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13943260 No.13943260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books besides Submission about Islam in modern Europe?

>> No.13943459

That is really sweet though. The literal dream.

>> No.13943465


I like Houellebecq but Submission is incredibly tame. I wish he went further.

>> No.13943469 [DELETED] 

So the aunt got married as a child, which I assume is customary where she lives, and her husband like any decent man treated her as a child. Am I supposed to disapprove of that tweet?

>> No.13943494

That makes my skin crawl.

>> No.13943503

This was normal in Europe until the industrial revolution. You're just brainwashed by the system that was designed to atomise you and replace family cohesion with cheap consumer products.

>> No.13943516

It makes my peepee hard

>> No.13943536

I just ordered Atomised. I do not think this has anything to do about Islam or Europe, but what the fuck do I know. From everything I have read about him, Houellebecq seems deeper than "bad mudslime, pure europe!" So curiosity got me and I ordered it. Since I am also drunk I also ordered the last three Brautigan books that I have yet to read, The Kalevala, which I keep recommending despite not having read it, and maybe a few other things, not sure, drunk.

I am second gen Finn living in the US, my blood forces me to mention The Kalevala anytime mythology/folklore comes up, it also leaves me helpless in the presence of a certain sort of short and pale girl.

Anyways, tell me about Atomised (Elementry Particles) so I can have something to read while I sit here listening to Liturgy and drink gin.

>> No.13943538

Come home, yellow man

>> No.13943544

It's a porn novel that shits on modern society

>> No.13943551

If he doesn't consummate the marriage until she's of age then what's the problem? Marriages like this tend to work out in the long run and are closer to the natural state of affairs. How we do things now is very artificial in comparison and even today on average husbands are 5 years older than their wives.

>> No.13943560

Based and cunnypilled

>> No.13943562

Why tho? It's not like someone coming along, traumatising a kid in part by lying to them, then dipping and leaving the kid confused.
Is the Western model of courtship particularly healthy?

>> No.13943563

I didn't realise it at the time, but it's semi auto-biographical. This alone makes it worth reading, even though his later work is in my opinion, considerably better.

It follows the lives of two brothers, who were "raised" by a highly dysfunctional hippie mother (Houellebecq's own!). Both are cut off and atomised from society in different ways.

There's a lot of sex but underneath is a much deeper critique of modernity. Some good laughs along the way too.

>> No.13943568

cute and funny

>> No.13943569
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Few more years and then I can return to the land of my people. I am currently shopping for a boat to take me about the world and my plan is to end up in the home of my grand parents, hopefully Finland has a good immigration policy for us Finns that were never given a choice.

>> No.13943572

What do you mean? Surely it's more healthy for a young women to have a dozen casual encounters before adulthood, with men who don't give a shit about her and might leave her pregnant or riddled with STDs, so she has time to fully "explore" and "express" herself before marrying a corporation, to have a "career" until she is too old to have children and dies alone in a house of cats.

>> No.13943574

Based and homeland pilled. Damn that is a nice view.

>> No.13943578

What you listening to? That new track is amazing.

>> No.13943582

I know his mother wrote a book telling her side and threatened to knock his teeth out with her cane if he ever wrote about her again. That is about all I know, and the sex of course, this place is full of people like >>13943544 that reduce everything down to nothing, how could I not know. It seems interesting.

>> No.13943586

The porno parts are just a pleb filter for the critics. Like all of his work, it is a deep novel with genuine insights.

>> No.13943591

It speaks to me, such views always have going back before I even knew what Finland was.

Nah, all I got is Aesthethica, have not been following that scene for awhile now. I love this album, but it has never made me want more, or even consider the possibility of more, it leaves me content.

>> No.13943605

Hang yourself

>> No.13943613

As long as he does better than most that attempt gratuitous sex scenes in novels, I am ok with porno in my lit. Most of the time it leaves me feeling like I just walked in on my parents. Why are most authors so terrible at sex scenes?

On to Ulver.

>> No.13943620

Here we see a drone pleb in the wild, unable to assimilate contradiction in his brainwashing. Lashing out in anger and confusion, he cannot utter a coherent word in defense.

>> No.13943623

Why do Finns have such impeccable taste in music?

>> No.13943624

Can you elaborate on what you object to in particular?

>> No.13943630

We just listen to anything that does not piss off the reindeer, those fuckers are nasty when they are mad.

>> No.13943631


>> No.13943635

Outed myself, Saami Finn.

>> No.13943650

Fuck, man. Fuck.
They will really defeat us in the end, will they?

>> No.13943659

Islam is unironically the only thing that can save the white race. Christianity is far too cucked and one man, one wife will never solve the population crisis when most of the "men" are soi consumers.

>> No.13943667

Mormonism would have been a decent alternative but the modern church seems pretty compromised and has no backbone.

>> No.13943771
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>That makes my skin crawl.

>> No.13943778

I'm literally shaking right now because of that post. W-w-we didn't fight two world wars for this!

>> No.13943816

You have a poorly read understanding of Western Christianity and Islam. Western identity is founded on Christian moral law - the separation of church and state was allowed for by the separation of emperor and Pope. There can be no separation of church and state in Islam where the secular and sacred leader are one and the same. You want to live in a theocracy?

>> No.13943823

>You want to live in a theocracy?

>> No.13943897

I've had the Kalevala for years now and never read it. I am concerned with the quality of it's translation. It's in german and we have far fewer people speaking finnish that could translate it so I fear that every translation will inevitably be inferior to english ones.

>> No.13943901

>what is grooming

>> No.13943903

20 year olds grooming 9 year olds for sexual relationship has never been normal in the west.

>> No.13943906

But it should. When she is old enough to bleed, she is old enough to breed.

>> No.13943909

Not mentally

>> No.13943914

All women are children mentally. They mature faster and peak at adolescence.

>> No.13944001

>If he doesn't consummate the marriage until...
Young wives aren't like magic potions you can choose not to quaff. They're more like scented clouds which you can't help but smell.

>> No.13944008
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>They're more like scented clouds which you can't help but smell.

I want to sniff that 9 booty waifu.

>> No.13944058

I wonder of his teacher's husband used to get off by rubbing his penis between her prepubescent thighs, just like Muhammad did. Muslims like to throw out this red herring of marriage and how other cultures married at young ages as if we're talking about the same thing.

>> No.13944172

>woman explains that she likes the idea of being taken care of, early pair bonding, and a man building affection for a woman
>Western coom brains reduce this to exploitative sex and screech about it

>> No.13944322

No one has posted a single answer to OPs question yet. Well?

>> No.13944440

>grooming is wrong

>> No.13944487

No, it wasn't. Monarchs getting married at very early ages is a purely political function. For example Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon when he was 10 and she was 16, but they would not actually meet each other in person until seven years later (when he was 17 and she was 24). All of these marriages of very young people are like this, albeit some have larger age differences (a king being "married" to his wife when she's 2 but not actually meeting her until she's 22), and were always political. The majority of Europeans did not, and indeed never did, actually engage in mass pre-pubescent sex (which is the entire crux here).

>> No.13944551

What you are describing is a betrothal

>> No.13944654

That's weird. You should check out the latest track it's pretty great.

>> No.13944814
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>> No.13944834

Strange death of Europe
Reflections on the revolution in Europe

>> No.13944841
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>Fuck, man. Fuck.
>They will really defeat us in the end, will they?

>> No.13944851
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>> No.13944876

based Muslims

>> No.13944901


>> No.13944910

kings aren't "normal"

>> No.13944943

And nine year olds do not bleed even in modern society. In medieval Europe the poorer nutrition led to women starting to menstruate a few years later, around 14 to 17 years old.

>> No.13944952
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Lol, make an edit of this.

>> No.13944961

>he really thinks it's poor nutrition and not a hyper sexualised society, GMOs and birth control hormones in the water table

>> No.13944969
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>> No.13944980

Even he is restricted by what French extremely broad hate speech laws allow.

>> No.13944993

>Puberty generally starts earlier for girls, some time between 8 and 13 years of age.


>> No.13945015

Recc me some good cunnypilled books

>> No.13945029

I remember hearing that his critics were all really excited for his mother’s side of the story so they could point to it and go “aha! See how he’s just a misogynist!” but once it actually came out they all kind of begrudgingly admitted she really was just a selfish slut and a terrible mother.

>> No.13945036

Camp of the Saints

>> No.13945042

That's not about Muslims or Islam

>> No.13945079

>brainwashed by the system that was designed to atomise
>brainwashed by the system

>> No.13945642

Read the wiki page on child marriage foo

>> No.13945726

muslims probably
and niggers
and jews
and leftists
and women

>> No.13945744

Iran is waiting for you anon

>> No.13945756

Islam does not suit the national character of Iran. I wish both Westerners and Sand Nigger Semites would shut the fuck up about Iran. Understand Iran's history and unique cultural identity are beyond your capacities as Jew Slaves. Just leave us alone. We chose China over you for a reason.

>> No.13945761

>what is wedding

>> No.13945789

in medieval europe?

>> No.13945800

Iran is a theocracy tho

>> No.13945818

I think you fail to realise that marriage is a institution that was made for that. So a man could get property over a woman, make diplomatic ties with other families and making heirs that would take care of you and even grant you more power with their marriages aswell.
What you explained was the betrothal which is just a stage of marriage.

>> No.13945819

Even if it wasn't, I don't want you to go. Doris Lessing was an example of a European version of ungrateful immigrant in Iran.

>> No.13945883

>Western coom brains reduce this to exploitative sex and screech about it

They can't help it. They've been conditioned since they were a child to have an unhealthy fixation on sex, but be in denial of it. Thus they project it onto everyone with any sort of a different view on sex.

>If you believe in chastity you are sexually repressive
>If you believe in a wife and husband only being intimate with each other you are sexually repressive
>If you believe that an older man courting a young woman so she can become a partner that is actually compatible with him you are a sexual predator

They cannot see past their programming.

>> No.13945892

I certainly won't emigrate to Iran, anon.
I was just advertising Iran as a theocracy to that other anon >>13943823
As an agnostic tourist I'd gladly pay your country a visit tho.

>> No.13945896

No, I don't want you to visit Iran either. I don't like Iranian hospitality, and I do not want to be your friend. Fuck off.

>> No.13945960

I don't give a shit what you want and if I hurt your feelings. Pretty sure I'll get plenty of local cuties around my dick, like it always happen when mighty whitey goes on holiday. Will be hard to tell with these fucking hijabs tho.

>> No.13945970

No, we'll bring back scaphism and chant from the Zend-Avesta as insects swarm and gnaw at your bones, showing you why the Romans and Greeks feared us. Stick with your Arab and Jewish buds. You have more in common with them than us since ancient times. We chose China over you hypocritical bastards for a reason.
It takes a lot to piss us off, but you've finally done it.

>> No.13946013

get a load of this inferiority complex

>> No.13946054

I'll just be wearing a hijab
You'll never get me.
But you may have to stone some of your female relatives to death after I'm done, sadly.
But that would be God's will, right?

>> No.13946079

friendly banter, anon

>> No.13946083

Our hatred for you transcends Islam now. Iranian culture is not reducible to Islam. Read a book.

>> No.13946086

Lol that's just called grooming here in the first world

>> No.13946099

It's not friendly from me anymore. You are beyond the forgiveness of Buddha, Zarathustra, Jesus, and any other saint. You are too Faustian for your own good and glorify ignorance. We do not want to be your friend anymore. You have not treated us respect, and we chose China over you which will signal the downfall of your civilization. If you had treated us with more respect, there would been no shitstorm will ultimately amount to your fall. Do not underestimate us. We can destroy Israel, large swathes of West (with China), and much more. You made us do this, and it is a hatred motivated not by Islam but ancient hostilities. Consider it revenge for Heraclius' great betrayal.

>> No.13946101

Best of luck with China!

>> No.13946102

do you guys just hate all white people or is an America thing

>> No.13946109


>> No.13946112

All of Europe has been Americanized in the past few decades, and Europe has no true independence from America. Older generations of Europeans were better. Also, we were a part of the Axis powers, and Hitler was a good man.
Thank you.

>> No.13946117

they probably hate everything and everybody
poor goatfuckers :(

>> No.13946126

>Also, we were a part of the Axis powers, and Hitler was a good man.

>> No.13946137

how long until you inevitably get caught by the religious police for posting on a chinese cartoon website?

>> No.13946149

hey guys stop bullying the poor iranian, if your country was an islamic shithole you'd be upset too

>> No.13946157

I had relatives in SUMKA, and I genuinely believe Hitler was a good man. Both Europe and MidEast would have been more stable if Hitler won WWII. Churchill was a detestable bastard, and I prefer if Mosley had gained power in UK.
I descend from Safavid nobility, and my family was protected during both Shah and post-IRI era.

>> No.13946168

Iran is a military state, it's operating under the pretense of Islam, which is a good thing. Even Rick Steves' noticed this to a small extent. You should prostrate before me and kiss the ground before my feet. I have noble blood and actually had ancestors that spoke to European nobility. What did you have, huh? You descend from an interminable line of peasants and should know your place when speaking to aristocrats like myself.

>> No.13946182

>we wuz kingz n shit

>> No.13946192

"we wuz kingz n shit" is an insult typically used against those who have no genetic ties to their claims. For example, AFRAMs claim to have strong genetic ties to Ancient Egyptians but modern population genetics proves them wrong. Ancient Egyptians were some kind of Levantine/Greek mix.

>> No.13946197

>who have no genetic ties to their claims.
who have no provable genetic ties to claimed empires*

>> No.13946203

woman: Awww an adult in love with a child thats cute bro nothing wrong it! :)

>> No.13946205

This. Sadly, the greatness of the Persian culture, as well as the unfortunate situation of Iran today, makes empty nationalism very alluring. I hope this anon can get past it eventually.

>> No.13946209


>> No.13946217

The unfortunate situation is entirely the fault of the modern* West and Israel. We are starting to get back at you though.

>> No.13946223

well, don't you have an awesome persian speaking aristocrat forum where you can fuck off?
speaking english is truly beneath you

>> No.13946230

i don't care how the insult is typically used, and i don't care about your shit ancestors. the only reason you hype up past alleged glory days is because your present is garbage, as is always the case with people like you. only people who feel small try to puff themselves up to seem big; small dogs always barks the most.

>> No.13946242

The words paradise, magic, and check have Persian origin. You were meant to be Zoroastrian, not Christian. Zarathustra's message was meant for people of the steppe. Heraclius betrayed us by siding with Muslims, and now you are doing the same thing again. It's all because you worship the blackness of ambition rather than the light of tranquility, at least in modern times. Wilhelm II would agree with me.

>> No.13946246


>> No.13946249

We are on the precipice of WWIII, all because of your arrogance and inability to engage in self-criticism. You have to resort to pointing fingers rather than looking inward. In ancient times, Heraclius also sided with Muslims against us, and you are doing the same thing again. You were never our friends and will never be. We need to accept this and give up with winning your approval. We'll use poison against poison if need be.

>> No.13946252

Marrying a child that you will groom is pedophilia you fucking retards.

fuck you jannies

>> No.13946258

>Heraclius also sided with Muslims

>> No.13946264

Do you want me to source the evidence and elaborate further?

>> No.13946271

The Christian Byzantines betrayed Iran after the initial raids of the Umari caliphate and the treason of the Lakhmids had left it weakened, and tried to cut a deal with the Arabs at the battle of Qadissiya. Fellow “people of the book” you know...

Heraclius promised to aid the Iranian armies of Shahanshah Yazdgerd III in the defense against the Arabs, but the promise was made in bad faith, as he bailed on Yazdgerd at Qadissiya and never sent the promised troops... the Byzantine emperor trusted the Arabs and thought he could cut a deal with them to carve up “pagan” Iran between the two of them as fellow Abrahamic religions.

That didn’t work out so well for him and for Europe, did it?

And now western governments blame Iranian civilians for what Arab terrorists do, while at the same time being best buddies with Saudi Arabia, the global state sponsor of wahhabi jihad. Again, shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.13946312

Safavids were Turk. Nobody says it out loud but Iranians are second-class muslims, you're all just ticking apostasy timebombs. I have not encountered one truly devout Iranian muslim.

>> No.13946316

what about eastern orthodox?

>> No.13946317

Safavids were not Turks. They were like Tat-Kurd mixes. They were mainly of Tat origin.

>> No.13946329


To be fair, Heraclius didn't have much reason to side with Persia, historically speaking.

I agree with you about the hypocrisy surrounding the West's (especially America's) involvement in the Middle East, though. It's astounding to me that so many people still view Iran as the great enemy. How do we open their eyes?

>> No.13946332

>I have not encountered one truly devout Iranian muslim.
Based. Can't wait until both Mecca and Jerusalem are nuked and replaced with Fire Temples.

>> No.13946334

based iranian nazi poster

>> No.13946338

No. The Ottoman Empire had to resort to propaganda to keep the yörük Turks from migrating to their Alevi shah. Sah Hatayi was a Turk, so were his ancestors and lineage. They were of the Özbek-Turks.

>> No.13946348

I don't see how you could get back at me since I'm from a similar background as you are (minus the nobility part). What I see, however, is that you are consumed by empty nationalism. Since I've been in a similar position as you are now, I tell you this: Instead of taking pride in your forefathers' greatness, strive toward it yourself. Boasting about our culture on a Japanese cartoon forum will only embarrass your fellow countrymen.

>> No.13946351

>It's in german and we have far fewer people speaking finnish that could translate it
Germans have the oddest mentality. You only need one person to translate it and they do not need to be German or live in Germany, plenty of Finns in Finland speak German and there are even people who live in other countries that speak both. I have known and enjoyed many Germans over the years, but you always always make my head hurt.

OP was not asking a question, OP was baiting for exactly what eventually happened

>That's weird
There is a seemingly infinite amount of music in this world. I have finite time and my focus is more upon my own music than that of others. I take what happens to come my way for the most part and call it good. I will check out the new track.

You can find critics that fill that exact same role for just about every successful person out there, I mean they are critics after all, if they do not admit their errors and biases when they are forced too, they end up making minimum wage working for some trash rag that OP reads.

>> No.13946354

All Abrahamic filth must be annihilated.
I looked at the genealogy and they were largely of Tat origin.
By converting to Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, or Greek philosophical traditions like Pythagoreanism or whatever. We must annihilate Mecca and Jerusalem and usher a new age. Those who refuse to abandon Abrahamic religions must be slaughtered. Replace Mecca and Jerusalem with Fire Temples, Greek centers of learning, and more. Down with all Abrahamic filth.

>> No.13946362

The Sassanian-Byzantine wars never ended. It is a war between Aryan vs. Abrahamic filth.

>> No.13946374

>All Abrahamic filth must be annihilated.
People like Rumi, Sohrevardi, Mulla Sadra, among others, found value in this "abrahamic filth." Do you suggest their works must be also be annihilated?

>> No.13946384

Then go back to rebbit, you fucking nerd.

>> No.13946389

Yes. However, Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi was a crypto-Zoroastrian, so his stuff should not be eradicated. Safavids were stupid for destroying the Paduspanids, the last bloodline of Sassanids in Tabaristan.

>> No.13946404

So many pedos in this thread, nasty. This is a literature board, saged

>> No.13946419

Sohrevardi believed he had synthesized this "abrahamic filth" with Zarathustra's teachings. Mulla Sadra also followed him in this. Similar themes, albeit implicitly, can be seen in poets' works, such as Rumi. They were very found of Islam and particularly liked the Quran and Mohammad's persona.

>> No.13946423

very fond*

>> No.13946437
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>> No.13946465

They were all filth. All Abrahamic traditions are filth. There is nothing beautiful in them especially compared to the divine Gathas, and all of their literature, cultural artifacts, and much more should be destroyed/burned. Pre-Arabhamic Persian, Greek, Germanic, and etc. were all better; there are literal Christians in America that worship Jerusalem and brainwashed Iranians who kneel towards that infernal black stone in Mecca. All of it should be eradicated, gone; the Internet should also remove all traces of everything Abrahamic via a powerful computer AI, and Jews should be ended as a race, all traces of their existence removed and forgotten. If I had my way, you would kneel either towards the divine fire or Buddha statue, and if you refused, I would end your life without regret. In fact, I would end my own father's life without regret, not a tear would be shed or a single nightmare. He owns a 500+ year old Koran that I will gleefully burn when he is gone.

You are all disgusting fools. Zarathustra's message was meant for all Indo-European speaking that descended from the steppes. You betrayed us by picking the Semites over us.

You cannot be Christian & European. You cannot be Muslim & Iranian.
You all disgust me with your Abrahamic filth. I will never forget the Sassanids and the sacrifice of our glorious mobed and soldiers.

>> No.13946493

>If I had my way
In that case, anon, I'm glad that you don't.

>> No.13946506

It's not the best traditions that survive but normally the best ones die. The masses are insipid like you.

>> No.13946556

Someday guys.

>> No.13946564

Revive it.

>> No.13946596

I have a huge artistic-philosophical project that is based on doing that. Do you know any literary agents, which you can give me a referral to?

>> No.13946604
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how can islam save the west when islam can't even save islamic countries

>> No.13946612

What's the project? You can find literary agents online... or market it yourself... i'm not a marketer...

>> No.13946629

I don't want to be plagiarized. Regardless, agents are less likely to accept queries without a referral. Moreover, the literary industry is a mess thanks to Jews and SJW women who want inclusive diversity in everything.

>> No.13946656

What is your project? I don't think you posess ancient wisdom because you seem like someone who is more interested in complaining than solving problems.

>> No.13946658

My brother!
t. second-gen Finn living in the US who recommends both Atomised and the Kalevala

>> No.13946673 [DELETED] 

I do possess ancient wisdom, scriptures, and had a decent following for a couple of months, but I took it down after I had an antisemitic outburst and couldn't handle the stress of the modern literary industry. I have a decent webcomic I am using now to gain social media presence (~5000 followers) with hopes of getting my picture books, weird fiction, and philoisophy out there. If you read a lot of weird fiction, you could figure out who I am, but I am glad you don't, haha.

>> No.13946687

Islamic countries have their problems but feminism and liberalism are not among them

>> No.13946713
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>> No.13946724

No I'm not a child but I do search for an ancient metaphilosophy so I'm always looking to read esoteric lit...... stop having antisemitic outbursts....its not going to do anything for you

>> No.13946742

If you don't know any literary agents, then I don't see the point of continuing this correspondence. I have a very great and unique lebensphilosophie, and I am pushing hard to achieve my goals.

>> No.13946758

You're the one who started pushing the 'literary agents' shit onto me. Even if I did, why would I help you? I don't care about your web comic. You don't work hard.

>> No.13946760

poverty, crippling lack of education, no developed industries, terrible infrastructure, etc. on the other hand...

>> No.13946770

>Even if I did, why would I help you?
Because we are both Iranians, and Iranians should be a little bit helpful to one another. Look at how much Jews stand up for one another versus Iranians. You don't even know the merit of my own works, and pretty much everyone I have personally shared my works with have praised them.
>You don't work hard.
Presumptuous faggot. I don't want to say too much because I will be doxed.

>> No.13946773


>> No.13946792

I'm not Iranian. Just a fan of the ancients. I would help you if I knew your philosophy and it was similiar to mine.

>> No.13946806

I did write a couple of scriptures, which pleased many people, but I am starting to modify the views due to some issues I saw in them.
You claimed you were from a similar background.
All I'm asking is for a referral to a literary agent. My email is sraoshaincarnate@gmail.com

>> No.13946819

>We are on the precipice of WWIII,
A few well place nukes, and you and your country will be toast.

>> No.13946828

Go ahead and try, you fucking Saudi-Jew slave.

>> No.13946847

man, not many people want to read scriptures. I thought you were into perrenial philosophy or something along the likes. if you want a literary agent you have to go out in person and do that, its not gonna happen online

>> No.13946849

Well, it is a kind of perennial philosophy to be honest but approached from a different angle.
Referrals can help with landing a literary agent. Do you have any referrals to give or not?

>> No.13946861

Unfortunately even if I did I wouldn't help you because of the way you are addressing me. Comes off as strange and rude because I already replied I'm not into business collaboration with you but just seeing what you are about

>> No.13946883

And I'm not interested in telling you what I'm on about when it's obvious you wouldn't help me out. I'm not interested in winning your acceptance, which I could easily do. I am too bitter, and I genuinely hope you die in some kind of excruciating accident. Go eat shit in hell for being such a rude, presumptuous piece of shit. People who judge the artistic value of works they have never seen can go straight to hell.

>> No.13946897

Lol I'm probably on your side. Seems like you're frustrated you can't make it.

>> No.13946905

My works are pretty good as most of my acquaintances admitted, but the picture book industry is present dominated with demand for works that encourage inclusive diversity.
I used to write horror fiction, one short story being published in a reputable literary journal, but I am presently focusing on picture books for a number of reasons. One dummy manuscript is completely finished and illustrated, and I have completed the text of two more.

>> No.13946908

I'm the Iranian anon that earlier replied to you. I'm skeptical about your project, as I don't see how one who renounces the cultural tradition that he is from and says the divine words of Rumi are filth could produce a genuine work of art or philosophy. Though you are free to post samples.

>> No.13946916

Thanks veljeni!
Rather excited about the Kalevala and the Brautigan, mostly just curious about Atomised, but that curiosity keeps growing despite threads like these.

>> No.13946922

I am relatively tired, ignore typos.
>free to post samples
That would ruin my chances of ever finding an agent. The only time I ever give samples is within my query letter to agents. I'm not retarded enough to be doxed. Do all of you edgelords think you can take advantage of me?

>> No.13946940

The dualist horror iraian writer.

>> No.13946954

Most of the Gulf states are doing very well. So would all of the Levant and Libya and Iraq if the west and Israel didn't keep destabilizing states.

>> No.13946987

>Most of the Gulf states are doing very well
wait til the oil runs out

>> No.13947202

Qatar has invested most of their money domestically including in alternative fuel sources. Saud invested most of theirs in buying up American companies. So they'll have pretty good revenue regardless

>> No.13947431


>> No.13947524

anon you sound like my crazy mom who's brainwashed herself into thinking all the problems in iran are due to islam, as opposed to the generally fucked up social life that defines most 3rd world countries
>doing well
1. as iran's relations with the west eventually normalize (if you think 40 years of history defines a 2500 year old civilization, you're dumb), the gulf states will become irrelevant
2. if you think a community of playboys who literally import their entire labour pool - skilled and unskilled - is sustainable, you're delusional

>> No.13947547

good thing that money will be useless in the upcoming hyper recession then

>> No.13947617

In the event of a global Zimbabwe they would definitely be the best off

>> No.13947643

Islam is not the real threat. They're just gonna get grinded down the same way we did.

>> No.13947668


>> No.13948044

You know what he said, slack jaw