.

>> No.13977745

Go for it. This is just my two cents, but I believe it to be mostly correct. You’ll notice that the American economy is continuing to chug along even though things seem to be falling apart. You only know that if American is skimping by the seat of its pants that the rest of the world is clearly in a much worse position. Dealer always wins. Remember that sentiment.

>> No.13977862

are you saying the world is milking china for a short term cheap labor 15 min of fame chicken dinner deal?

>> No.13978210
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>Do you really think the Chinese communist party would do that? Just tell lies about how well the country they govern is doing?

>> No.13978215

China was milking the US and now we’ve turned off the tap.

>> No.13978222


You didn't know shit about Moz or the Smiths.

Stephen Street said, Moz had the final say on everything. Art, Songs, Lyrics, Music. It was the Morrissey show.

Have you read their books. Johnny Marr's is terrible it's something a high school student would right. Obsessed with being cool. He's also never done anything else of note since the Smiths, while Morrissey has a full solo career with at least two classics.

You must be Chinese.

>> No.13978239

China is integral to global geopolitics.
Trump is failing in his fight because he doesn't understand the long game, he is a fast cummer. This is evident in his dealings with NK.

>> No.13978241


Japan is a different culture. Just look at the shit the Chinese appreciate. China and Japan have different philosophies, why do you think China is a disgusting shithole and Japan is clean and orderly? The Chinese are closer to Arabs, they only care about money and oneupmanship and no appreciation of quality.

>> No.13978247


China has not adopted Capitalism. They have a bastardized Franken-version

>> No.13978252


And it's only got worse since.

>> No.13978254

china is a big country.
you should be careful.

>> No.13978260

they have perfected it. that is why you are an angry cuck who's two-fold getting fucked over by your own kind and every other

>> No.13978262

This is true, and soon Chinese will be banned from working in universities in the west.

>> No.13978266

who is thomas edison and nikola tesla?

>> No.13978275


It's true nonetheless

>> No.13978280

bro listen. it's like the state you live in is a shithole because the USA is BIG. it's like you fuck your sister, but people in other states don't.
do you get it?

>> No.13978294

can you just get around to killing yourself already

>> No.13978302

i LOVE this answer so hard. read jung

>> No.13978307

>Look at our profit structure. To put it plainly, China’s listed companies don’t really make money. Then who has taken the few profits made by China’s more than 3,000 listed companies? Two-thirds have been taken by the banking sector and real estate. The profits earned by 1,444 listed companies on the SME board and growth enterprise board are not even equal to one and half times the profit of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. How can this kind of stock market become a bull market?

>When we buy stocks, we are buying the profits of the company, not hype and rumors. I recently read a report comparing the profits of China’s listed companies with those in the U.S. There are many U.S. public companies with tens of billions dollars in profits. How many Chinese tech and manufacturing companies are there that have accomplished this? There is only one, but it’s not listed, and you all know which one that is. [Xiang is referring to Huawei, the Chinese tech company.] What does this tell us? As Yale professor Robert Shiller said: stock market performance may not work as a barometer of the economy in the short run, but it does for sure in the long run.

>So I think that the terrible stock performance only demonstrates one thing, which is that the real economy in China is in quite a mess. Where is the stock market rebound? I think it’s obvious that investor confidence has yet to recover.


>> No.13978321

TL;DR : The chinese are better at capitalism

>> No.13978327

Go back.

>> No.13978328

oh no no no. calling all landians mayday aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.13978329

You seem daft so let help you out try reading up on projection.

>> No.13978334

You're clogging up the forum.

>> No.13978341

>cheating in games
>lowest possible score


>> No.13978345

Nice argument

>> No.13978349

Quite genuinely, an underrated post

>> No.13978359

>i LOVE this answer so hard. read jung
Read your posts, reddit friend. The mix of being indecipherable and lacking in grammar results in a lack of value.
>bro listen. it's like the state you live in is a shithole because the USA is BIG. it's like you fuck your sister, but people in other states don't.
>do you get it?
I don't know if you're fresh off the boat or if you spent some time in /pol/ but either way you're unwelcome.

>> No.13978361

Your reply is interesting in that you are in both in denial and rage.

>> No.13978370

You're not used to not having usernames. I'm not angry. I'm not the same poster you were talking to earlier. He probably got bored of talking to you.
I'm just here to ask you to stop posting so much. /lit/ is a slow board, and you're meant to refrain from making totally worthless posts.

>> No.13978379

lol what you are so mad.
i like that you are talking about yourself in 3rd person keep going

>> No.13978405
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>> No.13978410

at least i know you'll just stay butthurt and won't shoot people up

>> No.13978428

BRO you are salvageable.
i rarely do this but the fact that you are just playing the shitposting game means you have hope.
good luck.

>> No.13978429
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>> No.13978433

even with MS paint that's 3/10
make another one

>> No.13978453
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>> No.13978454
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I liked the first edition better

>> No.13978475

hey bro is that supposed to be stirner?

>> No.13978539

i just found it interesting that you're far-right and the guy you're supposed to look like is far-left aka stirner

>> No.13978545
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>> No.13978550

huh your comeback is making yourself a black stirner?

>> No.13978557
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I'm only the most-posted black man on this board. Seriously, lurk a bit before you soil such a pristine board.

>> No.13978592

They are 100% paper tiger right now given their shit culture and people. Japan had unironically better chances at surpassing USA back in the 80's.

>> No.13978594


>> No.13978613

Listen. Here on 4channel we're not all Nazis.
I'm a libertarian socialist. I've read more leftist literature than you have. I'm further left than you are. I'm not as authoritarian as you are. I'm a better leftist than you are.
You're on /lit/, a board whose posters have all kinds of political leanings. Maybe you're here from reddit chapohouse and you're here to do your part to defeat the fascists. But what you're doing isn't going to help defeat the fascists. If you want to help defeat the fascists, organise. If you want to disrupt right-wing conversation online do it on /pol/. That's what that board's for.
But if you want to post on /lit/ you should try to life the level of discourse up, not drag it down. Leftist ideas are better than right-wing ideas. So when you drive the level of conversation below the discussion of ideas you are hurting the left - especially on a board as politically diverse as /lit/.
i.e., lurk moar

>> No.13978625

Also with Japan you knew the stats coming out were pretty much a correct picture of what was happening. Who knows for sure the actual situation of the Chinese economy? You just know the CCP isn't telling the whole truth

>> No.13978650

I had a feeling you were libertarian. the only thing worse than being a nazi.
try to talk shit to the people who own your soul, my friend.

>> No.13978654
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What a sad, sad, little man.

>> No.13978668

I'm guessing that you are assuming the twisted contemporary American definition of libertarian/liberal. If you are a fan, for example, of Noam Chomsky, then it wouldn't make much sense to call me worse than a Nazi - since Noam Chomsky is a self-professed libertarian socialist. If you have made that lame error in understanding, then you need to read more.
If you haven't made that lame error, feel free to explain why liberty is a bad thing.

>> No.13978683

> caring what retarded chinks have for strategy when they're about to collaspse very soon because they're retarded chinks

>> No.13978766

nothing to add, but nice discussion guys keep it up!

>> No.13978775

my oh my these esl posters are a bit uncanny. shitting up the place trying hard for points so they can still take the train and rent an apartment. shits getting meta.

>> No.13978848

"Animal" is Latin for moving thing, pleb.

>> No.13978854

When will China achieve communism? Didnt they predict 2045?

>> No.13978861

Trump has not heard of any of these, he doesn't even read

>> No.13979042

Oh so because some yankee stole some stuff from a guy ages ago it's justified for a whole country to systematically lie and cheat their way to the top by stealing the work of other nations?
Nice post brainlet

>> No.13979073

Silly old bear

>> No.13979091

Oof did he really say that?

>> No.13979102

Then why does he sleep next to a copy of mein kampf checkmate

>> No.13979280

he as admitted to watching and enjoying GOT iirc

>> No.13979801
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The Turner Diaries isn't necessarily going to happen anon. If any culture has a history of cataclysmic civil wars its China

>> No.13980193

Lmao no. The Chinese can’t do capitalism but poorly attempt to emulate it through smoke and mirrors. They’re a paper tiger from the top down

>> No.13980199

>Triggered stormnigs
Yeah we are doing pretty well.
>Rural American is thriving
Rural America is rapidly turning into tract housing, strip malls, seas of corn and onions, and atrophied, aging communities that get all of their food from Dollar general. You racist dipshits are too much. I grew in a mostly white community and most people who didn't inherit land live in deteriorating trailers, there are lots of white people living on dirt floors and pumping raw sewage into the creeks if the are lucky enough to have a toilet. Go to any rural area in the USA with a karst are similar topography that doesn't accomadate agriculture without industry or trade, and you will find communities of destitute white people living in the 'third world'. Then you will see just how much of your racist bullshit can be attributed to the environmental conditions. Further more, those destitute people whatever culture they belong to, are better than middle class white mid American culture. The 'white' people you speak so highly of are absolutely insufferable, they are phoney, boring cucks.
>Whites are tend to be more fiscally conservative and don’t fall for the gay marketing tricks.
LMAO that's rich. If by white people you mean wealthy WASPs maybe but no the opposite is true. Rural America is degenerate. You stormnigger morons are bluepilled, paleocons are unironically more woke than you.

Y'all need to GTFO and keep this shit on /b/. Please. You don't have to stop being racist, but we need to set some boundaries. You folks are all authoritarians so you should at least stick to your principles and follow the rules. Only degenerates post cancer on respectable boards, keep it "behind closed doors". All this racism does is derail threads and hurt our community.

>> No.13980212

>animālis (neuter animāle); third-declension two-termination adjective
>Etymology: anima + -ālis
>anima f (genitive animae); first declension
>1. soul, spirit, life
It's Latin for "thing with a soul." Which I guess is a definition that excludes the population of China.

>> No.13980271

At least you have some awareness that most of 'your' people would find your ideology disgusting. It's weird I also agree that ignorance about other cultures is why the Midwest isn't woke on race. Just in the opposite way. You see, the racist people in rural areas genuinely do not know anything about the people they hate. I'm thinking of the Confederates and kkkesque people here. Unlike you internet Nazis who apparently got bullied by black kids. I've seen it happen alot, some naive white person has a bad experience with another culture or dislikes something about a stereotype and takes a disliking to the whole 'race' they attribute to those people or stereotypes.
Could you imagine what would happen if people did this with their own 'race'? Some unscrupulous small business owner would fiscally rape a paycheck to paycheck customer (I see it happen all the time) and the customer would hate white people.
>Most whites in the midwest are a hands off, “out of sight out of mind” type of people. They are very passionate about their culture and take much pride in how well we’ve established ourselves as a peaceful and prosperous group with violent crime being almost non-existent and petty crime being relatively sparse.
Out of sight out of mind, like the countless usurers, slum lords, land rapists, and profiteers. For every black(by black I mean poor) person robbing someone that has something, there is a white person(a miser) sucking the income out of people that have nothing through treachery. What is more loathsome, honest in-your-face theviery, or manipulation and treachery. If you honestly believe the former is worse, you are way out of line with the traditions of 'your' people. White Americans will never embrace you Nazi retards as anything other than evil.
Of course I don't think this is caused by genetic traits, because I'm not an idiot. Of course there are many honest white small business and good white people, I'm close to many. The point is when white people do something bad it's not a racial issue, but when black people do something out of line it's pined on there entire 'race'. So what's with the double standard?

>> No.13980318

based. thank you

>> No.13980710


>> No.13981195
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>libertarian socialist
>If you want to help defeat the fascists, organise. If you want to disrupt right-wing conversation online do it on /pol/. That's what that board's for.
>Leftist ideas are better than right-wing ideas.
>board as politically diverse as /lit/
I'm fucking dying, I really needed this thank you, holy shit.

>> No.13981412

>violent 3rd world hell hole

ehhh no not really

>> No.13981525


the chinesea re not dumb enough to reinvent the wheel. why would they spend a penny on R&D if the west is spending billions and more than happy to just let anybody "steal" or borrow it.

don't forget that japan and all the developed asian economies also did nothing but copy in the first years of their modernization. china is following the same tried and true approach and will eventually become more powerful than any other country in the world so get used to it.

>> No.13981782

Daily reminder that the west "stole" immense amounts of tech from China and the east and no one complains about that.

>> No.13981823

Because the West did something with that technology that Chine never could or would do. The same can't be said for the chine.

>> No.13981865

are you talking about walmart? hahahha. no seriously i know this is 4channel shill station but at least provide some context on these big claims

>> No.13981869

"West" and "East" are construct of a colonialist society, this sort of dualism Is really bad. There are only a lot of people with a lot of different backgrounds and cultures, and it Is pretty obvious that China invented a lot of shit, just like the ""west"" did

>> No.13981983

Hmm let me see. Have you heard of papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing?

>> No.13981992

>West" and "East" are construct of a colonialist society, this sort of dualism Is really bad
Shut up.

>> No.13982029

lmao nevermind then. people here are talking about technocapital trade and hyper economics and youre stuck on irrelevant we wuz history.

>> No.13982479

>Marx or Marxist writers
The Chinese Communist Party hasn't been actually communist since at least the early 90's. They participate in state capitalism and run their country more akin to the Nazi party than anything resembling the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks who, correctly over this next century, will gradually drift to the bottom of the dustbin of history.

>> No.13983584

The chinks invented gunpowder and then used it for fireworks for the next thousand years while the west already used it for artillery and warships

>> No.13983712

Did anything I say contradict that? The main players at fault are the western elites who are openly hostile to their own nations and people. I don't blame the Chinese for taking advantage of them, but I also don't like or respect the Chinese for leeching their way to the top

>> No.13983883

Regardless of whether you are an actual communist or bolshevik, Marx is still by far the most important and influential political and economic thinker of the last 200 years, and its inconceivable that Winnie would have read all the others but skipped Marx.
He's obviously been left out of the list for political reasons, to help mould the image of Xi

>> No.13983948

Looks heavenly desu

>> No.13985174


>> No.13985710
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>> No.13986005

very childish, anon

>> No.13986102
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>> No.13986130

once you stop being a prog the way they look at the question of race differences becomes downright spooky. It's like there's a gigantic mental barrier completely stopping them from thinking about it at all. They can repeat (bad)arguments they've heard for why the differences don't exist, but they don't seem to actually be able to stop and ask themselves 'what is the evidence for this and the evidence against it'. it's like that question doesn't register as having any content to them. Weird shit

>> No.13986137

It amuses me how they become creationists when it comes to the question of race.

>> No.13986234

Care to extrapolate? How do 'progs' look at racial issues? What bad arguments do they repeat? What makes them ''bad" ? I don't think any of the 'woke' people deny that differences exist, in fact they usually asperse anyone that claims to be 'colour-blind'. If anything, they maintain that racial catagories aren't adequate to explain real human differences while still acknowledging the social reality of racism.
What is the evidence for this strawman? I think it being an empty sign, a contentless brainfart from a vapid shitposter is enough evidence against it.

>> No.13986268

IQ scores, brain size, crime rates, gdp per capita, contribution to hard sciences, twinning rates, age of puberty, gestation time, etc. Nobody has ever shown these differences disappearing. The handful of studies that try to control for environment don't close the gaps. Every metric we have and all of history point towards racism being true. On the other hand we have....oh right absolutely nothing indicating every population on earth is exactly the same cognitively. It's just asserted.

>> No.13986298

Hey retard, you didn't answer a single question I asked.

>> No.13986330

I thought it better to show you what actual evidence for a position looks like but ok here you go.
>Care to extrapolate? How do 'progs' look at racial issues?
They don't look at them at all, they hysterically avoid thining about it and attack anyone who strays to close to the subject
>What bad arguments do they repeat? What makes them ''bad" ?
They focus a lot of energy on talking about the concept of 'race' being inadequate. which....OK, we can still take x population and y population, genetically distinct from each other, and compare them. If we find differences that is going to be called racism, so the entire thing is semantics. Or they try to say that the differences in outcomes are environmental. This is a bad argument because they have no evidence for it, and the evidence that does exist suggests the opposite. Or they try to say IQ doesn't matter, when it robustly predicts for many outcomes. Or they try to deny the correlation between brain size and iq, or any other number of things.
>I don't think any of the 'woke' people deny that differences exist, in fact they usually asperse anyone that claims to be 'colour-blind'. If anything, they maintain that racial catagories aren't adequate to explain real human differences while still acknowledging the social reality of racism.
Well precisely, they think every population on earth is for some reason exactly the same, for no reason , and they attribute all differences in outcome to 'racism'. This falls apart immediately when you look at the performance of historically oppressed people like Jews and east asians in white socities of course.

We could continue to talk about this at length, but really what's the point.

>> No.13986464

>The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) is alarmed to see a societal resurgence of groups rejecting the value of genetic diversity and using discredited or distorted genetic concepts to bolster bogus claims of white supremacy. ASHG denounces this misuse of genetics to feed racist ideologies. In public dialog, our research community should be clear about genetic knowledge related to ancestry and genomic diversity. To that end, ASHG affirms the following:
>• Genetics demonstrates that humans cannot be divided into biologically distinct subcategories. Although there are clear observable correlations between variation in the human genome and how individuals identify by race, the study of human genetics challenges the traditional concept of different races of humans as biologically separate and distinct. This is validated by many decades of research, including recent examples.
>• Most human genetic variation is distributed as a gradient, so distinct boundaries between population groups cannot be accurately assigned. There is considerable genetic overlap among members of different populations. Such patterns of genome variation are explained by patterns of migration and mixing of different populations throughout human history. In this way, genetics exposes the concept of “racial purity” as scientifically meaningless.
>• It follows that there can be no genetics-based support for claiming one group as superior to another. Although a person’s genetics influences their phenotypic characteristics, and self-identified race might be influenced by physical appearance, race itself is a social construct. Any attempt to use genetics to rank populations demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of genetics.

>> No.13986488

You didn't think this addressed what I said did you?
>They focus a lot of energy on talking about the concept of 'race' being inadequate. which....OK, we can still take x population and y population, genetically distinct from each other, and compare them. If we find differences that is going to be called racism, so the entire thing is semantics.
notice this bit here
This concept is not remotely falsified by race being a fuzzy category. Literally all it requires is comparing two genetically distinct populations. You can compare two towns of fucking Brits if you want.

>> No.13986500

>Any attempt to use genetics to rank populations demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of genetics.
this is particularly funny. Of course we can't rank Pymies as being genetically shorter than Norwegians. That would demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of genetics lmao

>> No.13986685

> thought it better to show you what actual evidence for a position looks like but ok here you go.
Then why didn't you do that? Instead you asserted a list of measurements, with no data, no discussion or substance, nothing to relate them to your argument. You implied studies exist that might as well be imaginary because you gave no citation. Then you said these hypothetical studies were wrong because they "didn't close the gaps" whatever that means. You merely implied that certain kinds of evidence exist, without giving any. Evidence for what? Racial differences, or racism? Those aren't the same things. One is a measurement, the other is a hateful ideology based on normative opinions. You cannot justify racist aesthetics, and ethics of hate as scientific knowledge with measurements.
Ive always found it weird how people who share an ideology with genocidal mass shooters have the dissonance to moralize about crime statistics.
Then you gave a false dichotomy comparing your unsubstantiated 'evidence' to an opposing viewpoint "every population on earth is exactly the same cognitively", that doesn't actually exist. Then, ironically you claim that the strawman you just asserted is "just asserted"
You are obviously bad at scientific thinking and thought in general. Which explains why you are like you are.
>They don't look at them at all, they hysterically avoid thining about it and attack anyone who strays to close to the subject
I don't. You want to know the real reason for the impasse(which you blow out of proportion for rhetorical purposes) in scientific inquiry on this topic? Its because you retards, who are definitely not scientific, will not stop using it to justify your hateful political ideology.
This anon posted something helpful >>13986464
>They focus a lot of energy on talking about the concept of 'race' being inadequate. which....OK, we can still take x population and y population, genetically distinct from each other, and compare them. If we find differences that is going to be called racism, so the entire thing is semantics
You do not understand systematic philosophy and I am not going to teach it to you. So for practical purposes I will let you say "the entire thing is semantics" (lol) . Let's focus on this
>If we find differences that is going to be called racism
No it would not, they are not. Racism is not the differences. Rather than acknowledging multiplicity, racism demands normative homogeny. Normative is the key word.
>they think every population on earth is for some reason exactly the same
NO THEY DON'T, this falls apart immediately when your strawman is unraveled.
>We could continue to talk about this at length, but really what's the point
Let's, until you fuck off to /b/ where you belong

>> No.13986857

>No it would not, they are not. Racism is not the differences. Rather than acknowledging multiplicity, racism demands normative homogeny. Normative is the key word.
All right then lmao. We're talking about 'race differences' not 'racism' if that makes you feel better. In practice you will be called a racist for talking about race differences but you can obsess over the use of terms as much as you like, this is a common theme for you guys. As for the typical obfuscation about the term race you called 'helpful' see my two replies to it.

here's a study, there are loads of them.

>> No.13986964

>In practice you will be called a racist for talking about race differences
No I won't, just like the entire fields of anthropology and human genetics do not get called racist, because they don't say racist shit.
Do you or do you not believe that some races are superior to others? That's what racism is, not differences, superiority.
Nothing about differences implies aesthetic superiority or justifies race based political inequality. I promise my IQ is way higher than yours, it's regrettable that you are taken seriously, but I don't believe that I should have privileges that you are systematically excluded from.
>As for the typical obfuscation about the term race you called 'helpful' see my two replies to it.
I have, they were moronic.

>> No.13986995

I think human populations have different average cognitive abilities as measured by results like IQ and life outcomes

>> No.13987094

Okay? IQ scoures don't mean anything to me. You started out talking about the way progressives think about race, explicitly saying racism is true.
Why do you people always back peddle away from your actual beliefs. We all know you are the person saying fuck ns and all kinds of hateful shit.
Don't be a coward. Justify racial superiority, justify racist hate, IQ scores do not justify white supremacy, nor do they debunk 'progs' or set an imperative for an ethnostate.

>> No.13987109

To most people asserting IQ differences between populations as genetic in origin is racist. That's why I used the term racism.

>> No.13987150

It's only racist if you think having a higher IQ score is better. And I can't imagine why you would even bring that up if you didn't believe that.
BTW I strongly doubt the information about race and IQ posted on this website, but I wouldn't care if it were true. I also despise reducing intelligence to it's measurement, as anyone familiar with scientific measurement, especially a measurement of a ridiculously fuzzy concept like intelligence. Even if IQ was perfect, I still wouldn't care.

>> No.13987170

OK you don't have to care, the results are still very consistent, and calling one group of people on average 'dumber' or 'smarter', at least in terms of ability in things like math or language use, is normally considered racist.

You've talked a lot about who you are and who you think I am, instead of just the topic at hand, which is not that complicated.

>> No.13988021

Can someone get this guy a medal for defending the status quo narrative of every cat lady school teacher and HR "professional" in the west? Congratulations Anon, you have all the correct opinions. You are not subversive. 10 points have been added to your social credit.