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13962920 No.13962920 [Reply] [Original]

>For this reason it should not be a matter for surprise that the Anglo-Saxon mania for sport gains ground day by day: the ideal of the modern world is the “human animal” who has developed his muscular strength to the highest pitch; its heroes are athletes, even though they be mere brutes; it is they who awaken popular enthusiasm, and it is their exploits that command the passionate interest of the crowd. A world in which such things are seen has indeed sunk low and seems near its end.

>One could show for instance that psychology as it is understood today—that is, the study of mental phenomena as such—is a natural product of AngloSaxon empiricism and of the eighteenth-century mentality, and that the point of view to which it corresponds was so negligible for the ancient world that, even if it was sometimes taken incidentally into consideration, no one would have dreamed of making a special science of it, since anything of value that it might contain was transformed and assimilated in higher points of view.

>Such is still more certainly the thought of the pragmatists, who make utility a substitute for truth and consider it at one and the same time under its material and moral aspects; and we see here too how fully pragmatism expresses the particular tendencies of the modern world, and above all of the Anglo-Saxon world, which is one of its most typical portions. Indeed, materialism and sentimentality, far from being in opposition, can scarcely exist one without the other, and they both attain side by side to their maximum development; the proof of this lies in America, where, as we have had occasion to remark in our books on Theosophism and Spiritualism, the worst pseudo-mystical extravagances come to birth and spread with incredible ease at the very time when industrialism and the passion for “business” are being carried to a pitch that borders on madness; when things have reached this state it is no longer an equilibrium which is set up between the two tendencies, but two disequilibriums side by side which aggravate each other, instead of counterbalancing.

>> No.13962925
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>From rationalism, religion was bound to sink into sentimentalism, and it is in the Anglo-Saxon countries that the most striking examples of this are to be found. What remains is therefore no longer even a dwindling and deformed religion, but simply ‘religiosity’, that is to say vague and sentimental aspirations unjustified by any real knowledge: to this final stage correspond theories such as that of the ‘religious experience’ of William James, which goes to the point of finding in the ‘subconscious’ man’s means of entering into communication with the divine. At this stage the final products of religious and of philosophical decline mingle together and ‘religious experience’ becomes merged in pragmatism, in the name of which a limited God is stipulated as being more ‘advantageous’ than an infinite God, insofar as one can feel for him sentiments comparable to those one would feel for a higher man. At the same time, the appeal to the ‘subconscious’ joins hands with modern spiritualism and all those ‘pseudo-reli-gions’ characteristic of our age. In another direction, Protestant moralism, having gradually eliminated all doctrinal basis, has ended

>This also makes it possible to explain quite naturally a fact which is noticeable in England and still more so in America, and which at first sight might appear rather surprising, namely the association of an exaggerated development of the practical outlook with the almost unlimited dissemination of all sorts of follies of a would-be religious nature, in which both the experimentalism and the false mysticism of the Anglo-Saxons are simultaneously pandered to ; this goes to prove that, despite appearances, the most “practical” mentality is not always the best balanced.

>it has recently led to the formulation of a so-called “ esoteric Christianity,” which is no less fanciful. This organisation of American origin, while posing as international, has become purely Anglo-Saxon in its leadership, with the exception of a few dissident branches of little importance ; in spite of all its efforts, supplemented by a protection that it owes to certain political considerations which we not examine here

>> No.13962926

can't wait until this board outgrows guenon holy moley macaroni

>> No.13962928

can't wait until this board is freed from the anglos grasp

>> No.13962931
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>It should be observed that in a religion where the social and sentimental elements preponderate over the intellectual, both the dogma and the cult have their share reduced more and more, so that a religion of this kind tends to degenerate into “ moralism ” pure and simple, as is well exemplified in the case of Protestantism ; at the extreme limit, almost reached at the present day by a certain “ liberal Protestantism,” what remains is no longer a religion at all, since it has preserved only one of the essential factors ; it amounts simply to a kind of specialised philosophic thought.

>> No.13962951

Poast physic

>> No.13963028
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>> No.13963052

Guenon is not a philosopher, he's an historian of religion. His arguments are not philosophical arguments in the slightest but interpretations of religious myths, doctrines and sourced, which makes them at best good literary criticism and at worst simple argument from authority. His historical value is weak, compared to eliade, for instance, and his book are full of ad hoc arguments and straight made up reading of the sources. He's an incredibly poor source of philosophical insight compared to Plato and others in the neoplatonic tradition - of which so-called tradition is a mere ripoff, where the argumentative skills of actual platonic philosophers are substituted by gross generalizations, random assumptions, weak textual interpretations and arguments from authority for claims that are way too broad to be accepted just because "dude Greek gods look like hindu gods so there must be like a true God they were both referring to!" or "dude christ and Buddha are similar so could they be pointing at the same vague new age doctrine I point to but with a lot of references to old texts to give it authority?" this is the lowest kind of speculation and it is good that it has been forgotten and ridiculed.

>> No.13963061

you've upped your game, I'll give you that

>> No.13963087
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Everything he ascribes to Anglos about worshipping sport you can say about every people, and I very much doubt humans as an entire species will ever cease to be interested in athletic performance (watching sports for entertainment is cringe but you can't say the same for the actual practice of physical activity). It's almost as if...hmmm....yes..that's right...
>we live in a body

>> No.13963095

imagine posting about an author you haven't read and getting it 100% wrong. historian of religion? excuse me, what? I'm pretty sure you've never read eliade either, sage

>> No.13963098

>you can say about every people
maybe because at the time guénon was writing modernity had not swallowed every part of the world? maybe use your brain for a second faggot

>> No.13963109

Anglos living rent free in this nigga

>> No.13963138

nothing is free with anglos

>> No.13963145

Did all the delueze posters become guenonfags or what

>> No.13963150

Nah, it had. The whole of Europe was no better than Anglos. It's just that Anglos were dominant and superior in everything, particularly when he was writing. These are not invalid points, just that they apply to all. Targetting Anglos was just him seething because he was still a Frenchman.

Also interesting thing on codified sports with social institutions, fitness, and community- Anglos pioneered them. That's why almost all of the original and dominant sports in the world are Anglo. Even Australians have their own coe of football. Meanwhile Europe and the world just plays English football, association football. Barely even codifying their own traditions or inventing others. A few Asian countries made their own too, but later on out of mimicry (of codified sports and European nationalism). Underneath, he was probably seething about that too.

>> No.13963159

The second one is the best. Psychology is castrated theology.

>> No.13963173

Deleuze posters have been gone for awhile now, probably in discord watching anime or something. Guenonfag has been here since the trad exodus though and is still cringier than ever.

>> No.13963197

My discord plants inform me Deleuzefags are curretly going a dilation-hibernation phase. Once the wounds have stabilized we can expect a burst of deleuzian feminine energy which will deliver /lit/ from its frustration/masculinity.

>> No.13963230
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Guenon is one of the most influential intellectuals driving the zeitgeist among /lit/'s highest quality posters. 'Guenonfag' does not exist, people who were't capable of arguing against Guenon's ideas invented him so they could attack Guenon via proxy without any serious discussion of his ideas ever.

>t. oldfag here since 2009

>> No.13963237



>> No.13963239

guenon is a non entity

>> No.13963260 [DELETED] 

that's what the Whitehead/Deleuze spammer always says, go dilate you discord tranny

>> No.13963622
File: 281 KB, 1142x1002, D3C3E010-B239-4375-B861-FB9FA54FCF06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best books to start with Guenon? I have a very solid background in existential philosophy, behaviorism, determinism, etc. Don’t want to waste my time rereading shit that isn’t important for things I’ve already figured out, so any suggestions are highly appreciative.

>> No.13963661

guenonfag is obviously an actual poster but he’s not the only one discussing guenon
A lot of people on /lit/ are getting interested in non-dualism and anti-materialism, and guenon is wrapped up in that trend

>> No.13963706

Continentals are just upset that the Anglo routinely and cheekily shitpost all over them with nary a care in the world. Protected by their natural protector, the ocean and their insatiable compulsion to bring absurdist oblivion to all they touch.

>> No.13963736

Every Anglo critique is just a cope for not coming from a country that had the largest, most efficient empire in the world.

>> No.13964728


>> No.13965009

Yes but it was also the least aesthetic until its final days. India and Africa were the best. North America and the Caribbean were mostly cringe autism.

>> No.13965045

"All knowledge is physionomic"
-Roberto Calasso

>> No.13965050

Maudite soit la perfide Albion.

>> No.13965180

>big is beautiful
>quantity > quality
yes we're truly coping

>> No.13965196

guenonfag is the man who started it all

>> No.13965807

his first one

>> No.13966071

>Even Australians have their own coe of football.
Yeah we have our own coe of football. But if you consider shitposting and drinking as sports then we smash every cunt.

>> No.13966079

>Also interesting thing on codified sports with social institutions, fitness, and community- Anglos pioneered them.
Tell me again what does FIFA stand for?

>> No.13966086

No. Oldfags are from '04 - '06/'07 and if you are just saying /lit/ oldfag well the board didn't exist until 2010.

>> No.13966265

Sometimes I forget that you people exist

>> No.13966294

Did you just assume I was a person? You fucking bigot.

>> No.13966305
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You have been lied to about anti-materialist spirtuality, and the truth was right there on wikipedia:

The guenons (/ɡəˈnoʊn/ or /ˈɡwɛnən/) are the genus Cercopithecus of Old World monkeys. Not all members of this genus have the word "guenon" in their common names; also, because of changes in scientific classification, some monkeys in other genera may have common names that include the word "guenon". Nonetheless, the use of the term guenon for monkeys of this genus is widely accepted.

All members of the genus are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, and most are forest monkeys. Many of the species are quite local in their ranges, and some have even more local subspecies. Many are threatened or endangered because of habitat loss. The species currently placed in the genus Chlorocebus, such as vervet monkeys and green monkeys, were formerly considered as a single species in this genus, Cercopithecus aethiops.

In the English language, the word "guenon" is apparently of French origin.[2] In French, guenon was the common name for all species and individuals, both males and females, from the genus Cercopithecus. In all other monkey and apes species, the French word guenon only designates the females.[3]

>> No.13966407

how many of you fags are even muslim

>> No.13966424

I'm Hindu

>> No.13966449

Is this the most profound example of "can't see the forest for the trees"? This guy is just describing people. He's not describing anything uniquely Anglo-saxan in the least.

>> No.13966465

>t. Anglo

>> No.13966474

Does Gaynonce not esteem the manly sportsman culture of the ancient Greeks?

>> No.13966486

move along folks. just more french/german riff-raff being salty about anglos. They've been at it for centuries.

>> No.13966570

he thought with a few exceptions they were metaphysical brainlets compared to easterners

>> No.13966629

the person you describe is me, I remember back when I had never seen anyone here mention him ever, I started to post about stuff I was reading in 'Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines' around 2013-2014, it took a while but he did catch on eventually lmao

>> No.13966641

based and topkekpilled

>> No.13966667

Is "anglo" used anywhere else? I've only seen it in French stuff, whining in that froggy way about Britbongs or Burgers. Always seemed a weird thing to lump them together as they don't really seem all that similar culturally, despite using the same language.

>> No.13966803
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"The most amazing thing in your life, the most in contrast with ours, is its sport. By this I do not mean simply your fondness for physical exercise, your physical exuberance, but the psychological and social institutionalization of sport, its organization, its predominant role as the outlet and expression of your spiritual energies.

"In thus characterizing your ethical concepts, I have already indicated the essential difference which separates them from ours. There is no touch of sport morality in our way of life, in our problems of human relationship. Our life morality cannot be symbolized in a miniature reproduction. We have no play-presentation of life. Our young, even like our adults, are referred at once to the first source, to the word of God, to the word of the prophet or teacher speaking in the name of God."

--Maurice Samuel

>> No.13966838

'ate Meds,
'luv me gold,
Simple as.

>> No.13966984

He thought late antiquity was decadent.

>> No.13967799

This sounds like something Moldbug would write about the Polygon/Cathedral. I wonder if Curtis has read Guenon, I can't remember if he has mentioned him.

>> No.13968088

Guenon is a trash hack he can fuck off.

>> No.13968116

the man was a genius

>> No.13968157
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Anyone have recommendations on what to read in order to tackle Guenon's Metaphysics of Infinitesimal Calculus? Is his other stuff necessary and is a solid foundation in infinitesimal calculus necessary?

>> No.13968273

His other works are necessary but more important is being acquainted with mathematics and infinitesimal calculus in general, yes.

>> No.13968306

Interesting until you realize that "the social and sentimental elements preponderate over the intellectual" is a fair description of any major organized religion. Is Guénon advocating for a mystery-cult-only approach to religion?

>> No.13968312

This, people have been watching semi-naked dudes doing sports since Antiquity. If anything in Ancient Greece it was closer to fully naked dudes. Guénon is just being a dweeb here.

>> No.13968330

>he larges
That would have make sense in 1890, now the Anglo are literally the lapdog of their former colony, who would envy that? Even their head of State is fashioning himself after the retarded American president when everyone else is laughing at him.

>> No.13968336

>Guénon is secretly an anthropomorphized agent of the Apes Tribes
>mfw theozoology was right all along

>> No.13968339

>Always seemed a weird thing to lump them together as they don't really seem all that similar culturally
They aren't but they also are closer to one another than they are to most other cultures. Also they're politically in the same bed.

>> No.13968344

But love of exercise is foremost an classical Antiquity thing.

>> No.13968368
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*retroactively contradicts literally everything brainlet-gueon says about anglos and pragmatism*
I get the impression that gueon is a massive psued