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File: 31 KB, 705x529, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13949885 No.13949885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The modern day Nietzsche.

All talk, no action. Complete hypocrite spouting pleasant fantasies while abiding by none of them himself.

>> No.13949890

While this is all true, we really don't need another Peterson thread right now. There are already a dozen in the catalog. Fuck you for ruining this board. sage

>> No.13949891

which bit of neech is pleasant fantasies? seems like I missed out

>> No.13949896

>implying Peterson understands Nietzsche.
The guy understands Nietzsche less than people who never read him.

>> No.13949899

that's why he hates Marx so much; he lived the life he wrote about.

>> No.13949905

>that's why he hates Marx so much; he lived the life he wrote about.
Marx was a NEET supported by his rich friend, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.13949920

How is that not living luxury, ie communism

>> No.13949929

Marx literally spent his whole life organising workers and participated in various workers revolutions, pick up a book clueless retards

>> No.13949934

Sounds condescending desu. Big bearded Jewman who never worked a day in his life bossing workers around and telling them to rise up

>> No.13949937


>> No.13949944

I experienced physical pain from this shitty bait, god damn it OP, take a day off man.

>> No.13949947

It's not bait, but keep writing off anything you don't like as bait. Pathetic pea brain cretin.

>> No.13949955

>While this is all true
>Fuck you for ruining this board
Thank god you used the word sage in your post which is reportable, enjoy your days off and while at it try to figure out why peterson is a charlattan and how far he stands from all great thinkers. At very least you are ignorant and poorly informed, at worst you are as dumb as a human can be.

>> No.13949958

this >>13949929, also getting kicked out of countries across Europe. meanwhile JBP tells young boys to wash their dicks while he pops pills.

>> No.13949969

How many (You) does it take to make your insufferable day somewhat pleasant and meaningful? The biggest bait here is whether you can or you can't see your ability to embarass yourself even on 4chan.

>> No.13949972

>kicked out of countries across Europe
How ironic.

>> No.13949976

The point is that Marx actually practiced what he was preaching, unlike Peterson who presents himself as a uberman traditionalist while going to rehab for antidepressants

>> No.13949982

>Marx actually practiced what he was preaching
Marx redistributed his wealth?

>> No.13949985


>> No.13949986

JBP and uberman in the same sentence is so cringy, we should put lines like yours in a book and bury it under the Vatican.

>> No.13949990

Ah, so he didn't. Got it.

>> No.13949991

Are you a genuine brainlet or is this just poor bait?

>> No.13949996

I don't even like Peterson but there are more threads about him here than legitimate authors. No, one shitty self-help book isn't "literature".

>> No.13949998
File: 47 KB, 455x455, 1569799158773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13950001

The only one who should be embarassed here is the idiot defending Jordan Peterson the drug peddling schizo.

>> No.13950006

>The point is that Marx actually practiced what he was preaching
No he didn't, he lived in luxury because of his rich friend

>> No.13950010


>> No.13950019

You think i called this post a bait cause i wanted to defend JP? I honestly didn't expect such simplistic proccess of thinking was achievable. Go read some pie charts on google man.

>> No.13950022

AND he lived in the lap of luxury on the dime of his rich friend. Marx was a hypocrite.

>> No.13950041

He's right and Zizek is an awkward old commie.

>> No.13950115

Engels wasn't that rich, and Marx pawned shit and wrote newspaper articles to get by and he still got evicted.

>> No.13950131

Everything in TSZ for example. The over man, the last man, and all those other rheumy, mawkish fairy tales he and his proponents uphold

>> No.13950156

And yet he never worked a day of hard labour in his life