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13955596 No.13955596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would your beliefs about life change if aliens visited us?

>> No.13955617

Not really, but I probably would laugh more.

>> No.13956457

I've witnessed 5 UFOs in my lifetime (i know UFOS =/= ayys) but the strangeness and suspect nature of those sightings honestly changed my view of reality and world

>> No.13956465

I would like to make friends with an alien.

>> No.13956553

I imagine it would. Depends largely on what they are like.

>> No.13956562

I would give them a copy of infinite jest

>> No.13956591
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I'll show them a picture of the reddit mascot and tell them this is who we worship and I'll make this face

>> No.13956657

No. I don't think we are special, the universe is too big and old, life shouldn't be seen as something rare or unique. I'm pretty sure the cosmos is full of ayyys.

>> No.13956662


>> No.13956781

It wouldn't. Then I'd kill them or die trying and wipe all traces of their existence

>> No.13956842

Ah here we see the religious zealot of lit making an appearance

>> No.13956958

*gives you my business card

>> No.13957034

Do you do bar mitzvahs?

>> No.13957041

Not really, but it would definitely change me forever. I suspect alien contact would psychologically destroy most humans on earth no matter how much you prepared them for it

>> No.13957085

No. I’d be skeptical but amazed and curious as the story unfolds.
I already think there’s probably aliens out there. Their getting here would be a trip

>> No.13957168

Yes. I believe the ultimate fate of humanity, or any life as intelligent as the human, is that it will destroy itself with its own technology. Space faring civilizations are the realm of science fiction anyway, scientists have known for decades that long term space travel for humans is impossible because of the lethal amounts of radiation.

>> No.13957185

>life isn't rare and unique
>still only found on one planet

You're an idiot

>> No.13957625

>butterfly believes there are aliens
Cringe. I change my belief and now I disagree that aliens exist.

>> No.13957636

Why wouldn’t they? Astronomers are finding how many hundreds of planets out there. In this big vast universe there’s got to be lots of them.
Bridging the gaps is the issue. Visitations seem unlikely, so I’m still not sold on the UFO thing

>> No.13957651

I guess there are a few hundred planets... But you automatically believing in it makes it wrong.

>> No.13957668

That’s a logical fallacy. You’re assuming that because the universe is vast that the odds are in favor of alien life while disregarding all the things that make life on earth so inexplicable, not only related to Earth itself, but also its relation to the Sun and Moon, the other planets in the Solar System, our position in the galaxy, the structure and size of the Milky Way (as one of the largest galaxies known to exist) and also our location in the universe around other galaxies and galaxy clusters, not to mention the positions, of lack thereof, of that many nearby stars, all of which has a direct of indirect relationship to life in Earth.

>> No.13957698

They’ve discovered around 4000+ exoplanets and there’s no reason to believe the rest of the galaxy is devoid of them, much less the rest of the galaxies in the observable universe. I’m going with the odds. Dismissing it is wrong.

It’s not vast. It’s infinite. And life isn’t “inexplicable”. The absence of it would be.
Are you confusing the word “life” with intelligent life?

>> No.13957710

No one knows the origin of life on Earth from a scientific standpoint. That’s what makes it inexplicable. If we don’t know how it started even on this planet, how are we supposed to explain how life originated elsewhere?

>> No.13957717

What if aliens looked exactly like humans. Entirely new culture/language/technology but the biology of them were exact 100% human right down to the DNA. What would you think about life then?

>> No.13957735

>implying aliens didn't visit us already

>> No.13957756
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ayyyy lmao

>> No.13957763
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If aliens do exist life was probably dropped off here desu so fucking long ago..
If i were an alien(i kind of am relatively) i wouldnt want anything to do w humans
1. Bc theyd freak out
2. Theyre baby brains
3. They can only take. What would i need that i havent observed or stolen over Wi-fi already

>> No.13957771 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13957774

If aliens are the origin of life on Earth, then where did the aliens come from? Eventually there would be a “first life” going back far enough, but that has the same problem as the origin of life on Earth without external influence.

>> No.13957830

Phoenix Lights, UFOs over Washington, Ariel School visitation. There are so many strange stories and sightings throughout history. Something is out there

>> No.13957841

I doubt that knowledge exists to any living being in any universe or exterior universe...

If you exist,you were created..and so on. Can something just inherently exist or is it always evolved from the non-organic whether that be energy or some form of matter?
There are universal laws outside of our realm of understanding.

>> No.13957860


You realize it is scientifically proven that the Moon is hollow?

>Furthermore, shallow moonquakes lasted a remarkably long time. Once they got going, all continued more than 10 minutes. "The moon was ringing like a bell"

>> No.13957867
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Advanced intelligent beings would see us as nothing more than irrational animals.

If they made it to Earth, that only means that they will never explore its natural resources. Because, why would they? Earth's only treasure is its life. They would attempt to preserve it the same way we do with Pandas.

>> No.13957906
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That actially doesn't sound like such a bad existence. Although our Panda politics still do concern me even though they're inferior to e.t. politics...
Albeit it is a simple existence...

>> No.13957933

There is the theory that whatever "they" are, we are like a zoo to them

>> No.13957935

They aren’t extra-terrestrial they’re from other metaphysical planes of reality. Basically angels and demons, though those are just terms christcucks invented for a phenomenon that existed since the beginning of time.

>> No.13957967

No, nothing new under the sun said The Ecclesiast. I might complete the sentence: Nothing new under thesun nor beyond.
What could possibly change.
La tristesse durera toujours.

The only thing worth living for is Bach and maybe booze.
Good night faggots, good to be back

>> No.13958024

How tf would you even know that?.. Seems obvious theyd be in our plane of existence if we can see them whizzing by every so often..

>> No.13958065

Been watching a lot of Joe Rogan's podcasts with alien loonies and all that.
Kind of starting to believe, am I being to impressionable or there's some base to it iyo?

>> No.13958105

The photo in OP is a legitimate UFO (of three videos released) confirmed by the US Navy, a lot of ayy stuff is pretty out there, but there is a cornucopia amount of sightings and weird instances out there.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ZJQ4I7_3M heres the video if you haven't seen it

>> No.13958158
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aliens are real

>> No.13958179

Ding ding ding

>> No.13958785

I'll be really happy if they know how to twist physics and travel ftl

can't explain how that shit could fly

>> No.13958827

no, cause some weird disgusting alien still probably wouldn't fuck me

>> No.13959699
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Why are you trying to kill them?

>> No.13959761
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Low quality CGI UFO =/= aliens visited us

>> No.13959763

Add Dogon tribe for another example of an undebunked case of visitation.

>> No.13959769

What is the significance of this fact? For someone not scientifically-savvy.

>> No.13959783

It could be both, anon. Extraterrestrial and interdimensional creatures can both exist. And I personally believe in both. But I'm glad you brought this point up, since many believe that whatever human vision can see constitutes the whole of reality, when it's FAR from the case. What people call "paranormal" or "supernatural" today will be "scientific" tomorrow, it just presently inhabits a realm of science which we haven't quite gotten to yet.

>> No.13959939
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>> No.13959970

same for me then.

>> No.13959974

based Marukhati

>> No.13959982

this thread reminds me that i really disliked the ending of The Arrival.

has anybody read the book?
in the movie, they like give humans the ability to i don't know, basically time travel and then say "we'll need your help in 3000 years" and they fuck off.

>> No.13959990

Depends on how you define human. Do we consider shit skins human? Species isn't defined by DNA because DNA is always unique. Species just have an extremely large percentage of DNA similarity with other of their species.

Species is defined by the ability to produce offspring, and in most animal species (apart from humans of course), a proportionally large DNA difference would signify a subspecies.

Exactly how similar are the aliens in your scenario?

>> No.13960012

Stories of your life is garbage. Every short is so mediocre. Tower of bable is the only half decent one. The rest reek of the same style of prose you get in Black mirror where the whole thing is designed so some psued goes '...whoa'

Tilted me to no end that my housemate told me it was good.

>> No.13961241 [DELETED] 

>are dark skinned people human?
Yes they are

>> No.13961248

>are dark skinned people human?
Yes they are

>> No.13961689

I'm of the opinion that if aliens do end up visiting us, it's going to go down the way of Roadside Picnic. Completely unknowable beings, who, like a group of people on a picnic, will leave their trash behind for us to find. And like animals who know nothing of humanity or what they are capable of, we will crawl out from behind the bushes to look at these strange things that the aliens have left behind, wondering at what use they can be put to. That is what I think will happen when we finally meet aliens.