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File: 119 KB, 500x700, AD6878CA-2D5A-4CEC-A0B6-08727918EFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13948535 No.13948535 [Reply] [Original]

>dudeeee lmfao all daughters want to fuck they’re dads
>dude looool all sons want to bang they’re own moms and kill their father out of jealousy lmfaooo
How did anyone take this fuckig wackjob seriously? Hoe DOES anyone take him seriously? What a sex crazed lunatic. He Likens cigar smoking to masturbating, he likens every single human action to sex, he says you are the way you are because of... u guessed it: sex.

Sex lived in this original 1920’s incel mind. Freud would have been an r9k moderator if he were alive today. What a coombeain hack, i’m sorry. I have to fucking say it since no one else is.

Not ONE of the philoso-chad godfathers had this much of an obsession with sex.

>> No.13948589

He’s more respected for CaiD than his sexual psychology I think. However, he was obsessed with and and autistically screeched at his students for rejecting it.

>> No.13948590

Because he's very unironically right
>ummmf yes daady fuck me harder daddy

>> No.13948595

Why is there so much pseudo-incest on porn sites now a days? Every other video is “step mom” or “step sister”

>> No.13948645

In Jungs memoirs the part where he rejects Freudian dogma is awesome.

>> No.13948651

Because those are the only women most coombrains see with increased NEET and basement dweller levels caused by technology, their desperate brain latches on to the first time they watch incest

>> No.13948653

This is usually because dad is distant/absent/ or abusive and they want a father figure and only seem to know how to attract that sexually.

>> No.13948655

whats caid?

good to know his penis envy thing isnt being taken srsly

>> No.13948657

Because psychoanalytical school is actually Jewish subversion in a same moral sense as cultural marxism and those same Jews run those sites.

>> No.13948659

No, I think it is just nastier and because we covet what we see everyday.

>> No.13948666

You've essentially just proved him right then, retard.

>> No.13948668

Civilization and It’s Discontents, commonly thought of as Frueds best work

>> No.13948676

OP here

The daddy mommy thing freud talks about has proof behind it just like that porn phenomenon. But it is so dirty of him to suggest that. It is uncomfortable. If on the surface level of my thoughts I DONT want to fuck my dad (im a girl) Then i have no business knowing that apparently on a sub concious level i do want to fuck him.

Freud is a psycho for coming to this conclusion, a heathen, a degenerate

>> No.13948687

my little cousin sits on my lap and she asked where my kids were and I said I don't have any and she felt bad and now she calls me daddy and pretends to be my daughter what does she mean by this?

>> No.13948693

Post bobs and vagine

>> No.13948721

How old is she and how old are you

>> No.13948736
File: 79 KB, 600x681, 1552262796295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her to stop, if you don't have a real daughter then you were on track to save yourself from the Final Cuck and she is trying to obstruct your freedom from it

>> No.13948745

His middle name is Schlomo. Take a stab at how he was able to spread his degenerate ideas so easily

>> No.13948756

9 and 24

>> No.13948794

She's at nearly a perfect age and that's like a perfect gap.
Too bad she's a cousin. Grooming may be okay but incest is not

>> No.13948822

sounds like a whole lot of repressed sexual desires in this thread

>> No.13949011

(((Freud))). Go figure.

>> No.13949193

Because people like incest. But that's still a little too far for mainstream porn so they make it step-family. Indy porn does flash n blood incest roleplay all the time and erotica sites have incest as the main category after vanilla sex.

>> No.13949208

>porn branding
do many people care about whatever the fake title is?

>> No.13949213

Bruh Freud's complexes weren't necessarily meant to be interpreted literally.

>> No.13949255

He was right about Oedipus/Electra complex. Children tend to idealize their opposite sex parent. Around 3-5 years old they have to begin to model themselves after their same sex parent. I’ve seen it happen many times, their are tons of videos parents take of their kids “wanting to marry daddy” and stuff like that.

>> No.13949271

This is the most surface-tier pleb retarded post O have ever seen on this board. Please PLEASE get the fuck out.

>> No.13949273

>What's the prescription doc?
>Have sex son

>> No.13949341

Since everything is sex to him, his 'sexual psychology' represents >90% of his work.

>> No.13949350

When I was a kid I said I wanted to marry both my parents. Kids generally think marriage is something you do with someone you love a lot, and they don't know how to distinguish different types of love or understand sexual love really. If they know that marriage is something you do with the opposite sex, seems natural they'd say it about the opposite sex parent.

>> No.13949431

What if growing up your mom was ugly and fat

>> No.13949440

i wouldn't even let my fat mom breast feed me. She told me she had to use formula because I wouldn't do it.

>> No.13949443

have sex

>> No.13949450

I guess thank god my mom is ugly and fat or else I would be a degenerate who wants to fuck his mother

>> No.13949511

Everyone has dreams where they fuck their mums, how do you explain that?

>> No.13950305

Its Spelled FROYD, op

>> No.13950336


>> No.13950455


You mean the one where he poses the theory of the death drive i.e. thanatos?
You mean the text where he says that humans, as brute animalistic creatures lack the skill to organize themselves in societies which are not base ok destruction, passive agression and drive sublimatiin through force?

This text is nothing but ideological propaganda to fool the masses into accepting their crude civilizational situation. If humans are intrinsically evil, as Freud alledges, then there is no need to look at the societal structures i.e. the characteristic structure of the collective psyche which actually turn humans into evil beasts.

All primary drives are loving and peacful. Only when they are not able to be released secondary drives are created as substitutes. Those are uncontrolable and disfigured by the process of their Verdrängung

>> No.13950474

Jewish men have this s&m paedo thing, it starts in infancy when the Rabbi cuts their dick and then sucks it...

>> No.13950480

Porn is pushed on you for a reason...

>> No.13950488

What proof? Freud was just projecting his own cocaine fueled sex phantasies.

>> No.13950723
File: 132 KB, 1242x698, 0397DE68-E5AE-4EFB-B81F-09342BC70FBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not jacking off to the thought your sister gobbling your cock its honestly the best nut fuel ever. details aside taboo is next level shit. stay mad that you didnt think of it pseuds

>> No.13950843


>> No.13950869


Am I not an atheist if I go "ohh god" when I coom ?

>> No.13950912

irrelevant argument

>> No.13950948

>Sometimes the cigarette is just a cigarette
t. 420-Fraud

>> No.13950953

>Am I not an atheist if I go "ohh god" when I coom ?
No, you are not. You tag yourself as such, but you tag penultimate experiences and express them with unconscious knowledge; "oh God".

>> No.13950954

There are many people who don't even know its fake, and then honestly even if you know it's fake sometimes the titles at least let you pretend its real.

>> No.13951015
File: 41 KB, 440x320, reich-and-cloudbuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha jealous of the penis
>heh what a stupid theory
>we're really jealous of the vast vagina that is the sky and we need to collectively have sex with it all at the same time forever

>> No.13951233

>when something goes wrong and someone says "fuck me" they actually want to be penetrated by a penis
this is the logic you are advancing

>> No.13952116

The attitude is different, so the message is as well. You don't ironically enjoy life when you coom, do you?

>> No.13952322

sounds like special pleading there champ

>> No.13952333

>Grooming may be okay but incest is not
I hope you go to jail

>> No.13953233

what the fuck :)))))

>> No.13954104

based and orgone-pilled

>> No.13954305


>> No.13954352

Porn is for retards who can't get any. They know their demographic well.

>> No.13954430


>> No.13954435

kek do americans really do this

>> No.13955257

Jung was right about everything

>> No.13955307

have you even read his Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis? he has really interesting stuff on dreams, one theory is that all dreams are wish-fulfillment, so that you can sleep without desires sexual or otherwise waking you and drawing you back in to the material world

>> No.13955313

he was just a perv with a massive mommy complex

>> No.13955323

nietzsche was cucked and manipulated by his best friend in the first half of his life and manipulated in the second one by his nazi sister.

>> No.13955357


>> No.13955427

Plato and Aristotle are the only Chads here. Kierk is based volcel. The rest are trash.

>> No.13956175

It’s the next phase in conditioning society to accept anything and everything.

>> No.13956178

Nah, but coasties do

>> No.13956566

It’s probably just a kid thing... let it pass. If it keeps going for a while (you’ll have to judge when is too long), talk to her parents about it.

>> No.13956576

Also his last name is "Freud"
What the hell is with jews taking random words as their name to try to seem innocuous?

Freude f (genitive Freude, plural Freuden)
joy, happiness

anyway this kyke was just sent in to map the psychology of the german people so they could be gaslit into Weimar degeneracy.

the moral of the story is to kill jews indiscriminately as they are a race of insane criminals bred to be that way by a coercive program of arranged marriages

>> No.13956583


So now we’re quoting the fictitious Dr. Hannibal Lecter?

>> No.13956585

>he was....like...wrong or something...cuz he was...manipulated....i read it somewhere
/lit/ is really /illit/, the mods are subversive agents put here to make this place fucking retarded.
same story basically everywhere on the internet.

>> No.13956592

he created a weird cult around himself and his ideas were supported only dogmatically and through a weird brute force / intimidation factor. he never had actual evidence for his weird beliefs and im pretty sure he experimented with some loli. he considered himself to be a Moses of his time, and his Jewish background was very important to him.

>> No.13956597

Freud was right, but not in any general sense. He was projecting jewish neuroses onto non-jews. Jews are sick and inbred sexual deviants.

>> No.13956601

this is a lie, jews/subversives often posit these scenarios to try to get you to visualize perversions

>> No.13956617

No one respects Freud for his theory of personality, as it has proven to be rather redundant. What we retain of his is his work on psychodynamics and psychoanalytic therapy, with the former still being left for further research and clarification and the latter being one of the three to five greats among psychotherapeutic methods (cognitive-behavioral, analytical, psychoanalytic depth, systematic and group therapy).

>> No.13956633

I'll give you two alternatives. The first one is to pick one of the various conspiracy tier ideas you find in this thread. The other is that Freud was right.

>> No.13956639

I'm your father.

>> No.13956670

you mean "us jews"?

>> No.13956675

>Why is there so much pseudo-incest on porn sites now a days? Every other video is “step mom” or “step sister"
Because jews own every major porn site through a company called Mindgeek.

>> No.13956682

I don't get why fascists hate freud when they're the ones into fucking their own family members.

>> No.13956693

so you're saying there is an office somewhere that we could kill everyone in it and it would make jews afraid to propagate porn? (in minecraft of course hehe xd lol)

>> No.13956698

Huh? Jews are the most inbred people on earth, whites are the least. That rural or southern whites are inbred is a jewish Hollywood meme they project onto non-jews just as Freud was doing.

>> No.13956744

>That rural or southern whites are inbred is a jewish Hollywood meme
No it's fact. You're probably confused because your uncle is actually your father.

>> No.13956768

>it's fact.
Nope, it's projection from inbred jews running Hollywood.

>> No.13956784

Shit so your mother and uncle learned that from hollywood?

>> No.13956800

Sorry bud, I'm white, not an inbred jew.

>> No.13956829

So you project your projection of being an incest product onto jews?

>> No.13956858
File: 96 KB, 863x443, khwLXrz0EHY3RqsiXV9IKc1tLt5HAIWwt3s7eidaJS8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cousin marriage percentage per country as of 2013

>> No.13956895

That doesn't prove shit. That's because in those countries it's legal to marry your cousin, those stats don't tell you how many people fuck their family members like how can there be no incest in the USA when your uncle is your father.

>> No.13956912

Incest is a practice engaged in by non-whites. No lack of data to back this up. Jews are the most inbred of all races too.

>> No.13956918

cum is life and fags are human abattoirs

>> No.13956921

>says you can't know
>claims to know
daily reminder these braindead NPCs are put here and given jobs and sustenance solely to be obstacles to real people

>> No.13956931

That poster is a butthurt jew running cover for his inbred tribe.

>> No.13956944

He was a cumbrain

>> No.13956953

Give me the stats then you inbred, because I just explained why the stats you gave were shit.
What are you even saying? Those stats don't prove anything are you retarded or what? It's funny in the future they'll have NPCs accusing you of being an NPC.

>> No.13956994

Just take a hike, jew. Tribal inbreeding has led to your proclivity for lying and being neurotic, which you've put on display itt, and /lit/ is no longer a jew-friendly board.

>> No.13957071

You're the one obssesed with why your uncle fucked your mother.

>> No.13957104

Off the board, rabbi.

>> No.13957121

Bro I don't have to be a rabbi to know you're an incest baby

>> No.13957149

>claims others are 'obsessed'
>making up incest fantasies and projecting them onto random people
what do jews mean by this?

>> No.13957150

LOL your tribe is humanity's incest baby. Scram, kike.

>> No.13957163
File: 1.02 MB, 1750x1151, Sneedbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a hack but the Oedipus Complex is 100% real.
t. anon with an oedipus complex

>> No.13957166

Oh... you're that NPC guy saying NPC alot, imagine being an omega on 4chan
You talk about incest like you didn't like your uncle fucking your mother and producing an inbred retard.

>> No.13957178
File: 334 KB, 720x888, 1549404556462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread for logical thinkers?

>> No.13957179

He developed a symbolic vocabulary that was ultimately modelled on his own warped neuroses, but you can't deny the amount of self-knowledge it takes to undertake something like that. Without Freud's repression and autism, we would never know how truly grey the space is between social convention and deviancy. Freud is the guy who publicly spilled his libidinal spaghetti all over the floor so that other thinkers could learn how to navigate around it. He was a pretty good guy, all things considered.

>> No.13957345

Reminder: Fascists fuck family.

>> No.13957511

reminder: there is absolutely nothing to distinguish you from a bot
your 'brains' are both programmed the same exact way, with arbitrary stimulus, and you have nothing inherent in you to object because you're subhuman

>> No.13957519

reminds me of stephen king
i wonder if its because they're both kykes

>> No.13957615

stop posting

>> No.13957630

Fuckkkkk are you the NPC guy, you're still here after everything.... shit
Nice one

>> No.13957770


>> No.13957912

rabbi pls

>> No.13958191

look at this retarded subhuman animal, it moralizes itself just by its retarded rhetoric, it makes up new language on the spot and uses it as justification for what it's doing against the criticism of its enemies

daily reminder that leftists are not human and it's immoral NOT to kill them

>> No.13958195

I click on them because they happen to have the best actresses on the damn thumbnail.

>> No.13958236

>Most of Sub Saharan Africa, Europe and one nation in south east Asia not recorded.

>> No.13958341

Are you jewish? Freud was explaining the psychology of jews.

Bro it's 2019, "fascism" hasn't been relevant for like over half a century.

>> No.13958488


>> No.13959154

What about sons that want to get fucked by their fathers?