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13966055 No.13966055 [Reply] [Original]

In the past, poets used to be decadent dandies who challenged the moral of their times. But today, where decadence has become mainstream and there is no moral left, poets must be like angels.

>> No.13966062

is that why shakespeare was so based, him being a catholic in prot territory and all?

>> No.13966067
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There is no poetry today. Civilization has calcified and art is dead, become an engineer faggot flaneur

>> No.13966072
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No. Theyve become that whomst they've hated;even worse. It's everyone's duty to be contration to the past contrarians..
In what form I don't know. Whatever is closest to improving the family unit in my opinion. Rn I would say statistically Mormon ideology should be pushed in some form,preferably not distilled.

>> No.13966154

Spengler was right in almost everything, but he said something that I can't understand. If we are in the era before the fall of the Republic/Modernity, in transition towards Cesarism, why won't be good poets anymore? The most prolific era in Roman History for poetry was the early days of the Empire, with Virgil, Horatio, Juvenal, Marcial, Lucan, Ovid...

>> No.13966214

There were good poets back then too! Not just degenerates

>> No.13966340

I would hardly call Ovid Dante Rumi Shakespeare Goethe and Poe degenerates

>> No.13966342

>in the past


>> No.13966346

Poetry does not exist today, it only survives through music. Nobody listens to 'angel music'

>> No.13966855

>Nobody listens to 'angel music'
I do

>> No.13966867

You're wrong and dumb.

>> No.13966906

>decadent dandies who challenged the moral of their times
/pol/ challenges the morals of our times

>> No.13967104

Those are not morals. It was easier to control people with pavlovization and gaslighting.

>> No.13967125

Jesus Christ

>> No.13967159

This isn’t true. Maybe poets were decadent dandies in the 1900s and just prior, but that was not the norm throughout history. Poets typically came from nobility or aristocratic backgrounds so in that way they were distinct from mass society, but they weren’t decadent dandies. Goethe, Dante, and Shakespeare would probably each challenge you to a proper duel if you referred to them as such.

>> No.13967182

If anything, poets need to be exactly like society, just honest.

>> No.13967205

Far from it! Warren Buffett drives a beater car, Mark Zuckerberg wears jeans and a t-shirt, the biggest scandal among the wealthiest was Jeff Bezos divorcing his wife for... some dried-up slag of a journalist! The popular decry Donald Trump (PBUH) for his "garish" tastes, which are really quite tame in the grand scheme of things. The mode of the day is false modesty, and the ostracization of anyone who dares to step beyond! You must embrace decadence.

>> No.13967237
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>angel music
I thought you were going to post bladee

>> No.13967292
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