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/lit/ - Literature

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13965572 No.13965572 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is the big day. Let's wish /ourguy/ good luck.

>> No.13965582

that's not a poc woman

>> No.13965588
File: 40 KB, 520x662, AVT_Thomas-Pynchon_5542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's today: my timezone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your timezone
you posted the wrong pic btw, let me correct you

>> No.13965591

I don't even know what that porn tag even means.

>> No.13965655

Toni Morrison will win

>> No.13965662

0/10 bait

>> No.13965668

To be fair I hadn't realized she won, but I wouldn't be completely surprised if she won it again ahahahah

>> No.13965673

she won already and dead people can't get nobels

>> No.13965674

That's not true at all. Dead people win all the time.

>> No.13965683

Examples? In Nobel for Literature, I mean.

>> No.13965838

Toni Morrison, tomorrow.

>> No.13965847

where is the houellebecq joker edit

>> No.13965909

My money is on SALMAN RUSHDIE

>> No.13965914

Salman Rushdie is still alive??

>> No.13965926

yes he is in witness protection though, goes by the name nassim taleb

>> No.13965935


>> No.13965939

saw him on MSNBC yesterday promoting his new hackjob

>> No.13966182

he's a tv host now??

>> No.13966335

2018: H Murakami
2019: Woman of the african persuation

>> No.13966844


>> No.13966878


>> No.13966880


>> No.13966885

So non-white male and white female?

>> No.13966897

Anyone got a torrent or actual file of Ducks, Newburyport? Asking for my greedy self, although I will pass it along.

>> No.13966912

I will eat my own hymen if Murakami wins, there’s no fucking way.

>> No.13966917

obviously it's going to rupi kaur

>> No.13966920

murakami is basically the comfiest writer of all time but he does NOT deserve the nobel prize

>> No.13966928


>> No.13966931


The epub for that book grinds my ereader to a halt. The lack of sentences seems to cause it, and Calibre won't convert it to smaller files as that also uses sentences to split. Think I'll need to edit it to sprinkle some full stops/periods throughout so I can reconvert it.

>> No.13966932

If the Hugos can do It, Nobel prize can too. Observe.
Kek that would be an awesome twist

>> No.13966935

Season to taste.

>> No.13966941

One of the writers will be a Jew. 100%. They're running out of people this year since they gave most of the science prizes to whites.
They need to keep the lie going.

>> No.13966947

My money's on McCarthy or Krasznahorkai, and >>13965588 getting snubbed yet again
Either that or a diversity token

>> No.13966952

Weird, it seemed fine on my kindle. Can't check it anymore because I already threw it awa: it really is a nauseous drivel not worth anyone's time.

>> No.13966957

Academy member Anders Olsson said they looked for a more diverse shortlist this year and were moving away from a more "male-oriented" and "Eurocentric perspective of literature".

Oh no...

>> No.13966971

It will probably go to some negro for an outstanding Twitter feed

>> No.13966986
File: 178 KB, 760x663, IMG_3350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pottery

>> No.13967004

aw shet here comes Margaret Atwood's prize

>> No.13967046

Reading Atomized right now. It does have some interesting ideas (nothing i haven't heard before) but i honestly think it's absolute trash, some of the worst dialogue i have ever seen.

>> No.13967053

stop reading translations.

>> No.13967355

read his poetry (in french obvs)

>> No.13967496

So where to begin with Handke?

Not sure i want to read Olga.

>> No.13967843

It literally wouldn't matter what language it's in. Most of it is just one character giving a big long monologue or giving some fucking autistic scientific explanation about everything they happen to mention in casual conversation.

>> No.13967868

>two euroslimes

>> No.13967931

I have read his poetry in French, it's close to the Platonic ideal of "subpar".

>> No.13968007

>The fear of the goalkeeper... with which he got famous
>Short letter... a love story in the middle of his oeuvre
>Wim Wender coproductions and movies (like everyone else)

>> No.13968230

NY NORSK chads @ at