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1394034 No.1394034 [Reply] [Original]

The measure of souls.

When one offers their soul to Satan they may only bargain for something of equal or lesser value. One falling from virtue to sin is of greater value in soul than one who is corrupt bartering for further indulgence in heresy.

I'm thinking of writing a gothic tale about a man who is pious and sweet who turns ultimately sinful. He turns this way as he marries a beautiful young woman who he loves with all his heart in a typical gothic fashion but finds out she has cheated on him with one of his rivals/friends/family (undecided). The cuckolded man is an apprentice tailor and tanner who sells his soul to the devil for mastermanship of his craft and the menas to kill this man and those he loves in vegeance. When he finally kills the man who cuckolded him he keeps it hidden and skins the man to make leather gloves for his wife. The Wife loves him even more so at the reception of the gift but at a party which the man holds for his wife on their anniversary he confesses to his sins before all the party goers and family to their obvious horror. Your thoughts?

>> No.1394039

are you gonna upload it for us or will we be forced to pay $7.99 for it?

>> No.1394046


Not a clue, I was just wondering if you thought it would be a good story really.

>> No.1394052

I'd read it, IDK how much weight you'd want to give my opinion though

>> No.1394065

Leave the devil out of it. Include negroes. It's the twenty-first century.

>> No.1394079

It'd be set around the 16th-18th century.

>> No.1394086


16th to 18th century? That's not sounding too good. The world was completely different in 1700 and 1900. Unless you're willing to become an expert in a very specific period of time and the culture, technology, politics, religion etc. of that time, the story's going to feel much more authentic if you set it in the modern day.

If you insist on setting it in the past, make a very specific choice about when and where it will be set.

>> No.1394096

Stopped after first 5 words.

> When one offers their soul
>> one = singular
>> their = plural
>>> pronoun/antecedent disagreement
>>>> go back to middle school before you attempt to write something

>> No.1394100

Aye, I know that much but consider Dracula, Frankenstein and Dr. Faustus - all are set in ealier time periods that don't exclusively mention the cultures of the time all throughout the novel. The focus will be on the gothic theme paired with revenge. Ultimately this is a story of a fall from grace, not a history piece. I understand what you are saying though, I'm undecided on time periods so modern day would fit also.

>> No.1394106

Don't really care if the grammar or syntax is off, It's going to be a person piece, not something I'm taking to a publisher. Feedback on my idea, not my writing style.

>> No.1394125
File: 110 KB, 494x720, 40582_1430782133910_1363560204_31121114_4528328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing to do with style. This has everything to do with the fact that you do not know how to express ideas.

>> No.1394130



This has to do with epeen.

Fucking grammar Nazis filling the board with hot air because they have no ideas of their own to share

>> No.1394136

I'll be writing it in the form of a play anyway seeing as I'm an aspiring Director/Writer. Doesn't bother me much that you're not amazed by my writing style or expression, my grades speak for themselves. And once again, this is a personal piece. I don't care if it's terribly written, it's the idea that is important.

>> No.1394137

Same as with "you", right? Oh, wait.

>> No.1394146

I do have to question: where's the point of real interest and originality in the story?

The gloves idea isn't horrific enough to capture the attention of the audience on its own. A modern audience doesn't value goodness and piety enough to care deeply about the fact that this man succumbs to temptation, either. Needs another element of character or incident to make it unique, imo.

Perhaps if the Devil actually appears on screen and has an interesting character... .

>> No.1394161

That is a really good point actually. It'd be a theatre piece not film. I was thinking of not actually having satan appear but an agent of his so to speak who watches over the protagonist reminding him that his soul will be given to the devil in X amount of time. It'd be a Brechtian style of theatre with absurdist styles implicated when the agent of the devil appears.
Good feedback though, I appreciate it.

>> No.1394164

>When one offers their soul to Satan they may only bargain for something of equal or lesser value.

>Fullmetal Alchemist

Weeaboo detected.

>> No.1394167

Haha, nah. I'm not a fan of anime however I am wondering how you would draw comparison between a an anime and an idea of mine without actually being a fan of anime yourself? I've only ever heard of that anime.

>> No.1394223

It sounds like the story is trying to do too much. He sells his soul to the devil for mastery of his craft after his wife cheats on him? So that he can get some sort of bizarre revenge? Why wouldn't he just sell his soul to the devil for revenge itself? Also, after selling his soul, would he care anymore about his wife cheating on him? Can you love without a soul, and can you be jealous without love? Some things to think about.

>> No.1394228


Haha, no. The alternative, "his or her," is generally considered too cumbersome, and thus using a plural possessive for a non-specific singular subject is acceptable.

>> No.1394234

I have considered this part, he wants the revenge against them both who have wronged him and he asks for the means to bring about their suffering first hand so he may have the personal satisfaction of hurting them as they hurt him. As for the soul and love thing, he's putting on a facade that he still loves his wife and it'll be left to interpretation as to whether he still does or does love her even though he acts so maliciously.

>> No.1394246

>16th to 18th century
>1700 and 1900

Motherfucker, you know how centuries work?

>> No.1396418

Oh, the thread's still up. Splendid.