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/lit/ - Literature

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1395827 No.1395827 [Reply] [Original]

So if you had absolute power to ban books in your country what books would you ban?

>> No.1395829


>> No.1395831

Books by, read or that sparked YOUR curiosity

>> No.1395836

I'm American, so... The Bible, just to be a massive dick.

>> No.1395835

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

>> No.1395857

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.1395868


>> No.1395881

Hmm, while normally I'd say none... but its damn tempting to imagine a world without twilight...

>> No.1395887


Why would you ban a book only a few thousand people have even read?

>> No.1395890

None. I'd rather have retarded teenagers and bored housewives reading Twilight than not reading at all and watching Big Brother etc. all the time.

>> No.1395895


Yep, pretty much, these.

>> No.1395897

I'm a Real America not a liberal commie so... The Koran.

>> No.1395924 [DELETED] 

The Pedophile's guide to love and pleasure. Not only that, but I'd have the author arrested and imprisoned.

But that's just fantasy, people aren't jailed for writing books in the U.S.

>> No.1395932

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


>> No.1395937

The dictionary

>> No.1395941


>> No.1395943


/thread. Done in one, let's go home

>> No.1395956
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Everything that I don't like. Which is basically any liberal bullshit. I would also make mein kampf The number one book of all time(second only to a heart of darkness).

>> No.1395961

You're in high school and really need to read more.

>> No.1395981


rad that you used a pic of an asian...cuz hitler really liked asians, you dumb fuck. and...before you pull up some axis and allies board game style info, do some f'n research. fascist scum.

>> No.1395990


Oh really? Like what?

>> No.1396001

Anything related to revolutionary thought
so people get wise and overthrow my sorry ass

>> No.1396003
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From this post alone I can tell you are retarded. I didn't use that picture because it had an Asian but because of the expression on his face which would mirror my same expression had I been able to do what the OP is saying we could do. To assume that I think hitler liked asians simply because of a picture I used is some dumbass logic. The fact you fail to grasp something so simple, combined with how much of a stupid your post makes you sound, is a good indication that you are a massive faggot.

>> No.1396010


>how much of a stupid your post makes you sound
>how much of a stupid

Clearly you're an authority on stupid.

>> No.1396013

I would ban anything related to WWII or history related to it so that I can secure a land for my people.

>> No.1396017

I wouldn't ban anything except for books which advocate banning books.

>> No.1396019

>Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.

>> No.1396025
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>Implying a single grammar error makes someone stupid.

>> No.1396030

pride in something that one can't change, let alone choose, is fucking stupid. stupid like hitler stupid.

>> No.1396033

welcome to /lit/, stupid.

>> No.1396040

People that advocate the banning of books should be burnt on a fire of the bibles they ban books in the name of.

>> No.1396043

>not recognizing the two grammar errors in that one quote

Please, continue. Your points were fairly stupid, too, but it's quicker to just demonstrate your failure to grasp English grammar and extrapolate your stupidity from there.

>> No.1396054
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You know I would continue this argument but since you're obviously a massive faggot you lost before you even started.

>> No.1396066


What's me being a faggot have to do with anything?

>> No.1396068


aw...seems like someone brought a breadstick to a pie fight and has just become aware of the mishap. baw.