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13953136 No.13953136 [Reply] [Original]

>Attractive guy comes into my bookstore
>Think about flirting with him
>See his purchases when he goes to check out
>He's buying White by BEE and 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson


>> No.13953161

what's wrong with White?

>> No.13953162

never heard of the Ellis book, what's the deal

>> No.13953169

hey babe. you like books?

>> No.13953171

Book of essays where the American Psycho author tries to be the baby boomer version of an alt right youtber

>> No.13953180

>caring about politics
Want to know how I know you're an incel?

>> No.13953184

The Peterson one is a meme but BEE is right about everything and I'm not even a white American.

>> No.13953202

Why doesnt he mention his homosexuality in the cover?

>> No.13953217

because he's not a pathetic progressive

>> No.13953247

>baby boomer
*narcissistic gen x faggot

I honestly feel sorry for Ellis, the gen x boomer is truly a dying breed. Little did they know their culture of transgressive hedonism was bound to flip over to therapeutic pc in the abscence of christian values.

>> No.13953356

What do you think he is right about?

>> No.13953369

It's really fucking weird if you're an older millennial and you grew up on the tail end of that. Like your entire culture in the span of a few years flips over from transgressive, fuck-you 2002-2012 /b/ and ebaumsworld humor into the intensive backlash against "edge" and "cringe" that's going on now.

>> No.13953401
File: 63 KB, 558x700, 79UY5Nz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, you are definitely not a woman. probably a fag or tranny or just a bugman larper.

let me just inform the less fortunate of my brethren who perhaps have not been able to secure the level of female attention I have throughout my life: as an attractive male, basically a demi-god son of Adonis as far as my face and physique go, women have always--AWLAYS--immediately submitted to my preference of politics and morals. without exception.

you see, women don't have any actual essence or nature beyond that of Sex. they are, as the prodigal genius Otto Weininger perspicaciously observed, their sex and nothing more. lacking in soul, in the Hellenic conception of soul as formative agency and individualized personhood. the biggest mistake modern men have made is assuming women are humans, like them. they aren't. they are mercurial fuckholes whose highest telos is to sexually gratify whoever the highest-value male in their social-circle happens to be. they have no real convictions. no real morals. everything about them is pure cosmetics.

since I'm exceptionally attractive and physically fit, I am also a fascist. this goes without saying since fascism is the political preference of all attractive people who are already familiar with the sexual fascism they exert on the lesser specimens. now, given how aggressively the globohomo kike-pozzed media has been crusading against fascism, you'd think women would absolutely abhor me for my political beliefs, right? that I'd have to "hide my powerlevel" and so on, right? wrong.

even the art-hoes with neon-dyed hair who are all majoring in some made-up humanities feminist degree eventually become far-right wingers under my influence, totally overhauling their personalities within a month of meeting me. why? because they want to be able to fuck me. and I tell them outright I don't even consider leftists to be people. they are insects. then I show these whores a bunch of the typical chan-tier far right stuff and within a week they're subscribed to Red Ice TV and asking me if I've seen the latest Survive the Jive tweet.

bros, never capitulate an inch of your personality or convictions in the pursuit of pussy. women will mock and throw hissy fits and do all the things their social programming tells them to, but in the end they'll be sucking your cock while roman saluting and pestering you to convert to Roman Catholicism so they can be good little stay-at-home mothers to the tribe of genetic demi-gods they want you to breed into their wombs. (but since 98% of all modern women are metaphysical and genetic garbage, that's not likely to happen.)

>> No.13953408

Give me a second while I google what BEE says in the book

>> No.13953413

>Posting this drivel
>Accusing other people of LARPing

Good one, buddy! You're killing me.

>> No.13953420

>since I'm exceptionally attractive and physically fit, I am also a fascist.
post physique or stop larping

>> No.13953421

>responding to the ebin threadly overlong shitpost

>> No.13953439

this guy is ridiculous looking. He looks better than actual statues

>> No.13953450

Isn't that the actor Dolph Lundgren?

>> No.13953463

It is. He also has an MA in Chemistry, IIRC.

>> No.13953488

>and pestering you to convert to Roman Catholicism
what did he mean by this?

>> No.13953505

The hard-right clowns are obsessed with the Catholic church because it's "traditional" and "conservative".

>> No.13953766

yeah but why would the woman who is supposedly changing her political viewpoints be the one who's a tradcath? shouldn't she be a liberal in this hypothetical scenario?

>> No.13953777

I'm so far right I see tradcaths as just another breed of slave morality liberal

>> No.13953818

>slave morality
lol, you're not right wing, dude. you're just REALLY far left-wing and don't even realize it.

>> No.13953828

It's all a circle.

>> No.13953834

Top satire

>> No.13953847

>how could you tell: the post

Anyways, despite some of the horse shit in this post, you do make a good point to never capitulate in your values, especially to women. If you’re adamant enough, you’ll be the one to make them come around to your viewpoints.

>> No.13953935

BEE’s White is fantastic.

>> No.13953941

Shallow faggot btfy
Now piss off you fucking cunt

>> No.13953944

>It's really fucking weird if you're an older millennial and you grew up on the tail end of that.
it's a combination of weird, alienating and depressing. i stopped paying attention to mainstream culture for about a decade while i was focused on interpersonal relationships and when i looked again western culture had transformed into something so ugly

off the top of my head the most striking changes are the incredible rise of Progressive/PC/pro-censorship dogma that even in its far less extreme 90s-era form was seen as a kind of fringe joke--something like an ideological manifestation of the guidance counselor character from Beavis & Butthead; and this creepy superficial prescription anti-depression-meds-fueled over-positivity combined with "mental health" concerns, reminiscent of Jessie Spano's manic "I'm so excited!... I'm so... scared" emotional breakdown

but there are hundreds of other significant disturbing post-00s cultural/political trends. the pockets of mostly online resistance to it are encouraging, but there's a whole lot of money and energy from Progressive authoritarian groups devoted to ironing out all of the deplorable societal wrinkles

yeah, it's weird

>> No.13953985

Those progressive groups are fighting for your rights, you authoritarian dipshit.

>> No.13953993

You're part of the ugliness you're talking about. It's not embodied by your liberal SJW boogeymen, it's embodied by people like you who think "lol racism is FUNNY". You're a twisted manifestation of reactionary bullshit, not a "pocket of online resistance." Fuck off and fuck you.

>> No.13954002

>your rights,
lol no they are not. They are fighting so you can be taxed to pay for immigrants and single mothers, while brainwashing your children to their insane cult of 'progress and equality'

>> No.13954009

Racism, while undoubtedly funny, is accurate, which is rather more relevant.

>> No.13954014

You personally benefit from progress and equality, in case you haven't realized that. This crazy shit you're spouting is exactly the result of twisting trolling into ideology, and now you can't wake up from the nightmare of hate you've trapped yourself in. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.13954032

projection. I don't hate literally a single person in the world, I find politics amusing. I don't benefit even slightly from mass immigration or feminism.

>> No.13954048

Everything. Particularly the part where he argues that aesthetics > ideology. Reminded me of Bloom.

>> No.13954121

i'm the polar opposite of authoritarian. i don't want anyone silenced, i don't want anyone threatened so that they fear expressing their genuine human opinions. these are Progressive authoritarian goals and tactics, they've never been mine

if seeing it happen on a large scale is too big and complex to take in, just look at message boards, which are to some extent microcosms of greater society. on which boards are people most free to say what they want without their posts being removed and without being banned? and on which boards are people least free and likely to be silenced? Modern Progressivism/political correctness/leftism--whatever you want to label it, we all know what we're talking about here--is driving this cultural authoritarianism. it's a conscious and unconscious attempt at cultural cleansing, at smoothing the boldness and harshness and sometimes severe beauty of human emotion/expression/creativity down into something nice and flat and obedient, the results of which are clearly reflected currently in the arts and in 'respectable' public discourse

>> No.13954203

>you personally benefit from progress
in technological and medical terms, sure. social progress is a moot point. take modern tech and throw it back a thousand years and society would look almost exactly the same. the social progress you attribute to pink-haired college professors is largely the product of technology which makes everything so easy there's literally no practical reason to, for example, disallow women from working. medicine and especially birth control has totally reshaped the landscape of human relationships, allowing everyone more freedom in their choice of partner and lifestyle.

there is absolutely nothing so-called "progressives" have accomplished in the past 1000 years that is not primarily the product of technological pressures revamping the calculus of social mores. take away the power and the internet and we'd all be right back to where we were.

you are an advocate of corporate mastership, a digital Uncle Tom pining for the deific guidance of an all-knowing master who'll shave away your life to a single task based checklist for you to accomplish and pat you on the head when you do. all because some guy online used the n-word.

>> No.13954261

Books on how to hit on store workers or baristas?

>> No.13954343

just peacock hen let them hit on you

>> No.13954367

It's sad that i can't tell if this is satire or a real retard.

>> No.13954373

peacock peahen

>> No.13954393

The tragicomedy is that both sides are caught up in this unaware form of white exceptionalism, the conservatives thinking there’s anything remotely worthwhile in their racist attitudes and contrarian provocations; the liberals in their outright degeneracy and weakness. Every time I see some blond/pink haired emasculated fag stammering about the plight of “racialized people”, while spitting on the unfortunates of his own race, and attempting his own grandstanding as a victim through his drug addictions and sexual maladjustment, I can’t wait for the day that such people are brought into line with the rod, by the conservative minorities they claim to represent and who’s causes they take up so enthusiastically.

The stars are re-aligning. Europeans are dead-set on social deterioration and atomization, yet have this kind of innate belief that even without any sort of ethnic or social framework to their advantage they’ll continue to maintain a privileged position in society. Only an idiot would willingly trade a position of advantage for one of disadvantage, yet that’s what they continue to do— all the while conservatives provide justification for it.

It’s a shame, and these people are a disgrace to their own race. Europeans enjoy a good reputation not in spite of, but because of their culture, militarism, scientific attitude, systemic meritocracy, and liberalism. The image of a European gentleman, who can fight courageously, who speaks several languages, is an expert at diplomacy (even while at a disadvantage and relatively isolated from his home country), has a lighthearted Faustian detachment, is a skilled dancer, a seducer of women, physically fit, capable of magnanimous generosity and detached cruelty, etc. Is almost completely dead, with liberals and conservatives set on replacing it with an image of impotent debauchery and Christian weakness.

An Anglo man of the highest caliber goes to India, marries a high caste bride, involves himself in palace intrigue, and builds a fortune through his own skill and merit. The degenerates today are incapable of competing with brown people even using EUROPEAN standards. Instead they complain about how cruel and racist and so on the standards are, and burry their heads in the sand or cry impotently while they’re surpassed at their own game.

A regime change in world affairs, with Asia taking the reigns, would be the best thing that could happen to European people. At least then the most degenerate and vocal populations would be brought into line with a well needed beating, and the rest would wake up and get their shit together.

>> No.13954533

Yeah. And it’s pathetic. Everything went from being cool and open to prudish and embarrassing Christlarping rednecks and SJW boredom.

>> No.13954548


>> No.13954553

you can still be casually edgy on 4chan

>> No.13954560

>outside-caste marriage
Nice fantasy anon

>> No.13954563

i'm just replying to say gr8 b8 bro i r8 78/78

>> No.13954565
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>free speaker

>> No.13954572

you're waging a war against windmills, centrist

>> No.13954578

how was that post centrist, it seemed highly reactionary to me, at least promoting a kind of ideal of the 19th century British aristocrat

>> No.13954585

where did you pilfer these ideas
>inb4 common sense

>> No.13954591

>both sides are caught up in........
guy clearly thinks of himself as the subtle and discerning rogue opinion

>> No.13954595

I think that's just basic biological determinism extended into sociology

>> No.13954622

You should have thanked the scholarly gentleman for spending his own money to build a meme library, so that you don't have to.

>> No.13954683

Fuck you and fuck your right to be ground into nothingness by corporations for sharing a Tosh 2.0 video in a tweet from ten years ago.

>> No.13954750

oddly specific and totally irrelevant. the time for projection memeing has passed

>> No.13954764

I’m not a centrist. I just see the changes in the currents. Someday historians will look back on the current cultural debates the way we look at Byzantine religious schisms.

Anglo countries have ridden and directed the world-spirit for the last two hundred years. This will not last forever and already the first cracks are starting to show. Given the complacency of the Anglo ruling class, as well as how out-of-touch all their political battles are, I doubt that they will survive global warming with the same relevancy that they currently enjoy. America is incapable of fixing its current issues through their system of constitutional democracy, and this fact alone means that either civil war or civic coup is inevitable. The shift in power this will cause will of course be influenced by foreign actors.

This is the way of history. Great powers rise and fall like clockwork, and individuals in turbulent times either adapt to the situation or get dragged down in the wake.

>> No.13954772

no. concise, apt, and accurate

>> No.13954773

Moron, incapable of seeing things outside a binary system. Retards like you are what will kill the west.

>> No.13954818

the west is dead, honey. read your own posts

>> No.13954842

>This is the way of history. Great powers rise and fall
you're right of course, but we get progressively better at stabilization and so i think each successive schism will become less turbulent and each rebellion will become less effective. i think human history is something like musical chairs; we started off with a bunch of chairs--a lot of changing hands of power, culture, etc--but at some point there's only going to be one or two chairs left. our current state is likely to be our final, or close-to-final state with minor adjustments at least until a meteor hits, or we fuck the environment in a way that causes mass scarcity/desperation

>> No.13954851

Exactly what the Macedonian and Romans said thousands of years ago.

>> No.13954868

if they said that then they were conceptually right. it's difficult to predict the endpoint but the process is clear

>> No.13955151

Modern "progressivism" is only progressive in the way cancer is.

>> No.13955319

yes, it's like brushing your teeth with so much force and frequency that you wear through the enamel

>> No.13955348


>> No.13955375

>steal my money
>make me comply with 6 girllonz regulations on the most trite bullshit
>want to take muh guns, forbid me from defending myself even with my fists, and make me physically dependent on the state
>prevent me from associating and dissaciociating with who I want
>global kikery to impose similar bullshit in random shitholes on the other side of the world
>surveillance on a scale that would make the stasi blush, reinforced by ground/internet shock troups that can ruin your life for wrongthink
>controlled language, re-establish anti-blasphemy laws except instead of not being allowed to trash Jesus Christ you aren't allowed to badmouth niggs or make fun of sodomites
>some more bizarro things like pushing trannies, veganism, etc
>overall ensures everything happens in a manner that make the world less in my image
Thank you based progressives for fighting for my rights.

>> No.13955383

All the clerks at my local bookstore are brown women. The cute white librarian of yore seems to have passed from memory and into the middle middle class and upper middle class.

>> No.13955385
File: 54 KB, 859x589, elephant_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake the fuck up.
You retard "progress and equality" is the mask class antagonism against the white working class/lower middle class takes in the current year. Massive corporate money and power interests use 'diversity' ideology to pacify the population while they bring in masses of immigrants to drive down wages, inflate asset bubbles and undermine what little power organized labor has left.

pic related, that plummet towards the right is all of us in the West who don't own yachts or private jets eating shit for the last 30 years. But good news, we've become more equal and progressive! Woohoo! People confused about what kind of genitals they should have can get them chopped off at an earlier age; and if their parents object, social workers can break up the family. I'm glad we've relentlessly litigated this issue in the public square for the last 5 years while a parasitic class of internationalist billionaire pedophiles continue fucking us up the ass. Thanks The Left, you've done a great job looking out for the little guy.

>> No.13955387

how do you read that post and call it authoritarian?
I can only conclude this is bait. Let me add a (You) to the pile

>> No.13955424

good posts

>> No.13956544

The only problem there is with your post is that ignorant people will think you are joking or trolling.

And for those I recommend they read evolutionary psychology.

>> No.13956765

No, it's the opposite.

>> No.13957998

Based Fac-schizo poster.

>> No.13958967

Evolutionary psychology is well known to be bullshit, you moron

>> No.13959972
File: 13 KB, 243x255, 1570352042443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dysgenics and miscegenation aren't progress.

>> No.13960090

You're wrong because the essence of freedom is saying "nigger" and everyone applauding. This freedom must be protected at all costs even if we have to turn the land of the free into a kleptocratic ethnostate.

>> No.13960136

>our psychologies didn't evolve
Were they created by God? Sprang unbidden from the aether?

>> No.13960171
File: 55 KB, 253x235, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commie skinnyfat limpwrists literally seething because they can't control a woman, good job based chadfag

>> No.13960230

>right and left
>meaning anything

>> No.13960264

Explain to me how consciousness can arise from inert matter. Chackmate, atheist.

>> No.13960295

Nice blog post OP
Go suck cock somewhere else

>> No.13960782

the same way any brain function has arisen from inert matter: billions of organisms producing billions of imperfect copies of themselves for billions of years under the pressure of life-or-death competition

>> No.13960857
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>> No.13960982


God "progressives" are so awful. The smug self-righteousness. The corporate bootlicking posing as rebellion. The classism and hatred of the poor and their uncouth social norms masked as "social justice." The rageposting on Twitter done on iPhones made by Chinese slaves and poor African children. The rampant privilege and the total inability to acknowledge that privilege. Treating brown people like pets. Forcing homeless people to live in their own shit. The screaming tantrums directed at anyone and everyone who isn't like them. The inability to forgive any sins or faults. I fucking hate "progressives" and so does everyone else. Literally the world's worst human beings.

>> No.13961005

except humans haven't existed for billions of years

>> No.13961103


>> No.13961175

My girlfriend literally bought and read this book and I don't even like JP so you can shove that up your ass

>> No.13961215

This does not answer his question at all.
Of course there is no answer to that, consciousness will never ever magically 'arise' from passive processes. Invoking a terrible understanding of biology doesn't make it convincing.
Aside from this rational consideration, you also make a claim of spontaneous generation.
On top of that, you put some pseudo-historical narrative (the competition) on natural elements.

>> No.13961223

I should add that other anon is also a moron for thinking biology doesn't influence our thoughts.

>> No.13962113

Based truth-teller.

>> No.13962120


>> No.13962533
File: 531 KB, 1100x1100, Paganism reading list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>asking me if I've seen the latest Survive the Jive tweet.

This is the cherry on the cake.

>> No.13962628

>Wamyn r dumb and only sex
>starts off with how many bithces hes banged

ok, retard.

>> No.13962646

>Little did they know their culture of transgressive hedonism was bound to flip over to therapeutic pc in the abscence of christian values.
They're a product of Christian values you fucking nigger.

>> No.13962849

>even the art-hoes with neon-dyed hair who are all majoring in some made-up humanities feminist degree eventually become far-right wingers under my influence,
You've obviously never dated a real BPD women. She will shot you or cut you. Literally. You lack IRL experience. Like Otto Weininger.

>> No.13963328


>> No.13963380

nice poem. that you're applying "pseudo" to someone else is a bold move

>> No.13963432


>> No.13963716

AIDS thread

>> No.13964355
File: 116 KB, 390x282, pastaapproverinchief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the seething in this thread
you don't have to be adonis, just good looking (and not of the onions variety) and arrogantly confident in your unpopular opinions. and as long as you think you can debate a 6th grader (not even fucking kidding here) you'll have no problem shutting down any actual argument.