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/lit/ - Literature

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13935817 No.13935817 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this awful opinion? I overheard it from this art hoe in my English class the other day and I continuously hear it from plebs who are so called experts in Russian literature and the existentialists. Have you read Melville bitch? Henry James? Gaddis? Pynchon? Gass? Nabokov? Faulkner? O'Connor? Salinger? Barth? Vidal? Dos Passos? Hawthorne? Bellow? Crane? Stevens? Dickinson? Whitman?

>> No.13935829

Well, I like burger lit and all but you should've told that to her, not us, faggot. And Nabokov was fucking Russian.

>> No.13935840

negative association is one hell of a drug

>> No.13935871

>And Nabokov was fucking Russian.
He probably wishes he was fucking something else.

>> No.13935873

tf you telling us for

>> No.13935919
File: 213 KB, 856x738, 1564881522180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ironically only other amerimutts who make this argument.
the cultural inferiority complex towards europe is a time honored american tradition. why else does the whole concept of the "great american novel" even exist? its because we always feel like we're catching up to europe, even when we're the 1# world superpower, we're still culturally stuck in this area where we think we're inferior to europe.

>> No.13935931
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>1# world superpower
You mean the most advanced military state, right?

>> No.13935937

interpret as you like. im an immigrant so i dont really care.

>> No.13935938
File: 316 KB, 652x848, f2a7e199b330476e9c841a60f3e4e80f0bacfbde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that you guys are okay. The United States has made many things that I enjoy. Please keep it up.

>> No.13937058
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Thanks for reposting this shit thread faggot.


>> No.13937163


>> No.13937170

>Vidal?Bellow? Crane? Stevens?
literally who

>> No.13937201

Half of these are literally whos. And the few unquestionable greats usually had to be affirmed by European critics. It is truly a ridiculous feeling to read contemporary American reviews of Moby-Dick, Melville was obviously a foreigner to his country's deeply-rooted provincialism.

>> No.13937238

Wallace Stevens? Humboldt's Gift? Seriously, not ringing any bells?

>> No.13937241

>Nabokov was fucking Russian
all that matters is what language he wrote in, and his most famous works were in English

>> No.13937870

Damn, that's the hardest cope I've ever seen. "No, we haven't abandoned geopolitical sovereignty and let ourselves be roped into every conflict under America's imperial purview! We're just uh... in an alliance. With the most advanced military state. In an totally insubordinate fashion, free to be told what to whenever we're required."

>> No.13937877

That doesn’t mean Dickens is an American novelist.

>> No.13937881

American isn't a language, you silly-billy.

>> No.13937897

Wouldn’t that make Nabokov English? As well as Melville and Hemingway and all the others. Or does it make Shakespeare American?

>> No.13937911 [DELETED] 

When I hear "United States of America", I suddenly imagine a fatfuck shitting 1kg of McDonalds, gasping as the fecal matter runs down his buttocks, then exclaiming "God bless America" as he flushes the toilet and get back into his electric wheelchair.
Nevertheless, I do recognize your country have producted many talented writers, musicians and artists. It's an overglorified urban-sprawling third-world shithole with terrible foreign policies, but some of you have artistic merits at least, so it's okay.

>> No.13937936

My, how quickly they forget. Gore Vidal and Saul Bellow both died relatively recently too (i.e. in the 21st century). With Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens, given the relatively low status/visibility of poetry and the fact they died so long ago, it's more understandable.

Can't wait until mention of Updike leads to puzzled looks.

>> No.13937939

When I hear "United States of America", I suddenly imagine a fatfuck shitting 1kg of McDonalds, gasping as the fecal matter runs down his buttocks, then exclaiming "God bless America" as he flushes the toilet and get back into his electric wheelchair.
Nevertheless, I do recognize your country have produced many talented writers, musicians and artists. It's an overglorified urban-sprawling third-world shithole with terrible foreign policies, but some of you have artistic merits at least, so it's okay.

>> No.13937943

Well that's not very nice.

>> No.13937960

Based hoe. New world was a mistake.

>> No.13937971


>> No.13938013

When I hear "Germany", I see a young blonde lady waiting at a crosswalk even though there are absolutely no fucking cars around because it's Sunday or something.
When I hear "Spain", I imagine loud people sharing paella and sangria who talk so fast you can't understand a thing.
When I hear "Italy", I see cops with mafioso ties speeding in sport cars on a crowded avenue, and loud macho guys being annoying to women passing-by.
When I hear "Japan", I imagine a chronically tired saririman working 15 hours a day and his bored wife cucking him with gaijins.
When I hear "China", I imagine eggs rotting in tea and smiling con-men.
When I hear "United Kingdom", I hear "toast sandwich", enough said.
The only nation worth a dime is France, because it's mine. The canned cassoulet we shit is pretty nasty though, I can admit that much.

>> No.13938190

It is what it is. Burger art and thought will probably continue to be criminally underrated as long as Western culture is predominant.

>> No.13938194

What do you think about Australia?

>> No.13938254 [DELETED] 

A drunken continent of former Anglo convicts and abos, huge spiders, loud jocks in foreign hostels, overpriced cigarettes. Definitely no good.

>> No.13938270 [DELETED] 

A drunken continent of former Anglo convicts and abos, huge spiders and deadly sea jellies, loud jocks in foreign hostels, overpriced cigarettes. Definitely no good.

>> No.13938281

A drunken continent of former Anglo convicts and abos, huge spiders and deadly jellyfishes, loud jocks in foreign hostels, overpriced cigarettes. Definitely no good.

>> No.13938284

Everything apart from the military development, the high academic studies and the technological researh is literally nigger-tier. In America there's an enormous gap between the "high places" and how people live. Normal people (which means probably the 95% of the population) have a standard of living infinitely inferior to the standard of Western European countries. Cope hard Amerishit, but Americans are fat, stupid, unlearned, alienated, friendless, lonely, psychotic, harmful and pathetic. These are facts, but I wouldn't be telling you any of this if you weren't foolish enough to call your country "the 1# world superpower".

>> No.13938564

When I hear “France” I think of smelly fags

>> No.13938583

I was about to say this lol