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/lit/ - Literature

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13964270 No.13964270 [Reply] [Original]

After you go through Nabokov, every other russian writer will seem stale, especially Dostoyevky. You might even come back to Tolstoy; but Dosto will just seem like drivel-like melodramatic crap afterwards.

>> No.13964580


>> No.13964724


>> No.13964801

Not really. Nabokov is plastic and cold. Dosto has some truly raw energy which Nabokov could never achieve.

>> No.13964821

You must be insane to think this. Absolutely insane.

>> No.13964848

I've only read Lolita, really good. Have GLORY and it was too difficult to read.

And recommendations?

>> No.13964857

Never understood the meme about Nabokov being cold and soulless -- people should read Pnin, Speak Memory and Ada if they think that, yes the man liked to play games and tricks on readers and critics, but he does have a genuine appreciation for the world, people, art, etc. Seems like most just read that page where he trashes on other writers they like, which by the way is a quite misleading page, it just cribs from Strong Opinions his passing comments on writers as promoted by interviewers. Read lectures on literature and Russian literature if you want his actual thoughts. And of course nothing at all prevents anyone from liking Dostoevsky and Nabokov bizarre how there's this false dichotomy between them on this board.

>> No.13964905
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Nabokov is one of the most pretentious writers to ever have written in the English language. One gets the sense that he wrote with a dictionary open, slowly intermingling random words into every single sentence, words that were zany, rare, or antiquated, all just to look like he was much smarter than he really was. Oh, and he just had to include paragraphs of French. As someone fluent in French, I was disgusted by his repulsive desire to display to Americans that he knew French, to brandish French to a nation that doesn't know any French, knowing his American audience wouldn't understand the pages of poorly written garbage that he wrote in the language, except for the sparse francophiles that chanced upon his child-rape hit novel. That is the epitome of pseudery. Nabokov is the type of writer that leaves an educated man nonplussed at the fact that his embarrassingly pretentious, chi-chi smut has somehow passed for literature.

>> No.13964998
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>chi-chi smut

>> No.13965026

>Nabokov, Vladimir. Overwritten Latinate prose, flaccid-cock fantasies, failed pseudo-aesthetic attempts. Plastic and soulless. Dislike him intensely.

>> No.13965074

imagine being this wrong lmao

>> No.13965088

>he hasn't read bely

>> No.13965092

I like Lolita but this post is still incredibly based

>> No.13965095 [DELETED] 

Imagine not having an argument and just repeating the first meme words that pop up into your head since your mind has been colonized by 4chan-speak. Sorry you're so mediocre, buddy! Maybe next you can actually think up a refutation of my statements instead of just being a lazy ironybro. >"lmao"

>> No.13965309

The irony of this post is amazing.

>> No.13965380


Just admit it, your failure of a thread is on life support. You have no hope left, just fucking end it.

>> No.13965633

lmao he is coping so hard, bet he is underage desu, i too thought lolita was good back when i was 17 lmaoooo

>> No.13965665
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>> No.13965678
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>> No.13965688
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>ok, ill type NOOOOO and then say 'you can't do that', just like those funny screenshots on /r/4chan
>I even have /r/basedjaks, theres no way he'll be able to top this one!

>> No.13965701

funny because ur OP and here you are >>13965074

>> No.13965710
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all me ;)

>> No.13965712


>> No.13965722

Name a single rare word in it.

>> No.13965761

it's depressing how easily influenced some people here are. they read nabby's worthless contrarian opinions and they just go along with it because he speaks with an air of authority, as if any writer of note agrees with his dogshit takes. it's also absurd to put an emigre whose writing has little connection to his home country in the same category with dostoevsky and tolstoy, russian writers who actually wrote about russia. op is such a retard. this places is full of retards.

>> No.13965789


>> No.13965798

based and redpilled

>> No.13965806

Pnin is good shit.

>> No.13965833

It's called being based. And yes, when you're based and stop caring what people think, people say damn that guys based. You are not.

>> No.13965839

cringe and unbased

>> No.13965933


>> No.13965965

>another Chadokov thread posted
>virginevsky plebs reeling and seething, furiously coping
Feels good, /lit/

>> No.13965989

Not to mention, one created a counter thread. Serious seething going on.

>> No.13966091
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>child-rape hit novel

>> No.13966161

Pushkin is the greatest Russian novelist

>> No.13966210

>child sexual abuse is bad
also society:
>oh but this book that is romanticizing child sexual abuse is completely fine and it should be a literary classic!

fuck humans, fuck "intellectuals", fuck books, fuck your disgusting twisted fetishes and your cognitive dissonance

mao zedong was right

>> No.13967009
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Because Nabokov was fluent in English, and was able to put his voice into his writing. As an English speaker, when you or I read Dost or Tol, we are not reading them, we are reading Constance Garnett or whomever else decided to translate the piece. Or maybe I'm retarded

>> No.13967013

I've read 4 Dostoyevsky books and they all made me feel bored and sick
Now I'm reading Lolita and it's just making me feel plain sick.
Are Russian authors not for me?

>> No.13967016

you should probably see a doctor.

>> No.13967018

did uncle touch your peepee when you were a kid?

>> No.13967020

that’s just the natural reaction to dostoevsky

>> No.13967036

>After you go through Nabokov, every other russian writer will seem stale, especially Dostoyevky
Funny That's the exact opposite of my experience. Now that I've read dostoevsky i can't stand nabokov anymore.

>> No.13967152
