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13958244 No.13958244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it good? Got it read for my College class anyway. Doesn't sound promising.

>> No.13958289

best part was when her Tumblr friend tells her to chase a basketball like it's fried chicken

or the guy who gets shot reaching for his comb during a police stop after fleeing a party that broke up due to gunfire.

>> No.13958292

>or the guy who gets shot reaching for his comb during a police stop
Why would you reach for that

>> No.13958301

Has anyone read They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us?

>> No.13958307

If John Green said that it's stunning then it can't possibly be bad!

>> No.13958318
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>> No.13958323

There was a post on 4chan saying that black people get shot so often by the police because they wear loose pants. In short, it makes them look like they are trying to pull out a gun when they hold their pants and run away from the police.

>> No.13958330

gotta comb your hair I guess

>> No.13958338

>John Green
Penis cereal

>> No.13958346

Because the story is made up, or he was reaching for his gun.

>> No.13958350

For college???

>> No.13958372

Imagine that.

>> No.13958387


It’s necessary for middle school reading. My issue with it is that it doesn’t provide any interesting or critical take on the situation. It’s a book written for white people that definitely has a place in the classroom but it’s more like a creative essay than an actual novel. Not much literary merit, one if the useful for children, shouldn’t be considered as representative of black intellectualism or artistry.

t. Black teacher

>> No.13958408
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>> No.13958432

It sounds like a sympathy searching list of any perceived slight or microaggresshuun which fails to delineate the complexity of hate as a normal cognitive function of humanity and instead utilizes it as a bellwether for how the tolerance agenda is proceeding.

On a slightly related note, did anyone see the article in the LA Times today about rates of police searches and contraband?

The article stated that black and latinos are pulled over at much higher rates than whites (which is true) and that they were subject to searches at a higher rate than whites (also true).
However, whites were found to have contraband on them in 20% of searches, versus 17% for blacks and 16% for latinos. Wait, how come these innocent latinos and blacks are being searched more often? They have contraband on them LESS often than whites do!

Ok, let's do the math (recent 10 month period)
180,562 latinos were pulled over, 16.4% of them were searched, that's 29,251 searches. Of these, 16% had contraband, so 4,680 offending Latinos.

Blacks were pulled over 102,637 times, of these 23.6% were searched, so 24,222 searches of which 17% had contraband, for 4,117 offenders

Whites were pulled over 68,585 times and searched 5% of the time, 3,429 searches and contraband was found 20% of the time for 685 offenders.

Just to recap, that's 4,680 offending latinos, 4,117 blacks, and 685 whites.

The LA Times headline: LAPD searches blacks and latinos more. But they're less likely to have contraband than whites.

>> No.13958456

>shouldn’t be considered as representative of black intellectualism
No oxymoron there. Think you took a wrong turn somewhere, brotha.

>> No.13958485

Pretty soon diversity seminars will be required of all college students

>> No.13958489

rec me some good books by blacks, mr Tyrone. I read Counter Narratives by John Keene and it was great. Is Underground railroad good? also theres this one I'm interested in The Castle Cross The Magnet Carter.

>> No.13958502

There is a multicultural class requirement in my college.

>> No.13958520


>They have contraband on them LESS often than whites do!
Whites _who are searched_ are more likely to have contraband on them than latinos or blacks _who are searched_.

only 5% of whites are searched, so you would expect the selectiveness to manifest in the results. if whites got pulled over and searched at the same rates, the % where contraband is found would surely go down.

>> No.13958522

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, your university is making you read a book written for middle schoolers, how does anyone take this shit seriously anymore?

>> No.13958543
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>> No.13958560

Social conditioning to keep the white shaming narrative up and stop whites from positively identifying with their own group.

Whites are far less likely to be engaging in questionable behavior. Blacks are dysfunctional and commit far more crime than any other racial group.

>> No.13958579

the other thing we need to consider in these statistics is the people who are searched who have no contraband.

25,500 latinos
20,000 blacks
2,750 whites

a black person who gets pulled over and has no contraband has a 20% chance of being searched, a white person with no contraband has a 4% chance

>> No.13958584


John Green also writes Anne Frank fanfiction that somehow manages to be more cringey than the pregnant Anne Frank erotica /his/ writes almost daily.

>> No.13958602

>Whites are far less likely to be engaging in questionable behavior. Blacks are dysfunctional and commit far more crime than any other racial group.
what on earth does that have to do with my post?

Are you >>13958432 ? Were you actually suggesting in that post that the LA Times headline was inaccurate because of
>4,680 offending latinos, 4,117 blacks, and 685 whites.

If so, you are a fucking retard and you should immediately cease expressing opinions on any subject

>> No.13958631

wtf open borders for Israel?

>> No.13958635

If you think blacks get searched or are unfairly targeted or oppressed for no reason other than their being black, you are a retard. Blacks are a dysfunctional, low IQ, criminal class that commits over 50% of the crime in America despite being 12% of the population. The problem is the nature of your people.

>> No.13958639

Multicultural requirements already exist for most states here in burgerland

>> No.13958743

>low IQ
hearty kek. you are obviously a complete retard, do you think the colour of your skin obviates that? there are dysfunctional, low IQ criminal whites, are they alright? there are law-abiding, intelligent blacks, shall we lock them up just in case?

>b-b-but the incidence is higher among black people
yes. therefore what? unlike you, i'm intelligent enough to distinguish people beyond their skin colour, so what use do i get from this generalisation? of course i profile people, not only by their race, but also their clothes, their posture and gait, the look in their eyes, their slovenliness, their accent and so on.

i would never let my ability to accurately profile somebody be compromised by "black = bad white = good" mentality. but that's because i'm not an insecure retard trying to ride the coattails of other people in my race who are capable of interpreting data.

i'm not going to reply to you again because you are strawmanning. i don't think you are even intentionally doing it. i think you are genuinely unable to have a discussion on a topic because you are so used to sniping at lowest-common-denominator SJWs and groupthinking with other white runts, you are intellectually incapable of interacting with somebody who isn't an ideologue.

>> No.13958755


>> No.13958773
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>sure blacks aren't as smart and more violent on average, BUT I CAN SEE PAST THAT
jesus lmao

>> No.13958781

Not him but I'd suggest The Sellout by Paul Beatty. Hilarious and brilliant.

>> No.13958786

bruh name a single black philosopher

>> No.13958819

>there are dysfunctional, low IQ criminal whites, are they alright?
The poorest classes of whites commit less crime than the richest classes of blacks.

>skin colour,
Black dysfunctionality has nothing to do with that; it is related to your peoples' evolutionary background and selection pressures that caused Africans to be less intelligent and incapable of building functional societies.

>> No.13958867

Max Black

>> No.13958986

>The poorest classes of whites commit less crime than the richest classes of blacks.

Source or btfo
Also what's your explanation for that alleged fact?

>> No.13959066

They already do. My college requires freshmen to attend an assembly about diversity.

>> No.13959088


Click that link and never click back. The reason for black dysfunctionality is genetic. Niggers are dysfunctional wherever they exist.

>> No.13959098

So this is the power of American literature classes? lmao @ your education

>> No.13959221

That article talks about how likely poor whites vs rich blacks are to go to prison regardless of their crime rate, as one of the reedit posts points out.

It also says that
>the very wealthiest black youth — those whose household wealth in 1985 exceeded $69,000 in 2012 dollars — had a better chance of avoiding prison than the poorest white youth

But anyway, your argument doesn't work for a simple reason: Although there are more blacks who commit crimes than whites in America, the blacks who commit crimes are still an extreme minority of the black population (less than 2% I think). If it was true that blacks are inherently violent because of their genetics, this tendency would presumably manifest in the majority of them.

>> No.13959238
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It's becoming an open secret that the US college system is a pyramid scheme designed to funnel in every retard it possibly can to fleece them out of their current and future money, turning them into indentured debt slaves all while indoctrinating them with progressive identity politics programming to create willing future foot soldiers for the big international corporations, moneyed elite, and international banking class so they can achieve a global society of deracinated, rootless, traditionless, consumers whose identities can be designed by elite psychological think tank groups and commodified and sold to them by big corporations.

>> No.13959285

That article is a jew reframing facts to exonerate nigger behavior. You need a certain intelligence level uncommon to niggers like you to parse what is actually being conveyed.

>this tendency would presumably manifest in the majority of them.
Non sequitur. Not how it works, but a near majority of nigger males 18-25 are criminal offenders.

Please, I don't know how a black like you stumbled onto /lit/ but you really don't belong here and are being advised to leave.

>> No.13959293

>blacks who commit crimes are still an extreme minority of the black population (less than 2% I think).

Sorry, you think wrong.

>Sarah Shannon and colleagues estimate that one-third of black men had a felony conviction in 2010—a significant increase over the past 30 years and far above the rate for white men. Published in Demography, the study develops national and state-level estimates for the frequency of both felony convictions and incarceration. The researchers found that the percentage of black men with a felony conviction increased from 13% in 1980 to 33% in 2010 (compared to 5% and 13% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). They also estimate that the percentage of black men who had experienced imprisonment increased from 6% in 1980 to 15% in 2010 (compared to 2% and 6% for all adult men during these periods, respectively).

>Nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested,
42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially
waived to criminal court.

You’d be better off arguing that blacks are disproportionately and wrongfully targeted by police/courts as your “they dindu nuffin” beliefs are clearly wrong.

>> No.13959295

Yeah but I know 18-25 blacks that aren't criminals. Plus the ones on parole are really nice to my sister.

>> No.13959310

Single moms raise criminals. If it's because the father is black, I don't know - but African culture cultivates this behavior and leaves no traces for the future generations; no inclinations to push them towards civilization.
Changing the values changes the genetics of a population.

>> No.13959328

Anecdotes don't matter.

Sorry, that's simply not our problem. Whites and white societies should not exist to improve the lives of naturally dysfunctional populations of blacks, they should exist to further the interests of whites.

>> No.13959337

>Sorry, that's simply not our problem.
It is a problem across races. Biggest problem among blacks, but the value change is making whites lawless brainlets as well.

>> No.13959348

What board is this from?

>> No.13959352

Still doesn't make it the moral objective of whites beyond dealing with the source of the problem, which is the 3rd party race currently in control of western culture and our institutions.

>> No.13959382


Found it in the archives, it's from /pol/. I just found the screencaps to be compelling and haven't read the actual thread.

>> No.13959388

>Anecdotes don't matter.
No all that matters is how you misuse raw data

>> No.13959397

>Non sequitur.
How is that a non sequitur dumbass. If a population is allegedly inherently violent but only less than 2% commit violent crime, then the allegation is bullshit.

By the way I would love to know what's the percentage of violent crimes among white nationalists. There was that guy in Charlottesville, the shooting in Christchurch, Breivik... I also remember one of your leaders had gone to prison for armed robbery lmao. Can't recall his name unfortunately.

>> No.13959406

Thanks for sharing anon. Everything they said sounds plausible enough and pretty well matches the historical trends of the past few decades. I can’t imagine having a job like that though, how can you deliberately sculpt a world worse than most fictional dystopias? Weird shit.

>> No.13959457

>The researchers found that the percentage of black men with a felony conviction increased from 13% in 1980 to 33% in 2010 (compared to 5% and 13% for all adult men during these periods, respectively).
Enough of your “less than 2%” bullshit.

>> No.13959487


Found another related thread of interest.

>I can’t imagine having a job like that though, how can you deliberately sculpt a world worse than most fictional dystopias?
I don't know, I personally find the endeavor to be revolting to some degree. Organically developed cultures and genetic populations are a thing of beauty and inspiration to me and true diversity would be allowing them to remain separated from each other and preserved. Deliberately trying to mongrelize them on a mass scale so that you can sell them products more easily and manipulate them psychologically is the stuff dystopias are made of. Tens of thousands of years of natural evolution undone by the work of man in a few hundred years specifically for the purpose of short sighted greed.

>> No.13959503

I said violent crimes bro. If blacks are inherently violent, why only so few of them commit violent crimes?

>> No.13959518

Also you still haven't explained what makes you think that this is all based on genetics and not, say, poverty or culture.

>> No.13959519

They don't. Plus violent crime doesn't mean anything. Some drug and rape arrests that are deemed violent aren't actually violent. Heck in some instances, Child Porn is a violent crime. Also plea bargains usually erase a violent crime category. All arrest statistics are flawed to begin with.

>> No.13959526

Are you implying all blacks are poor and have a culture that promotes crime? Looks like we've reached an agreement after all.

>> No.13959531

White supremacists make up less than 0.00001% of all white people. It's like comparing jihad is to literally every Muslim.

>> No.13959549

White Supremacist doesn't mean anything. You could call liberals white supremacists because they think it's their duty to help stupid minorities.

>> No.13959557

Most of them. Even the highly educated ones tend to think differently than white upper-class people. Forcing them to live together wasn't a great decision as it never is

>> No.13959562

>child porn isn't a violent crime

Yeah no violence in acquiring children and molesting them/taking photos of them.

>> No.13959567

>Are you implying all blacks are poor
They are poorer than whites, and poverty usually correlates with crime.
>and have a culture that promotes crime?
I would say so yeah. At least elements of it.
>Looks like we've reached an agreement after all.
Wait, no we haven't. Your position was that it's all based on genetics.

>> No.13959579

You are clearly an unintelligent negro who should not be posting here. You're way off on everything because you're apeing jewish narratives that exonerate black dysfunction.

>> No.13959597

Yeah but what's the percentage of violent crime among them? If the number is unusually high we may well be led to conclude that white nationalism is a dangerous ideology that tends to cause violence. Absolute numbers are beside the point here.

>> No.13959606

>I said violent crimes bro
You pulled your “less than 2%” figure out of your ass. Provide a cite or admit that you’re underestimating the problem. Across the board, in all or almost all categories, blacks are disproportionately responsible for violent crime. One-third of adult black men have a felony conviction, a fact which you’re conveniently ignoring.

>> No.13959615

Make a proper rebuttal you fucking shit for brains. Can't even entertain a proper argument, is that the effect of /pol/ on the brain?

>> No.13959622

If you merely need to represent black perspectives, why not pick a better book then?

>> No.13959664

You are posting on a white literature forum, negro. However, you are not a part of our culture, and your people never even developed a written language until we transcribed your boogaboogas for you. You simply don't belong on this board or in nations white people have created. You are a member of a slave race jews brought to western nations, and you are apeing (poorly) jewish oppression talking points that have been debunked endlessly on white forums like this. The only thing worth saying to you involves advising you to leave.

>> No.13959671

>You pulled your “less than 2%” figure out of your ass.
Well I don't remember where I read that exactly, I will try to find it.
>Across the board, in all or almost all categories, blacks are disproportionately responsible for violent crime.
So my argument with the other anon was about whether the higher rate of black crime is based on genetics or other factors. And we were specifically talking about violent crimes, because he thought that blacks are savage creatures that cannot function in a normal society, much like the /pol/ caricature paints them to be. Is this also your position? My rebuttal was that you can't plausibly argue that blacks are inherently violent if only a minority of them commits violent crime.

>> No.13959721

You still have not offered a rebuttal lmao. I asked you for a counter argument and all you managed to do was ramble like a dumbass.

May if I repeat it once more your brain will manage to grasp the point: If blacks are inherently violent savages due to their genetics, how comes that most of them are lawful citizens?

>> No.13959729
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Not that anon you responded to
Race is a much better predictor of crime than income. Removing blacks from the equation leaves the US with a gun crime rate similar to that of Switzerland and Europe. Race is a much better predictor of intelligence than poverty/income. Differences in evolutionary pressures can be intuitively reasoned to be responsible for this, after all, why would these pressures affect every area of the body besides the brain? To support this, we are beginning to find genes for intelligence that are much more prevalent in whites than blacks. This not only supports the genetic hypothesis but gives direct causality, which is rare in human statistics. Usually correlations are the best we have. Look up black children and the mirror test. Something like 40-80% of the variation is intelligence is explained by genetic factors. When every piece of evidence points in the direction of a genetic explanation, one should go with what is supported the most.

>Plus violent crime doesn't mean anything. Some drug and rape arrests that are deemed violent aren't actually violent [...]
Most recent US stats show black committing 54% of murders when the race is known.

>he thought that blacks are savage creatures that cannot function in a normal society,
Spend any time in a black neighborhood and he doesn't seem too far off, does he? The entirety of african history to the present is objectively more primitive than european and african counterparts, does this all seem like just a coincidence? The reason why people like >>13959579 and >>13959721 ridicule you is because any serious look at the situation makes it clear that there is far more than mean white people to explain for black under performance.

>> No.13959771

Please, just go.


>If blacks are inherently violent savages due to their genetics, how comes that most of them are lawful citizens?

Is not a valid counter-argument to explanations of black criminality, and that you are attempting to use it as one is embarrassing and indicative of your lower mental faculties that result from your African genes.

You have no business being on this board.

>> No.13959777

I don’t think you’ll find the 2% statistic as it likely doesn’t exist. What you however can easily find is the statistic that states that one-third of black men in the US have a felony conviction. 33% of black men have been convicted of a serious criminal offense. Some of this can be explained by poverty, by disproportionate policing, by plain old-fashioned racial prejudice, etc., but certainly not all of it. In almost all violent crime categories blacks are disproportionate offenders. If this isn’t due to genetics (and I’m not saying it is), then it’s certainly due to culture.