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13938553 No.13938553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your ideology? What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?

>> No.13938990

i do not know that i do not know

-the book of disquiet

>> No.13939010

>What's your ideology?
>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
a lot of Marx

>> No.13939026

Islam isn't really an ideology but cosmic fine tuning convinces me

>> No.13939029
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Card carrying democract.
What convinced me? The orange piece of shit in office.

>> No.13939033

The Bible

>> No.13939042
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>What's your ideology?
Pancreativism / Space Taoism
>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
These books are the main sources of inspiration. Key references not shown: "The Mindful Way Workbook" by Teasdale et al, and "I am a Strange Loop" by Hofstadter.
Also it isn't about being "correct," it's a speculative scheme to immanentize the eschaton.

>> No.13939049

Spotted Kauffman, nice

>> No.13939135
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>What's your ideology?
>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
My father asked me to define "science" and then explained falsifiability to me as a child. But it's irrelevant to me whether or not I'm correct. Empiricism is the winnowing blade that allows me to separate my hallucinations and paranoid delusions from "reality", through testing it.

>> No.13939148

Imagine being an absolute empiricist for 19 years and STILL delusional and crazy.
That be my life. All the scientific skepticism in the world can't save me from my madness.

>> No.13939153

Libertarian with fascist sympathies.
Paying taxes is soul crushing, but the more I learn about history and the more I see our current situation I understand why Nazi germany happened

>> No.13939155
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>I'm an empiricist because my father was one
You were born into empiricism like someone is born into religion.

>> No.13939156

I guess that truly is my ideology: trying to be as crazy as possible by being as sane as possible.

>> No.13939174

>Libertarian with fascist sympathies.
Hey look, the rare honest Libertarian.

>> No.13939194
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I've been at it a decade longer than you have, then. Cheer up and try performing some rituals. The demons may not actually exist, but they can still be banished if you fuck around creatively with your own brain's placebo effect(s).

>> No.13939225
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>Philosophical Pessimism
>Schopenhauer, Mainlander, Cioran,

>> No.13939251
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<3 <3 <3
My cheer is inexhaustible!
You have no idea how truly crazy I am.
For example: on October 1st I performed a Discordian ritual to immanentize the Eshaton by catalyzing a memetic singularity.

>> No.13939276
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>The demons may not actually exist
But they do tho

>> No.13939413

I mean, we live in a society after all

>> No.13939445
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Destructive disorder is really a low level of engagement with chaos. Co-creative order and disorder is where it's at. This is also known as love in the most general and vague sense of the word.

>> No.13939466

Folk Christianity. It's the mixture of Christianity and local pagan customs. I discovered that Christianity works quite well when tempered by paganism. I therefore speak my blessings, to Wod, Lok and God

>> No.13939565
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everybody is retarded and the only way to save the world is if the entirety of the human species allows me to lead them to greatness for I am your only salvation
a lot of comics featuring lex luthor

>> No.13939576

>What’s your ideology
Hating women and minorities

>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion it is correct.

>> No.13939677
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>if you fuck around creatively with your own brain's placebo effect(s).

I'm into self-fulfilling prophecies, placebo effects, and hyperstition to a ridiculous degree.

This includes what I call "perception bending" which is creating a feedback loop between anticipation and perception to create self-induced hallucinations: https://pastebin.com/vHKeTau2

My model of these practices as wholly psychological only increased my ability to explore them further and to immerse myself in the world of my imagination. This is probably what led to my massive self-organizing bipolar disorder. I guess that's my true ideology: I'm bipolar as all hell (Every psych I've seen has diagnosed me as such without question) and that's a good thing if you can find the necessary conditions of balance.

>> No.13939679
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>> No.13939683

Holy shit read Peirce you coward. Seriously tell me that you have read Peirce. how you going to let Deacon's work influence your philosophy without reading Peirce, like wtf?

>> No.13939697

I'm aware of him, and have skimmed some of his work. I haven't felt inspired to read him yet, perhaps I will in the future. I only read books that romance me enough to compel me to read them. Speaking of which, throwing books at people like you just did isn't a good way to inspire people to read :^)

>> No.13939703

This is how you do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9nFs2PeWw0

>> No.13939732

many such cases!

>> No.13939740
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>Folk Christianity
Mein bruder.

>> No.13939741

It's a horror to see someone read the same things I read and have a similar ideology without reading my main influence. You will like Peirce. Since you have already read Deacon Kauffman and Dawkins you could take the biosemiotics pipeline to Peirce. What did you read? For you, I recommend starting with the semieotic and evolutionary cosmology and not with pragmatism.

>> No.13939804

Reading Dawkins in 2001 in college was what inspired this weird memetic engineering project I've been compelled to work on ever since. It led to a model of experiential evolution that I found precise correspondences with in the work of Alfred North Whitehead who blew my mind unlike any of the mind-blowers I've sought out over the years in my quest for ever more intense mindgasms and self-creativity.
From what I've skimmed of Pierce, it's just stuff I already understand and use. So far he hasn't shown that he can offer significant novelty to myself to warrant reading.

Memetic engineering is actually an art of self-engineering. Its most direct and useful application is to augment one's own creative ability. Memetics has nothing to do with convincing dullards to vote for dullards, or any similar uncreative nonsense.

>> No.13939824
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>maximum entropy at the big bang
>infinite singularity
>set theory
>NONmany-worlds quantum mechanics

>> No.13939834
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You'll probably love this video: https://vimeo.com/265524091
It features Carl Sagan and Nietzsche performing a fusion dance to become Richard Dawkins.

>> No.13940035

Frankly, you 100% don't understand or use what Charles "signs are living things" Peirce has to offer you if you are still calling semiotics "memetics". I hate to be rude because it's obviously sentimental, but semiotics is much more exspansive. Deacon wrote a good paper along these lines https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://theterrydeaconaffair.com/Deacon-Meme.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiE1vTg7YXlAhVHY6wKHXk7BgIQFjAKegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1pNA5J0Z7OYBDL3e8VTVcU
You shouldn't be confining yourself into a Dawkins brainfart that is pretty much dead as a field of inquiry. If you still believe selfish Gene theory, read the first Peirce series in The Monist that cumulates in 'Evolutionary Love'.
I understand your mind blow addiction, Peirce made me cum way harder than Whitehead. Peirce takes time, just trust me. Everyone is doing Peirce.

>> No.13940071

Ideology is a pejorative. You don't proclaim that you follow an ideology.

>> No.13940083

There is no answer because the questions themselves are wrong. It's us that invented the questions we ask; we didn't discover them innate to existence. In other words, existence is not obligated to make any sense given we are the ones who created "sense".
Zhuangzi, also Max Spermer

>> No.13940089

Anarcho-Fascism is the final redpill

>> No.13940147
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>Frankly, you 100% don't understand or use what Charles "signs are living things
Yeah I do >>13939276 Check out the other videos too. I feel inspired today to make a final video as well, which I wasn't expecting, but it truly is the best follow-up to the freakshow of "Meet Aminom."
>Everyone is doing Peirce.
I do Eris, and am very good at it <3

>> No.13940172

>tfw something approaching unironic anarcho-fascist
It's actually more like illegalist-legalist, as in Stirnirite anarchism x Shang Yang and the Big Dick Gang
I basically think both extremes are right, but anything in the middle is milksop delusion. Fashies are deluded milksops btw.

>> No.13940173
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When you begin to question your questions things get really different.
>Not worshiping the question mark as a holy symbol.

>> No.13940174

I want to live in a society free from class distinctions and wealth accumulation, the thought of everyone being completely free from financial constraints and simply pursuing their purpose on life with nothing to chain them is how I believe the world should be like, unfortunately I have no ideology that would help me get there considering the complete failure of every single communist attempt in the last century.

>> No.13940191
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>What's your ideology


>What did you read

Nothing. I merely reflected on how horrific the implications of existence are and I also realized that the greatest divinity must be that which can apprehend everything as nothing.

>> No.13940268

>I want to live in a society
never gonna make it

>> No.13940337

with that logic shouldn't you just kill yourself then

>> No.13941200
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That's implied in
>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's right?

>> No.13941231

100% based and correct. So glad to see someone else here who gets it.

>> No.13941546

I'm vaguely left-wing, life experiences made me that way

>> No.13941968

Badass pic

>> No.13942013

kindergarten shit

>> No.13942122

Whenever I feel grim, I read Moby Dick. I never forget the dreams of my youth. I fight against the nihilistic forces in the world. I’m a polytheist who finds value in all the worlds gods. I stoke the fire inside of those around me. I believe our fundamental purpose is to create.

>> No.13942128

The Categorical Imperative
Immanuel Kant

>> No.13942326

Here's the final video: https://vimeo.com/364552986

>> No.13942333

This should be conclusive proof that I am indeed a cringe elemental.

>> No.13942337

Mostly just belligerent rebellion against everything, and about 200 random books, respectively.

>> No.13942342

Unironically based.

>> No.13942395

contact seems like a great film

>> No.13942403

You are not cringe, I envy you. I'm.m..m me I cant do anything

>> No.13942408

grade school. it's pretty easy to see that existence is suffering.

>> No.13942409
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>> No.13942423
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>> No.13942426

and yet you replied

>> No.13942440

FYI I did not mean to type that out like this, ut-oh me phone on the auto-"suggestion' and I don't make, word is bond

>> No.13942468

Is ideology really something you possess, or is it something that possesses you? This is the distinction made between both Zizek and Dostoevsky. What we believe is our ideology does not always show what is our ideology, because in the end we are contained in an ideology, a social grid of belief. How often then is it possible to both walk it and talk it, without exposing a weak point, a contradiction, a self-delusion?

"Men never do evil...as when they do so from a religious conviction" as Pascal put it, is just another way of saying from the post potent ideological conviction. "If God exists, nothing is permitted." Contrasts with "If the Desired exists, everything is permitted." Indeed, extremist ideologies often bleed into religious fanaticism, belief in the desired becomes a larger force than the individual agency or thinking about the subject. That which motivates captures us, tracks us along within its tendrils, and what we believe betrays our actions.

>> No.13942477

>"If God exists, nothing is permitted."
If God doesn't exist etc...

>> No.13942493

I am a faggot. I read OPs post and the gay rubbed off on me.

>> No.13942578

Traditionalism, Guenon and Coomaraswamy

>> No.13942880

I don't know, haha!

I've read a handful of random things

>> No.13943474

Haha faggot

>> No.13943479

Everytime I choose ideology and find holes in it and after some time I modify it so much I leave it. I only have prefered ideas not ideology.

>> No.13943482

The Dao that can be named is not the Dao. I don't follow ideology, I follow nature. Ideology is man-made delusion.

>> No.13943493

effective altruism
Give only when your donation matters, i.e. not giving a bum £20 when you can buy 10 mosquito nets for that.

>> No.13943506

Agnosticism. Most likely everything I have read has contributed to my beliefs, not of it has deluded me into thinking it or myself is correct.

>> No.13943508

>not of it
*NONE of it

Fucking on the fence phone poster. Maybe.

>> No.13943514
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>The Dao that can be named is not the Dao
>The Dao that cannot be named

>> No.13943520
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>What's your ideology?
Determinism, egoism, and some quasi-mysticism.
What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
My diary desu.

>> No.13943545

I am a mix between a social democrat and a market socialist and I know I'm right because no one has been successfully able to argue me.

>> No.13944029

Nazisboos are absolutely delusional. Nothing of this is true.

>> No.13944275

I like reading philosophy of history because i think it's important to understand the spirit of the past and the present, and what the spirit of the future will be. So i don't subscribe to any ideal of how things should be, I'm only concerned with how things are now and how they will be in the future.

>> No.13944297
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>> No.13944318

The details of my ideology are quite inconsequential, where do I begin? I started with some books on psychology, eventually moving on to evolutionary psychology. From that point I believed the human animal to be rather... irrational. I came across philosopher John Gray, a pessimist who claimed belief in progression is equal to the belief in salvation in Christianity. I stumbled upon Nassim Taleb and his book Antifragile has been one of my favourite books ever since. I also read Emma Marris and Stuart Kauffman.

>> No.13944340
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>> No.13944348

>none of this is true
>source: dude trust me

>> No.13944456
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>he thinks he doesnt have an ideology

>> No.13944458
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>> No.13944738


>> No.13944759

>socially conservative commie
>Reading enough anarchist literature to know that shits definitely not correct

>> No.13944855

>What's your ideology?
>What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
i made it up

>> No.13945022

Economic calculation problem

>> No.13945440

>What's your ideology?
Social Darwinism
> What did you read to come to the retarded conclusion that it's correct?
Rurouni Kenshin

>> No.13945455

Some darwinist ubermensch fantasy about how life is an eternal struggle and by overcoming the struggle we will become Gods. The goal of all actions is to develop advance trans humanist technologies to transcend. Gods wrath is just because by following his will we will be saved.

>> No.13945476

Data miners can fuck off. Read the first sentence again.

>> No.13945564

Market Socialism is the answer to the economic calculation problem you retard

>> No.13945640
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>> No.13946899
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>implying you're important enough for dataminers to care about you in the first place
Take your meds bro. You're a nobody and I'm reaching out to you as a fellow nobody so we can have a little nobody dance about absolutely nothing on our nobody image board. Yet you rudely refuse my offer, and exaggregate your self-importance, as if you are above my gift of fellowship. Go somewhere and do something if you wish to be something. I do not wish to speak to you further.

>> No.13946911
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Do elaborate. I have a socialism defense mechanism which might've gone off there.

>> No.13946947

Maybe you should start reading Unqualified Reservations

>> No.13947175

>It is the great task of the connoisseur of history to understand the facts of his time and out of them to sense the future, to indicate, to sketch out that which will come, whether we desire it or not.
Just one example is the decline of the nation state and the imperium mundi that must be formed in the resulting vacuum. This is the direction Western civilization, and the rest of the world as a result, is moving. The EU and US are two quasi universal states (Toynbee term), but there can only be one universal state in the end, hence the name. Leopold von Ranke thought the system of great powers would last forever, but it gave way to a system of one superpower and several major powers, and we know from the philosophy of history that every time this has happened in other civilizations it always ends in one power gobbling up all the rest; the universal state. We mustn't be von Rankeans, who think the current system will last forever.

>> No.13947514
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>What's your ideology?

i don´t have one, ideology is the slavery of the mind

>> No.13947527

This. I am beginning to believe that its the logical conclusion of a libertarian because there are forces in this world that will never let a libertarian society thrive

>> No.13947535
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>this image
how do you guys think people 1000 years from now will view images like this if they ever get the chance?

>> No.13947541


>> No.13947775

Is this polarizing between allowing this position and disregarding it easy?

>> No.13948250
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I am a goddamned cringe elemental! I am a brainwashed super slut sex slave of the Illuminati. I am immune to rape sexual, psychological, or emotional, because I want all of it from whoever wants to give it to me. I am the ultimate willful slave, I do not want to influence the world but to be influenced by the world, a melting pot of experiential DNA.

I am the most degenerated and perverted human being who has ever lived! And that's a good thing.

>> No.13948275

take it easy tranny

>> No.13948281
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I'm on every level of sexual liberation possible, and many that are not. Get on my level, prude ^^

>> No.13948292
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don´t hurt yourself anon

>> No.13948324
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politically Republican (not US, like Roman Republicanism) but honestly don't care too much, religiously Catholic, and philosophically inclinded to Jünger's Anarch
Discourses on Livy, Roman Republican myths and history, St. Augustine's Confessions, Eumeswil, All Things Are Possible, Pensees

>> No.13948898

Why would I? Also I very, very rarely drink, such that 1 beer is enough to make me tipsy. This picture is from last year.

>> No.13949077
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Here's my ideology if you want to call it that.

John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

>> No.13949111

Economic calculation problem has to do with the inefficiency of central planning not markets.

>> No.13949149
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That isn't an ideology, it's complete mental retardation. I mean you must LITERALLY be retarded.

>> No.13949365

i tend to be pro-aristocracy, pro-fascism, pro-nationalism, anti-capitalism, pro-european race but i don't really have an ideological label.
i like my people. i like my country. i want the people that hate my country and don't look like me to leave it. and then i want a revolution in which a particular group of people dies. and a nice sort of nationalist society emerges with socialist tendencies... and all under the authority of a strong leader.

>> No.13949386

It would be much easier to say you are Jewish.

>> No.13949396

I'm not jewish but I wish I was

>> No.13949414
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The less you hope for, the less you suffer.

>> No.13949491

antinatalism is one of the highest forms of cowardice. i really can't take anyone seriously who genuinely subscribes to it. so pathetic

>> No.13949496
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