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File: 149 KB, 762x1024, 37937B75-6341-4C8F-9F83-7FA94649A09C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13949388 No.13949388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

”Stop being depressed and start taking responsability for your lif-”
>*chugs anti depressents, shies away from public life, eats like shit*

>> No.13949401
File: 122 KB, 720x1018, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I refuse to be forced to address trannies by their "preferred pronouns" because it is an assault on my Freedom of Speech

Also Peterson:
>Brackets kill Jews

>> No.13949402

He has made enough money to never have a public life again and live very comfortably.

>> No.13949404

Being a drug addict isn't comfortable

>> No.13949406

>he doesn't know the difference between brackets and parentheses
I thought Peterson was supposed to be smart.

>> No.13949410

I want daddy Peterson to hold me like that

>> No.13949424

Peterson embodies the contradictions of liberalism.

>> No.13949457

I find it funny how /lit/ has basically turned on this guy after he was shown to be a hypocrite

>> No.13949479

Why is this place obsessed with bringing him down?

>> No.13949486

He brought himself down, shilling his self help all the while he was doping himself full of drugs to cope with life.

>> No.13949488

Plain old contrariness.

>> No.13949495

When you depend on the globohomo market forces to make money, hypocrisy is inevitable.

He's always said you should take drugs if you're seriously depressed.
There's plenty of other stuff to criticize Peterson for, no need to strawman like that.

>> No.13949509

How can you say you have answers to something you are not even dealing with yourself, on account of you being drugged up?

>> No.13949526

>He's always said you should take drugs if you're seriously depressed.
Then he's a fucking idiot and none of his "advice" is worth shit. Drugs are not mandatory for living, no one is born needing drugs.

>> No.13949537

>you have to honor your ancestors

Also peterson
>nationalism is bad, check your privilege


>> No.13949549

His book was in almost every bookshop on display (normalfag bestseller) in my local town. I got into postmodernism and philosophy because of him, I really messed up my room. Vegetables are cool and prescription drugs are gay.

>> No.13949584

Tell that to babies born with brain cancer retard

>> No.13949594

Yes that’s right, Petersons advice is only valid for deformed babies

>> No.13949601

The point is drugs are necessary for some people. If the body can need drugs there’s no reason to think the mind can’t.

>> No.13949602

>Tell that to babies born with brain cancer retard
You mean the babies that should be shot in the head?

Why do you suffer those in agony to live? Where's your mercy?

>> No.13949605

>The point is drugs are necessary for some people

People born with deformities or illnesses that require other people to do everything for them should be mercy killed. Depression is not a chemical imbalance, the chemical imbalance is merely a symptom. The source of depression is civilisation and all it entails.

>> No.13949614

he embodies faggotry

>> No.13949620

herbs are there for a reason, we don't live in Eden anymore

>> No.13949621

And you know this how? You concede that people can have physical ailments which aren’t caused primarily by environmental circumstances yet you refuse to even consider this for mental illnesses.
And yes the chemical imbalance IS what we call “depression”. Whether or not that chemical imbalance is caused by something else is irrelevant since if it can be rectified through drugs depression is cured. All drugs purport to do is cure depression, not the cause of depression.

>> No.13949639

No, they're not. Herbs exist and that's all there is to it. Smoking them to get high is not their purpose, they have no purpose, they just are.

>And you know this how?
Because I have a functioning brain, any simpleton can see depression is a product of civilisation.
>yet you refuse to even consider this for mental illnesses
When your own brain turns on itself, you're damn right I look to outside influences.
>Whether or not that chemical imbalance is caused by something else is irrelevant since if it can be rectified through drugs
You can rectify a toothache by shooting the guy in the head, that's the equivalent of anti-depressants.

>> No.13949686

This actually makes me respect him more. The mindless antisemitism has always been one of the worst aspects of 4chan.

>> No.13949690
File: 149 KB, 1080x1080, F8C7623F-766A-4725-8140-AC03C36F23E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.13949693
File: 303 KB, 1386x570, self improvement virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13949697

Most of /lit/ was always against him,it’s just that now even the few that did support him have turned on him

>> No.13949698

It isn’t mindless, it’s just the very small-minded

>> No.13949712

I agree based anon but don't forget the symbiotic relationship between nature and humans. Herbs and mushrooms could also work like software updates

>> No.13949714

Been here since the beginning. I'm just not as impressionable as you and find your hivemind attitude disgraceful.

>> No.13949735

Jews are the class outcast, everyone picks on them because they deserve it and it breeds cohesion.

>> No.13949740

Everybody wants to kill their heroes.

>> No.13949750
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 1390617486748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly like the guy even more after finding out he took something to help with anxiety during his wifes cancer, a real man doesn't pretend problems don't exist while hoping they go away.
It's a shame he had such a bad reaction to them though.

>> No.13949761

>a real man doesn't pretend problems don't exist while hoping they go away
Isn't that exactly what he did by taking drugs?

>> No.13949786

People here hating on Peterson are pathetic. I’m almost convinced it’s bait because of the sheer amount of ignorance and out of context statements made against him. It really is pathetic and you should be ashamed for shunning him. He has helped millions of people improve their lives, but plenty of you don’t give a shit. You can’t see 5 feet past your jealousy, hatred and desire to be seen as “intelligent” because you disagree with a popular figure. Seriously, I am yet to find any compelling evidence that he has negative intent or is even hypocritical. All your claims can be justified with even the most minor of internet searches.

>> No.13949788

He's a drug addled nutcase who runs around saying "hahaha get a wife, get a job, your life will be great if you just man up hahaha".