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13935816 No.13935816 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophers of the year 3,000 AD will look back at Guénon like we look back at Plato

>> No.13935820
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>muh pig fucking god
>muh pedo prophet
guénontards and guénon are fucking idiots.

>> No.13935846

this but replace guenon with evola

>> No.13935854

>muh jewish interdimensional humanoid god that doesn't want me to eat shellfish or work on Sundays
>also incidentally wants me to support US/Israeli foreign policy and establish open borders (but only for western countries)

Thanks but I'll take a legacy of cultural and religious tradition and philosophical nuance over your globalist, materialistic Judeochristian ideology any day.

>> No.13935863

Definitely this

>> No.13935867
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>god that doesn't want me to eat shellfish or work on Sundays
literally nothing to do with Christianity, you just made that up didn't you? kek

>>also incidentally wants me to support US/Israeli foreign policy and establish open borders (but only for western countries)
Christian zionisms is an American invention and a heresy

>> No.13936050

have sex

>> No.13936058

quick rundown?
does he btfo deism?

>> No.13936125

Evola doesn't understand a lot of the eastern thought he comments on and mostly cherry picks from them to back up his own ideological preferences

>> No.13936177

Evola has a broader view on Magic and understands the Roman Tradition better than Guenon. Guenon actually has no idea what the Roman Tradition consists in.

>> No.13936204

Why the fuck is it such a problem if Muhammad (peace be upon him) fucked a 9 year old? Societies change, the modern westerner looks at this with disgust but this was perfectly normal in Muhammad's time. Countless European monarchs married child brides who were often 11 or 12 (Henry the eighth) and child marriage was not uncommon in nearly every part of the globe. 500 years ago sodomy was punishable by death and now it's commonplace. Societies change, don't judge different societies on your standards.

I'm not defending child marriage, I'm just saying it was completely ordinary at that time.

>> No.13936213

Guenon, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Whitehead, Evola, Peirce, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Russell, Wittgenstein won't be remembered.

Kant and Hegel will survive as footnotes.

>> No.13936263

Guenon is not a philosopher, he's an historian of religion. His arguments are not philosophical arguments in the slightest but interpretations of religious myths, doctrines and sourced, which makes them at best good literary criticism and at worst simple argument from authority. His historical value is weak, compared to eliade, for instance, and his book are full of ad hoc arguments and straight made up reading of the sources. He's an incredibly poor source of philosophical insight compared to Plato and others in the neoplatonic tradition - of which so-called tradition is a mere ripoff, where the argumentative skills of actual platonic philosophers are substituted by gross generalizations, random assumptions, weak textual interpretations and arguments from authority for claims that are way too broad to be accepted just because "dude Greek gods look like hindu gods so there must be like a true God they were both referring to!" or "dude christ and Buddha are similar so could they be pointing at the same vague new age doctrine I point to but with a lot of references to old texts to give it authority?" this is the lowest kind of speculation and it is good that it has been forgotten and ridiculed.

>> No.13936305

No they will still be looking back at Plato. He can't be beaten.

>> No.13936320
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They will look at Nick Land that way.

>> No.13936321
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>Philosophers of the year 3,000 AD will look back at Guénon like we look back at Plato

>> No.13936371

Fucking a child is highly unusual. Marriages occurred early, rarely that early though, because marriages were political and economic (even for the lowerclasses). This also means male children married adult women, usually when the women were widows and could thus remarry. In fact, fucking a <18yo girl who is your wife is probably more unusual than fucking a <18yo boy who is your husband. Because its dangerous for a girl that young to be pregnant, whereas in the case of the boy it is an adult woman getting pregnant.

>> No.13936637

There is absolutely no way that Nietzsche, Kiekrkegaard and Wittgenstein will be forgotten. I can maybe see the others fading into obscurity but cmon do you really think that people will forget Nietzsche was a thing?

>> No.13936670

why do you suddenly care about societal norms all of a sudden?

>> No.13936688 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13936693

Yes, and people don't know this, Muhammad's first marriage was to a 40 year old woman with whom he remained in a monogamous marriage for 25 years until she died. Seems a bit odd considering the paedophile narrative most of you have. Plain ignorance I'm afraid. And almost all of his marriages after that were either political, or he married widows who no one else would support. Most of them were middle aged, and none were virgins except Aisha.

As for aisha, she was 6 but the marriage was not consummated until she was 9. It is common knowledge that girls mature quicker, and the periods can happen from 8 to 15. Aisha must have matured quicker, and once you have your period, the boobs develop and other changes take place which in those times meant that the marriage was ready to be consummated. If anything, the quraysh hated Muhammad much more than any polack would, but despite slandering him in all sorts of ways, they never called him a child rapist or paedophile. That is quite revealing.

>> No.13937197
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An absolute Genius.

>> No.13937373

Plato was a communist piece of shit.

>> No.13938901


>> No.13938906

Guénon explicitly says that the best course of action for the west is a return to christianity else there is a big chance that islam swallows us all and kills most of us in the process. Hahahahahahaha imagine not reading authors and commenting on their threads. Pathetic. Imagine being in line with guénon and thinking he is an "ennemy" here to "convert" europeans to islam.

>> No.13938919

They'll look back at his weird-ass head shape in wonder and disgust.

>> No.13938920

You read the two intro books hahahahahahahaha

Literally NEVER seen a single counter-argument to guénon (who actually quotes and gives ample coutner-argumentation as to why he finds western philosophy incomplete) EVERY single one of the dectractors have either never read guénon or read his intro book. Reminder that his intro books are only there to destroy western prejudices against the east, there is zero content in those books.

For example, I've never seen someone deconstruct Guénon's argumentation on the principles of infinitesimal calculus, as opposed to leibniz' incomplete and illogical explanation. But since he wrote an entire book cross-referencing every work on
western infinitesimal calculus it should be a fucking breeze to produce a counter-argument, yet the detractors don't even acknowledge the existence of the book kek.

>> No.13938942

I doubt he'll even be on the periphery in 50 years. The only people that seems to care about his bullshit are the autists around here

>> No.13938946

tl;dr Crowley was right, magic was real, convert to Islam and sell snake oil to rich liberals.

>> No.13938966

People will see our entire philosophical-literary history as like the 'age of ink' and there'll be oddball priests who search the wreckage of written texts for 'old wisdom' but the majority of people will be preoccupied with an overdeveloped game structure somewhat presaged by the internet but the important attributes of which we don't have the abilities to envision yet.

>> No.13939043

The issue I have with traditionalism is that it seems to concern itself more with the tradition of the Continent of Europe (I.E Roman tradition mostly) and it seems to ignore traditions of individual nations. Like there doesn't seem to be a traditionalist philosopher writing for his specific nation, for instance a traditional author writing on reviving Russian tradition
I like traditionalism but I don't think I'd want to follow tradition foreign to me as an Irishman, wat do?

>> No.13939111

Guenon is Jesus
Evola is Peter

>> No.13939547
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>> No.13939586

this guy looks like a horse, the eyes are usually the center of the face

>> No.13939794

read Jean Borella

>> No.13939854

Nietzsche already destroyed religion
Get over it and start working on the transhuman project

>> No.13940296
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You mean wait for technology to support your limp and useless insect body.

>> No.13940779

How could he have destroyed it when he remained almost entirley ignorant of eastern thought? He only read a few shitty translations. Nietzsche only destroyed the bland moralism of modern Christianity, he is like a newborn pup compared to the eastern traditions and their metaphysics

>> No.13940805

Transhumanism is the most degenerate thing there is.

>> No.13940886

nietzsche was metaphysically a brainlet. not even schopenhauer understood the upanishads properly.

>> No.13940952

I thought this century was Deleuzeanal

>> No.13941260

UG needs to be immortalized before any of the anglos

>> No.13941464

Whats with the hype around Wittgenstein?

>words form ideas in your head
>wow man how insightful

>> No.13941537

Guenon is literally a trash spouting hypocrite. If he existed in the modern day he would have gone to India and been a Hindu guru.

>> No.13941577


Wittgenstein is nothing special. Heidegger will be read for longer than Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein will slip into obscurity just like the majority of the Greeks. Out of all the Greek philosophers only Aristotle, Plato and Socrates are truly remembered in the public consciousness. Wittgenstein will be looked back as being a failed engineer who's philosophy paradoxically arose because he could not effectively communicate with humans and extrapolated that to all human language and applied it to everyone.


The referent exists regardless of the word used to communicate it. You and I can both think of something as beautiful. It will of course be different for each of us. However if you knocked us over the head and we happened to forget what the word beautiful meant, it would not change our intrinsic appreciation of that which is beautiful.

It does not surprise me that Wittgenstein ranted about how people should become engineers and not philosophers. It does not surprise me that he had the lack of self-awareness to assert this concept of language being the root of all philosophical problems without having read much of the philosophical tradition. Wittgenstein must be viewed as what he was. A human with severe insufficiency in the linguistic domain yet arrogant enough to be unable to accept this himself. His work in logic has merit, but is inferior to Kripke. His work elsewhere in his life shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.13942012

Wittgenstein is at least more well known than Guenon. No one even knows Guenon apart from incels in this board.

>> No.13943146

>>13935816 meme

>> No.13944010


>> No.13944566

>not even schopenhauer understood the upanishads properly.
And I suppose that you understand them perfectly.

>> No.13945201
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I think you mean these two lads

>> No.13945234

they are already forgotten

>> No.13945239

not that guy but Shankara clearly does, anyone who reads through his commentaries on them is able to understand them properly

>> No.13946014

Guénon talks a lot about the Celtic tradition. And christian/Celtic tradition like the holy grail. There is of course traditionalist from different traditions like coomaraswamy from hindouism,... Then there isn't a lot of genius on this planet but still as soon you understand metaphysics and the principles of religious tradition you can make a link with your country/religion.
Also there is a lot of non Guenonian traditionalism because it is the truth independent from Guénon, and there is a lot of secret Guenonians.
Ireland was converted by orthodox christians, that way be a hint to rediscover your tradition, to find the holy Grail.

>> No.13946119
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Nah, he'll be remembered like we remember the Italian Futurists. Mencius Moldbug will be like Maurice Joly and the other Monarchist apologists of the 19th century.

His inspirations though, they'll be vindicated. Postscript on Societies of Control will be taught in modern history classes in a few decades as the most prophetic essay of the 20th Century.

>> No.13946129

You're forgotten.