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/lit/ - Literature

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13947386 No.13947386 [Reply] [Original]

Which book affected your life the most?

>> No.13947418

beyond good and evil, made me stop taking philosophy and politics seriously and let me live my life more comfortably knowing everyone is a complete retarded and everything is just will to power anyway

>> No.13947462

On the road: the original scroll by Kerouac

>> No.13947808

blood meridian

>> No.13947982

The Bible.

>> No.13947996

unironically my diary desu. i read it after like a year and realized i was completely and utterly insane and now i'm posting from a special home.

>> No.13948054

I’m curious anon, how?

>> No.13948066

saving the appearances by owen barfield

>> No.13948092

This. Sort of

>> No.13948097

edge-induced livelong psychosis from reading Palahniuk's "Haunted" at 13

>> No.13948118
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Up next: The Mystical City of God

>> No.13948150

let me know if its worth reading the whole thing after you're done

>> No.13948181

625 pages, it'll be a while.

>> No.13948204

thats all you have left? isn't it like thousands of pages?

>> No.13948208
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the part in the brothel made me cry

>> No.13948224

>everything is just will to power anyway
Even Nietzsche acknowledged this was wrong. There are many wills, power is one of the least of them.

>> No.13948225

House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski

The way he organizes his prose greatly interested me and gave me a lot of insight into creating unique methods of conveying detail in my own writing. It was also my introduction into postmodernism.

>> No.13948282

Guns, germs, and steel.

It's like reading a manual for the human race. "Oh, so this is how it works."

>> No.13948362

Understanding Media - Marshall McLuhan

This shit completely reshaped the way I saw reality. The medium really is the message

>> No.13948380

Grant Morrison's The Invisibles. Your life literally starts to parallel the story and synchronicities with it are boundless.

>> No.13948385

Seneca's Letters, it made me want to study Stoicism and eventually lead me to Catholicism

>> No.13948401

hell yeah. same. makes me realized we are all truly the same and we need to acknowledge our privilege

>> No.13948408

your diary desu

>> No.13948503
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Werther or Crime and Punishment

>> No.13949110

Industrial society and it's future.

>> No.13949136

Why i feel like i'm not allowed to say 1984?

>> No.13949144

Sounds interesting. The only other Morrison thing I’ve read is WE3 which was fun. Will check out.

>> No.13949347

The Worthing Saga by Orson Card. For years it provided fuel for my adolescent philosophical speculations and sentimental daydreaming.

>> No.13949355

I love that there's someone else into this book on /lit/. Would probably be the same for me

>> No.13949358

Divine comedy
Made me rethink how I live my life and commit less hideous sins that would make me end up in hell

>> No.13949371

because you're a bit of a pussy

>> No.13950014
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phenomenology of spirit

>> No.13950344

Werther (not that i would die for a bitch, but for his contemplation on nature and romantic attitude), Keats poems and Hamlet

>> No.13950350

50-50 between Harry Potter and Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.13950364
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Earth Abides.

>> No.13950599

>The medium really is the message
What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.13950605

made me realise how much of a pussy faggot i was and that i had to man up

>> No.13950619

The Brothers Karamazov

I read it over the winter when I was roughly 16 and had several hard-to-describe spiritual experiences throughout, almost like I was giving my mind a long-awaited clean-out that allowed for divinity to spread through me in waves. I've never been the same since. I probably cry more now, and have a tenderer heart. I try to seek the goodness in everybody.

>> No.13950631
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This book has awakened me and changed the way I look at the world around me more than anything else I have read.

>> No.13950638

cute and based

>> No.13950653

Helped me realize that the human capacity for violence is endless, as well as developing a unhealthy dose of paranoia.

>> No.13950906


Unironically Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child.

I went in for the reddit meme of learning to cook, going out to try new activities. For some retarded reason I told a girl I met at an art class I loved to cook and invited her over.

I panicked and bought the Child recipe book, I knew bouf bourguignon was fancy food so I made that and she liked it. We ended up going out for about a year.

So basically Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking because it saved me from buying into Professor Cleanyourroom or turning into Londonfrog.

>> No.13950978

augustine's confessions

>> No.13951421

why are you answering anon im the one who said blood meridian he directed it at me, if youre going to post in response mention that you werent the poster who said blood meridian i dont want to be confused with retards like you

>> No.13951429

Still hoping for that book to appear

>> No.13951527

just post it, dont wait for some1 else

>> No.13951576

Drawing the head and hands; A.Loomis

>> No.13951623
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Atlas Shrugged

>> No.13952329

>augustine's confessions
how did it affect your life?

>> No.13952424

The Bible but unironically

>> No.13952581


>> No.13952591

Death of Ivan Ilyich and Stoner

>> No.13952686

read them both but it didnt have that much of an effect to me. good books tho.

>> No.13952724

Ah really? I think I was in the prime mindset for them, I read both of them quite close to the other, so they both played off each other well and that really affected me

>> No.13953070

fuck off nerd

>> No.13953074

The denial of death by E. Becker

>> No.13953087
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>> No.13953246

Soseki - Kokoro
The final line of the Suicide note got me good.
brought me near tears as well.

>> No.13953577

Vol. I

>> No.13953882

Moby Dick, made me a lot more receptive to other people and the world, everyone and everything has at least something of value you can take something from.

>> No.13953964

Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain.

I’m now joining a monastic order next year because of that book.

>> No.13953987
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I love everything I've read by him. God Bless friend.

>> No.13954111

The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald. What better way to understand man than by reading a convoluted abstraction of one man's Diary desu.

>> No.13954396

>Atlas Shrugged
That book has been lingering on my shelf for a month or two now and I keep eyeing it.
I hear people say that book changed their life while others tell me I should burn it and abandon all traces of even associating it... That's usually a good sign that it strikes some kind of cord with some aspect of life.

>> No.13954407

I can't wait to read this one. I have like 3 books I need to get through until I read it. I hope I'll be reading it around Christmas.
I think it's in Slaughterhouse 5 that a characters tells someone that "every answer to life can be found in [The Brothers Karamazov]" or something. Ever since I read that as a teen I've been wanting to read it.

>> No.13954431

.Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and he let out a respectful whistle.
>"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
>"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.

>> No.13954434

the last one i read, and the one before that, and it's been on and on since go dog go

>> No.13954444

White Nights by Dostoevsky and War and Peace by Tolstoy.

>> No.13954447

Catch-22 is great. That Snowden scene though...

Where are the Snowden's of Yesteryear?

>> No.13954500

There, there.

>> No.13954636

Didn't know a book could drop someone's testosterone levels so hard

>> No.13954699

Honestly Joyce's Dubliners, this was way before I read Ulysses. It's an endlessly thematic book that can be peered down into without your gaze ever reaching the bottom, and it utterly shattered my view of literature at that time because it mainly was a book I sought out to read myself and interpret on my own lines and thought at through my own discoveries, thereby having myself imbue it worth a thousand-fold more meaning than anything I was reading for class at the time. I can also quote like half of Araby by memory

>> No.13954736

Decline of the West

>> No.13955208

quads of 19th century russia

>> No.13955326

I’m not going to lie anon, I really want you to post a pic. I’m 6ft and have a fantastic physique that awards me more female attention than you’ve likely ever even dreamt of. I could probably fuck your Mum if I wanted to, in fact you should probably check with her to make sure you’re not actually my son - except I really hope not, I don’t want to have brought such a faggot into the world.

>> No.13955327

That’s actually what spurred me to read it myself! You’ll love it anon.

>> No.13955455

Well reading changed my life and as a teenager i was always playing games and watching television, after awhile the stories those mediums told didn't do it for me anymore as a way to pass time so i started reading some classics old man and sea and those sorts of books but none of them hooked me so i went to reading some light novels and fantasy/sci fi but after getting through alot of them i started finding them shallow and poorly written compared to classics i had read before. One day i came on /lit/ for first the time and i kept seeing the meme trilogy get mentioned and so i was curious to read one of them, reading threads i came to find that GR and Ulysses were not books a beginner should start with, so i bought infinite jest from a local book store and have been an avid reader since.

>> No.13955478

Just finished it this weekend. Great book. Demian had a more significant effect on me, but steppenwolf seems like adult version of that book more or less. Gonna read Siddhartha next.

>> No.13955607

Hesse's best stuff is his later works. Make sure you check out Journey to the East and Narcissus and Goldmund.

>> No.13955790

Journey to the end of the night

>> No.13955798

This post is a joke right?

>> No.13955813

In this amount of pages you can read something that's infinitely more worthy than this piece of shit. You will only like it if you have no fucking idea about philosophy or history or thought in general. I'm halfway through it and I wish I read it when I was 16, it can push you into the right direction but from a broader perspective it's more effective to just read Rand's political writings. And analysing the likes of Stirner and Nietzsche will be better than all of the above.

>> No.13955831

How to win friends and influence people, it was the starting point of a big change in my life.
>inb4 self help is trash

>> No.13955853

Same thing happened to me, was 16 too.

>> No.13955997

The Unabomber manifesto.
Made me drop out of uni and seek a response to what seemed to me the inevitable conclusion of progress and technology.

>> No.13956242

read it in high school too, changed me so much, really felt soul cleansing like you described

>> No.13956246

best comic I have ever read, criminally underrated

>> No.13956320

>nigs were secretly geniuses just like us but didn't have horses
>whites go to africa and domesticate zebras in less than a month, riding them like horses

Really made me think.

>> No.13956335

Which version of the bible is best and which denomination is best for trad life?

>> No.13956524
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Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.
I read it when I was eighteen and it had a profound effect on how I've viewed human civilization and psychology ever since.

>> No.13957063


Out of curiosity, what happened next?
How are you nowadays?

>> No.13957521

I'm in a similar position desu. Couldn't find the purpose to continue working in STEM after reading that.

However I'm still living with my family in the city. I'm unsure what my next steps should be in order to become self sufficient. Might try to get a job on a farm next summer.

>> No.13957551


It was 2 months of subverting everything I thought I’d wanted to achieve. In short, I lost most of my ambition to be successful.

>> No.13958194

This. I started wandering around my neighborhood picking up samples of rocks and plants. Some old man asked me what I was doing, so I told him, "whatever exists without my knowledge exists without my consent." Then I turned and walked back home.

>> No.13958499
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>> No.13958523

My twisted world opened my eyes. I went from r9kpilled to blackpilled. I had even read Houellebecq before that but ER put it all so pathetically.

I spent my last few years of university and my entire life since with an internal monologue that notes how my ugliness results in sub par treatment by others and an all round hard life. It has been like a cloud hanging over me non-stop.

>> No.13958830

Mein Kampf