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/lit/ - Literature

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13960370 No.13960370 [Reply] [Original]

>got ridiculed by my friends for using big words again

>> No.13960375

get smarter friends faggot

>> No.13960376

which words?

>> No.13960379

Tell us where he touched you, Timmy

>> No.13960381
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>got ridiculed by my friends for using "nomenclature" when "vernacular" was the proper word

>> No.13960382

I used vernacular in a sentence. It’s like my friends didn’t go to fucking high school.

>> No.13960383

Lol close

>> No.13960388

Lol I wish. I live in central Texas though so the pickings are slim

>> No.13960393

>Read a bunch of poetry and old philosophy
>start speaking overly poetically, flowery, and in riddles
>get blank stares, huhs and laughter

I really gotta stop.

>> No.13960402

That's preposterous.

>> No.13960407
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‘‘Tis the fate of all great minds to die alone anon

>> No.13960414

On the second thought that sounded really pompous. I’m an agriculture major who flunked math in high school so I can’t say shit

>> No.13960419

I told my teacher I didn't have my homework because my impecunious parents couldn't dare buy me paper and pencils! She yelled at me in an obstreperous manner, I felt immediately castigated. Why the fuck won't Stacy date me

>> No.13960434

Scalding parody!

>> No.13960436

Lmao ridiculed, what are you a thesaurus, just say made fun of like a normal person

>> No.13960445

I dumped a chick I was living with because she laughed at me for using the word "forgo".

>> No.13960447

contemned by contumelious congeries?
sounds like a bitch. fuck em. vernacular aint e'en dat bigaword

>> No.13960452

I used the word “particular” in conversation with my brother the other week and he asked my “why I talk like that”.

>> No.13960454
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>> No.13960460

So embrace the genuine nature of simple country folk. My friends aren't literary geniuses, but they're honest in what they are and anti-establishment which is fine by me.

>> No.13960485

Yikes. Sounds like an absolute bimbo

>> No.13960491

Unfortunately all the simple countryfolk I know are viscously pro-establishment

>> No.13960506

What do you expect from women? That’s a trivial reason to dump her for.

>> No.13960512

Honestly I just like men better

>> No.13960517

Thanks poodle man

>> No.13960522 [DELETED] 


>> No.13960578


>> No.13960589

ew. whelp. Embrace solitude then.

>> No.13960602

Something about reading philosophy specifically makes people start talking like total faggots. No other genre of literature has this effect.

>> No.13960610

don't talk to people, write instead.

>> No.13960616

They start saying the absolute gayest shit such as
>My meaning of life is to find a meaning of life
>By criticizing philosophy you are partaking in the act of philosophizing
I have unironically heard both of these things on 4channel.

>> No.13960621

those anons don't read philosophy tho
except the second is probably just bait yknow

>> No.13960634

I like how you philosophy fags always do this too.
>P-please believe me, that one philosophy fag is nothing like the rest of us!
I have yet to meet a single philosophy reader who wasn't a sperg.

>> No.13960679

I'm a senior undergraduate and teaching assistant in the humanities and was asked by a kid classmate what I meant by "teleology" during a seminar today.

>> No.13960728


Well there's your first mistake bucko

>> No.13960741

Then you haven't met me then. Cunt.

>> No.13960742

I feel this, anon. My friends always tell me I talk 'in a funny way', when I think I just aim to emulate how I speak in writing when talking everyday.

>> No.13960743

Its fun

>> No.13960802


>> No.13960915

i dumped my mom for being stupid

>> No.13960983

I've started doing this since I've started reading Kipling, but I only hang out with autismo girls, so I don't get laughed at so much as people laugh with me. That said, my normie roommates think I'm really weird for it, especially since I usually use it to talk about my depression.

>> No.13960994

It's because when you read literature, the experience is usually someone telling you a story. You can usually separate yourself from the narrator. But in philosophy, the entire intention is to not. It's to have a conversation and to adapt the philosophers views. So, when many of your ideas and many of the things you think and argue with yourself about on a regular basis are in weird prose, you start to think in weird prose. When you start to think in weird prose, you start to talk in weird prose.

>> No.13961025

But putting your penis in a butthole makes it all poopy.

>> No.13961053

I talk like James Joyce writes, and now I have to take shots of thorazine because the doctor didn't like my multilingual portmanteau fragments.

>> No.13961076

You're supposed to do an enema beforehand.

>> No.13961084

Just how stupid is your brother?

>> No.13961165

Stop pretending to be smart, you deserve to be laughed at retard.

>> No.13961168

double down on it.
it's only your shame that destroys you.

>> No.13961170

Years ago I had the misfortune of having to live in Southern Florida for a time, anything above the vocabulary of around an 8th grade level could get you dirty looks or even the "you think you are so smart using big words" treatment.

>> No.13961278

Ah, Murrica, the land of retards.

>> No.13961438

Either you dumb yourself down, use "like" more often to offset the big words, and make sure you quickly describe to them what you mean when you use your big ass word you fucking idiot

>> No.13961441
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>> No.13961453

In the panhandle it woulda been 2nd grade.

>> No.13961481

>have friends laugh at me cause i use big word
>"you are only laughing at your own ignorance"
>laugther stops

>> No.13961507

>use big words
>everyone is amazed and loves me
Lmao get fucked

>> No.13961580

If you can't pass on your ideas with the most basic terms of a language you are a voice recorder not a man.

>> No.13962188
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>main language is romance
>latinate vocabulary comes naturally and rolls of the tongue
>my interlocutor either thinks my parlance is impressive and that I have 200IQ or that I'm trying to sound smart because I'm not talking in ebonics

>> No.13962252

Explain the metaphysics of consciousness

>> No.13962260

People who do this IRL are fucking insufferable. Bonus points for that teeth-grindingly irritating breathy, overly-emphatic tone that these pseuds sometimes put on.

>> No.13962296

Hehehe, made fun of? What are u, book? Just say peepeepoopoo like a normal person.

>> No.13962357


>> No.13962370

Dress better anglo, if you have so much style it's obvious you're not part of the same specie people won't dare talk you down. that's the french way

>> No.13962383

There were other reasons to dump her, all of them revolving around the fact that she was basically a redneck who treated any and all intellectual accomplishment with suspicion or scorn. I really should never have gotten involved with her in the first place, but she had a marvelous body... I look back on it today as a learning experience.

>> No.13962446
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T. I’m an autistic faggot who can’t get out more than a sentence and the way smart people talk makes me feel insecure

>> No.13962450

Kek did I touch a nerve?

>> No.13962468

I bet you just love to suffer from bleak and ironic things, though.

>> No.13962474

lol dis cracka finna think he smart cuz he be sayin "person"
nigga just say nigga

>> No.13962873

Stoics are the worst, followed by readers of Plato who bug you with Socratic questions.

>> No.13962875

You may not have friends

>> No.13962883
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O lawd I can stop laffin dey do be like dat!

>> No.13962909

I was about to shit on you for likely using needless and uncommon synonyms, probably cringeworthy Latinate piss too. But nah, you need to put your foot down on this, anon. Ridicule them as they deserve without stumbling or stepping back. Most people are so devoid of conviction that you can force them into social submission with passion alone.

>> No.13962921
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>that sensation when I got lampooned by my acquaintances due to my niggardly lexicon

>> No.13962934

wardine be cry

>> No.13962939

If I happen to ever visit the USA and use these in a conversation with an otherwise agreeable African-American chap, what, do you expect, would be the response?

>> No.13962946

There's a pool of words that are uncommon but not pretentious. Even joe rogan says shit like inexorable. Just don't LARP as a thesaurus and you're fine

>> No.13962949

That depends. Most of the time though you will get dirty looks and fired from your workplace. No biggie.

>> No.13962954
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lmao ban dat tum be like don poom muhfuggin bix nood wid peepo dayum

>> No.13963000

>made fun of
>not mocked
syllable economy > all other styles of expression

>> No.13963309


>> No.13963498

total chimpout

>> No.13963510

Vernacular is fairly normal usage though. It's not like you're going out of your way and using obscure words.

>> No.13963597

In my experience, it 95% depends on how you say "big words". You can easily sound like a pompous brainlet if you use them unnecessarily when simple words would work just as well and be more succinct, or if you bring special attention to them through your annunciation.

As someone with an expressive linguistic disability, I often have trouble using simple words and grammar to express my thoughts and tend to use large words and extended sentences instead. However, I can usualy present it in such a way that it doesn't sound forced since i am kind of use to it.

>> No.13963609

Got mocked by my Spanish teacher in high school for using the word "anticlimactic"... in Spain.

>> No.13963893

>uni in spain
>assignment has us speak to one another in english
>reply "nothing concrete" to someone
>he's like lol you retard concrete means cemento
>I constaza hard

>> No.13963924
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Some people just fucking eat a thesaurus and it's so fucking obvious that they're doing it to sound smart. Some stupid ass faggot who knew nothing about art digested a full buffet before discussing with me, a drawfag, what art's really for.

>> No.13963998
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>be me in uni
>discussing about life, suicide, abortion, politics or something like that (can't really remember the subject when it happened) with one friend and a girl that I liked in one of the private rooms at the uni library
>it wasn't really a discussion, we were more like trying to know each other
>at some point they ask me something that wasn't simple
>I use my vast vocabulary and grammar that best suits my ideias, couldn't had done it in other way
>"anon, are you trying to use these words/grammar to make you look right?"
>go back to trying to express in words my deepest believes that I haven't revealed to anyone yet using pleb vocab
he rekted me in front of the cute koreaboo girl that I wanted to impregnate, how is this even fair

>> No.13964131
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>get thanked by my friend for correcting his improper use of big words

>> No.13964267
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>> No.13964334


>Beating up begins

>> No.13964346
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Thot patrolled.

>> No.13964552

Pepe the forgo

>> No.13966105

Why do you need so much preparation to safely fuck a flesh tube that doesnt even have the heavenly ridges and muscles a pussy does?

>> No.13966113

that's a noun translation but anon clearly used it as an adjective, which is "concreto" in Spanish.

>> No.13966121

>told a friend to dilate again

>> No.13966134
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>> No.13966276

>tfw using the term "cisgender"

>> No.13967339
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>English class in Spain
>thanks to 4chan I never had to open the book to study
>talking exercise
>start using words like "whether", "enlightened" etc in conversation
>wtf anon I don't think that exists
I hated English class with all my passion. Year after year seeing the same shit and never moving on. Sports vocabulary. Supermarket vocabulary. ENOUGH

>> No.13967413

They're signalling their insecurity. Next time it happens go for the jugular and make dumb jokes about them. Your real fault is not picking up on your friends self-disclosing their weaknesses and seizing it instantly to tease them.

>> No.13967437

Missed your social cue to tell a dumb joke and be the big man in front of the girls. Should have restated your argument as a "me no like big word" caveman to banter him.

>> No.13967545

The rule is that you should be how you like to be, and eventually you will attract likeminded people - maybe join a reading group or something.

>> No.13967567

wow, 'pretending'? get off your high horse man. talk like a normal person and say ooga booga instead

>> No.13967601

>Some stupid ass faggot who knew nothing about art digested a full buffet before discussing with me, a drawfag, what art's really for.

How do you know he wasn't more enlightened and tasteful than yourself and that you just don't appreciate things on the same level as he does despite your technical abilities being superior? The way that you call yourself a 'drawfag' suggests that this isn't all that unlikely. He could be a blowhard, but I want to heard your own opinions first. What do you see in art?

>> No.13967626

stop being a pretentious twat then and speak properly. using big words at all except when they actually facilitate communication – that is, when they provide a uniquely succint means of conveying a particular idea and when you can be reasonably sure your listeners will understand them – is just obnoxious pseud behaviour.

>> No.13967701

I started saying "much obliged" as a joke instead of thank you and then it became a habit and now I do it for real.


>> No.13967778

my excuse for it is that i read wikipedia a lot, that should neutralize the normie

>> No.13967830

>Read book written in a Southern accent
>"Woah I didn't know Anon had a southern accent?"
>It hasn't gone away.

>> No.13967851
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>Get constantly praised by family, friends, classmates and coworkers for using big words

>> No.13967987

>tfw in-jokes hit so fucking hard I'm accidentally saying Hewwo to strangers

>> No.13968188

Eres yo?

>> No.13968438

Do you mean enunciation rather than annunciation?