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13957376 No.13957376 [Reply] [Original]

Based quotes thread
I'll start
>Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent

>> No.13957389
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The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.
> British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey remarked to a friend on the eve of the United Kingdom's entry into the First World War

>> No.13957399
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>I'll suck your cock, all you guys!"

>> No.13957777
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>What cannot be said above all must not be silenced but written

>> No.13957811

t. 15 year old

>> No.13957820
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>35. Should the tyranny that has descended on our age ever gain the power it seeks and then be challenged enough to feel itself in danger, the mass annihilations that will be carried out by homosexual, transsexual, and especially lesbian commissars will exceed in scale and cruelty anything that has yet happened in known history. Imagine lesbian mulatta commissars with young Martin Sheen face and haircut manning the future Bergen-Belsens, installations that will span tens of miles.

>> No.13957825

based Sopranos poster

>> No.13957829

Do and do. Thing done.

>> No.13957871

>"What do you do from morning to night?" "I endure myself."
>Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and memory.
>What are you waiting for in order to give up?

>> No.13957890

Based Cioran

>> No.13957899

>En författare kom och avlämnade sitt beställda manuskript och meddelade självbelåtet flämtande att han hade formligen 'brottats med språket'. Ja, det märktes nog på opuset. Men o ve, författaren hade segrat.

>> No.13957910

what a beta incel

>> No.13957917

sounds like you

>> No.13959542

>When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.

>> No.13959922

I've never read this guy but damn. Wagecucks destroyed.

>> No.13959988

take the quote to heart

>> No.13959991

Man this guy is an idiot

>> No.13959999


That quote never made sense to me. Of course you have to be silent if you can't speak.

>> No.13960164

Nice get bro. It only makes sense within context.

>> No.13960179

>Me. And me now.

Think about this often. The omission of "then" makes it much more engaging. That time does not distinguish ones self from ones self etc...

>> No.13960194

holy cringe

>> No.13960221

It means if you're unsure about what's going to come out of your mouth you should shut the fuck up. Good advice especially right now.

>> No.13960317
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But there are no absolutes in human misery and things can always get worse

>> No.13960322
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But all he said was STFU

>> No.13960473


>> No.13960552

More like, there are things in the world that are beyond words, and that to try to express them with words is futile.

>> No.13960585

That's not what he meant you fucking idiot. He meant that if you are in doubt you should shut the fuck up and think on it.

>> No.13960637

That's the superficial answer, sure. The real answer was cryptocatholicism.

>> No.13960660

The real answer is that you're retarded.

>> No.13961485

He was talking about the limits of language and our ability to describe and understand the world.

>> No.13961496


>> No.13961524
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>His examiners for the doctoral
examination were Bertrand Russell and G.E. Moore. At the end of the
exam, as the story goes, Wittgenstein patted one of his examiners on
the back and said, "l knew you wouldn't understand it".

>> No.13961543

>In a world divided between theistic enthusiasts and secularist depressives there is little patience for the atheist who nurtures a passionate hatred for God. The mixture of naturalism and blasphemy that characterizes the Sadean text occupies the space of our blindness, to which Bataille’s writings are not unreasonably assimilated. If there is contradiction here it is one that is coextensive with the unconscious; the consequence of a revolt incommensurate with the ontological weight of its object. That God has wrought such loathesomeness without even having existed only exacerbates the hatred pitched against him. An atheism that does not hunger for God’s blood is an inanity, and the anaemic feebleness of secular rationalism has so little appeal that it approximates to an argument for his existence. What is suggested by the Sadean furore is that anyone who does not exult at the thought of driving nails through the limbs of the Nazarene is something less than an atheist; merely a disappointed slave.

Fuck Land and his obscurantist prose, but this is 10/10

>> No.13961556

Land's not obscurantist, he's just dense

>> No.13961562

> white people with views like mine are well above others, unbreakable, strong as stone
> i am deadly afraid of leasbians and trannies

>> No.13961569

What is this from?

>> No.13961573

Epic Wittgenstein dabbing on those bluepilled dupes

>> No.13961629

I tried to read his book on Bataille and I couldn't understand a word he was saying. I've read more technical books of analytical philosophy, denseness is not an issue. But tell me how this is supposed to be proper prose:
>Beyond political economy there is general economy, and the basic thought at its heart is that of the absolute primacy of wastage, since ‘everything is rich which is to the measure of the universe’ [VII 23]. Bataille insists that all terrestrial economic systems are particular elements within a general energy system, founded upon the unilateral discharge of solar radiation9. The sun’s energy is squandered for nothing (=0), and the circulation of this energy within particular economies can only suspend its final resolution into useless wastage. All energy must ultimately be spent pointlessly and unreservedly, the only questions being where, when, and in whose name this useless discharge will occur. Even more crucially, this discharge or terminal consumption—which Bataille calls ‘expenditure’ (dépense)—is the problem of economics, since on the level of the general energy system ‘resources’ are always in excess, and consumption is liable to relapse into
a secondary (terrestrial) productivity, which Bataille calls ‘rational consumption’.

I don't know what he is trying to say there, but I know that he could have said it clearer.

>> No.13961640

he's just saying systems have entropy and all our planet's energy resources come from the sun. then he gets grumpy and calls all human activity(or economy) the pointless and arbitrary unfolding of this wasting of energy, and then I think the last phrase there is about intelligently directed(rational) plans for said wasting of energy.