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1394598 No.1394598 [Reply] [Original]

This is simply a pathetic excuse for a book and I don't understand how the rest of you can defend it so much.

It's one of the worst books in the series and you know it.

Not even trolling

>> No.1394606

Ok, brah.
We have opinions, and I personally respect yours.
Lets hug.

>> No.1394608

shameless self bump

>> No.1394614

I disagree with you, but I respect your opinion.
To each his own.

>> No.1394644

I don't respect your opinion, but fuck it, I understand what you mean! XD

>> No.1394658

I really like Stephen Kings books, but I never really read this one. I started on it, but I just found the idea of the book, the universe it was set in to be uninteresting to me. Perhaps I should give it a second chance though.

>> No.1394681

Get though it. It's like a hill you want to get over to get to the pot of gold.

>> No.1394711

Well keep in mind this was like the first book he wrote while going to college as a youngster. It's kind of underdeveloped and a bit dull.

If you compare it to the other 6 in the series I completely agree that it is the "dullest", but that's just because the rest are *so good*.

>> No.1394748

I just finished the Drawing of the Three (book ii) a few days ago. A buddy of mine got me into the series. I have to agree that it was way more fast-paced and interesting than the first one.

>> No.1394759

Is it opposite day today? I loved The Gunslinger (I read the old version, if that matters), and while I verily enjoyed the rest of the Dark Tower series, I was disappointed that they didn't *feel* the same way Gunslinger did.

But hey, to each their own.

>> No.1394786


I agree. It's the most amateur novel I've ever read and the next two are borderline insane. King was pulling things out of his ass, unlike the wonderful planning and plotting of LOTR/Harry Potter.