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/lit/ - Literature

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1395585 No.1395585 [Reply] [Original]

Need recommendations on cyperpunk books, have read all from the image, love that shit.

>> No.1395601

can't be fucked to read the chart. read George Alec Effinger, When Gravity Fails. also John Shirley, City Come A Walkin'. also read Bruce Sterling (and also his analogy Mirrorshades which is real freakin' cool)

oh also read Ian McDonald's books which aren't precisely cyberpunk but which share a lot of the themes and aesthetics - River of Gods is really really good and worth reading

>> No.1395605

Hmm. Maybe Schismatrix would suit you.
Cyberpunk's a fairly limited field, sadly.

If you're into comics, get some Transmetropolitan.

>> No.1395631

Snow Crash and The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson are pretty good!