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13948869 No.13948869 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the radical, profound difference between life as a Christian and life as a non-Christian in modern society?

>> No.13948874

No one in that photo is Christian.

>> No.13948882

>no true scotsman

>> No.13948887

The absolute state of Protcucks

>> No.13948889

Judge not. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

>> No.13948890

>does literally nothing to adhere to christianity
>wears a clerical collar
>wtf im a christian now!

>> No.13948891

>muh gay logical fallacy
shut up pussy

>> No.13948893

>tfw my parish has done this shit
not with furries, but they had a blessing of pets

>> No.13948896
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>> No.13948900
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>> No.13948902

I'm not sure they're explicitly sinning, but the Christian life demands sincerity and solemnity and this can't be achieved either a furry, nor as someone who blesses furries. You can tell these people don't take Christianity seriously if they're willing to make a mockery of the religion like this.

>> No.13948903

Thought you christcuck fags were supposed to be accepting of your fellow neighbors?

This is what your jew daddy brought to the world, now his message is even being spread to the degenerates as well.

>> No.13948908
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>> No.13948912
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>> No.13948913

i'm not even a christian

>> No.13948914

Seething Protcuck lesbian furry priest lover.

>> No.13948915

Blessings of pets is totally fine, it's traditional to do it on St. Francis of Assisi's feast day.

>> No.13948923
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>kevin o'higgins

>> No.13948927

literally me

>> No.13948931


>> No.13948949
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>> No.13948954
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"Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword."

Acceptance? no. Nor plain tolerance. We attempt to rectify, and we forgive sincere failures. When Christ implored us to love our neighbors, I don't think he meant to simply accept them despite their sin. Love is a complicated thing. When a parent truly loves a child, he will try to correct and reform its poor behavior, and forgive the child when it fails; that is part of what love is. The parent who doesn't care about his child and lets it continuously err doesn't love his child, just like Christ was willing to use violence the moment he entered Jerusalem in order to rectify the behavior of the money changers who abused the sanctity of the synagogs. The same is true with all human relationships. Love isn't the same as blind acceptance. Love is a type of striving towards God. In the end though we all have to answer for our sins, and these words seem to apply here:

"Amen I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."

>> No.13948956

What do you have against it?

>> No.13948963

idk it just seems gay. i don't like animals, they're gross

>> No.13948981

Tolerance isn't love, it's apathy before the damnation of others.
As a Christian you should love everyone as yourself, you - as a Christian - would you allow yourself to behave like this guy in the picture ?
You can't pretend to love someone while letting them sinning like they're is no tommorow. Tolerance is just caving in, abandoning the people you're supposed to care for to what's coming for them.
Tolerance isn't a Christian virtue

>> No.13948992

> Love is a complicated thing.
Brother, you speak the truth. I am just letting you know this one part is wrong. Love is two part, understanding one another and then coming to an agreement to move forward as one. You can have love for all but you cant gibe it to those who oppose you, freely that is.

>> No.13949661
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That X looks an awful lot like a cross. Are you sure you don't want to say "Cosmic Jewish Zombie Fanclub" instead?

If you want to see how Christian life is different in modern society, read Deseret News and Huffington Post right after each other every morning.

I also highly recommend "Crazy For God" by Frank Schaeffer. It is a bit negative at times because he sucks up to nonbelievers to get book / movie deals. But remember, Christians feel guilty for being *too* brainwashed. Other religions feel guilty for not being brainwashed *enough*.

Sorry, there is no magic book that has a God-approved rule for every decision you have to make in your life.

A Christian would think about how his actions are affecting others. If they are grossed out by furries, it would be selfish to run around in a fursuit. But a minority of Christians don't care, and would even see it as a bit dishonest to hide your furry tendencies.

>> No.13949706

We're supposed to love our enemies, and pray earnestly for their salvation. That does not mean, however, that evil and son should be tolerated.

>> No.13949719

>Books about the radical, profound difference between life as a Christian and life as a non-Christian in modern society?

Read Scheler

>> No.13949882

Exactly anon.

>> No.13949898

No, fuck off.

>> No.13949907

(((Protestants))). Imagine not being Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or some earlier denomination and calling yourself a Christian.

>> No.13949909

not christian. working with barn animals is probably one of the most christian things, it's a noble yet somewhat looked-down-on job that reveals your true self (people who abuse innocent animals are by no means Christians.)
not liking anything is ok but don't be against it, pets are to many the only joy in life

>> No.13949913

well apparently according to this thread, life as a christian means endlessly bitching about how much more christian you are than other christians
life as a non-christian means we can just get on with our lives

>> No.13950005

The difference is that the way you drink tea has nothing at all to do with whether or not you're a Scotsman, that's determined by the country you were born and raised in, but if you have no faith in Jesus Christ then you simply aren't a Christian no matter what you call yourself. The Episcopal "church" has thoroughly apostatized from the Christian faith. There might be a few misguided people who attend their services without knowing what that "church" represents, but anyone with any faith at all in Jesus will recognize that place for what it is eventually. Any "church" that ordains women preachers, let alone blesses public displays of deviant sexual fetishism, is simply not Christian.

>> No.13950017

Let's be real for every one gay church like this there are 100 protestant ones that would electrocute these reprobates.

>> No.13950180

I had an idea to write a story about a staunch Christian who still holds on to his beliefs even as society collapses around him. My writing sucks though so it will probably never get finished.

>> No.13950487

Didn't read lol

>> No.13950496

>he entered Jerusalem in order to rectify the behavior of the money changers
the creator of the universe middling in affairs of human insects
The sheer absurdity of it

>> No.13950498
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How come Orthodox Christianity survived literal communism while all the other denominations do all this weird shit now?

>> No.13950515

Christians avoid post-modern cesspools like 4chan.

>> No.13950532

Soviet-style communism was pretty hard-strung and had a strong authoritarian streak, no surprise that a hierarchical religion would succeed it anew.

>> No.13950589
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>> No.13950592

successful merge with the oligarhs. the clergy themselves are ones sometimes.
t. catholic ruanon

>> No.13950598

False presupositons of the other denomination leed them to the wrong conclusions.

>> No.13950607 [DELETED] 
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Houellebecq probably wrote it.

>> No.13950624


>> No.13950660 [DELETED] 

>Not understanding that Christ meant his teachings would be controversial and difficult to follow. Not that his teachings were of violence or hatred.
When you renounce homosexuality and abortion today, what response do you get from society?

>> No.13950688



Just live it instead anon. Then write your autobiography.

>> No.13950717

Oppression makes faith stronger not weaker.

>> No.13950720

good point

>> No.13950824
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Because we know catholics are so much better...

>> No.13950832
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>> No.13950854

Give it a rest. If that man and his wife reconciled and agreed to raise the child in honesty and truth, who are you to mock him?

>> No.13950950

To consider any action too small for one due to their stature implies a lack of precision and awareness that God doesn't have.

>> No.13950961

what on earth

>> No.13950965

Everyone bows to the reductio at cukctum. No higher values interrupt its authority apparently.

At this point being with another woman is probably cucked because she's probably had sexual thoughts about other people before she knew you.

I used to attach more significance to people calling each other cuck but even I can't keep this shit up anymore.

>> No.13951095

The absolute state of christlarpers.

>> No.13951109

They aren't even christlarpers, if they were they'd know adultery is literally one of the only legitimate reasons for a divorce.

>> No.13951407

except their are clear written guidelines from the Fathers and Councils on who is and is not Christian.

>> No.13951468

Fuck off christcucks
Your identity politics have no place on /lit/

>> No.13951485

If it was real holy water it would have burned him

>> No.13952419

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.13952451
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>Soon it will all be clean

>> No.13952475
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>> No.13952569
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Isn't this the type of shit (((Protestants))) broke away from Catholicism to allegedly avoid? Not defending modern Catholics either, but you can't just turn a blind eye to this shit.

Tolerance is not a Christian value Chaim see >>13948954 >>13948981 But then again that's how you people slithered in and perverted not only that very quote but Catholicism as a whole to begin with.

>Jew sky daddy dead kike on a stick argument

Can you just save us all a lot of time and skip to the part where you larp being a classical pagan then jerk off to Norse gods while everyone laughs at you? Lets be real, we all know this is where the conversation is going.

>> No.13952597

He isn't just the creator, he is, or better said, we, the universe, are part of him. He can do everything at every time, he knows everything and most important, he loves everyone. So on the contrary, it would be an absurdity to think that he doesn't care about us.

>> No.13952602

Top kek


>> No.13952613

If he is everything he can't do anything.

>> No.13952619

The Reformed confessionals unironically need reforming, they're hideously outdated.

>> No.13952653
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>life as a non-christian means we can get on with our lives
>bitching about how much better you are than Christians

>> No.13952716 [DELETED] 


Would you like to watch an e-girl on Twitch?
I have a stream and I'm doing requests.

Join if you:
> like thighs
> enjoy anime
> know who dakooters is



Also giving out Steam codes to followers, here's a free one:

By the way I'm 16 ;3

>> No.13952822

catholic answers is not a catholic forum. the forum is absolute trash populated and moderated by total heretics. i literally got banned for quoting saint john chrysostom
>inb4 no true scotsman
i would be willing to bet most of the people who post there have been excommunicated latae sententiae.

>> No.13952834

you do not understand the god of christianity clearly

>> No.13952839

The scary thing is that they would also electrocute us 4chan users.

>> No.13952843

throughout history Catholicism's main advantage has been that it is at once syncretic and intolerant

>> No.13952849

read Chesterton's The ball and the cross.

>> No.13952861

>a gay who likes the Hebrew Bible
Does he also have a stoning fetish?
Jokes aside I suppose that's a sign of intellectual openness on his part.

>> No.13952872

>I dropped out of college so I can fully focus on myself and my brand

>> No.13952886

>Tolerance is not a Christian value
Yes but the anon you quoted is literally quoting Jesus so we can all admit the spirit of the sentence is somewhat Christian.

>> No.13952943

lgbt cultural marxism is a literal outgrow of christian slave morality. The eroticism, mystery and self abnegation that characterised christianity at its most sublime have faded, christendom has whitered to its banal rotten core: muh unconditional love and nonjudgemental acceptance. a faith fit for cattle.

lgbt isn't about sex, it is about victimhood, christ on the cross supplanted by a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair, these people don't 'have sex' they virtue signal, their procedures or whatever you want to call them are utterly lacking in eroticism, transgression or excess, in short they are christians in the most sanctimonious sense of the term.

>> No.13952985

How so?

>> No.13953048

you're absolutely right, they are christians. all modern western thought is essentially christian heresy, even your beloved nietzsche. its all just devolved so much, they forgot what they were perverting in the first place.

>> No.13953066

>radical, profound difference
Yes, the radical profound difference between being a self-serving materialist as an individual or a self-serving materialist in a group. Let's explore the expanses of robust and extreme differences, along with the infinitely many subtleties, of being an idiot by yourself vs with someone.

>> No.13953076
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I literally can't. Protestants are worse than pagans.

>> No.13953108

>(((Protestants))). Imagine not being Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or some earlier denomination and calling yourself a Christian.
Imagine being a LARPer

>> No.13953176
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Tolerance is for faggots. Stop reading JIDF shill posts and swedish twitter users to get your views on Christianity.

>> No.13953223
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protestants are worse than niggers.

>> No.13953229
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Imagine being this much of a bitch

>> No.13953293

>posting a marxist meme

>> No.13953303


>> No.13953338

>your a jew
>no u
not either of you, thank not-god, but could you two fuck already?

>> No.13953368

>>bitching about how much better you are than Christians
didn't do anything of the sort. although now you mention it, it's true
what i actually wrote was
>life as a christian means endlessly bitching about how much more christian you are than other christians
have a look at some of the posts in this thread
>The Reformed confessionals unironically need reforming, they're hideously outdated.
>catholic answers is not a catholic forum. the forum is absolute trash
>The Episcopal "church" has thoroughly apostatized from the Christian faith
now fuck off. religitard shit goes on /his/

>> No.13953392

>t. catholic larper