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13956164 No.13956164 [Reply] [Original]

>1184 pages

Should I read this? Midwits reference it all the time so I feel like I should know more about it. But a book has no business being that long. It's longer than Infinite Jest and Augustine's City of God, for Pete's sake, and they were written by white men. Surely it must be a bloated and repetitive piece of shit?

>> No.13956195

It's not that long, you could read it in a week. Heck, that's not even much longer than most of GRRM's books are.

>> No.13956486

Obviously it is garbage. Not sure if bait or not

>> No.13956496

Who the fuck "references it all the time"? #thingsthathappened lmao

>> No.13957895 [DELETED] 

Augustine was African and therefore Black :)

>> No.13957918

is it at times meditative or just a screed?

>> No.13957936

it's too long for it's own good is what it is, literally the fountainhead + some finance talk

>> No.13957943

The people who reference it probably aren't worth engaging with anyway. Life's short, you're better off just reading better books and seeking out intelligent people that you don't have to waste time talking down to. If I'm interested in the Earth Sciences I'm not gonna brush up on flat earth theory so I can talk to those nuts, I don't know why you'd do the equivalent with political philosophy.

>> No.13957959


are there literally no characters or story to get invested in even shallowly?

>> No.13957964
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For fiction, read London’s Martin Eden
For non-fiction, read Stirner’s Unique and it’s Property

>> No.13957975

The length is deceiving. It’s barely more difficult than Harry Potter. Read it so you can see both how to write something fun and how not to write good literature.

>> No.13957979

all the good guys feel like the same person, all the bad guys feel like they fall into two categories - government man who knows better than you what to do with your resources and sociopath man who gets off on moving up in the hierarchy, literally the same story is told in 500 pages less in the fountainhead minus the bits about reverting to a gold standard and the like

>> No.13957992

should've told him to read rand's virtue of selfishness, it's the same experience as her fiction and none of the bloat of stirner (FUCK debating Feuerbach, never read the guy, no idea why I should read Stirner talk shit about him)

>> No.13958243


Read SIEGE by james mason instead, then Mein Kampf.

>> No.13958288

It's decent

>> No.13958304


>> No.13958354
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You and Rand get everything wrong from the start.
Hilarious reversal technique. Rand is the bloat. Worthless and long in getting there.
If you want to understand the Feuerbach arguments you read this. TUaIP doesn’t need you to though

>> No.13958378

Her prose gets exhausting after only a few pages, let alone 1184. No understanding or variety of tone or rhythm, just grinding sentence after grinding sentence with no space to breathe.

>> No.13958426

Nietzsche, although plagiarizing Stirner, has far richer theory and is less superficial than the latter. Stirner is a blessing to read, yes, but many more blessings come to you if you read Nietzsche's Genealogy, followed by the rest of his bibliography.

Gives a less atomistic account of individualism that leaves room to ecstacy and actual love. Stirner avoids this topic too much.

>> No.13958449

Having read the Fountainhead, I think I would have gotten the point from a synopsis.

Just put it on during your commutes, you'll have it finished before summer

>> No.13958458
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What you call superficial is actually it’s strength. I’m far from warning anyone away from Nietzsche, but one ought to start from the beginning

>> No.13958516

I agree with you. It's wonderful to read both authors alongside each other.

>> No.13959935

Absolutely not. Awful, timewaster book. I read it in 8th grade and even then I knew it was retarded.

>> No.13960972


Ayn rand is garbage. Objectiveism is toxic and cancerous.