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/lit/ - Literature

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13935113 No.13935113 [Reply] [Original]

>Hated Dostoevsky
>Hated Cervantes
>Hated Joyce except Ulysses
>Thought Conrad and Hemingway are for children
>Hated Camus
>Hated Mann
How could such an extraordinary writer have such extraordinarily bad opinions about literature?

>> No.13935129

>extraordinary writer

>> No.13935167
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He was just envious, like Tosltoy was envious of Shakespeare. Envy of the West is a common Russian theme.

>> No.13935190

>Implying art isn’t subjective
Fucking retard
>He was envious

>> No.13935274

Claptrap journalist, cruel and old, etc.

>> No.13935285

You know you don't have to worship the entire canon, op ?

>> No.13935292

that's why I dislike Nabokov

>> No.13935299

Plenty of fags here can't get those opinions out of their mind. So what if he didn't like based Dostoy? I still read both.

>> No.13935300

>everybody is suppose to have the exact same opinion in lit
you know, for the thinking board you guys sure are dropping the ball

>> No.13935306

Nabokov would never have conceded that art is subjective.

>> No.13935307


>> No.13935310


>> No.13935319


Ay lmao

>> No.13935324

Any writer after him is objectively inferior, including and specially Nabokov.

>> No.13935328

How many languages do you even speak?

>> No.13935332
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>This is what anglos actually think.

>> No.13935335

Five: French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian. I'd love to learn German and Latin in the future.

>> No.13935344

I'm not an Anglo, though. Not everyone who likes Shakespeare is an Anglo. But once you feel the ecstasy of truly feeling Shakespeare's words, you know why he's regarded as the GOAT.

>> No.13935353

How is that even possible? He was terrible and wrote "plays". If shakes was non English NO ONE would give a fuck about him.

>> No.13935354


he wasn't wrong

>> No.13935358
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Even if that was true (which clearly is not the case) that would just point out your illiteracy. You have better writers than Shakespeare in each of those other languages you "claim" to speak.

>Play writer
>"be or not to be, that is the question"

Sounds cringe to me desu.

>> No.13935368
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>If shakes was non English NO ONE would give a fuck about him.

Don't expose us mate. Shut it.

>> No.13935369

>implying there isn’t objectivity in literature

>> No.13935370

I don't think you really got into his work. Probably just some superficially "reading". And his plays are written in verse, in other words, poetry.

>> No.13935384
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Omer, Virgil , Camões etc...

Name one Epic poet that wrote rhyming epic poetry in English, name one.

>> No.13935387

The only other writer which I might consider better than him or on his level is Dante. No writer in French, Portuguese, Spanish and English is better, and I've read their stuff in their original language. The fact that you mention his most widespread phrase is a sign that you clearly haven't read Shakespeare beyond quotes you saw on the web. I would adivise you to truly dive into his work and leave all your prejudices behind.

>> No.13935392

Imagine lying on an online anonymous message board.

>> No.13935396

You clearly didn't read enough then.

>> No.13935406

>Omer, Virgil , Camões etc...
Homeros and Vergilius came before Shakespeare, though. And I was talking about post Shakespeare writers. Camões is evidently inferior to Shakespeare in every way.
>Name one Epic poet that wrote rhyming epic poetry in English, name one.
Edmun Spenser.

>> No.13935411 [DELETED] 

Name post

>> No.13935414

>Inferior to any English writer
Made me giggle.

>Edmun Spenser.
Literally who?

>> No.13935420

The amount of Seething Anglos on this post is hilarious.

>> No.13935425

>he thinks he knows about literature and he doesn't know who Edmund Spenser is
Cringe. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.13935428

I'm seeing more seething anti-Shakespearefags, though.

>> No.13935429

>Vladimir Nabokov. Despise him greatly. A very florisant yet superficial and plastic prose to masque the lack of any depth. Dreaful poet. A non-entity, means nothing to me.

>> No.13935433

Name any post-Shakespeare writer that is superior to him.

>> No.13935435

I swear, it's always the same guy. I've seen this argument play out before; I'm sure it was you too then.

>> No.13935446 [DELETED] 

He was probably just talking shit and having a good laugh with his wife.

Many professors and teachers of literatre and men of letters toss out BS opinions for their own amusement.

>> No.13935453

Who are you?

>> No.13935458

What sort of questions is that even? Shakespeare's not a real writer. He wrote plays, in English.

>> No.13935469

The sad part is that you continuously bring up Shakespeare as our best all time (English) writer.

>> No.13935473

So you can't name anyone? lmao nice dodging

>> No.13935474

Some random anon; your smugness and devotion to Shakespeare does make you recognizable. No judging; I'm not taking part in this discussion, but I'm certain that I've seen you before.

>> No.13935482

Calderón de la Barca.

>> No.13935484

What do you mean "constantly bring up"? I'm only talking about him now in this thread

>> No.13935486

There's no dodging really. I'm sure you can name one yourself.

Try not to use google, I'm sure you don't need it

>> No.13935493

It's entirely possible. It reminds me of Tolstoy's thoughts about Anna Karenina. From what I remember, he completely denounced the novel later in life, and yet many people consider it one of the greatest novels of all time. I agree with Socrates' (or rather Plato's rendition of him) assessment of poets and playwrights (and by extension other artists) as being akin to soothsayers who tap into something brilliant without truly comprehending it.

>> No.13935499

I've read La vida es sueño in Spanish. It's cute and has some clever wordsmithing here and there but it's nowhere near the heights of Shakespeare.

>> No.13935501

I rarely speak about Shakespeare . I just think that he's ridiculously overrated. Specially due to the fact that you think he's the best English writer of all time, which is also not true.

>> No.13935502

Spenser was some homo who wrote about faeries

>> No.13935506

Dodge-ception. And still not a single name. I expected better from you. Contrarianfags have zero propostions.

>> No.13935507

You mean post-Bacon?

>> No.13935514

Oh, shit, I'm sorry. I was referring to the other guy, not you. You know, the one talking about how Shakespeare is the best writer of all time. I apologize for the miscommunication.

>> No.13935518

t. has never read Spenser in his life

>> No.13935519

I get the impression that your mind is set and that anyone we bring up is going to get a "no, Shakespeare was better" retort, no matter who.

>> No.13935524

Imagine comparing my mother language, Spanish, with English and speaking about "heights". lmao

>> No.13935540

Pessoa was better than Shakespeare.

>> No.13935542

It's not really set. I've read literature in five languages and no one comes close in terms of both quality and quantity. Some have quality but not quantity, and vice versa. The amount of great things he wrote is simply unreal. My favorite writer is actually Dante but I consider Shakespeare the greatest. Take the shakespill, faggots.

>> No.13935549

My native tongue is actually Spanish. Shakespeare is still the GOAT.

>> No.13935552

>I speak five languages
>Yet I still think that Shakespeare was the GoaT

Duolingo doesn't qualify you as foreign language speaker.

>> No.13935554

>extraordinary writer
many citations needed

>> No.13935557

Pessoa had way fewer registers than Shakespeare. Very limited range. And the poetry is not as good.

>> No.13935574

Nice strawman but I have never used Duolingo.

>> No.13935577
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1555355974447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poetry is nos as good

>I go
>You go
>She/he Goes
>We Go
>You Go
>They Go

This is the English language, rich and poetic. Incredible lexicon as you can attest.
Thank you for making me laugh so much this late in the night.

>> No.13935606

Why wouldn't it be? I speak only two langiages, but my sister for example speaks Croatian, English, Italian, Spanish and Russian. Not like knows it a bit, but can read, speak and write all of them pretty good. Not everyone is an American idiot.

>> No.13935611

Not sure what your point even is, but it sounds autistic. Lexicon and the present simple conjugation of a verb are completely different things.

>> No.13935641

thinking that verb conjugations equal poetic quality is one of the most autistic things ive seen on this board

>> No.13935649


>> No.13935666

t. autist

>> No.13935668

He's right though. English, when compared to other languages (let's say romance languages) lacks a lot of lexicon. No wonder it's so easy to learn.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great tool, but you didn't exactly get the best of both worlds with your bastard language.

>> No.13935677

Seethe harder.

>> No.13935685

You're literally the only one seething here sperging about verb conjugations... (?) top kek

>> No.13935706

English has literally a bigger lexicon than any Romance tongue, and I'm saying this as someone who speaks a Romance language. Verbal conjugations don't even count towards the total number of words of a language so I'm not sure why is that being considered here. And English is easy to learn but difficult to master.

>> No.13935713

You're wrong

>> No.13935721
File: 85 KB, 720x545, 1541369407152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And English is easy to learn but difficult to master.
>This from a non-native speaker

Who are you again? I'm actually curious to know your nationality now.

>> No.13935736
File: 33 KB, 541x541, 1560191973022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people claiming they speak more than two languages.
>Probably can't even hold a fluent conversation with a native.

>> No.13935740

It's true, whether you like it or not.
To truly master it on a creative level, I meant. To not only follow the guidelines but to use the language to its full potential and sometimes beyond its limits. That's mastering it.

>> No.13935748

>It's true, whether you like it or not.

>> No.13935751

Modern speakers in any language have nothing interesting to say. I'd rather read Goethe than listen to some German bugman with the intellect of a nigger and the opinions of a faggot.

>> No.13935760

>English has literally a bigger lexicon than any Romance tongue
Sure, if you include words like "Selfie", "Manspreading", "Mansplaining".

And even then, I'm not sure.

>> No.13935766

Have sex.

>> No.13935770


>> No.13935773
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>> No.13935844

Subjective art is the scapegoat of lowbrow retards with temp room iq

>> No.13935862

Actually, he read some more Hemingway and grew to appreciate him. Don't lump Hemingway in with that clown Conrad.

>> No.13935870

>ESLs think they can even read him

>> No.13935884

He was more based than you. Also fuck your retarded thread, you don't have the slighetest idea of what is good literature.

>> No.13935886

What do you mean? He wrote plays? How is that difficult to read? I remember him during my schooldays. Boring as fuck.

>> No.13935888

His worth is in the poetry and that remains undetectable for you.

>> No.13935891

Thank God. Poetry is for retarded incels anyway.

>> No.13935893

>ESL mask off

>> No.13935895

Neither did Nabokov. He thought of literature as little plastic clockwork things.

>> No.13935900


>> No.13935902

>Poetry is for retarded incels anyway.
kek the absolute state of plebs who think they know shit about literature

>> No.13935905

>Throwing random acronyms around
At least I get laid mate.
You should try.

>> No.13935909

He said it himself.

>> No.13935911

>muh dostoevsky
>muh joys
>muh conrad
>muh camus
Who the fuck cares? That's a small handful of writers among a hundred others.

>> No.13935912

No, he didnt

>> No.13935914

>muh deep literature knawlage

I think I just shat my pants.

>> No.13935923

Getting laid with men doesn't count fag

>> No.13935932

I know, that's why I told you to get laid. Enjoying poetry that much will only allow you to shag men.

>> No.13935934

Poetry is the life-blood of literature. All the greats read poetry, wrote poetry or were failed poets. I don't know why are you in literature board discussing literature if you hate poetry in such an autistic way.

>> No.13935941

He said something to that effect.

>> No.13935942

brainlet keeps coping

>> No.13935948

That's pretty cringe.

>> No.13935949


>> No.13935954

It's nothing but the truth, Anon.

>> No.13935956

Have sex.

>> No.13935967

>said Anna Karenina was the pinnacle of novels
based nab still weeding out pseuds

>> No.13935970

Read books.

>> No.13935988

>thinking Shakespeare was a better poet than Milton

>> No.13935991

Why? Life’s too short. We will all turn to shit eventually. If there’s no God, and no afterlife, give me a reason to read anything meaningful.

>> No.13936029

You can say the same about literally everything, though. "Why watch films? Why fuck? Why eat? Why listen to music if we're going to be shit eventually?"

>> No.13936041

Not sure why are you even in this board, then.

>> No.13936068


>> No.13936117

>thinking nu-/lit/ reads
Every thread is a poorly disguised /pol/ thread at this point.

>> No.13936137

Nabokov is a good writer in the sense that Ayn Rand is a good writer. They're well known, certainly, but only that they accomplished via gimmicks and through an ignorant American public.

>> No.13936159

You couldn't even go two sentences without misusing the word "sense" and you want to lecture us about the productions of a great literary mind. Gtfo

>> No.13936168

he used it correctly, though. why do you niggers think you can try to correct people?

>> No.13936170

No, he absolutely did not. There is no sense of good meaning well known.

>> No.13936178

Are you autistic and a nigger? Great combination, lad.

>> No.13936179

Imagine being this aggressively retarded
the phrase is idiomatic you ape

>> No.13936183

And in no sense does the word "good" mean well known.

>> No.13936189

Ayn Rand was unironically a good writer though. She had mental vacuous ideas, but her skill as a writer was good.

>> No.13936195
File: 613 KB, 1125x903, 0EE6C4BE-C570-44E1-8B5F-B638D98AA380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I mean look at the logistics of the underscore death wheel clap trap panty stew your moms got cuddled in the fucking barn yard evenly spinning wheel, fuck mate you’re here we arrived ride with me, don’t fucking die; hold onto the endless summer dream beam triple life I’m going to hell when I die, oh yes then I said Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Called shots cheap shots
Slack jaws low blows
Weak chins chin checked
Chin up like cholos
No life signs left
Ah yes, try mine
This thresh hold thresh
Hold stretch life times
Machine human malformed machine
Uninformed unit forlorn regime
Metamorph me into done for at last
At least until my present shore has past
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Nut job, no job
Fuck jobs, not hired
Low lands, road rash
War path crossfire
Non-threats, hot mess
Known threats, stalk less
Talk less, show less
Snatch yours trap doors
Ripper ripper skin tight, too tight
Too tight holding solid moonlight moonlight
Moonlight, kevlar coated slit moon, lunar gush
Lunar gush carry on carrion never been far enough
Hocus breaking in and centering
Broke in and gave up on everything, everything
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah disappointed
Rot clot corpse cut
Corpse cut your husk
Scorned husk born shook
Torn trick core breached
Shook fuck shit head
Bitch too short street
Shut the fuck up or fed
Both you're

>> No.13936197


>> No.13936208

"well + positive adjective" are synonymous with something good and positive, though.

>> No.13936211


SAM HYDE DREAM TEAM 123 start trick pony run girl she’s a fast one fucking sucking dicks riding them quickly she gets in oh yeah man so fucking nice lovely bones trickle me strangle me kill me eat me rape me do what you want to me throw me on the taper ht payday helplessly fuck yes qweutstionns


>> No.13936217

Art isn't subjective.

>> No.13936224

Which is why he was so based.

>> No.13936226

Never go full nigger.

>> No.13936238

There is this and there is that which is this and this which is that and this which is so and I’m the superior one to you so which means in return I shall shan’t not see through your internal weakness just like everyone else we die and we live in pain which causes us to listen to the truth which cause us to which cause us to which causes us to which causes us to which causes us to which causes us to

>> No.13936239

yes, but its a shame adjectives and adverbs can't stand alone and are always describing something. "Good at writing" does not in any sense mean "well known"

>> No.13936240

That is precisely the point the anon was making, you illiterate chimp.

>> No.13936249

>good in the sense of this means it isn't good in the sense of this
Amazing watching the fauna of this board try to read

>> No.13936254

"Good" is subject to change depending on each person's views, though. Especially when discussing opinions on art and artists, which is the case here.

>> No.13936255

Other way around. How can such an awful writer have good opinions?

>> No.13936257

The implication was that people wrongly conflate the two, you brainless bonobo.

>> No.13936260

"Good writer" means "well-known" only in the mind of an imbecile

>> No.13936269

No, the implication was that there is in fact a sense of good meaning well-known but that she wasn't good in the other sense. The former, despite this ridiculous damage control, doesn't exist. It's just poor writing.

>> No.13936270

Watching ESL fags blow up over nothing is truly hilarious

>> No.13936273

Maybe, but that's exactly what he was talking about. He was "good" for the pleb mind.

>> No.13936277

he didn't hate cervantes tho. when he calls don quixote a cruel book that doesnt mean he thinks its bad. in his lectures u can see he loves it.

>> No.13936281

What an imbecile thing to write or defend. "Kipling is good in the sense that he's well known." What sort of retard could write that.

>> No.13936286
File: 426 KB, 2221x1790, 1543475715048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayn Rand was unironically a good writer though. She had mental vacuous ideas, but her skill as a writer was good.

>> No.13936287

Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton (1608–1674). The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books (in the manner of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout.[1][2] It is considered by critics to be Milton's major work, and it helped solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English poets of his time.[3]

For other uses, see Paradise Lost (disambiguation).
This article needs additional citations for verification. (February 2016)
Quick Facts: Author, Cover artist …
The poem concerns the biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Milton's purpose, stated in Book I, is to "justify the ways of God to men."[6]

In his introduction to the Penguin edition of Paradise Lost, the Milton scholar John Leonard notes, "John Milton was nearly sixty when he published Paradise Lost in 1667. The biographer John Aubrey (1626–97) tells us that the poem was begun in about 1658 and finished in about 1663. However, parts were almost certainly written earlier, and its roots lie in Milton's earliest youth."[7] Leonard speculates that the English Civil War interrupted Milton's earliest attempts to start his "epic [poem] that would encompass all space and time."

>> No.13936291

>>Hated Joyce except Ulysses
Reminder that he ADORED Ulysses. Don't pretend he hated Joyce.

>> No.13936297

Comprehension retard do you know it?

>> No.13936302

But that's not at all what's said, it's more like "Kipling is good writer in the sense that Dr. Seuss is a good writer" and that they are both well known is what unifies them alongside the implied mediocrity

>> No.13936307

It's amazing how niggers start to spew nonsense once you single them out LMAO @ your life

>> No.13936313

There is 0 subjectivity in art

>> No.13936323

And that sense is "well-known" which is not a sense of good and is not what was meant. It's obvious he didn't mean they were actually good but the writing is piss poor and the fact that clowns like you are jumping in to defend it is amusing

>> No.13936325

He's not saying they are the same word. He's talking in relative context ("in the sense").

>> No.13936326

Point being is Ulysses was one of his favorite works of literature.

>> No.13936333

Artistic taste is subjective. Artistic opinions are subjective. Art-making is subjective. The only objective thing in art is artistic merit.

>> No.13936342

I know what he means. What he means is not what he is writing and that is what makes it poor prose.

>> No.13936343
File: 144 KB, 640x641, 3E18838C-F7B7-4339-A378-993C4B88FD9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find the innuendo intriguing do we boys, yes boys aye aye, cheers over the moon overjoyed here right now, we are alive

>> No.13936355

Keep your amusement, you were wrong about the structure and parallel phrasing, and for all the 'badness' involved you can't even properly articulate an explanation. That you should be eager to lecture on linguistics is amusement for the rest of us.

>> No.13936361
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>> No.13936373

As it turns out, the word "good" has many definitions many of which can be closely associated with being a well-known writer. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/good

>> No.13936382

The explanation is as simple as I can make it, but not necessarily as simple as you need it to be. Take your time with it and try to understand that I both perceived his meaning and depreciated his manner of expressing it.

>> No.13936392

I’ve actually got someone saying good can be a synonym for well-known. What a cesspool this place is.

>> No.13936402

why anglos education system lie to their students and let them believe that shitspeare is the best writer ever even if he only wrote theater?
even pirandello is better than him, but no one gives a shit because he is

>> No.13936405

That's not what I said. Learn to read.

>> No.13936407

You can’t speak English so how could you know?

>> No.13936412

I'm not even Anglo. Try harder, faggot.

>> No.13936415

Look up synonym, clown

>> No.13936429

Did you even read the link or are you just being a faggot for the hell of it? Oof did I "misuse" the word hell, too? lmao fuck off with your nonsense niggerfaggot

>> No.13936462

I’m not going to read a link from someone who thinks good can mean well-known, especially when it loterally needs to pair with an adjective

>> No.13936472

>I’m not going to read a link from someone who thinks good can mean well-known,
kek then I'm afraid you don't want your opinion to be changed. The English dictionary >>>> some nigger's opinion.

>> No.13936477

I agree, that’s why I don’t use simplified modern versions of it.

>> No.13936488


>> No.13936494


>> No.13936498

>7. Convenient; useful; expedient; conducive to happiness.
>14. Useful; valuable; having qualities or a tendency to produce a good effect.
Pretty sure being a well-known writer qualifies for these.

>> No.13936506

>pretty sure being well-known qualifies as words that don’t mean well-known

>> No.13936520

>conducive to happiness.
>tendency to produce a good effect.
These are concepts, not single words. It's all relative anyway, so being a well-known writer can certainly lead to these depending on the circumstances.

>> No.13936524

It's contrarianism for its own sake. He wanted to make it seem that by rejecting all these hallowed authors it would show how unique and elevated his sensibilities are. He was an amusingly pompous man with an incredible ego. He was a snob and gratified about it that was descended from 14th century Russian nobility. He enjoyed being an American and the self-aggrandizement that it not only permitted but endorsed and delighted in expressing his opinions like he never could in the Soviet Union.

>> No.13936533

He was an unreliable narrator in real life. Even his opinions he wanted people to challenge and make think for themselves why he was wrong. A few of his books were inspired by Dostoyevsky even though he liked to talk shit about him

>> No.13936539

He was ahead of his time

>> No.13936552

>its all relative anyway
This fucking board lol

>> No.13936561

Lovely argument you got there, nigger LMAO just stfu already. You got BTFOd multiple times already. Have some fucking dignity and go pick some cotton.

>> No.13936576

Or maybe, just maybe, he didn't like their work.

>> No.13936586

>Camões is evidently inferior to Shakespeare in every way

>> No.13936633

> Write novel about paedophilia
> Include a character who is a paedophile and writer
> Writer paedophile character is anagram of OWN NAME.

Uh.... guys..?

>> No.13936657

He sounds pretty based to me?

>> No.13936672

>good means well known

>> No.13936680

See: >>13936498
& >>13936520

>> No.13936818


>> No.13936820

See: >>13936680

>> No.13936844

Vivian Darkbloom wasn't a pedo and I'm pretty sure Quilty wasn't either.

>> No.13936868

Quilty was the first pervert who got Dolores into doing sexual stuff. That's why she's so open about it with Humbert: she was already initiated in the sexual realm. She was no amateur.

>> No.13937383
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>> No.13937427

based Pope poster

>> No.13937713

he wasnt a teenage pseud on /lit/

>> No.13937961

Because he never read him. How could he? It's one of the hardest master-pieces of literature to get into. Even harder in it's original language.

>> No.13938083

He has a very specific take on what litterature should be and thous aoutors don't fit.
He beloved it was all about asthetics pleasure and methaphorical and ideais buried under a veil of fiction are trash.

>> No.13938107

Nabokov, Tolstoy, Joyce

>> No.13938127

Hate to say it, but you're right. Even a couple of years ago, this thread would have had comments comparing stylistic and thematic elements between Nabokov and the writers he criticised. Instead you get comments that appear to have spewed from a broken septic tank.

>> No.13938155


>> No.13938160
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Imagine actually being this delusional.

>> No.13938189

Even worst, you're an angloboo.

>> No.13938195

>extraordinarily bad opinions
Literally all of these opinions are correct.

>> No.13938237

Based. Bababased. Superbased

>> No.13938240

It’s true though. English is THE master language. You’re using it right now

>> No.13938587

Based except for the Cervantes thing.

>> No.13938619

Yeah, I scrolled back through this thread and it's pretty disappointing. There's 50 posts about Shakespeare but no one makes an actual argiment, just "based" and "have sex" and ">he actually thinks X" with some laughing meme.

>> No.13938704
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Good one.

>> No.13938721

no Im not

>> No.13938738
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Typical case of "Hating the rich, while taking their tips"

>> No.13938744

I'm an autist and just begun studying poetry but why hasn't anybody referenced that Shakespeare uses poetic meter in his dialogue. Why are we just stating he's good or bad if we can prove it through his use of iambic pentameter. I'm grok levels dumb, but everybody above me should leave /lit/ or go back to lurking.

>> No.13939443

ESLs talk about how easy English is but I’ve never seen one compose more than a few sentences without tripping.