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/lit/ - Literature

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13959923 No.13959923 [Reply] [Original]

This may not be the typical /lit/ thread, but I thought this will be a good place to ask.

Basically, what I am asking for - will i find all the books i may ever want to read on an ebook reader?

>> No.13959959

yes. new kindle paperwhite

>> No.13960067

You'll probably find the books, yeah. specially 'cause after a publisher has the rights to publish the book ebooks costs zero money to produce. You just pay to download something you could achieve otherwise.

The real question should be if you'll like reading on a kindle. I bought a paperwhite last years and 3 months after purchase it was already collecting dust on my shelf and i was back to printing and paper reading.

hope that, if you buy one, it has a better future than mine.

>> No.13960352

If you're fine with pirating and already know the place to then go with Kobo since that brand's significantly better hardware wise or so I heard. But if you're already an amazon's slave then obviously buy a kindle.

>> No.13960369

Kindle Paperwhite - put it in airplane mode on day 1 and ever take it out. It's a botnet.

>> No.13961054


Oh no Amazon is gonna know what books I read

>> No.13961129
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Not OP, but I recently bought a Kindle, probably the best purchase of my life. I read the manual and went through its features, it's great. But what about the stuff that they aren't letting me know. What's Kindle's secret menu?

>> No.13961139

This right here, nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

>> No.13961246


>> No.13961418

Get a new Paperwhite, use Calibre and libgen, airplane mode it permanently.

>> No.13961436

Oh no. Amazon is deleting books from my kindle, I bought, in retrospective.

>> No.13961443


>> No.13961471

Wait, really?

>> No.13961558
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For me, it is the SmartPaperBook™ Hardback Edition, i-900 series

>water resistant case
>virtually unbreakable
>infinite battery life
>revolutionary patented No-Gl8r™ technology (wont glare even under direct sunlight!!!!)
>built in content table
>ergonomic i-Swipe!™ technology, allowing for precision sweeping pages with a single move of the finger or quicksearching up to 500 pages/ second
>over a 100 years lifespan
>vegan, environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable
>no more than 15 bucks

>> No.13961563

Sounds cool, how many books can I get on it?

>> No.13961576

don't buy a backlit ereader, it will annihilate your eyesight if used a lot. paperwrite is good, really anything which doesnt emit light, it's like reading from paper.
you have to buy a used one to show solidarity with wagies enslaved by Amazon™ too

>> No.13961577
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>> No.13961584

based boomer humor, though you can't deny ereaders are far superior for travel and getting rare or foreign language books - all for free. i've saved thousands of rubles with it

>> No.13961589

He's memeing.

>> No.13961592
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>> No.13961596

What if I buy backlight but keep the brightness to 0%?

>> No.13961600

The cheapest with least features.

>> No.13961608

what's the purpose then? non-backlit are also cheaper, b/w with a handful of usable features. backlit ebooks are usually bordering on tablets, with color screen, apps and whatnot

>> No.13961614

What if there's no light available? How do read then?

>> No.13961617

you read*

>> No.13961633

just turn the light bro

>> No.13961639

>far superior for travel
>relying on power source

>> No.13961648

>He doesn't live in the woods, far from concrete, steel and pollutants.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13961651

A decent reader will last weeks on one charge.

>> No.13961665

Night vision goggles

>> No.13961666

>Ads unless paying additional 20 bucks

Kobo products have no ads, but have adjustable comfort light, and better battery in general, it also supports epub

>> No.13961841

If you have a goodwill outlet near you there is a massive amount of literature to choose from for really cheap. They stack the books and it is 14 cents an inch. The one near me has Somalis that load carts full of books presumably to resell them. You have to get there fast but it is very worth it.

>> No.13961855

Buy a used paperwhite

>> No.13961888

my paperwhite is like a decade old and at the battery has degraded so much it only lasts like 10 hours of reading. i need a new reader

>> No.13961903

>only lasts like 10 hours of reading
That's still a lot, anon.

>> No.13961932

americans were truly a mistake and i pity the eternal anglo for not executing them all when they could

>> No.13961938

Give me one valid reason why I should keep my Kindle in airplane mode?

>> No.13961998

Can you put PDF in ebook readers? I am currently using a tablet and all my collection is PDF.

>> No.13962015

Well on my kindle they always advertise their shitty erotica books on the lock page. Idk if changing to airplane mode would fix that cause I haven’t tried it.

>> No.13962033

You can try, but it won't look good, specially if your PDF has diagrams or tables.

>> No.13962255

true. i haven' charged mine in months, it also charges naturallywhile i plug it in to pirate new books

>> No.13962280

>buying books on a kindle

>> No.13962292

if you use the comfort light mode it keeps the backlight on all the time

>> No.13962313

>buying and supporting Amazon over getting the equally priced yet better Clara HD

>> No.13962436

Bezos monopolized the market in country. He killed Kobo and other readers.

>> No.13962726

What are the advantages of Clara HD over the newest Kindle Paperwhite? The Kindle hardware seems better, but I see many on /lit/ recommending Kobo. Is it because of the software?

>> No.13962759

get Kindle Paperwhite if you want the best ebook reader currently. get a Kobo or some other shit if you want to be contrarian and not have the best. fucking simple as that.

>> No.13962993

the software is more buggy but has native support for epub and pdfs, get a kindle and use calibre to convert books

>> No.13963844

OP here, decided to buy Kobo Clara HD, after watching https://youtu.be/16TH6WGLULg

Let me just say that if there was no way to view epubs on kindle (you can convert them to mobi) i'd immediately buy Kobo.

I still decided to go with Kobo for the following reasons:
- I don't support oligarchy
- Kobo's UI is better imo
- Kobo has more customization options
- I'm afraid of Kindle or whole Amazon going like Apple and making up new ebooks format so people can't easily convert epubs to mobi, and the only option is to buy from their online store.

>> No.13963859

Why are you afraid? You're not a Nazi, right? You're fine.

>> No.13963860

i have aura 2nd and that's great, anon. wise choice. i hope you'll like it.

>> No.13963927

is there an e-reader which can be set to emit no blue light? it's super important to me

>> No.13963957

idk about the reader but you can buy screen filter, anon.

>> No.13964365

buying a kindle was already an unedeemable mistake

>> No.13965445

Why airplane mode? You lost me. I have one loaded with pirated mobi.

>> No.13965658

>More buggy

>> No.13965689

read user reviews

>> No.13965734

Screenfilter for paperwhite?.. If so thats the perfect e-reader desu

>> No.13965828

lmfao fantastic fucking response, well done bud.

>> No.13965957
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I was thinking of getting a boox nova pro so I can read all the PDFs I find on archive.org
Has anyone had it?

>> No.13965974
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Im not allowed to have anything w apps or internet access bc coombrain..What should I get?

>> No.13965981

No, anon is a retard.

>> No.13966005

Error. No IQ detected.

>> No.13966024

They'll charge you with theft if the .mobi does not detect the identifier assigned to your account encoded within. That's why file sizes vary on library genesis. They want to obfuscate the hashes within. They hit you when you've racked up hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of stolen books. They also have a record of everything you read. If you do not have airplane mode enabled you are truly a retard. They also are adding DRM in 2020 so good luck.

>> No.13966037

Nobody's ever gotten a charge bc of torrenting epubs have they?..lmao

>> No.13966727

PDFs are for idiots.
I've had the same kindle since 2010.

>> No.13966732

I heard you can contact amazon support to remove ads for free, true?

>> No.13966764

> ads
tf are you all talking about? i have it permanently airplaned and never seen a single ad. why would you need internet on a book

>> No.13966768

wait you don't get ads with airplane mode on? I thought it's something built-in the device

>> No.13968130
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My kindle doesn't do that because I'm not poor