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13959351 No.13959351 [Reply] [Original]

Is it accurate, /lit/?

>> No.13959366

>edgy teenager starter kit

>> No.13959389

imagine being the illiterate, ahistorical chapo cuck who puts fucking gramsci, fisher, parenti, and zizek with marx and adorno

>> No.13959425

No one from chapo has ever read those books except fisher's. They're just social democrats.

>> No.13959429

are there seriously people who are so retarded they think Joker was political in anyway at all? The movie literally builds up, for two fucking hours, that Joker does not care about politics and people project whatever they want onto him. So people in reality are projecting whatever they want onto the Joker movie. genius. thef ucking hangover director has a fucking diamond eye knowledge of humanity apparently. he understands humans perfectly

>> No.13959569

The character wasn't political but the movie obviously was. They're handing out kill the rich fliers and all the upper class rich people are shown to be one dimensional assholes. The US' failing medical system also plays a large role in Arthur's descent. It's not super complex or anything but the movie is literally beating you over the head with a political message.

>> No.13959608

>that Joker does not care about politics

being apolitical is a political position, you fascist

>> No.13959610

>are there seriously people who are so retarded they think Joker was political in anyway at all?
Have you seen the movie?
kill the rich movement
anarchist protests
complaining about how the mentally ill are mistreated
complaining about funding being cut
hatred of cops

>> No.13959617

Funny. isnt this is supposed to be the one chance Warner Bros could use to redeem their shitty movies but it ends up being complicated with incels?

>> No.13959621


joker is zero politics. thats like saying taxi driver is political movie.
its about a man. thats it.

>> No.13959626

>its about a man. thats it.

Man is inherently a political animal. Any story about anyone will be political.

>> No.13959642

>any thought is philosophy
>any action is politics
Imagine being so close minded

>> No.13959647

>hef ucking hangover director has a fucking diamond eye knowledge of humanity apparently
they just use that fag because (political) conections and they probably wanted to be mainstream and get a lot of money

>> No.13959652

this is what modern academia churns out. brainless idiots who think everything is politics, everything is philosophy. idiots who make statements like >>13959608
>saying you're not a philosopher is a philosophical statement
like they're smart internet atheists while being ignorant of the fact that they're complete nothing comments trying to bait a response out of someone who just told you they're not interested

>> No.13959690


>> No.13960562
File: 35 KB, 750x720, 1512047425037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man is inherently a political animal. Any story about anyone will be political.


>> No.13960570

This is good bait because it made me mad. Fuck You faggot

>> No.13960635

if ive read a lot of anarchists, marx/engels, and a handful of marxists do i have to read the prison notebooks. its the same length of capital 1-3 and i really want to skip it

>> No.13960653

Taxi Driver is as political as it gets you dimwit.

>> No.13960702

Can we create a word to describe an establishment-based shill? "Shill" is far too general a term. A single word to describe someone deeply invested in keeping things the way they are.

This movie was created by such a person. Someone attempting to ape revolutionary fervor long enough to make money from it. A true creative parasite.

>> No.13960706

Are you one of these dunces that thinks everything is political?

>> No.13960708

but bro there was an election and shit

>> No.13960734

I've got terrible, horrible new for you, my friend. If you're American then basically everything you've ever seen that seems revolutionary is shilled by the kind of shill for which you're trying to find a name.
You're right that joker is created in some industry boardroom by representatives of corporate interests for the sake of further generating revenue, but it's based on a fervor also generated by them.
"Revolutionary" groups in America are either generated by the CIA themselves OR they're heavily infiltrated. Now the majority of social issues in America are all drummed up in entirely top-down hierarchies established by social media.

As for the name of this specific kind of shill, I dunno... Stab-Shill? (eSTABlishment-SHILL) I'm horrible with names but I agree that they need their own identifying term.

>> No.13960739

this always makes me lol

>> No.13960764

Stab-shill sounds pretty stupid. BLISH-shill or "blishill" is a better fit, but that's wanting as well.


Yes, yes. You're right of course.

>> No.13960769

>communists are mentally ill psychos who take death lightly
Yea that just about sums it up

>> No.13960770

Stabshill IS stupid, but Blishill is even stupider.
Someone good at coining new terms needs to come in here, we're clearly fucking idiots.

>> No.13960779

I wonder if there's a word for someone with a knack for coining new words?

>> No.13960807

Another profound capeshit movie. Thank god the ad campaign doesn't know about this secret spot on 4chan. I have no doubt about the sincerity of this post. None whatsoever.

>> No.13960813

A neologist?

>> No.13960840


>> No.13960870

>This loosely-connected assemblage of politicized elements should make a coherent ideology.
>Cult-following nao plz :3

>> No.13960874


>> No.13960910
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Joker is like Petr Verkhovensky. Think about it.

>> No.13961159

Either you're
b)a plain retarded consumer
c) saying the movie is apolitical because is made by executives who are just capitalizing on the fever of ideology.

>> No.13961166

seen this in another thread... elaborate.

>> No.13961172

Is this film any good?

>> No.13961176

It's capeshit. What do you think?

>> No.13961179

Apparently this film uses a Gary Glitter song lol

>> No.13961188

No, it's massively over-hyped.

>> No.13961193

Imagine being so much of a brainlet you think the JOKER is a Marxist. Holy fuck.

>> No.13961217

Don't listen to the other faggots. It's good, at times it treats audience like retards, but that's necessary if you want to make a movie these days. Cinematography acting are superb. It's about a single character. Go to this if want a slow-burner character based movie. Don't go if you're looking for Politics, plot or a deeper message (other than help the mentally ill).

>> No.13961224

and acting*

>> No.13961292

The same song is played in Joe's gym dodgeball... nobody gave a shit then and i don't see the reason they should do now.

>> No.13961381

Americans don't, but if you played Gary Glitter at a sporting event in the UK you would get literal riots. Nonce hating is way bigger in UK culture than in the US. The names 'Jimmy Savile' and 'Gary Glitter' are spoken with as much venom as 'Adolf Hitler' and everyone knows who they are. We understand that Americans don't know who Gary Glitter is though, it's just a bit of culture shock.

>> No.13961457

Based kek

>> No.13962545

Idk if that's good for the cat's ears...

>> No.13962784

Not that guy, but yes. The personal is contained within the sphere that the political creates. The movie was explicitly left-wing in many aspects and if you don't see that you're either just in denial trying to hide in your escapist hugbox, or just not actually arguing in good faith. I'm not even a leftist but I understand that the movie was very explicitly leftist in many ways. That's not saying that it says anything particularly profound but it is leftist in its messaging.

>> No.13963012

Capitalizing on the fever of ideology? "Yeah, thinking seems to be really in at the moment, I'm going to capitalize on that - poorly - because I'm a talentless, financially-coddled hack."