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/lit/ - Literature

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13964230 No.13964230 [Reply] [Original]

what are some classics you genuinely enjoyed and didn't read for the /lit/ dick measuring competition? some Joyce is good but he has his slow points.

>> No.13964257

You don't actually have to read anyhting you don't enjoy, especially if you're doing it just to impress autists on /lit/. Classics are supposed to be enjoyable, that's one of the main reasons for their status as such. Don't read if you don't enjoy reading. Come to terms with being a retard and carry on with your life, like so many have done before you, to no great detriment of their quality of life.
That said, maybe give Dead Souls by Gogol a go.

>> No.13964264

I'm in a classical myth class right now, and we've been reading Ovid's Metamorphoses and it is quickly becoming one of if not my favorite book. Do yourself a favor and read it.

>> No.13964301

Don Quixote
Count of Monte Cristo
Wuthering Heights
Pride & Prejudice
Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.13964386

Before Adam(and call of the wild but I prefer this weird proto human story even more), Robinson Crusoe, Dracula, Journey to the Center of the Earth.

>> No.13964396

I found The Betrothed gripped like a thriller, just gobbled my way through it. I've read a few Dickens where it's really slow and painful for the first 50 pages or so and then it turns into literary crack you can't out down

>> No.13964425

Jane Austen books are always fun. They are anime-like. Tolstoy is fun as well.

Does Dracula count as a classic? If so, it is definitely fun.

>> No.13964443

Can anyone recommend a translation?

>> No.13964475

Most Stoic philosophy works like Epictetus, Aurelius and Seneca. Machiavelli discourses too

>> No.13964572

We've been using Raeburn. It's used in the Penguin Classic edition and it's been fine. Decent introduction and good notes in the back.

>> No.13964587

Dracula is a pretty cool novel. If you know a lot about vampire media but not much about the bram stoker book itself, then it can really subvert some of your expectations of the vampire. The narrative style is also quiet unique

>> No.13965335

Herodotus was the most fun I ever had reading.

>> No.13965347
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>> No.13965363

Some of Tolstoys shorter stuff - The Cossacks/Hadji Murat/Sebastopol Sketches
I enjoyed a lot of Anna Karenina and War and Peace as well but there were sections I had to slog through which I guess is inevitable in such long novels

>> No.13965378


>> No.13965470

God, what were they thinking with that cover?

>> No.13965510

this is a highly guarded secret
please do not share this with anyone ever again
thank you

>> No.13965603

They were trying to market it as ‘edgy young guy who just don’t give a fuck’
Which is accurate I suppose. But a 19th century Russian cavalry officer would have been much more /fa/ than that poser.

>> No.13965645

>Jane Austen books are always fun. They are anime-like.

>> No.13966300

Most of the ones I've read
Many classics have some good humor and the characters are regular, relatable people
The notion that classics are stale is held by people who never even tried reading any

>> No.13966309
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the Russians are operating on a level beyond our comprehension

>> No.13966317

/lit/ hates The Stranger by Camus but it's comfy as fuck